Those Darned Rich Folks

What kind of an idiot thinks he has a chance of winning by promising a 97.5% tax rate on billionaires?

Besides some crotchety old curmudgeon socialist, I mean.

Hmm, every time one of you Rumpsters throw out a number it grows and grows each time. The real number is 70% on anything earned in a fiscal year above X million dollars after adjustment. That is the figure that was suggested. Of course, you don't remember when the real figure was 90% for anything over $250,000 do you? It paid for frivolous things like Water Works (dams, city water works, canals, etc.), Interstates, Bridges, Put Men on the Moon, paid for at least 3 wars, and much much more. Today, we can't even afford to fix our bridges or replace the pipes that are eaten up with rust and lead. In order to get an Astronaut onto the Space Station we have to thumb a ride with the Russians. We can't afford to effectively help in major emergencies anymore.

Although this was done by the entertainment world, it hits the nail right on the head.

Can you imagine if any Politician were to say this today? As true as this is, just how long would they exist in the political world if they did. Yes, the Rich paid for most of the really great programs that was created with a little help from everyone else. America WAS the greatest Country in the world. We aren't anymore. We could be again but not by following the losers we see attempting to be leaders today. And this includes Rump.

Another thief brought up to believe that stealing someone else's earnings is a reasonable way to run a nation.

How about gulags for the wealthy, you Bolshevik?

  1. Who is to decide what is fair, and what is too much? Some religions suggest tithing, and government demands taxes.
    1. Joseph gathered very much grain: It seems it was customary for Pharaoh to take 10% of the grain in Egypt as a tax. Essentially, Joseph doubled the taxes over the next seven years (Genesis 41:34 mentions one-fifth, that is, 20%).
    2. That 20% figure appears again in the relationship of colonists to North America, and the English crown "....colonists were free to retain all the profits and fruits of their labor save for the crown's 20 percent share of any gold and silver discovered." "Freedom Just Around the Corner: A New American History: 1585-1828," by Walter A. McDougall, p.33

  1. Yet our Liberal accepts doctrines, policies, programs, that make no sense, or are actually destructive, for the offer of acceptance of the herd…or the opposite, expulsion if one doesn’t support same.
    1. It is not that our Liberals do not care about rectitude, but he cannot afford to notice the insanity. The size and power of the group allows the individual to submerge his doubts…but at the cost of obedience and the surrender his individuality.
Seems like there’s lots of resentment towards “billionaires” on the right these days, too.
Amoral moneygrubbers aren't conservative by any stretch of the imagination and it's about damn time Americans who value tradition and decency realize that.
1.The bête noire of the Left…the ‘rich’….

Actually, the ‘curse’ they use is a left-over from the aristocracy characterized by the Marie Antoinette quote "Let them eat cake" is the traditional translation of the French phrase "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche", supposedly spoken by "a great princess" upon learning that the peasants had no bread. Since brioche was a luxury bread enriched with butter and eggs, the quotation would reflect the princess's disregard for the peasants, or her poor understanding of their situation.” Let them eat cake - Wikipedia

Therein lies the power that the Left wields by controlling the language. The use it not just to point out the imaginary ‘rich,’ but also for the imaginary ‘poor.’

There is no poverty in America like that pictured in Dickens, no home, no heat, no food, but that’s what the Democrats want one to imagine when they embezzle taxpayer funds to ‘fight poverty,’ meaning ‘buy votes.’

And that Marie Antoinette slander of the rich?

Once, the rich rode in carriages, the rest of the people walked. Today both ride in cars, whether or not they are all the same model.

“Nobody, not even Bill Gates, lives like Marie Antoinette. And nobody in the US lives like her peasants. “ Cochrane's Questions About Inequality - Econlib

2. Today’s poor are the richest poor in history, and the real meaning of poverty, no home, no heat, no food, doesn’t exist as any more than a rounding error.

Thanks to control of government schools, many are manipulated to believe the hype. Bet most don’t even know that Republicans freed the slaves and gave women the vote. And Democrat tax policy is the greatest bar to economic success.

3. Based on life choices, and personal responsibility everyone in America has the opportunity to improve their lot.

"...economic mobility. About 60 percent of the households that were in the lowest income quintile in 1999 were in a higher quintile ten years later. During the same decade, almost 40 percent of the richest households fell to a lower quintile. This is a nation where you can rise or fall. It is a nation where you can climb the economic ladder based not on who you are born to, or what class you are born into, but based on your talents, your passion, your perseverance, and the content of your character."

But the Democrats, the Liberals, Progressives have found a way to weaponize language for their own power....

Tell the less well-brought up that there are rich people living off their sweat....."...they'll put y'all back in chains..."

....with the sort of empty promise to steal from those 'darned rich folks, and, voila!....elected office.

Democrats don't like it when everyone has a car and HVAC.

So they use "Tax The Rich" to get elected....then they take our cars and get rid of our heating and air.....putting us all into the poor house and call it progress. Meanwhile they usher in starvation and civil war and call it a revolution.
Seems like there’s lots of resentment towards “billionaires” on the right these days, too.


I’ll link it the next time I see it.

But there’s a lot of rhetoric about “globalist” billionaires who want open borders and cheap immigrant labor flooding into America from the right.

"I’ll link it the next time I see it."

I'll leave a light in the window for you.....

Perhaps I was wrong, but I always believed you had a modicum of intelligence.....and if that were the case, you wouldn't mistake a dislike of globalism, of global governance, of communism, socialism, fascism, Democrat policies for a disrespect for those who earned their wealth.
You didn't now that?

Here’s an article

America’s richest billionaires support open borders | Free West Media

I guess you didn't read your 'proof.

The title says the problem is open borders, not wealth.

What the heck is wrong with you??????
What kind of an idiot thinks he has a chance of winning by promising a 97.5% tax rate on billionaires?

Besides some crotchety old curmudgeon socialist, I mean.

Hmm, every time one of you Rumpsters throw out a number it grows and grows each time. The real number is 70% on anything earned in a fiscal year above X million dollars after adjustment. That is the figure that was suggested. Of course, you don't remember when the real figure was 90% for anything over $250,000 do you? It paid for frivolous things like Water Works (dams, city water works, canals, etc.), Interstates, Bridges, Put Men on the Moon, paid for at least 3 wars, and much much more. Today, we can't even afford to fix our bridges or replace the pipes that are eaten up with rust and lead. In order to get an Astronaut onto the Space Station we have to thumb a ride with the Russians. We can't afford to effectively help in major emergencies anymore.

Although this was done by the entertainment world, it hits the nail right on the head.

Can you imagine if any Politician were to say this today? As true as this is, just how long would they exist in the political world if they did. Yes, the Rich paid for most of the really great programs that was created with a little help from everyone else. America WAS the greatest Country in the world. We aren't anymore. We could be again but not by following the losers we see attempting to be leaders today. And this includes Rump.

I didn't make up the 97.5% number, leftard. That's plastered all over the place this morning:

97.5 tax rate Sanders - Bing
What kind of an idiot thinks he has a chance of winning by promising a 97.5% tax rate on billionaires?

Besides some crotchety old curmudgeon socialist, I mean.

Hmm, every time one of you Rumpsters throw out a number it grows and grows each time. The real number is 70% on anything earned in a fiscal year above X million dollars after adjustment. That is the figure that was suggested. Of course, you don't remember when the real figure was 90% for anything over $250,000 do you? It paid for frivolous things like Water Works (dams, city water works, canals, etc.), Interstates, Bridges, Put Men on the Moon, paid for at least 3 wars, and much much more. Today, we can't even afford to fix our bridges or replace the pipes that are eaten up with rust and lead. In order to get an Astronaut onto the Space Station we have to thumb a ride with the Russians. We can't afford to effectively help in major emergencies anymore.

Although this was done by the entertainment world, it hits the nail right on the head.

Can you imagine if any Politician were to say this today? As true as this is, just how long would they exist in the political world if they did. Yes, the Rich paid for most of the really great programs that was created with a little help from everyone else. America WAS the greatest Country in the world. We aren't anymore. We could be again but not by following the losers we see attempting to be leaders today. And this includes Rump.

Oh boy, you Libs are so incredibly dim witted. Screaming that the problem of wealth inequality can be fixed via a new tax schedule is completely inane. Furthermore, Our debt is not a product of waterworks, bridge construction, wars or space travel, or anything YOU mentioned. The debt is a product of the biggest group of spending that you never even mentioned- ENTITLEMENTS, welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, social security, food stamps, etc.
What kind of an idiot thinks he has a chance of winning by promising a 97.5% tax rate on billionaires?

Besides some crotchety old curmudgeon socialist, I mean.

Hmm, every time one of you Rumpsters throw out a number it grows and grows each time. The real number is 70% on anything earned in a fiscal year above X million dollars after adjustment. That is the figure that was suggested. Of course, you don't remember when the real figure was 90% for anything over $250,000 do you? It paid for frivolous things like Water Works (dams, city water works, canals, etc.), Interstates, Bridges, Put Men on the Moon, paid for at least 3 wars, and much much more. Today, we can't even afford to fix our bridges or replace the pipes that are eaten up with rust and lead. In order to get an Astronaut onto the Space Station we have to thumb a ride with the Russians. We can't afford to effectively help in major emergencies anymore.

Although this was done by the entertainment world, it hits the nail right on the head.

Can you imagine if any Politician were to say this today? As true as this is, just how long would they exist in the political world if they did. Yes, the Rich paid for most of the really great programs that was created with a little help from everyone else. America WAS the greatest Country in the world. We aren't anymore. We could be again but not by following the losers we see attempting to be leaders today. And this includes Rump.

Oh boy, you Libs are so incredibly dim witted. Screaming that the problem of wealth inequality can be fixed via a new tax schedule is completely inane. Furthermore, Our debt is not a product of waterworks, bridge construction, wars or space travel, or anything YOU mentioned. The debt is a product of the biggest group of spending that you never even mentioned- ENTITLEMENTS, welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, social security, food stamps, etc.

I'd like to see a comparison of the military budget VS welfare programs. We do spend an awful lot on the military.
What kind of an idiot thinks he has a chance of winning by promising a 97.5% tax rate on billionaires?

Besides some crotchety old curmudgeon socialist, I mean.

Hmm, every time one of you Rumpsters throw out a number it grows and grows each time. The real number is 70% on anything earned in a fiscal year above X million dollars after adjustment. That is the figure that was suggested. Of course, you don't remember when the real figure was 90% for anything over $250,000 do you? It paid for frivolous things like Water Works (dams, city water works, canals, etc.), Interstates, Bridges, Put Men on the Moon, paid for at least 3 wars, and much much more. Today, we can't even afford to fix our bridges or replace the pipes that are eaten up with rust and lead. In order to get an Astronaut onto the Space Station we have to thumb a ride with the Russians. We can't afford to effectively help in major emergencies anymore.

Although this was done by the entertainment world, it hits the nail right on the head.

Can you imagine if any Politician were to say this today? As true as this is, just how long would they exist in the political world if they did. Yes, the Rich paid for most of the really great programs that was created with a little help from everyone else. America WAS the greatest Country in the world. We aren't anymore. We could be again but not by following the losers we see attempting to be leaders today. And this includes Rump.

Oh boy, you Libs are so incredibly dim witted. Screaming that the problem of wealth inequality can be fixed via a new tax schedule is completely inane. Furthermore, Our debt is not a product of waterworks, bridge construction, wars or space travel, or anything YOU mentioned. The debt is a product of the biggest group of spending that you never even mentioned- ENTITLEMENTS, welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, social security, food stamps, etc.

"This week, the U.S. Census Bureau is scheduled to release its annual poverty report. The report will be notable because this year marks the 50th anniversary of the launch of President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty. In his January 1964 State of the Union address, Johnson proclaimed, “This administration today, here and now, declares unconditional war on poverty in America.”[1]

Since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs (in constant 2012 dollars). Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost of all military wars in U.S. history since the American Revolution. Despite this mountain of spending, progress against poverty, at least as measured by the government, has been minimal."
The War on Poverty After 50 Years

But it is successful as a vote buying scheme.
Seems like there’s lots of resentment towards “billionaires” on the right these days, too.

Don't need a link. You can read it right here on USMB just about every day.

Link or lie.

It appears that the curriculum of government schooling includes dispensation for lying as long as it is directed at the Right.

Have you noticed that I never lie?

Does that irritate you?

BTW.....are you a government school grad?
Again, on any given day on USMB there are plenty of examples of it. No you don't irritate me and you are just full of shit. Now be a good little USMB Prat and report me.
What kind of an idiot thinks he has a chance of winning by promising a 97.5% tax rate on billionaires?

Besides some crotchety old curmudgeon socialist, I mean.

Hmm, every time one of you Rumpsters throw out a number it grows and grows each time. The real number is 70% on anything earned in a fiscal year above X million dollars after adjustment. That is the figure that was suggested. Of course, you don't remember when the real figure was 90% for anything over $250,000 do you? It paid for frivolous things like Water Works (dams, city water works, canals, etc.), Interstates, Bridges, Put Men on the Moon, paid for at least 3 wars, and much much more. Today, we can't even afford to fix our bridges or replace the pipes that are eaten up with rust and lead. In order to get an Astronaut onto the Space Station we have to thumb a ride with the Russians. We can't afford to effectively help in major emergencies anymore.

Although this was done by the entertainment world, it hits the nail right on the head.

Can you imagine if any Politician were to say this today? As true as this is, just how long would they exist in the political world if they did. Yes, the Rich paid for most of the really great programs that was created with a little help from everyone else. America WAS the greatest Country in the world. We aren't anymore. We could be again but not by following the losers we see attempting to be leaders today. And this includes Rump.

Oh boy, you Libs are so incredibly dim witted. Screaming that the problem of wealth inequality can be fixed via a new tax schedule is completely inane. Furthermore, Our debt is not a product of waterworks, bridge construction, wars or space travel, or anything YOU mentioned. The debt is a product of the biggest group of spending that you never even mentioned- ENTITLEMENTS, welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, social security, food stamps, etc.

I'd like to see a comparison of the military budget VS welfare programs. We do spend an awful lot on the military.

Not even close.

“In the 50 years since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs. Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost of all U.S. military wars since the American Revolution. Yet progress against poverty, as measured by the U.S. Census Bureau, has been minimal, and in terms of President Johnson’s main goal of reducing the “causes” rather than the mere “consequences” of poverty, the War on Poverty has failed completely. “The War on Poverty After 50 Years

It has effectively been a war on taxpayers, and on the US Treasury.

But….effective as a vote-buying scheme.

81% of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic – and that’s just the tip of the handout iceberg
Read more at Bernie Sanders peddled a false story on Russian election meddling, and people noticed
Seems like there’s lots of resentment towards “billionaires” on the right these days, too.

Don't need a link. You can read it right here on USMB just about every day.

Link or lie.

It appears that the curriculum of government schooling includes dispensation for lying as long as it is directed at the Right.

Have you noticed that I never lie?

Does that irritate you?

BTW.....are you a government school grad?
Again, on any given day on USMB there are plenty of examples of it. No you don't irritate me and you are just full of shit. Now be a good little USMB Prat and report me.

If you post sans vulgarity, I might consider responding.
What kind of an idiot thinks he has a chance of winning by promising a 97.5% tax rate on billionaires?

Besides some crotchety old curmudgeon socialist, I mean.

Hmm, every time one of you Rumpsters throw out a number it grows and grows each time. The real number is 70% on anything earned in a fiscal year above X million dollars after adjustment. That is the figure that was suggested. Of course, you don't remember when the real figure was 90% for anything over $250,000 do you? It paid for frivolous things like Water Works (dams, city water works, canals, etc.), Interstates, Bridges, Put Men on the Moon, paid for at least 3 wars, and much much more. Today, we can't even afford to fix our bridges or replace the pipes that are eaten up with rust and lead. In order to get an Astronaut onto the Space Station we have to thumb a ride with the Russians. We can't afford to effectively help in major emergencies anymore.

Although this was done by the entertainment world, it hits the nail right on the head.

Can you imagine if any Politician were to say this today? As true as this is, just how long would they exist in the political world if they did. Yes, the Rich paid for most of the really great programs that was created with a little help from everyone else. America WAS the greatest Country in the world. We aren't anymore. We could be again but not by following the losers we see attempting to be leaders today. And this includes Rump.

Another thief brought up to believe that stealing someone else's earnings is a reasonable way to run a nation.

How about gulags for the wealthy, you Bolshevik?

  1. Who is to decide what is fair, and what is too much? Some religions suggest tithing, and government demands taxes.
    1. Joseph gathered very much grain: It seems it was customary for Pharaoh to take 10% of the grain in Egypt as a tax. Essentially, Joseph doubled the taxes over the next seven years (Genesis 41:34 mentions one-fifth, that is, 20%).
    2. That 20% figure appears again in the relationship of colonists to North America, and the English crown "....colonists were free to retain all the profits and fruits of their labor save for the crown's 20 percent share of any gold and silver discovered." "Freedom Just Around the Corner: A New American History: 1585-1828," by Walter A. McDougall, p.33

  1. Yet our Liberal accepts doctrines, policies, programs, that make no sense, or are actually destructive, for the offer of acceptance of the herd…or the opposite, expulsion if one doesn’t support same.
    1. It is not that our Liberals do not care about rectitude, but he cannot afford to notice the insanity. The size and power of the group allows the individual to submerge his doubts…but at the cost of obedience and the surrender his individuality.

Funny you bring this up. It was the Conservatives that did the original tax we are talking about. And are you aware, the average top 1% tax rate during the highest period (1945 to 1960) averaged out to 42% as compared to today's 36%? During the golden years, that added tax only affected about 100,000 tax payers. MOST Citizens made less after adjustments than the 250,000 bucks therefore, they paid the lower tax rate. Just how many, today, would make more than say, 2 million after adjusted net income?

Yes, America is NOT the greatest country in the world. It sure as hell used to be. But due to people buying into your nonsense, it sure as hell isn't. But it could be if we learned from people one generation older than I am. Yes, in my lifetime, America WAS the Greatest Country in the World. It isn't anymore. And Rump isn't going to make it Great again. And neither are any of the Democratic Candidates either.
What kind of an idiot thinks he has a chance of winning by promising a 97.5% tax rate on billionaires?

Besides some crotchety old curmudgeon socialist, I mean.

Hmm, every time one of you Rumpsters throw out a number it grows and grows each time. The real number is 70% on anything earned in a fiscal year above X million dollars after adjustment. That is the figure that was suggested. Of course, you don't remember when the real figure was 90% for anything over $250,000 do you? It paid for frivolous things like Water Works (dams, city water works, canals, etc.), Interstates, Bridges, Put Men on the Moon, paid for at least 3 wars, and much much more. Today, we can't even afford to fix our bridges or replace the pipes that are eaten up with rust and lead. In order to get an Astronaut onto the Space Station we have to thumb a ride with the Russians. We can't afford to effectively help in major emergencies anymore.

Although this was done by the entertainment world, it hits the nail right on the head.

Can you imagine if any Politician were to say this today? As true as this is, just how long would they exist in the political world if they did. Yes, the Rich paid for most of the really great programs that was created with a little help from everyone else. America WAS the greatest Country in the world. We aren't anymore. We could be again but not by following the losers we see attempting to be leaders today. And this includes Rump.

Another thief brought up to believe that stealing someone else's earnings is a reasonable way to run a nation.

How about gulags for the wealthy, you Bolshevik?

  1. Who is to decide what is fair, and what is too much? Some religions suggest tithing, and government demands taxes.
    1. Joseph gathered very much grain: It seems it was customary for Pharaoh to take 10% of the grain in Egypt as a tax. Essentially, Joseph doubled the taxes over the next seven years (Genesis 41:34 mentions one-fifth, that is, 20%).
    2. That 20% figure appears again in the relationship of colonists to North America, and the English crown "....colonists were free to retain all the profits and fruits of their labor save for the crown's 20 percent share of any gold and silver discovered." "Freedom Just Around the Corner: A New American History: 1585-1828," by Walter A. McDougall, p.33

  1. Yet our Liberal accepts doctrines, policies, programs, that make no sense, or are actually destructive, for the offer of acceptance of the herd…or the opposite, expulsion if one doesn’t support same.
    1. It is not that our Liberals do not care about rectitude, but he cannot afford to notice the insanity. The size and power of the group allows the individual to submerge his doubts…but at the cost of obedience and the surrender his individuality.

Funny you bring this up. It was the Conservatives that did the original tax we are talking about. And are you aware, the average top 1% tax rate during the highest period (1945 to 1960) averaged out to 42% as compared to today's 36%? During the golden years, that added tax only affected about 100,000 tax payers. MOST Citizens made less after adjustments than the 250,000 bucks therefore, they paid the lower tax rate. Just how many, today, would make more than say, 2 million after adjusted net income?

Yes, America is NOT the greatest country in the world. It sure as hell used to be. But due to people buying into your nonsense, it sure as hell isn't. But it could be if we learned from people one generation older than I am. Yes, in my lifetime, America WAS the Greatest Country in the World. It isn't anymore. And Rump isn't going to make it Great again. And neither are any of the Democratic Candidates either.

What 'conservatives' have done to damage this nation?????
Link or lie.

Let's see what a conservative administration did for America and American:

  1. The benefits from Reaganomics:
    1. The economy grew at a 3.4% average rate…compared with 2.9% for the previous eight years, and 2.7% for the next eight.(Table B-4)
    2. Inflation rate dropped from 12.5% to 4.4%. (Table B-63)
    3. Unemployment fell to 5.5% from 7.1% (Table B-35)
    4. Prime interest rate fell by one-third.(Table B-73)
    5. The S & P 500 jumped 124% (Table B-95)
    6. Charitable contributions rose 57% faster than inflation. Dinesh D’Souza, “Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary May Became an Extraordinary Leader,” p. 116

b. and c. Kiva Lending Team: Team REAL Americans | Kiva

While the ranks of the wealthy quickly multiplied, middle-class investors also entered the stock market in rapidly growing numbers. The creation by Congress in 1978 of the 401(k) tax-deferred retirement plan provided new incentives for workers to invest their savings in the stock market (often through mutual funds) rather than relying on company-funded pensions for retirement. The 401(k) led to a kind of democratization of Wall Street, as the percentage of American households owning some stake in the stock market—either directly or through mutual funds—shot quickly from 15.9% in 1983 to 29.6% in 1989.23 Thus the great bull market of the 1980s created more wealth, for more American families, than any previous boom in history.

Investment Company Institute, "Equity Ownership in America, 2005,",
The Reagan Era Learning Guide: Citations

Tax cuts.....not this:

But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” The Education of President Obama
What kind of an idiot thinks he has a chance of winning by promising a 97.5% tax rate on billionaires?

Besides some crotchety old curmudgeon socialist, I mean.

Hmm, every time one of you Rumpsters throw out a number it grows and grows each time. The real number is 70% on anything earned in a fiscal year above X million dollars after adjustment. That is the figure that was suggested. Of course, you don't remember when the real figure was 90% for anything over $250,000 do you? It paid for frivolous things like Water Works (dams, city water works, canals, etc.), Interstates, Bridges, Put Men on the Moon, paid for at least 3 wars, and much much more. Today, we can't even afford to fix our bridges or replace the pipes that are eaten up with rust and lead. In order to get an Astronaut onto the Space Station we have to thumb a ride with the Russians. We can't afford to effectively help in major emergencies anymore.

Although this was done by the entertainment world, it hits the nail right on the head.

Can you imagine if any Politician were to say this today? As true as this is, just how long would they exist in the political world if they did. Yes, the Rich paid for most of the really great programs that was created with a little help from everyone else. America WAS the greatest Country in the world. We aren't anymore. We could be again but not by following the losers we see attempting to be leaders today. And this includes Rump.

I didn't make up the 97.5% number, leftard. That's plastered all over the place this morning:

97.5 tax rate Sanders - Bing

Okay, your turn. Get me a direct quote from Bernie that is what he has said. I want it direct from the horses mouth. I know there is a source to that figure somewhere since every one of those are almost word for word. But not one actually quotes Bernie directly. You want to make the claim, give us a Bernie Quote.

And then show me where Bernie has a snowballs chance to be President in any of our lifetimes. Your doomsayer is just that. Makes a nice soundbite but that's about it. Sorry, but I am not a small child and won't lose any sleep over the fear.

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