Thomas Sowell Is Supposed to Be an Economist, Right?

Why do you keep bringing up Limbaugh? Is it because you don't have a response to my pointing out that people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have made millions from being race activists?
I show you a real race hustler in Limbaugh. That's why. You lied about Sharpton and Jackson.
No scandal in the Obama Presidency? Interesting how you ignore the fact that Barry knew that the DNC and Hillary Clinton were smearing Donald Trump in the months leading up to that election using Obama's Justice Department to push made up "dossiers" and did nothing about it! That's sleazier than Richard Nixon EVER was!
Then there was Obama's Secretary of State running a pay for play operation on servers hidden in her home to avoid Congressional oversight and lying to Congressional investigators about their existence...something that Barack Obama knew because he was emailing her at those secret servers!
I show you a real race hustler in Limbaugh. That's why. You lied about Sharpton and Jackson.
What lie did I tell about Sharpton and Jackson? Have the two of them NOT made millions as "race activists"?
What lie did I tell about Sharpton and Jackson? Have the two of them NOT made millions as "race activists"?
Everything you say is a lie. Limbaugh made millions race baiting whites into making claims about Jackson and Sharpton.
You know it happened and so does any other impartial person. Lois Lerner didn't take the 5th because she was doing her job...she took the 5th because she was using her position in Obama's IRS to target people she didn't agree with politically!
Not reported on doesn't mean it didn't happen. That sleazy move by Obama has been revealed by the Durham investigation.
It does mean it didn't happen.
Everything you say is a lie. Limbaugh made millions race baiting whites into making claims about Jackson and Sharpton.
So you're claiming that Jackson and Sharpton didn't make millions as race activists?
You know it happened and so does any other impartial person. Lois Lerner didn't take the 5th because she was doing her job...she took the 5th because she was using her position in Obama's IRS to target people she didn't agree with politically!
Wrong. A conservative republican was in charge of that and they went after lberal organizations also.
So you're claiming that Jackson and Sharpton didn't make millions as race activists?
I am saying that and I am saying that if anyone used race to get rich, it was Limbaugh. Jackson and Sharpton were preachers, they wrote books and both ran for president. Limbaugh dropped out of college, had no skills and got rich race baiting and race pimping whites on the radio.
I am saying that and I am saying that if anyone used race to get rich, it was Limbaugh. Jackson and Sharpton were preachers, they wrote books and both ran for president. Limbaugh dropped out of college, had no skills and got rich race baiting and race pimping whites on the radio.
I hate to break this to you, IM2 but if you're seriously claiming that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton didn't make millions as race activists...then you're one of two things...either you're a bald faced liar...or you are incredibly ignorant.
It seems like you and Paul are just going to attempt to lie your way out of the corner you've painted yourselves into, IM2! Good luck with that... (eye roll)

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