Those Who Kneel During National Anthem Hate America...Just like Westboro Baptist

Just people expressing their freedoms..I know, you don't like it, too bad...
My post was not about the First Amendment, it was about love of country.
So while there is a certain song playing, if an individual kneels, they hate their country? How did you come to this conclusion?

Every time Tim Tebow took a knee and prayed a million liberals lost their minds and bitched about it.
I bet you say that to God when you pray..
Jesus said :
4so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 5And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in thesynagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. Truly I tellyou, they already have their reward. 6But when you pray, go into your inner room, shut your door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.…Matthew 6:5

I get a real laugh when a non-believer quotes the Bible.

This is an Alinsky tactic.....hold other people against their rules and ethics. Alinsky was an atheist who loved nothing more than holding those accountable who adhere to Judeo and/or Christian ethics. But, if one asked him or his followers to adhere to the Bible, they'd laugh at you.
Just people expressing their freedoms..I know, you don't like it, too bad...
NFL and NCAA have a right to suspend them.

If they can make the thugs wear suits on game day, they sure can make them stand.


Forcing people to stand during a song? That's the conservative version of liberty?

Standing for the National Anthem is a sign of respect and patriotism. Those that don't stand should be scorned, not praised.
Just people expressing their freedoms..I know, you don't like it, too bad...
NFL and NCAA have a right to suspend them.

If they can make the thugs wear suits on game day, they sure can make them stand.


Forcing people to stand during a song? That's the conservative version of liberty?

Standing for the National Anthem is a sign of respect and patriotism. Those that don't stand should be scorned, not praised.

I'm not praising the action. I'm praising the right.
They all have the freedom to go to a country that works better for them. Of course most countries don't just accept anyone. And I am not sure how America football skills are valuable any where else.

Why don't Hispanics, who are a higher percentage of the population, protest as the spoiled rich athletes do?
Just people expressing their freedoms..I know, you don't like it, too bad...
NFL and NCAA have a right to suspend them.

If they can make the thugs wear suits on game day, they sure can make them stand.


Forcing people to stand during a song? That's the conservative version of liberty?

Standing for the National Anthem is a sign of respect and patriotism. Those that don't stand should be scorned, not praised.

I'm not praising the action. I'm praising the right.

The right to do that is not the topic. No one is suggesting he be arrested.

We are suggesting he be judged by his actions, and his disrespect for this nation and his fellow citizens.
Why don't Hispanics, who are a higher percentage of the population, protest as the spoiled rich athletes do?
Hispanics haven't been singled out and isolated nearly as aggressively as have blacks.

The mindsets are different.

You are part of the problem. Who is singling out and isolating blacks? You have to be on some sort of drug. Blacks are well over represented in sports. Blacks are well over represent in TV commercials. Blacks have the NAACP, BET and the UNCF. Now the liberals are giving them their own housing at colleges. Who in the f... is isolated them?
Why don't Hispanics, who are a higher percentage of the population, protest as the spoiled rich athletes do?
Hispanics haven't been singled out and isolated nearly as aggressively as have blacks.

The mindsets are different.

You are part of the problem. Who is singling out and isolating blacks? You have to be on some sort of drug. Blacks are well over represented in sports. Blacks are well over represent in TV commercials. Blacks have the NAACP, BET and the UNCF. Now the liberals are giving them their own housing at colleges. Who in the f... is isolated them?
The Left has. I've made my opinions on PC and Identity Politics abundantly clear.
Who gives a fuck about what you asholes think about patriotism or who .LOVES America.

Seriously, who gives a fuck?

There isn't shit that any of you morons can do about what athletes who ,make mi.lions of dollars do who do not need your dumb ass approval. Not a goddamn thing but whine like children.
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it was about love of country.

I don't agree with the manner of their protest but to claim their actions to be like the vileness of the Westboro Assholes, and the try and claim it was for the love of country is very amusing.
it was about love of country.

I don't agree with the manner of their protest but to claim their actions to be like the vileness of the Westboro Assholes, and the try and claim it was for the love of country is very amusing.
It absolutely is when you do it in San Diego on Military Appreciation Night. People that do this are just pampered spoiled pricks who never had the balls to serve their country.
I don't agree with the manner of their protest but to claim their actions to be like the vileness of the Westboro Assholes, and the try and claim it was for the love of country is very amusing.

The Westboro assholes are a creation of the democratic party, just like these assholes.

Is that from stories you told yourself inside your own head?
it was about love of country.

I don't agree with the manner of their protest but to claim their actions to be like the vileness of the Westboro Assholes, and the try and claim it was for the love of country is very amusing.
It absolutely is when you do it in San Diego on Military Appreciation Night. People that do this are just pampered spoiled pricks who never had the balls to serve their country.

Not at all like the assholes from Westboro.

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