Those Who Kneel During National Anthem Hate America...Just like Westboro Baptist

NFL players are contractual employees and teams can fire them.
Just people expressing their freedoms..I know, you don't like it, too bad...
My post was not about the First Amendment, it was about love of country.
So while there is a certain song playing, if an individual kneels, they hate their country? How did you come to this conclusion?

Every time Tim Tebow took a knee and prayed a million liberals lost their minds and bitched about it.
Just people expressing their freedoms..I know, you don't like it, too bad...
My post was not about the First Amendment, it was about love of country.

Are you convinced that Colin Kaepernick does not love this country?

Is there a test that one can take to certify that he loves this country?

Do you believe that President Obama loves this country?

Why would anyone entrust YOU with passing judgment on whether another person loves this country?

All you have to do is watch their actions of disrespect.
Fine. Let me ask you a question though. How could players be independent contractors when teams set mandatory hours for them?

What do you mean by "mandatory hours"?

Pratice isn't optional in pro sports is it?

I see what you're saying. Okay, to answer your question, we must first understand that being an independent contractor does not preclude tasks being time sensitive. I operate a wedding officiant business, and I sometimes have other officiants perform some of the ceremonies I book as independent contractors. I might have a client hire me for a ceremony and a rehearsal, but then contract it out to an associate officiant, with the requirement that said person perform the services at the specified times.

Expanding further, I'm not 100% certain that practices in pro sports are mandatory per se. What I do know is that players are typically paid by the game. And whether a player starts/plays in a given game effects how much money they actually make for that game. If you start the game you get more than if you just sat on the bench. Those are particulars that are worked out in their contracts. But of course, the coach decides who plays, and when. So, imagine for a moment that you are a pro athlete. You have the choice. Don't attend practices, and as a result you don't get to play in this week's game and make less money to boot, and risk being cut. Or, you can come to practice, continue to improve yourself, and get paid increasingly more money.
Just people expressing their freedoms..I know, you don't like it, too bad...
My post was not about the First Amendment, it was about love of country.
So while there is a certain song playing, if an individual kneels, they hate their country? How did you come to this conclusion?

When you hear "all rise" in a courtroom, attorneys on both sides, witnesses, and guests of the courtroom stand out of respect. It's out of respect of the judge who's authoritative position is to interpret and uphold the law. You will never find a defense lawyer or prosecutor seated in defiance with their personal views against that position the seat represents, even among the most controversial and heated public cases.

When the President walks down the steps of Air Force One, he is first greeted by a marine who salutes him as he passes by regardless of the party or individual's position in that executive seat. You will never see a marine ignoring the Commander-in-Chief's presence in personal defiance of his leader's political views.

The National Anthem and the American flag represents the sacrifice of those who fought and died to give us those freedoms and rights many take for granted. Most never fully appreciate those rights, until they find themselves in a foreign land forced to submit themselves under a foreign government's set of laws. This soon comes with the realization, and the reality, that those rights they may have enjoyed in the United States no longer applies. To kneel or sit during the National Anthem, to desecrate or burn the American flag, shows a lack of reverence or respect towards those who gave you those rights. Most supporters of these protests probably never even served in the Armed Forces and personally experienced the death of someone that fought along side them to guarantee those rights and freedoms protestors seem to only take for granted. Those immigrants who come from oppressed regions of the world are often the most greatful for what they have found here in this country, while other Americans (who never knew of those struggles of personal freedom) don't see kneeling during an anthem as really much of a big deal to them. It really shows a lack of reverence to our flag, and more of a (eh ... no big deal) complacency towards those open freedoms and rights they enjoy. Do they hate America? No ... they just don't have an appreciation as much, as those who actually served or those immigrants who grew up with a lot less.
Just people expressing their freedoms..I know, you don't like it, too bad...
My post was not about the First Amendment, it was about love of country.
So while there is a certain song playing, if an individual kneels, they hate their country? How did you come to this conclusion?
It's not just "a certain song." It represents the sacrifices that were made to be the nation that has provided the most opportunity, to the least of society. It represent those who fought and died for this country so that the rest of must might live in the land of Liberty.
So it is a certain song that represents those ideas. Again though, how does the engagement of one's leg muscles in a certain way indicate any kind of animosity towards their country?

Hey, consider the imaginary engagement of the arm and hand muscles of this little guy and ask yourself if it is indicating any animosity to you.


See how that works?
Just people expressing their freedoms..I know, you don't like it, too bad...
My post was not about the First Amendment, it was about love of country.
So while there is a certain song playing, if an individual kneels, they hate their country? How did you come to this conclusion?

Every time Tim Tebow took a knee and prayed a million liberals lost their minds and bitched about it.
I bet you say that to God when you pray..
Jesus said :
4so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 5And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in thesynagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. Truly I tellyou, they already have their reward. 6But when you pray, go into your inner room, shut your door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.…Matthew 6:5
Just people expressing their freedoms..I know, you don't like it, too bad...
My post was not about the First Amendment, it was about love of country.
So while there is a certain song playing, if an individual kneels, they hate their country? How did you come to this conclusion?
It's not just "a certain song." It represents the sacrifices that were made to be the nation that has provided the most opportunity, to the least of society. It represent those who fought and died for this country so that the rest of must might live in the land of Liberty.
So it is a certain song that represents those ideas. Again though, how does the engagement of one's leg muscles in a certain way indicate any kind of animosity towards their country?

Hey, consider the imaginary engagement of the arm and hand muscles of this little guy and ask yourself if it is indicating any animosity to you.


See how that works?
Well it depends how the person receiving it perceives the motion.
Just people expressing their freedoms..I know, you don't like it, too bad...
My post was not about the First Amendment, it was about love of country.
So while there is a certain song playing, if an individual kneels, they hate their country? How did you come to this conclusion?
It's not just "a certain song." It represents the sacrifices that were made to be the nation that has provided the most opportunity, to the least of society. It represent those who fought and died for this country so that the rest of must might live in the land of Liberty.
Correct! It's one of the few times every citizen in America can forget our differences and come together to celebrate in song our common heritage and our Country's constitution that guarantees our freedoms. Why some people want to piss on this time we all can share is repulsive to me.
Just people expressing their freedoms..I know, you don't like it, too bad...
My post was not about the First Amendment, it was about love of country.
So while there is a certain song playing, if an individual kneels, they hate their country? How did you come to this conclusion?

Every time Tim Tebow took a knee and prayed a million liberals lost their minds and bitched about it.
I bet you say that to God when you pray..
Jesus said :
4so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 5And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in thesynagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. Truly I tellyou, they already have their reward. 6But when you pray, go into your inner room, shut your door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.…Matthew 6:5

He also says:

32 “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. 33 But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven. - MATTHEW 10: 32-33

God does not favor a Christian who is too embarrassed to acknowledge him openly before others. Christians are called to follow Jesus' examples openly as He did, not be closet Christians who are more ashamed of Him and timid in their faith. Tim Tebow was expressing his faith openly in acknowledging what and WHO he believes.
My post was not about the First Amendment, it was about love of country.
So while there is a certain song playing, if an individual kneels, they hate their country? How did you come to this conclusion?
It's not just "a certain song." It represents the sacrifices that were made to be the nation that has provided the most opportunity, to the least of society. It represent those who fought and died for this country so that the rest of must might live in the land of Liberty.
So it is a certain song that represents those ideas. Again though, how does the engagement of one's leg muscles in a certain way indicate any kind of animosity towards their country?

Hey, consider the imaginary engagement of the arm and hand muscles of this little guy and ask yourself if it is indicating any animosity to you.


See how that works?
Well it depends how the person receiving it perceives the motion.

No, it's doesn't.

You may be goofy enough to somehow misunderstand a very clear communication. But that's something wrong with you and irrelevant to the person making the message and to the message itself.
Just people expressing their freedoms..I know, you don't like it, too bad...

Freedom to express their hatred for America. If you don't like it that people are expressing their dissatisfaction with Kapernick and his followers opposing the National Anthem, tough!
Freedom of Expression does not equate to a Mandate to be Heard.

In this era of Entitlement, it might be tough for people to accept. No one is saying that people don't have the right to protest the National Anthem..... At the same time, it does not exempt them from getting opposed for it.
Freedom of Expression does not equate to a Mandate to be Heard.

In this era of Entitlement, it might be tough for people to accept. No one is saying that people don't have the right to protest the National Anthem..... At the same time, it does not exempt them from getting opposed for it.

One of the old concepts of protest was that the message of the protesters would only be heard if they protested.

The PC bullshit that Kaepernick is pushing is CONSTANTLY being screamed at US by the media, pop culture, educators, The Fucking President of hte United States, ect. ect ect.

He is nothing but an asshole.

Fuck him.
When your flag has been co-opted by such as these guys


you have a right to question what it stands for.
Just people expressing their freedoms..I know, you don't like it, too bad...
My post was not about the First Amendment, it was about love of country.
So while there is a certain song playing, if an individual kneels, they hate their country? How did you come to this conclusion?

Every time Tim Tebow took a knee and prayed a million liberals lost their minds and bitched about it.
I bet you say that to God when you pray..
Jesus said :
4so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 5And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in thesynagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. Truly I tellyou, they already have their reward. 6But when you pray, go into your inner room, shut your door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.…Matthew 6:5

I get a real laugh when a non-believer quotes the Bible.
When your flag has been co-opted by such as these guys


you have a right to question what it stands for.

It has NOT been co-opted by those guys.

They are irrelevant.

Questioning? You don't need to insult your nation and it's people to question.

HIs message is moronic and one that is constantly being heard.

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