Thomas Sowell Is Supposed to Be an Economist, Right?

In 1983 Jackson and Operation PUSH led a boycott against beer giant Anheuser-Busch, criticizing the company's level of minority employment in their distribution network. August Busch IV, Anheuser-Busch's CEO was introduced in 1996 to Yusef Jackson, Jesse's son, by Jackson family friend Ron Burkle. In 1998 Yusef and his brother Jonathan were chosen by Anheuser-Busch to head River North Sales, a Chicago beer distribution company, leading to controversy. "There is no causal connection between the boycott in 1983 and me meeting in the middle '90s and me buying this company in 1998," said Yusef.

See it's this kind of lying that makes me cuss you raggedy bigots out. The boycott was for not hiring minorities. So the company hire Jacksons son who just happened to be a minority to run a Chicago distrbutorship. White people do this all the time, so why the double standard?
They didn't "hire" the Jackson sons...they gave two young men with no experience at all in the beer business an exclusive distributorship in Chicago. Something like that is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, IM2 and it doesn't happen all the time! It NEVER happens!
Yes, as it turns out, black people are ... wait for it ... humans. Can you believe that?

So yes, sometimes they will actually *gasp* make money. Sometimes they will *gasp* break the rules. But some people think this is a fine reason to shit on black leaders and anything black people do, ever. I think we all know why.

But you can't win the rigged game. You will always "be doing it wrong".

Take a knee? "Traitor!" Step into a street? "Criminal! Try protesting peacefully!"

"CRT? NOTHING in there says black people are inherently inferior, so get it out of my face! Gotta be crap!"

"Why don't black people help themselves, hmm?"..."NAACP? Racist!"

And so on and so forth. I could just write Oldestyle 's posts for him, really.
Yes, as it turns out, black people are ... wait for it ... humans. Can you believe that?

So yes, sometimes they will actually *gasp* make money. Sometimes they will *gasp* break the rules. But some people think this is a fine reason to shit on black leaders and anything black people do, ever. I think we all know why.

But you can't win the rigged game. You will always "be doing it wrong".

Take a knee? "Traitor!" Step into a street? "Criminal! Try protesting peacefully!"

"CRT? NOTHING in there says black people are inherently inferior, so get it out of my face! Gotta be crap!"

"Why don't black people help themselves, hmm?"..."NAACP? Racist!"

And so on and so forth. I could just write Oldestyle 's posts for him, really.
You use the same type of "racist" bluster that Jesse uses when asked if the beer distributorship was a "payoff" to stop the boycott. You do that because it's OBVIOUS that was exactly what it was and it's also obvious that Jesse Jackson has a long history of extorting payoffs by threatening businesses with boycotts.
Rush Limbaughs net worth was 600 million. Who did he help?

He was an entertainer, he didn’t claim to be a social activist like Sharpton and Jackson.
There was no payoff asshole.

Now address how a college drop out with no skills ended up leaving a 600 million dollar estate by race baiting whites for 3 decades.
he wasn’t race baiting. He got rich by providing a service that people wanted. That’s how it’s done when you do it right. No crony capitalism, no preferential deals from the government. If you had ever run a business like you claim to have you would understand that.
Well let's see

1. About 70% of black homes are single parent run by mothers. Check

2. Children in these homes find their fathers on the streets. Check

3. Joe Biden and the democrats were all voted into power. Check.

Yea, it's all Trump's fault and the GOP.
You left out that the majority of welfare recipients are single parent white females. Been that way for a long time now. Now apply that to your little list here. :oops8:
Actually he's written several books dealing with exactly that, IM2! Perhaps if you READ some of them you'd have a better appreciation for the brilliance of the man!
I've read his stuff.....the wheels come of his wagon when he consistently tries to blame black folk for not taking advantages of the New Deal (like Jim Crow STILL wasn't in the works) and later parroting alt right dreck about how the Civil Rights movement hampered black economic creativity.

Sowell was one fucked up puppy due to his deplorable child hood. His initial marxism changed when he saw the $$$ in telling Mr. Charlie what he wanted to hear....all dressed up in economic dogma of Wall St.

Sowell has been academically debunked so many times nationally/internationally that the propping up of his dreck by the right wing is a joke.
I know Thomas Sowell and there isn't a "hustler" bone in his entire body, Paul! He was a believer in communism when he was young. He came by the views that he holds now because of a lifetime of experience. I never once heard him utter anything that was even remotely "racist" in any of the lectures I attended. Not even close. You hate Sowell because he isn't an apologist.
You love him because he told you exactly what you wanted to hear....your last sentence indicative of the dreck parroted by the alt right, teabaggers and neocons. Marxism was further alienating him from the the big boys table on the academic scale, so he just flipped the script to the other side. His childhood really screwed him up, but he got his reward/revenge by being accepted and paid by the establishment.
"The Decline of the African-American family"
By Dean Kalahar March 29, 2014

The following article discusses Thomas Sowell's

Hello, IM2. My friend, Thomas Sowell's father passed before he was born.
At 9 years old he went to live with relatives who moved to Harlem, NY, where he became the first child in his family to graduate beyond the sixth grade.

In 1951 Thomas Sowell was drafted into the military becoming a US Marine during the Korean War.

After completing 2 years of service to our country, Thomas Sowell went on to create a life for himself that any reasonable person can admire, regardless of their politics.

I'm not sure what you're attempting to achieve by questioning Thomas Sowell's character, values and accomplishments, however when you and others attempt to paint an accomplished, successful citizen like Mr. Sowell in a bad light, you're not doing yourselves any favors.

"Gov Stats Reveal Child Neglect, Abuse, Maltreatment Is Destroying The Black Community" ~Devils Advocate

IM2, we're not pounding your drum about racism and white supremacists, what action have you taken to prevent American children of African descent from suffering our nation's highest REPORTED rates of potential life scarring child neglect, abuse, abandonment and maltreatment primarily responsible for kids ending their own lives?

Year 2015:

Year 2020; The Child Suicide Crisis Continues:

View attachment 547397View attachment 547398View attachment 547399View attachment 547400


☮️♥️🇺🇸 EndHate2021

Man, do you shovel hard! Let's just pull out one of your support legs:

The book, "Republicans and The Black Vote" details the relationship between blacks and the Republican party from the Emancipation Proclamation until at least the 2008 election. It is an indepth study of what republicans have and have not done for black support. Chapter 4 details a strategy by conservatives to find blacks who could counter civil rights leaders.

“Conservative philanthropy-the network of right wing foundations- has had a two sided relationship with black America. On one hand, conservatives have poured millions of dollars into efforts to win over conservative Africa Americans, particularly on issues such as school vouchers, charter schools and gay marriage. On the other hand conservatives have funded think tanks and have supported black and other scholars who produce research that often takes anti-black positions.”

Michael K. Fauntroy

So what we see is that conservatives were trying to create a divide in the black community in order to nullify any additional gains via civil rights. These foundations paid blacks to produce anti black research. During Walter Williams life, he was paid at least 1.9 million in grants by various conservative organizations. Thomas Sowell is another millionaire grant recipient from various conservative foundations. Shelby Steele is another ivory tower black conservative funded by right wing foundations to research and create silly anti-black positions while claiming everything that helped him rise to the place he has is somehow bad, demeaning, unfair and creates a victim mentality on black people. These blacks have done great harm to the black community.
And the truth shall set them free!
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Your racism is the problem. You ever going to realize that?
translation: the tired, lame and just plain absurd David Duke tactic of accusing anyone who can accurately point out the congenital and systemic racism in America as the actual "racist" for doing so.
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The Bell Curve is a good, well-written book. Harvard. Charles Murray has published two more like it lately; I have them both and am looking forward to reading them. It does indeed show that blacks are fully 15 points lower on the IQ curve than whites, on the average; and Jews are 15 points higher than other whites. All of which certainly explains a great deal about the world as it is . . . .

I don't know why you keep referring to Sowell in the past tense; he's alive and writing, though he is 91. Kissinger is rising 100 and he's still writing too --- people live longer these days, at least if Covid doesn't get 'em.

Thomas Sowell is certainly an economist and perhaps he simply wanted to be an economist, not a race-monger like so many blacks. I respect that. I used to read all John McWhorter's books and audiolectures, could not BELIEVE he was black (no accent, very scholarly about linguistics, nothing about ebonics or any black stuff), had to look him up on Bing before I believed it. He must have been brought up by white parents; or is just very good at languages, which would certainly figure, considering his field. But lately they've scooped him up, too and he's started to write books about race. Though McWhorter does fight back against the leftwing race, race, race crap so many blacks put out. He has a new book out this very month and I've preordered it:

Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America

Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America

Jeez, a hit parade of black apologists for America's systemic and congenital racism.


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With all due respect, Paul..."fighting racism" is a cottage industry for people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton! They've made millions pretending to champion the black man against "systemic racism" in America! Do you really think either of them cares about the average black man on the street other than as a means to an end? To be honest...I find you to be rather naive.
To be honest, WTF do you know about black folk other than what the MSM tells you? I'm not saying that either men are without fault, but in their careers their adversaries were just as real as the grapes you ate this summer (without a second thought regarding migrant labor). So spare us all your willful ignorance.
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