Thou shalt have no other gods before me

This is the first of the 10 Commandments. God is acknowledging that there exists more than one god. Who are they? And where are they?

A question that I have always asked. Along with this, why would a lone all-powerful god send a relative to earth to be tortured?
This is the first of the 10 Commandments. God is acknowledging that there exists more than one god. Who are they? And where are they?
There are many things people treat as Gods.
Various possessions
God is admitting that there are other gods, he's probably pals with Hindu gods, they seem kinda badass too.

taz baby-----nope-----the directive ----"no other gods before me"-----in
Hebrew does NOT imply the existence of other "gods"-----sorry---it just
does not-----you are still dealing with an imprecise translation
It’s what it says. Suck it up grandma. :biggrin:
This is the first of the 10 Commandments. God is acknowledging that there exists more than one god. Who are they? And where are they?
There are many things people treat as Gods.
Various possessions
God is admitting that there are other gods, he's probably pals with Hindu gods, they seem kinda badass too.

taz baby-----nope-----the directive ----"no other gods before me"-----in
Hebrew does NOT imply the existence of other "gods"-----sorry---it just
does not-----you are still dealing with an imprecise translation
It’s what it says. Suck it up grandma. :biggrin:

yes-----it says what it says in a language that you do not
come close to understanding
yes-----it says what it says in a language that you do not
come close to understanding

- in a language that you do not come close to understanding ...

then it is the language that is in error and a false religion the language references, something about coveting - thou shall not. were those commandments real to begin with, as written.

no such issues with living and spoken religions including those from antiquity presently understood.

Thou shalt have no other gods before me

Because we should worship an insecure god.
We should try to "run it by the Big Kahuna", for godliness.
I’m partial to the Flying Spaghetti Monster. May You Be Touched by His Noodly Appendage.


This is the first of the 10 Commandments. God is acknowledging that there exists more than one god. Who are they? And where are they?
Well, if I remember my Cecil B. DeMille, when Moses “Chuck” Heston went up the hill to get better reception, weren’t the heathens down below melting down gold to make a Calf-God, while they were sucking and fucking and flinging their hair around?
This is the first of the 10 Commandments. God is acknowledging that there exists more than one god. Who are they? And where are they?

A question that I have always asked. Along with this, why would a lone all-powerful god send a relative to earth to be tortured?
The are many variations on the theology of this issue but the most difficult I find is the notion of the trinity. Taken in it’s pure form God’s son Jesus is actually a part of a three person identity, The Trinity. If so then God through his omniscience knew granting humanity free will would lead to sin even before he granted it thus making in some way ( if you accept the obscene notion of redemption through suffering) the Crucifixion necessary to atone for sins he made possible in the first place. So then, was God punishing himself? None of this makes any sense to me other than organised religion in the early days of Christianity realising instilling guilt into humanity was the best way to gain control over the masses.
This is the first of the 10 Commandments. God is acknowledging that there exists more than one god. Who are they? And where are they?
Greed, lust, pride, envy, laziness, wrath and gluttony.

They are inside us.
This is the first of the 10 Commandments. God is acknowledging that there exists more than one god. Who are they? And where are they?
Greed, lust, pride, envy, laziness, wrath and gluttony.

They are inside us.
God is talking about real gods as well. Hindu, native, ...

So god is acknowledging that other magical beings like him exist. So is this proof of more than one god?
This is the first of the 10 Commandments. God is acknowledging that there exists more than one god. Who are they? And where are they?
There are many things people treat as Gods.
Various possessions
God is admitting that there are other gods, he's probably pals with Hindu gods, they seem kinda badass too.

taz baby-----nope-----the directive ----"no other gods before me"-----in
Hebrew does NOT imply the existence of other "gods"-----sorry---it just
does not-----you are still dealing with an imprecise translation
It’s what it says. Suck it up grandma. :biggrin:

yes-----it says what it says in a language that you do not
come close to understanding
Rosie! You're dumping on me? I thought we were buds! :CryingCow:

But what IS your first language? :biggrin:
This is the first of the 10 Commandments. God is acknowledging that there exists more than one god. Who are they? And where are they?
Greed, lust, pride, envy, laziness, wrath and gluttony.

They are inside us.
God is talking about real gods as well. Hindu, native, ...

So god is acknowledging that other magical beings like him exist. So is this proof of more than one god?
I don’t believe so. For all I know it got lost in translation during revelation or it got lost in passing down between generations.
This is the first of the 10 Commandments. God is acknowledging that there exists more than one god. Who are they? And where are they?
Greed, lust, pride, envy, laziness, wrath and gluttony.

They are inside us.
God is talking about real gods as well. Hindu, native, ...

So god is acknowledging that other magical beings like him exist. So is this proof of more than one god?
I don’t believe so. For all I know it got lost in translation during revelation or it got lost in passing down between generations.
So basically you're saying that you can't be sure of anything you read in the bible. Like trying to cherry-pick movable goalposts. :biggrin:
This is the first of the 10 Commandments. God is acknowledging that there exists more than one god. Who are they? And where are they?
Greed, lust, pride, envy, laziness, wrath and gluttony.

They are inside us.
God is talking about real gods as well. Hindu, native, ...

So god is acknowledging that other magical beings like him exist. So is this proof of more than one god?
I don’t believe so. For all I know it got lost in translation during revelation or it got lost in passing down between generations.
So basically you're saying that you can't be sure of anything you read in the bible. Like trying to cherry-pick movable goalposts. :biggrin:
No. I am not saying that.

I am saying that you have to spend a great deal of time and effort discerning what someone wrote 3000 years ago. Same as you do for all religious texts.

It helps if you try to see each religion in its best light.
This is the first of the 10 Commandments. God is acknowledging that there exists more than one god. Who are they? And where are they?
Greed, lust, pride, envy, laziness, wrath and gluttony.

They are inside us.
God is talking about real gods as well. Hindu, native, ...

So god is acknowledging that other magical beings like him exist. So is this proof of more than one god?
I don’t believe so. For all I know it got lost in translation during revelation or it got lost in passing down between generations.
So basically you're saying that you can't be sure of anything you read in the bible. Like trying to cherry-pick movable goalposts. :biggrin:
So whether you do spend the time and effort to try to understand it is entirely up to you, but it seems to me that if you don’t that you are the one cherrypicking and moving the goal posts.
This is the first of the 10 Commandments. God is acknowledging that there exists more than one god. Who are they? And where are they?
Greed, lust, pride, envy, laziness, wrath and gluttony.

They are inside us.
God is talking about real gods as well. Hindu, native, ...

So god is acknowledging that other magical beings like him exist. So is this proof of more than one god?
I don’t believe so. For all I know it got lost in translation during revelation or it got lost in passing down between generations.
So basically you're saying that you can't be sure of anything you read in the bible. Like trying to cherry-pick movable goalposts. :biggrin:
No. I am not saying that.

I am saying that you have to spend a great deal of time and effort discerning what someone wrote 3000 years ago. Same as you do for all religious texts.

It helps if you try to see each religion in its best light.
Commandment one is saying that god knows that there are other gods. You don't believe that so you move the goalposts and call it mistranslation. Well, I have news for you, the WHOLE BIBLE WAS TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH. :lmao:
This is the first of the 10 Commandments. God is acknowledging that there exists more than one god. Who are they? And where are they?
Greed, lust, pride, envy, laziness, wrath and gluttony.

They are inside us.
God is talking about real gods as well. Hindu, native, ...

So god is acknowledging that other magical beings like him exist. So is this proof of more than one god?
I don’t believe so. For all I know it got lost in translation during revelation or it got lost in passing down between generations.
So basically you're saying that you can't be sure of anything you read in the bible. Like trying to cherry-pick movable goalposts. :biggrin:
So whether you do spend the time and effort to try to understand it is entirely up to you, but it seems to me that if you don’t that you are the one cherrypicking and moving the goal posts.
I took time to understand that god is saying that there are multiple gods.
Greed, lust, pride, envy, laziness, wrath and gluttony.

They are inside us.
God is talking about real gods as well. Hindu, native, ...

So god is acknowledging that other magical beings like him exist. So is this proof of more than one god?
I don’t believe so. For all I know it got lost in translation during revelation or it got lost in passing down between generations.
So basically you're saying that you can't be sure of anything you read in the bible. Like trying to cherry-pick movable goalposts. :biggrin:
So whether you do spend the time and effort to try to understand it is entirely up to you, but it seems to me that if you don’t that you are the one cherrypicking and moving the goal posts.
I took time to understand that god is saying that there are multiple gods.
A good website for all of your questions if you’re willing to learn.

How many Gods are there, one or many? |
How can there be a father/son relationship in the upstairs if there is no mother? Who was Jesus' mother? If you want to anthropomorophize some concept you have to do it all the way. Creating a "son" must involve both a male entity and a female entity. Don't give me just Mary, she only helped bring Jesus into the world in human form. I'm talking about the celestial being known as Jesus' mom. Who is she? Did she rebuke her husband for sending their child on a painful mission solely for her husband's ego?

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