Thomas Sowell on Donald Trump

He is correct. If you take away trump's personality and just look at his stats he was an excellent president and got a lot done, did a lot of things he said he would do and was right more often than not. And he did make America a stronger country.

I like sowell though. Even when I disagree with him I still listen to him and pay attention because is a smart man, articulate and realistic. He is also not closed minded and stays away from being one sided.
There is no doubt America's best days were under Donald Trump

The first point that poor, misguided fool makes in Trump's defense is low unemployment among minorities. Ironic for a prez who is clearly a bigot. So the question becomes, was this a result of a policy targeting blacks or low income people in order to help their employment prospects? No. It was a consequence of a tax cut funded by deficit spending that temporarily juiced the economy. A tax cut that was accurately predicted to add to the nation's debt even though Repubs promised, as they always do, the tax cut "would pay for itself." They never do when they are directed at the rich and corporations as Trump's was.
How could he “give up on” a construct that hasn’t been a part of our country from the outset?

Newsflash: we aren’t a democracy. Thank God and the Framers. We are a republic. And Thomas Sowell is a genius. Plenty smart enough to know it.
When Republicans say "we aren't a democracy...we are a Republic" they are cynically trying to justify minority rule

We are in fact a democratic in which the Founders intended for the opinion of the MAJORITY to be the deciding factor in policy decisions .
He botched the federal government's response to COVID because of ego, ignorance, and a non fact based understanding of the virus. He was an incompetent buffoon.
U.S. COVID response could have avoided hundreds of thousands of deaths: research

That could have been said for any country at the time.

It was new, unexpected, and something modern society hadnt delbt with before on this scale. Almost every country dropped the ball, a lot way worse than we did. In the grand scheme of things very few countries fared as well as america did.

That response is just one personal critique that ignores everything else though. As I said, the country as a whole was stronger. Going to need a lot more actual real imperial evidence beyond just a old and tired opinion based hit piece that ignores mountains of facts just for a one liner.
That is the conclusion of a group of research papers released at a Brookings Institution conference this week, offering an early and broad start to what will likely be an intense effort in coming years to assess the response to the worst pandemic in a century.
It was new, unexpected
By the time it reached the US we knew it was a highly contagious and deadly virus yet Trump pretended it was "all under control" because he didn't want it to effect the economy. From there it was one mistake after another. In the mind's of Trumpleton's he is responsible for developing the vaccine. The real hero there was the previous creation of mRNA research technology. Something that helped Pfizer become one of the first drug companies to discover a vaccine.........without the help of US funding.
If you take away trump's personality and just look at his stats he was an excellent president
Does that look "excellent" to you?


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So why do all you Trumpists pretent it wasn't?

Don't want to blame Trump for pandemic? That fine but don't blow smoke up people's ass about how wonderful life was during Trump's presidency.

You are just playing the good ol' heads-I-win, tails-you-lose bs games. Why economy does well you uncritically credit Trump and when it's shit you have a bag full of excuses why it's beside his presidency.
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You forget the role of Democrat governors and a Democrat Congress in destroying jobs
Yep, it was someone else's fault that economy was bad during Trump presidency. Right?

President you like can't be blamed for bad economy, only credited when things go well.

Do you not understand how silly what you are saying is?
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The problem is that his detractors can't be objective.

I'm honest and reasonable enough to accept that their can be two competing truths at the same time. Trump can be rough around the edges, but with that comes his willingness to fight for his nations best interests.

There is a reason he is compared to Reagan, he was a throwback, not a Neo-Con.

Reagan wouldn't piss on Trump. Trump is dumb as a stump. He's a demagogue like demagogues and Carney Barkers before him.
The former 1-term president only fights for himself.
Maybe so, but his personal interest, apparently are good for the nation as a whole...hence why we had such an amazing economy under his admin.
Yep, there is no way scientists would figure out a vaccine without Trump.
oh no, that's certainly not true....but they couldn't of gotten it to market as fast without Trump.

Look at Xiden Admin as an the past two years we have seen no advancement in terms of a Covid Vaccine because of his policies.
Neither is interracial marriage.

You going to tell justice ginny to move out?

Actually, like the phase "well regulated militia" which QOP conservatives dismiss, we have this.

The Constitution established a Federal democratic republic. It is the system of the Federal Government; it is democratic because the people govern themselves; and it is a republic because the Government's power is derived from its people.
No, marriage is a fundamental right.

Democracy is a form of Govt that we use to elect officals to run our Republic.
America's WORST days have been under Joe Biden and his army of snowflake creepy climate terrorists.

But the Left don't care and won't admit that because they don't care about America.
I still find this odd. demofks stand up and say charge me anything cause I love having no money!!!!!!

that isn't sane. Just saying.
Yep, it was someone else's fault that economy was bad during Trump presidency. Right?
what was bad under Trump?

I know you won't answer that question because he was doing what americans wanted, not the globe.

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