Those arrested in Portland at the autonomous zone have all charges immediately dropped

For how long have communists been running Portland? This shit is getting old.

Oregon is nice country.

Portland is a shlthole city.

I agree, thats why I didnt mention Oregon as a state, there are some ok parts.
For how long have communists been running Portland? This shit is getting old.

Those look like some fine upstanding members of the community. I’m sure hard working and productive people, who are a blessing to their communities.
That sounded even funnier read out loud. Who am I kidding. These people are wastes of oxygen, and the greatest service to their community and contribution to to the human race they could ever make would be to get fed through a wood chipper and blown out into a crop field as mulch.

Edit: and Ihave to add... wtf is with the no charges? Now I’m sure the DA is a democrat. However, don’t tell me he is your run of the mill American liberal. This man is a scumbag at best, and a low, belly crawling commie or anarchist at worst. I’m curious if the democrats on this board will defend him or ignore this merely because he wears their team’a jersey (democrat), or if they will acknowledge this DA is merely disguising himself as one of them to give his actions and intent cover.

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