Thou shalt have no other gods before me

for the record----the phrase "thou shalt have no other gods
before me" -----is a TRANSLATION of a Hebrew phrase.
It is IMPRECISE as translations USUALLY are-----a more accurate
translation (from the hood) would be -----"you gonna get all
your other concepts of "god" OUTTA MY FACE"
Yes, idolatry was their sin. The gods before God were mere idols.

bad translation
should we pray for wisdom from the god of Hellfire, to enable us to merely use forms to repurpose lava into easy to use shapes.
It has more to do with knowing who God is. I still say the Hebrews offer a fine map for coming to know God through His Law (Way). The question: Do I choose to know the One, or do I choose to yuck it up among the straw men?
how does that help us out?
This is the first of the 10 Commandments. God is acknowledging that there exists more than one god. Who are they? And where are they?
There are many things people treat as Gods.
Various possessions
God is admitting that there are other gods, he's probably pals with Hindu gods, they seem kinda badass too.
This is the first of the 10 Commandments. God is acknowledging that there exists more than one god. Who are they? And where are they?
There are many things people treat as Gods.
Various possessions
God is admitting that there are other gods, he's probably pals with Hindu gods, they seem kinda badass too.
Hindus have over a million Gods. Satan wanted to be a God, and is treated as such by millions.
This is the first of the 10 Commandments. God is acknowledging that there exists more than one god. Who are they? And where are they?
there is only one Almighty as by its definition similar in word above all others, exists - per the beings on this planet attest - whatever their rules are rules the universe for any beings freed spirit to continue their existence in the Everlasting, immortal or not would invariably qualify them for whatever is defined as being a god if so desired and accomplished.
This is the first of the 10 Commandments. God is acknowledging that there exists more than one god. Who are they? And where are they?
how does that help us out?
Don't we appreciate when someone shows us the best way to get from Point A to Point B, whether that is constructing something, traveling somewhere, or makes life easier. A good guide is always appreciated.
how does that help us out?
Don't we appreciate when someone shows us the best way to get from Point A to Point B, whether that is constructing something, traveling somewhere, or makes life easier. A good guide is always appreciated.
I would agree with you, but it is technology that is improving not our morals.
I would agree with you, but it is technology that is improving not our morals.
Are you speaking of society as a whole? As individuals everyone needs to be aware that what was true two thousand years ago remains true today: But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

I believe this means attention to God's will, God's Law. I am aware that some Christian denominations teach that we are no longer bound by the Law. I feel they misunderstood Paul and scriptures on this point, because they were not speaking of moral law but of dietary law, etc.
Using historical analysis, not that God every did battle with other gods like Zeus, or greek titans style, we can tell that the middle east was littered with competition gods like Baal, who the priests of Moses defeate I think the 1000 priests of baal, or the Babylonian Zoroastrianism that occupied Israel, I can't think of others.

mike dear-----Zoroastrianism WAS and still is PERSIAN----not
Babylonian------it never really "occupied" Israel----but it was
an issue when jews were IN PERSIA
This is the first of the 10 Commandments. God is acknowledging that there exists more than one god. Who are they? And where are they?
There are many things people treat as Gods.
Various possessions
God is admitting that there are other gods, he's probably pals with Hindu gods, they seem kinda badass too.

taz baby-----nope-----the directive ----"no other gods before me"-----in
Hebrew does NOT imply the existence of other "gods"-----sorry---it just
does not-----you are still dealing with an imprecise translation

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