Thomas Sowell on Donald Trump

Your link says Faucci said it COULD take that long, not that it WOULD take that long.

Reality is that no one, including researchers, knew how many iterations of the vaccine it would take before we get something that works well.

None of that means Trump was what caused vaccine to work.
No prog said it would take less than 18 months.

Who do you think you're fooling?
A vaccine many Trumpers refused to take… making the pandemic worse and deadlier
yep, I have freedom. Not sure why you think we don't.

why are vaxxed getting the wuhan?
If you are already hospitalized for it, there are far better treatments then that available.


There are very effective treatments for early stage of infection and there are no HCQ uses for Covid-19. Period.

There are very effective treatments for early stage of infection and there are no HCQ uses for Covid-19. Period.
oh no doubt there were advanments in 2020 from its usage…but no advancement from 2021 onward
How times change.


Back when character mattered to Sowell:

i am not sure how i see any difference or issue with what he said in 2015 and the OP.

He might if thought and likely are better pics then trump, but since 2015 we saw his policies and they were effective…and he’s still a better choice then any dem
When Republicans say "we aren't a democracy...we are a Republic" they are cynically trying to justify minority rule

We are in fact a democratic in which the Founders intended for the opinion of the MAJORITY to be the deciding factor in policy decisions .
Wrong. as usual. When any thinking person points out the correct terminology, aside from striving for precision and seeking to correct the error made by many of you ignorant people, they are affirming something more important.

We were constructed as a Constitutional republic for a variety of excellent reasons. Way up on that list was a firm, determined and informed desire to avoid a “tyranny of the majority.”

We are not a “democratic republic.” We are a Constitutional republic. Learn some actual history.
ok you are right, Trump did it, he made Pfizer vaccine happen by......well
He made it happen faster by getting the regulatory agencies out of the way.
You have to be fucking stupid if you don't understand that government regulation is an obstacle to progress.
No, marriage is a fundamental right.

Democracy is a form of Govt that we use to elect officals to run our Republic.
Where in the original intent of the constitution is the right to interracial marriage?

And if there was according to our founding fathers why did some white dude marry Sonia Henning?
Wrong. as usual. When any thinking person points out the correct terminology, aside from striving for precision and seeking to correct the error made by many of you ignorant people, they are affirming something more important.

We were constructed as a Constitutional republic for a variety of excellent reasons. Way up on that list was a firm, determined and informed desire to avoid a “tyranny of the majority.”

We are not a “democratic republic.” We are a Constitutional republic. Learn some actual history.
We are a representative democracy

And Madison did NOT favor minority rule

He made it happen faster by getting the regulatory agencies out of the way.
You have to be fucking stupid if you don't understand that government regulation is an obstacle to progress.

Yep, no one else but Trump would fast track a vaccine during a historic pandemic that is killing thousands of people a day. No one. :rolleyes-41:
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We are a representative democracy

And Madison did NOT favor minority rule

Wrong. We are a republic. A Constitutional republic. Among other checks, we have separated the people from direct governance (to a degree) which is why we make USE of representatives.

I didn’t say Madison ever said anything about favoring minority rule. In fact, I didn’t mention Madison at all. But it’s good to know that — like almost everyone else — Madison, too, didn’t support minority rule.

Getting back to the actual point. Those of us who correctly note that we are not a democracy but are instead a republic say it for very different reasons than the tripe you claimed. You were wrong. You remain wrong. Confess. 😎
I didn’t say Madison ever said anything about favoring minority rule.
Who gives a shit about what you did or didn't mention. He was one of those that set this government up
I didn’t mention Madison at all. But it’s good to know that — like almost everyone else — Madison, too, didn’t support minority rule.
But your insistence that we are not a democracy is your lame way of PROMOTING Republican minority rule
Something that Madison was clearly against.

Madison would never envisioned "factions" (his word for political parties) controlling all three branches of the government with a minority of the electorate supporting that
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Who gives a sit about what you did or didn't mention. He was one of those that set this government up

Glad you finally learned a little history. Good for you, kid. The operative phrase, however, is “one of.” See if you can puzzle that one out. :itsok:
But your insistence that we are not a democracy is your lame way of PROMOTING Republican minority rule
Something that Madison was clearly against.
Wrong again, Letch. My insistence on speaking correctly is because it furthers a quality and accurate discussion on this matter, and it serves to correct your misbegotten and ignorant assertions. I do not, in fact, support a rule of (or by) a minority; nor would I support a majority rule which violates our basic rights. That is without regard to your shallow understanding of our Famers’ intent.
Madison would never envisioned "factions" (his word for political parties) controlling all three branches of the government with a minority of the electorate supporting that

I again don’t care what any one of the Framers would have envisioned. Your expressed concern has morphed into a facile complaint about political parties. But that’s not what this discussion is about. Maybe it’s worth it’s own discussion. Maybe. Why not start your own thread?
Damn, if we all could agree to be like Hungary under their dictator who hates gays.
Are we under the Fraud Dictator EmperorShitzHizPantz right now who hates Americans?

Russian Collusion was True despite the fact both The FBI and DOJ knew the accusations were false, were financed by Obama, Biden and Clinton, and filed Fraudulent FISA Affidavits to spy on The President and his inner circle. The FBI and especially Robert Mueller did not go forward with a Fake Investigation based on False Allegations against a sitting President despite knowing that the accusations were completely false. Just another GOP Lie...

Hunter Biden's Laptop is a lie, said 50 Intelligence Community Experts who pushed Operation Russian Collusion - Crossfire Hurricane.
Joe Biden Extorting Ukraine is a lie. Never happened despite Joe admitting it on Video. Lies!

Biden, Pelosi, Romney and Kerry's sons did not accept millions of dollars in bribes to funnel to their parents under the cover of being consultants in an industry they has ZERO knowledge of. Lies I tell you.

Obama and Fauci did not illegally funnel money to the CCP in Wuhan to create COVID19 and then predict in 2017 when Trump was elected that The Trump Administration would experience a COVID19 Pandemic, said Fauci who oversaw the financing and creation of COVID19. Lie!

Hillary Clinton did not Bleach Bit 30,0000 emails in direct violation of two Federal Court Orders and James Comey did not cover for her. The same guy that launched a campaign to get Trump from day one did not bend over backwards to repeatedly exonerate The Criminal Clintons. Just another GOP Lie.

Democrat ran districts in The Battle Ground States did not use Maduro Voting Machines and Algorithms and did not illegally change voting laws to facilitate rigging the 2020 Election. Lies!

The DNC did not hire Pakistani Hackers to hack into congressional records to search for blackmail material. Lies I tell you.

Obama, Biden and Clinton did not finance and supply weapons to The Muslim Brotherhood to start a coup in Egypt. More lies, right?

The Pakistani Hackers who were supporters of Bernie Sanders did not obtain the Podesta Emails to give to Seth Rich and Julian Assange in retaliation for finding out The DNC rigged the primaries against Sanders. Just more lies.

Hillary Clinton did not have an illegal secret server and Obama did not illegally repeatedly emails her on it, and Hillary Clinton never shared classified information with her friends for the purpose of cashing in on insider trading. Lies!

Hillary Clinton never took $125 Million from Putin to push through the Uranium One Deal knowing that Uranium One would be bought by Putin's Company Rosatom. Holder, Obama, McCain, Mueller, and Comey all knew what was going down. More lies.

Obama, Biden and Clinton were not using the Benghazi outpost to illegally finance and run guns to and for Al Queda in Libya, and did not assassinate Qaddafi. More Lies.

Republicans Lie. Trust Us.
Are we under the Fraud Dictator EmperorShitzHizPantz right now who hates Americans?

Russian Collusion was True despite the fact both The FBI and DOJ knew the accusations were false, were financed by Obama, Biden and Clinton, and filed Fraudulent FISA Affidavits to spy on The President and his inner circle. The FBI and especially Robert Mueller did not go forward with a Fake Investigation based on False Allegations against a sitting President despite knowing that the accusations were completely false. Just another GOP Lie...

Hunter Biden's Laptop is a lie, said 50 Intelligence Community Experts who pushed Operation Russian Collusion - Crossfire Hurricane.
Joe Biden Extorting Ukraine is a lie. Never happened despite Joe admitting it on Video. Lies!

Biden, Pelosi, Romney and Kerry's sons did not accept millions of dollars in bribes to funnel to their parents under the cover of being consultants in an industry they has ZERO knowledge of. Lies I tell you.

Obama and Fauci did not illegally funnel money to the CCP in Wuhan to create COVID19 and then predict in 2017 when Trump was elected that The Trump Administration would experience a COVID19 Pandemic, said Fauci who oversaw the financing and creation of COVID19. Lie!

Hillary Clinton did not Bleach Bit 30,0000 emails in direct violation of two Federal Court Orders and James Comey did not cover for her. The same guy that launched a campaign to get Trump from day one did not bend over backwards to repeatedly exonerate The Criminal Clintons. Just another GOP Lie.

Democrat ran districts in The Battle Ground States did not use Maduro Voting Machines and Algorithms and did not illegally change voting laws to facilitate rigging the 2020 Election. Lies!

The DNC did not hire Pakistani Hackers to hack into congressional records to search for blackmail material. Lies I tell you.

Obama, Biden and Clinton did not finance and supply weapons to The Muslim Brotherhood to start a coup in Egypt. More lies, right?

The Pakistani Hackers who were supporters of Bernie Sanders did not obtain the Podesta Emails to give to Seth Rich and Julian Assange in retaliation for finding out The DNC rigged the primaries against Sanders. Just more lies.

Hillary Clinton did not have an illegal secret server and Obama did not illegally repeatedly emails her on it, and Hillary Clinton never shared classified information with her friends for the purpose of cashing in on insider trading. Lies!

Hillary Clinton never took $125 Million from Putin to push through the Uranium One Deal knowing that Uranium One would be bought by Putin's Company Rosatom. Holder, Obama, McCain, Mueller, and Comey all knew what was going down. More lies.

Obama, Biden and Clinton were not using the Benghazi outpost to illegally finance and run guns to and for Al Queda in Libya, and did not assassinate Qaddafi. More Lies.

Republicans Lie. Trust Us.
Reaching by my conserabonics decoder…

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