Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans.

Who are you referring to?

Because I know damn good and well no one's going to make me take it.

Exactly. Nobody is going to make you take it. That’s why you’re being a drama queen thinking someone will.

All caught up now, drama queen?
Some are making people take it.

So that is a lie

That is, if you like working at your job or going to a particular school

Obviously, you are oblivious.

So stop spreading false propaganda.
If an individual does not want to get vaxxed, then that's their call.
I'm vaxxed. That's my call.
I am not threatened in the least by anti-vaxxer's. Even considering the Delta variant, if I test positive for Covid, the chances that I end up in the hospital and/or dead, are .0006%!!!
I'll take these odds any day!

True story!
So why so many drama queens?
Some are making people take it.

So that is a lie

That is, if you like working at your job or going to a particular school

Obviously, you are oblivious.

So stop spreading false propaganda.

That’s an employer. They can impose any requirements they want within the law.

You have the right to seek a different employer if you don’t like their rules.

That’s not forcing you to take the vaccine now is it. You have a choice.
Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


You have it exactly backwards Fudd. YOU are cowering in fear of a bug that kills LESS than 2% of ALL infected and of those the majority have 2-3 co-morbidities.
Some are making people take it.

So that is a lie

That is, if you like working at your job or going to a particular school

Obviously, you are oblivious.

So stop spreading false propaganda.

That’s an employer. They can impose any requirements they want within the law.

You have the right to seek a different employer if you don’t like their rules.

That’s not forcing you to take the vaccine now is it. You have a choice.
Sure, so you can be forced to lose your job and good luck finding another that pays as much.

That is your freedom, eh?

Meanwhile, if you are black can they fire you for your skin color?


Hypocrisy 101.
Sure, so you can be forced to lose your job and good luck finding another that pays as much.

That is your freedom, eh?

Meanwhile, if you are black can they fire you for your skin color?


Hypocrisy 101.

That is your freedom. If you don’t like the rules of your employer then that’s your problem. You can either play by their rules or you can go elsewhere. It’s very simple.

Race is a protected class. Vaccine status isn’t.

All caught up now?
Sure, so you can be forced to lose your job and good luck finding another that pays as much.

That is your freedom, eh?

Meanwhile, if you are black can they fire you for your skin color?


Hypocrisy 101.

That is your freedom. If you don’t like the rules of your employer then that’s your problem. You can either play by their rules or you can go elsewhere. It’s very simple.

Race is a protected class. Vaccine status isn’t.

All caught up now?
Race is a protected class? Why? Why can't law abiding citizens be the protected class?

Is there a law saying I need the vaccine?


Then their rights should be protected.

What part of this do you not comprehend fool?
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Race is a protected class? Why? Why can't law abiding citizens be the protected class?

It there a law saying I need the vaccine?


Then their rights should be protected.

What part of this do you not comprehend fool?

I’m just explaining the rules. It’s not my problem if you don’t like them.
Race is a protected class? Why? Why can't law abiding citizens be the protected class?

It there a law saying I need the vaccine?


Then their rights should be protected.

What part of this do you not comprehend fool?

I’m just explaining the rules. It’s not my problem if you don’t like them.
No, you are just explaining Left wing hypocrisy and I simply don't give a damn.

But yea, you don't care about those who lost their job.

That much is evident.
No, you are just explaining Left wing hypocrisy and I simply don't give a damn.

But yea, you don't care about those who lost their job.

That much is evident.

I don’t think it’s hypocritical at all.

An employer could fire people for not getting the vaccine. An employer can fire people for getting the vaccine.

It’s up to them.
Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards.
BLOW ME, Fudd.

As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
Seems the whole world is suffering that. Must be all them global chapters of Trump Supporters around the world in every country, right, Fudd? I mean, they all handled it SO MUCH BETTER not having to suffer TRUMP'S mistakes, right, Fudd???

If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
But your dear leader Tony Fauci has already said the vaccines are good on Delta! You calling him a LIAR, Fudd?

We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.
You an expert virologist now, Fudd?

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated. SPINELESS-STUPID
Lick, me, Fudd. Eat shit and die. Here is the ONLY data that truly matters:

View attachment 512760
Let me interpret it for you. It calls you a LIAR. And it says all the panic over Covid was mostly for nothing. For the most part, a few more old people who already had one foot out the door died of Covid. Even then, the +85 crowd were FAR MORE LIKELY, 7-8X more likely, to die OF SOMETHING ELSE! Those outside this group who died are so small as to be statistically insignificant making all the panic over Covid OVER NOTHING.

We wrecked innumerable millions of lives, drove countless business out of business and drove our economy into massive debt and inflation for something no worse than we suffer any other year.

And absent from the media is the fact that China's economy is still humming after suffering losses to Trump's tariffs. I guess the CCP and covid won that trade war.
Yes they did by successfully financing the fraudulent election. However I am something of an aficionado on the Chinese economy...perhaps you could tell me why you think that way....this should be quite interesting.

I watch what is happening in the world and I am not influenced by the msm propoganda. The world economy is in the shitter and China is the only place anything is being produced. I believe the covid pandemic was a broadside to the US tariffs.
Absolutely it was.... China is struggling mightily with a forced and synthetic economy. The problem is literally that they simply have too many people to take care of and limited resources to do it with. In many cases when a product is no longer in demand the government will buy it and store it in a warehouse to keep the factory from closing. This is a widespread practice there.... Of course that means currency devaluation when they do that and in China currency devaluation almost immediately translates into real hunger...the starvation kind. What our liberal friends fail to realize is that the Tariffs are the only way to make the Chinese pay attention to Pollution, human rights in the work force, and sub par goods that don't meet even minimal safety standards for toxins and stress reactive incidents like breakage of a child's toy that can result in sharp edges. Here the American manufacturers cannot get away with any of that and they must tack the cost of compliance onto the product......while their Chinese counterparts flaunt the EPA,. the Labor Laws and the Human rights laws to make a similar but much cheaper products.


In China, 3.3% live below the poverty line as of 2016. In United States, however, that number is 15.1% as of 2010.

  • The official poverty rate in 2016 was 12.7 percent, down 0.8 percentage points from 13.5 percent in 2015. This is the second consecutive annual decline in poverty. Since 2014, the poverty rate has fallen 2.1 percentage points from 14.8 percent to 12.7 percent.
Move you saggy old ass to China.
Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


Stfu pussy.
You are spineless and stupid
And you are a virtue signaling fascist pig.
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Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


Stfu pussy.
You are spineless and stupid
And a poo poo head too.....don't forget poo poo head!
No, spineless and stupid. Poo poo head has a tinge of humor. There is nothing funny about a dumbass like you.
There's even less funny about authoritarian knuckle draggers like you.
I'm right about this whether you believe it or not.

No one is forcing you to get vaccinated.

You’re just being a drama queen.
Why are you addressing me about this instead of all the hysterical bitches who are demanding everyone get the shot?

Why are you calling me a "drama queen" for telling the ones who are freaking out to fuck off, but I don't see you saying shit to anyone else?

Why is that?

Because nobody is forcing you to do anything. They’re just expressing themselves. It’s called the freedom of speech.
And the exercise of freedom of speech or what ever, exposes these individuals as spineless and stupid.
They are the shit stains of our American population.
They always have been. Trump has brought them out encouraged their behavior.
At last we know who they are.
They are slowly paying the price. Shunned by most, losing jobs, being arrested, doing jail time.
You should really quit eating the paint on your broadbrush.
Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


You sound VERY scared. Maybe you shouldnt be calling other people cowards.
No, you are just explaining Left wing hypocrisy and I simply don't give a damn.

But yea, you don't care about those who lost their job.

That much is evident.

I don’t think it’s hypocritical at all.

An employer could fire people for not getting the vaccine. An employer can fire people for getting the vaccine.

It’s up to them.
So where do you draw the line?

Should employers be able to fire you or not hire you based on:

1. Sexual orientation

2. Political orientation

3. If you smoke

4. If you are obese.

5. Your religious orientation.

Let me guess, only #1 is prohibited.
1. they killed themselves--big deal
--a. if you die of C19, you are usually obese/etc-it's YOUR fault
2. doesn't matter, Biden is destroying Amerca

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