Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans.

No, you are just explaining Left wing hypocrisy and I simply don't give a damn.

But yea, you don't care about those who lost their job.

That much is evident.

I don’t think it’s hypocritical at all.

An employer could fire people for not getting the vaccine. An employer can fire people for getting the vaccine.

It’s up to them.
So where do you draw the line?

Should employers be able to fire you or not hire you based on:

1. Sexual orientation

2. Political orientation

3. If you smoke

4. If you are obese.

5. Your religious orientation.

Let me guess, only #1 is prohibited.

I don’t draw the line, but it would be 1 and 5. Possibly 4 if it is considered a disability.

Political orientation and smoking habits aren’t protected classes.

You can be fired for being a Trump supporter. You can be fired for being a Biden supporter. Same idea with smoking.
No, you are just explaining Left wing hypocrisy and I simply don't give a damn.

But yea, you don't care about those who lost their job.

That much is evident.

I don’t think it’s hypocritical at all.

An employer could fire people for not getting the vaccine. An employer can fire people for getting the vaccine.

It’s up to them.
So where do you draw the line?

Should employers be able to fire you or not hire you based on:

1. Sexual orientation

2. Political orientation

3. If you smoke

4. If you are obese.

5. Your religious orientation.

Let me guess, only #1 is prohibited.

I don’t draw the line, but it would be 1 and 5. Possibly 4 if it is considered a disability.

Political orientation and smoking habits aren’t protected classes.

You can be fired for being a Trump supporter. You can be fired for being a Biden supporter. Same idea with smoking.
So why protect some and not others? Why so arbitrary?

You would allow employers to not hire based on smoking or possibly being overweight?

Are we to allow corporate America to try and achieve their master race of workers and throw the others to the dogs?

And as far as political orientation, so long as they are the master race and vote for those who support those who endorse the master race of workers can earn a living?

Do you think Hitler was on the right track with is master race of workers who also had to be a Nazi?
So why protect some and not others? Why so arbitrary?

Once again, it’s not up to me. I’m just explaining the rules.

If you have an issue with this, take it up with your congressman and see if they can change federal law.
So why protect some and not others? Why so arbitrary?

Once again, it’s not up to me. I’m just explaining the rules.

If you have an issue with this, take it up with your congressman and see if they can change federal law.


Honestly, I did not mean to take your manhood away from you in front of everyone like that

I feel so dirty inside.
Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


My body my choice.....right leftist scum? Go fuck yourself
Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


My body my choice.....right leftist scum? Go fuck yourself
Please, no mental images

What is imagined cannot be unimagined.
Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


So far, it looks like they are just hurting themselves....................and I'm ok with that.
Its all good.
Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


You have it exactly backwards Fudd. YOU are cowering in fear of a bug that kills LESS than 2% of ALL infected and of those the majority have 2-3 co-morbidities.
Oh, justaguy is beyond stupid.
possibly being overweight?
I believe this may be a protected class under ADA and the employer is actually required to make accommodation for these employees.
I got news for ya.

The only protected class are Leftists.
Preaching to the choir, but in some states that is the case, WA is one. However the EEOC does not consider obesity alone as a protected class. I was just addressing your post. If it was rhetorical, then my post is irrelevant.
Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


My body my choice.....right leftist scum? Go fuck yourself
Grandpa is spineless and stupid
Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


My body my choice.....right leftist scum? Go fuck yourself
Grandpa is spineless and stupid
Spineless? Hardly

Stupid? Debatable at times lol
Lets get back to that 'threatening all Americans'. About 80% of the deaths have come from people over retirement age. The rest have other issues such as smoking 4 packs a day, 400 pounds overweight. You might need to explain again this 'threatening all Americans' since most Americans don't fit in the risk category.
Yeah, I think I'm good here.
So overweight people, smokers etc. should be sacrificed & die because you assholes don't want the vaccine, Adolph? You're a prime example of what happens to low I.Q. jackasses who join a cult.

Odds have it that you're overweight & a 4 pack a day smoker because you think cigarettes don't cause cancer.
Lets get back to that 'threatening all Americans'. About 80% of the deaths have come from people over retirement age. The rest have other issues such as smoking 4 packs a day, 400 pounds overweight. You might need to explain again this 'threatening all Americans' since most Americans don't fit in the risk category.
Yeah, I think I'm good here.
So overweight people, smokers etc. should be sacrificed & die because you assholes don't want the vaccine, Adolph? You're a prime example of what happens to low I.Q. jackasses who join a cult.

Odds have it that you're overweight & a 4 pack a day smoker because you think cigarettes don't cause cancer.
Where the fuck do you get off trying to tell me how to manage my health asshole? If you are afraid or have health conditions that concern you, stay home. My freedom isn't subject to your unfounded fears. If you've been vaccinated, you have no worries. I've had covid and I'm not afraid.
Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


My body my choice.....right leftist scum? Go fuck yourself
Grandpa is spineless and stupid
Spineless? Hardly

Stupid? Debatable at times lol
good come back
Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


Should we cull those who can't be vaccinated to be safer?
Those who have a valid medical or religious reason to not get vaccinated are fine. We can easily hit 90% vaccination rate with put those individuals being vaccinated.
It is the spineless and stupid who are the problem

Some people just don't think it's worth the risk. A perfectly healthy 20 year old can probably get COVID and get just as good as an immune response as from being vaccinated.

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