Thomas Sowell on Donald Trump

Wrong again, Letch. My insistence on speaking correctly is because it furthers a quality and accurate discussion on this matter, and it serves to correct your misbegotten and ignorant assertions. I do not, in fact, support a rule of (or by) a minority; nor would I support a majority rule which violates our basic rights. That is without regard to your shallow understanding of our Famers’ intent.
So the fact that a minority of voters have voted for the President in 2016 and yet gained the Presidency doesn't bother you

The fact that that same minority is responsible for 6 of the 9 SC Justices doesn't bother you

The fact that Republican voters cast millions fewer votes for Senate and House and still have almost equal representation doesn't bother you.

One might think you were dishonest...DOUCHEBAG (since we're calling names)
I again don’t care what any one of the Framers would have envisioned.
Of course you don't...since they don't agree with your warped politics
Wouldn’t it be easier for you just to post in normal language and use common sense?
You mean like you DemTard DemNazi brainwashed religious zealots communicate with anyone or anything they view as Conservative like below?

Just another day in the life of a Deplorable dealing with DemTards like you.

Below is a Perfect example of the insanity of The Democrat Party and you and your ilk.

When did tom sewell give up on Democracy?

Does he mention it?
When he became an operative for pseudo-conservative voodoo economics and a paid climate science denier. His academic credibility has disappeared. Now he is just crowd funding his retirement by preying on stupid people.
So the fact that a minority of voters have voted for the President in 2016 and yet gained the Presidency doesn't bother you
Your question is really simple. Do I favor the Electoral College? The answer is also simple. Yes. I do. It doesn’t bother me at all.
The fact that that same minority is responsible for 6 of the 9 SC Justices doesn't bother you
Nope. It didn’t seem to bother you when the SCOTUS had a significant liberal voting block. I’m more concerned with whether they employ rational and meaningful legal analysis in determining big cases and controversies.
The fact that Republican voters cast millions fewer votes for Senate and House and still have almost equal representation doesn't bother you.
Not even a little. It was designed to accommodate differences between states of larger populations vs states with smaller populations. Another method to avoid the tyranny of a minority (or a majority).
One might think you were dishonest...DOUCHEBAG (since we're calling names)

One might think that you’re not capable of thought. Embrace your inner douchebag but try to learn from how shallow and ignorant you are.
Of course you don't...since they don't agree with your warped politics
My politics aren’t the warped ones, child. I survived an overtly liberal activist SCOTUS for a very long time. Now, you’re bellyaching that the pendulum has started to swing back a bit. Too bad. So sad. Get over yourself.

The reality is simple and obvious. You don’t give the slightest hoot about the reasons we were created as a republic. You detest any constitutional constraints against achieving your political agenda. Like the Democrap Party, you pay meaningless lip service (only) to the alleged “will” of the People. But what you actually have always sought is nothing more or less than power.

Checks against such a craven desire for power are precisely what is needed given your proclivities. No wonder you rail and rage against it.
When he became an operative for pseudo-conservative voodoo economics and a paid climate science denier. His academic credibility has disappeared. Now he is just crowd funding his retirement by preying on stupid people.
You obviously don't know a thing about him. You're regurgitating leftwing smears.

Thomas Sowell has always been a proponent of the free market. What do you believe he supported before that?
When he became an operative for pseudo-conservative voodoo economics and a paid climate science denier. His academic credibility has disappeared. Now he is just crowd funding his retirement by preying on stupid people.
The Stoopid is strong in you, and your friend Hunter too.

So the fact that a minority of voters have voted for the President in 2016 and yet gained the Presidency doesn't bother you

The fact that that same minority is responsible for 6 of the 9 SC Justices doesn't bother you

The fact that Republican voters cast millions fewer votes for Senate and House and still have almost equal representation doesn't bother you.

One might think you were dishonest...DOUCHEBAG (since we're calling names)

Of course you don't...since they don't agree with your warped politics
Would it bother you if the majority were NAZIs and they selected the SC judges?
Your question is really simple. Do I favor the Electoral College? The answer is also simple. Yes. I do. It doesn’t bother me at all.
It's far more than the Electoral College. Republicans have an outsized representation in all three branches of government and you love that
Nope. It didn’t seem to bother you when the SCOTUS had a significant liberal voting block.
There was never a liberal majority in the SC in my lifetime. I'm 68

My politics aren’t the warped ones, child. I survived an overtly liberal activist SCOTUS for a very long time.
Just making a stupid claim like that shows how warped your politics are...asshole
Infinitely more than you ever will, because you don't read. You are astonishingly and aggressively ignorant, and your baby posts are ineffectual.
I've read almost every book he ever wrote. You obviously haven't. You apparently believe he once stupported prog horseshit, which he never has.
It's far more than the Electoral College. Republicans have an outsized representation in all three branches of government and you love that
It is what it is. But your reference to “outsized” is really just your petty complaint that you don’t care for that result. So what? I don’t care for the fact that big cities are being ruined by Democrap governments.
There was never a liberal majority in the SC in my lifetime. I'm 68
Just making a stupid claim like that shows how warped your politics are...asshole
Just denying it shows what a totally dishonest hack you are, you shlub. Your politics are the warped ones by the way. 😎
Great! Some decent ones in there.

But that was then, and this is now. Times have changed. Sowell has obliterated his academic credibility. He should have stayed in his intellectual lane.
What has he said that "obliterated his academic credibility?"
Infinitely more than you ever will, because you don't read. You are astonishingly and aggressively ignorant, and your baby posts are ineffectual.
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