Thomas Sowell Is Supposed to Be an Economist, Right?

In 2013, the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) revealed that it had selected political groups applying for tax-exempt status for intensive scrutiny based on their names or political themes. This led to wide condemnation of the agency and triggered several investigations, including a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) criminal probe ordered by United States Attorney General Eric Holder. Conservatives claimed that they were specifically targeted by the IRS, but an exhaustive report released by the Treasury Department's Inspector General in 2017 found that from 2004 to 2013, the IRS used both conservative and liberal keywords to choose targets for further scrutiny.

Was that supposed to in some way prove that Lois Lerner didn't head that IRS department? Or did you not want to address that lie of yours?
Pointing out that both of them became quite wealthy doing their "community" work, Fort isn't "shitting" on's simply pointing out the truth! They got wealthy while their communities continued to get poorer. How is that making points for you?

You are not pointing out anything. You are making assertions that are not true.. Meanwhile you say nothing about a person who did indeed get wealthy by using race.
I am saying that and nor punk ass racist white right wing loons claims don't make it so. Race is no cottage industry in black communities, its a reality we face. Jackson and Sharpton have helped make things better for us. But you keep skipping Limbaugh who actually did get rich by race baiting.
Same, old, tired rhetoric for 60 years. He couldn't provide a quote from either or describe a single thing they have done or said. No point. It's just the rigged game.

"Black people should help themselves!"

"So what would people think if I started the NAAWP? Hmm? Hmmm?? NAACP is racist!"

Rinse, repeat.
You are not pointing out anything. You are making assertions that are not true.. Meanwhile you say nothing about a person who did indeed get wealthy by using race.
So you're claiming Jackson and Sharpton haven't made millions?
Same, old, tired rhetoric for 60 years. He couldn't provide a quote from either or describe a single thing they have done or said. No point. It's just the rigged game.

"Black people should help themselves!"

"So what would people think if I started the NAAWP? Hmm? Hmmm?? NAACP is racist!"

Rinse, repeat.
Do you want an example of how they used their positions to enrich themselves, Fort? I'll be happy to provide them if you wish.
Racism has been a "cottage industry" for both Jackson and Sharpton for the better part of fifty years, IM2! Have they done some good things for black communities? Without question! But the people that have benefitted the most from their "activism" has always been Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton!
Look white boy, you are wrong. Now I am out of pateince with your white know nothing about the black comunity ass trying to tell me something. White boy, I'm 60, I've seen the past 50 years and you're wrong.

So let's talk about the man who played on racial animosity for 33 years untile his ass finally did the world a favor and left us, Rush Limbaugh. He was nothing, he had nothing, and he knew nothing. Yet by the time his race hustle endedd, he was damn near a billionaire.
Predictable that both Jackson and Sharpton used their status to cash in? Fifty years of doing exactly that shows how predictable they both have been!
Predictable that this is all you talk about. The rigged game. On parade.

For fun, let's keep going: CRT. Critical Race Theory

And, go
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Who cares about personal scandal when a sitting President of the United States knowingly lets people working in his Justice Department smear the opposition parties candidate with made up dossiers paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC? Do you seriously not grasp how bad that was, Paul?
There was no personal scandal on Obama
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Oh look, you saw Jesse Jackson on TV and figured he was rich, then just googled for that article you have never actually read. Cool!
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There was no personal scandal on Obama
Just a serious of scandals on his Administration. As I said before...who cares about personal scandals. Scandals like the IRS targeting conservatives on his watch are what people should be appalled by. But you give him a pass on that because he never cheated on his wife? (eye roll)
Oh look, you saw Jesse Jackson on TV and figured he was rich, then just googled for that article you have never actually read. Cool!
Did you want to discuss what is IN the article, Fort? How Jesse Jackson used a boycott in which he accused a company of racism in order to extort a lucrative deal for his sons that made them millions?
Did you want to discuss what is IN the article, Fort? How Jesse Jackson used a boycott in which he accused a company of racism in order to extort a lucrative deal for his sons that made them millions?
No, I know the rigged game. You can find another dance partner on that one. No need to spend any more time watching the puppet show.

So, CRT. And, go
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With all due respect, Paul..."fighting racism" is a cottage industry for people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton! They've made millions pretending to champion the black man against "systemic racism" in America! Do you really think either of them cares about the average black man on the street other than as a means to an end? To be honest...I find you to be rather naive.

Guys like Al and Jesse are bought and paid for. These guys don’t represent the interest of black people. They talk about racism but it's the Oprah style, that is talk about but don't overdo it.

The Urban League and NAACP aren’t controlled by black people and they never were from their inception. Jesse and Al are there to keep black people in the position of a permanent underclass. That’s why they’ve been around for over thirty years and black folks are in the same position. Don’t you find that odd ?

They are in that position because their white masters put them there.

How can Al Sharpton “fight the power” when he has a show on MSNBC ?


It's not possible.

Al and Jesse do not speak for me just as I do not speak for every single black person on this planet. They are leaders who happen to be black, but they are not black leaders leading, thinking and controlling the collective black consciousness. I think it’s ridiculous to assume that they speak for the whole race and that we automatically follow them like mice to the Pied Piper.
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You two are hilarious. You claim I'm spreading "lies" and then when I post proof that what I've said is dead nuts both don't want to talk about it anymore!
Did you want to discuss what is IN the article, Fort? How Jesse Jackson used a boycott in which he accused a company of racism in order to extort a lucrative deal for his sons that made them millions?
He didn't extort anyone. If the company had not been practicing racism they could have told Jackson to go fuck himself. But they couldn't because they were indeed practicing racism.
You two are hilarious. You claim I'm spreading "lies" and then when I post proof that what I've said is dead nuts both don't want to talk about it anymore!
Well that's a lie right there. I didn't say you were spreading lies. I was literally letting you make my point for me. I knew you would
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