Those RINO Chamber of Commerce guys were NEVER part of the Republican Party, Grrrrrrrrrr

Fuck the CoC. They only like Biden because he wants amnesty and he doesnt want to deport illegals.
They revealed themselves to me back in the 1990s...I dealt with their crony corporatist proclivities locally, watching "republicans" pimp for higher taxes and "public/private partnership" boondoggles.

They're among the people who gave us Trump.

We're the party of DUMP, and they better not forget it.
Chambers of Commerce have always been crony corporatists....This is just more evidence that the populists are taking over the GOP
I didn't say that.
My take on this discussion is that since Trump took over the GOP with his "America First Populism", and bringing back manufacturing jobs to the US, and he took control of the GOP from 2016-2020 that the Chamber was on opposite sides of Trump....aka "democrats". The recent TIME article lays it out in great detail how the AFL-CIO teamed up with the Chamber to beat Trump and elect Biden by "fortifying" the voting process in favor of Biden.

A few more "factoids":
The Chamber doles out tons of money, they generally supported the GOP (the "globalist" RINO wing), but since Trump is opposing China's unfair trade practices, including tariffs, the Chamber turned democrat and is on China's side for cheap labor. So expect Biden to give China whatever it wants...eventually.

The AFL-CIO support of Biden was perplexing to me?!
Why support Biden and the radical environmentalists who stop all energy projects, like the Keystone XL pipeline?
I know that in 2016 many union guys voted Trump to shake more work loose, including bring jobs back from overseas.

Anyway, that's my take. We'll see in 2022 if the GOP takes the House and Senate back.
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Chambers of Commerce have always been crony corporatists....This is just more evidence that the populists are taking over the GOP
I didn't say that.
My take on this discussion is that since Trump took over the GOP with his "America First Populism", and bringing back manufacturing jobs to the US, and he took control of the GOP from 2016-2020 that the Chamber was on opposite sides of Trump....aka "democrats. The recent TIME article lays it out in great detail how the AFL-CIO teamed up with the Chamber to beat Trump and elect Biden by "fortifying" the voting process in favor of Biden.

A few more "factoids":
The Chamber doles out tons of money, they generally supported the GOP (the "globalist" RINO wing), but since Trump is opposing China's unfair trade practices, including tariffs, the Chamber turned democrat and is on China's side for cheap labor. So expect Biden to give China whatever it wants...eventually.

The AFL-CIO support of Biden was perplexing to me?!
Why Biden and the radical environmentalists who stop all energy projects, like the Keystone XL pipeline?
I know that in 2016 many union guys voted Trump to shake more work loose, including bring jobs back from overseas.

Anyway, that's my take. We'll see in 2022 if the GOP takes the House and Senate back.
The time article was about people banding together to stop Trump from lying about an election being stolen. I call that patriotism.
Chambers of Commerce have always been crony corporatists....This is just more evidence that the populists are taking over the GOP
I didn't say that.
My take on this discussion is that since Trump took over the GOP with his "America First Populism", and bringing back manufacturing jobs to the US, and he took control of the GOP from 2016-2020 that the Chamber was on opposite sides of Trump....aka "democrats. The recent TIME article lays it out in great detail how the AFL-CIO teamed up with the Chamber to beat Trump and elect Biden by "fortifying" the voting process in favor of Biden.

A few more "factoids":
The Chamber doles out tons of money, they generally supported the GOP (the "globalist" RINO wing), but since Trump is opposing China's unfair trade practices, including tariffs, the Chamber turned democrat and is on China's side for cheap labor. So expect Biden to give China whatever it wants...eventually.

The AFL-CIO support of Biden was perplexing to me?!
Why Biden and the radical environmentalists who stop all energy projects, like the Keystone XL pipeline?
I know that in 2016 many union guys voted Trump to shake more work loose, including bring jobs back from overseas.

Anyway, that's my take. We'll see in 2022 if the GOP takes the House and Senate back.
The time article was about people banding together to stop Trump from lying about an election being stolen. I call that patriotism.
Its NOT patriotism unless you're from China.

"Special Climate Envoy John Kerry echoed these comments, saying that union workers in the fossil fuel industry will now have an opportunity to make better choices. Not everyone can marry a ketchup heiress, so his perspective may be a little skewed. In an interview with Axios, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka struggled to explain the national union federation’s rationale to endorse Biden and Harris, and why it convinced tens of thousands of union workers to vote for them. Following the election, Trumka said:
"Biden’s path to the White House ran through America’s labor movement. Initial toplines from our post-election survey show union members went 58 percent for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. While the general public supported Biden by three points, our members favored him by 21 points."

That’s some epic gaslighting. This pact was launched back in 2019, according to the article, and it included many other groups. Participation in the pact had nothing to do with President Trump opposing the election results or the pandemic. For example, the Chamber of Commerce couldn’t stand President Trump’s trade policies that put American workers first and caused wages to rise for the first time in years. The administration’s tough stance on immigration compounded the Chamber’s opposition by preventing employers from importing cheap foreign labor. Trump’s China policy was also a hurdle, especially as it became more punitive as the national security threat the Chinese Communist Party poses became evident."
If I was in a group that put an acronym nickname on me that basically said: "You're not like us", I'd switch sides. My Momma didn't raise no fool.
If I was in a group that put an acronym nickname on me that basically said: "You're not like us", I'd switch sides. My Momma didn't raise no fool.
Neither did my momma. I hope to get to 89 some day too by avoiding fights!
Some guys like Trump live for the fights, which is good sometimes, and bad sometimes.


We could add tanks for China ad the Deep State...

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