Thought Experiment: After the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation battle, should American men be afraid?

Yet one was, and found nothing on which to move forward. Let it go already. This is why men argue about false accusations. Their lives can be ruined by those who latch on to an accusation and continue with it, even after there's no good reason to do so.
Even the FBI says that was severely limited and that they never even interviewed the principals much less all the witnesses.

That wasn't an investigation it was an excuse.

You demanded it, you got, and now you don't want it. Admit it, you wanted a fishing expedition that went on indefinitely, and no matter how long it went on, if it didn't turn up anything you would insist something was wrong with it.
Didn't get it. Got the shaft instead.

I'm sure it was very painful when you realized it wasn't going to give you what you wanted, after demanding it.
Didn't get it. Already told you, that wasn't an investigation. It was a sham designed to cover the people in the fence. Total bullshit, just like most things coming from the tRump *administration*.
It was a proper investigation
Even the FBI says that was severely limited and that they never even interviewed the principals much less all the witnesses.

That wasn't an investigation it was an excuse.

You demanded it, you got, and now you don't want it. Admit it, you wanted a fishing expedition that went on indefinitely, and no matter how long it went on, if it didn't turn up anything you would insist something was wrong with it.
Didn't get it. Got the shaft instead.

I'm sure it was very painful when you realized it wasn't going to give you what you wanted, after demanding it.
Didn't get it. Already told you, that wasn't an investigation. It was a sham designed to cover the people in the fence. Total bullshit, just like most things coming from the tRump *administration*.
It was a proper investigation
Not according to the FBI.
Why would anyone make a false accusation? Very rare as it brings nothing to the accuser. Yet these perverts walk around on our streets every day. Like it or not, women are stalked by these perverts. You sound like you want to protect these pervs from what should be coming to them. This "false accusation" thing is just another effort by males who are nothing but right-wing, sexually promiscuous whores.
Because bad women exist.....

What do you have to say to the victims? What do you have to say to the men who do these things? How many "bad women" do you think exist as opposed to actual victims and actual attackers? Look at how many people have appeared to tell their stories of being attacked, not only in the U.S., but the world over, from France to the UK to India to Africa to Australia and beyond.

I have never known this Brett Kavanaugh personally. But it would not surprise me if he were a drunken 'ho who paws other people. I've met this type.

You don't know him, but you know his type...

How can you know what type he is, without knowing him?

The way his friends and old roommate, from two different schools (high school and college) described his behavior and his drinking. The bar fight. Mark Judge's book. His less than stellar behavior during the hearings, including the tantrum. Spoiled drunken frat boy. He probably did wave his privates in that girl's face. These spoiled puppies were never given clear boundaries growing up. They just think that they can do anything they want, and, sadly, society lets them.

Every man that drank in college is not a rapist.

There was no bar fight.

And being angry at being mercilessly and vicious attacked by vile morons, is completely called for.

You assume that the accusations are true, because, as you keep bringing up, you were assaulted.

Your "reasoning" is more along the lines of hysteria.

Nope. I the society that I came from in northern Jersey, we girls and boys were raised to mind our manners at all times. No one would grope another human being. I am questioning where this trash came from, what societies these animals came from, what their parents taught them, what their "religions" taught them.

I know that you use the word "hysteria" because you think that it is somehow "cute" and applies to girls. No. I was raised in an area (predominantly Christian, ! might add), where people were taught proper social behavior. Then one goes to college and meets these animals. Why don't you address their behavior? We know the difference between people who are scum and those who are respectable citizens.

Acknowledge misconduct, and let's get it the hell out of here before it can damage society any more. There is no more protecting these animals.
You demanded it, you got, and now you don't want it. Admit it, you wanted a fishing expedition that went on indefinitely, and no matter how long it went on, if it didn't turn up anything you would insist something was wrong with it.
Didn't get it. Got the shaft instead.

I'm sure it was very painful when you realized it wasn't going to give you what you wanted, after demanding it.
Didn't get it. Already told you, that wasn't an investigation. It was a sham designed to cover the people in the fence. Total bullshit, just like most things coming from the tRump *administration*.
It was a proper investigation
Not according to the FBI.
Yes according to the fbi
Because bad women exist.....

What do you have to say to the victims? What do you have to say to the men who do these things? How many "bad women" do you think exist as opposed to actual victims and actual attackers? Look at how many people have appeared to tell their stories of being attacked, not only in the U.S., but the world over, from France to the UK to India to Africa to Australia and beyond.

I have never known this Brett Kavanaugh personally. But it would not surprise me if he were a drunken 'ho who paws other people. I've met this type.

You don't know him, but you know his type...

How can you know what type he is, without knowing him?

The way his friends and old roommate, from two different schools (high school and college) described his behavior and his drinking. The bar fight. Mark Judge's book. His less than stellar behavior during the hearings, including the tantrum. Spoiled drunken frat boy. He probably did wave his privates in that girl's face. These spoiled puppies were never given clear boundaries growing up. They just think that they can do anything they want, and, sadly, society lets them.

Every man that drank in college is not a rapist.

There was no bar fight.

And being angry at being mercilessly and vicious attacked by vile morons, is completely called for.

You assume that the accusations are true, because, as you keep bringing up, you were assaulted.

Your "reasoning" is more along the lines of hysteria.

Nope. I the society that I came from in northern Jersey, we girls and boys were raised to mind our manners at all times. No one would grope another human being. I am questioning where this trash came from, what societies these animals came from, what their parents taught them, what their "religions" taught them.

I know that you use the word "hysteria" because you think that it is somehow "cute" and applies to girls. No. I was raised in an area (predominantly Christian, ! might add), where people were taught proper social behavior. Then one goes to college and meets these animals. Why don't you address their behavior? We know the difference between people who are scum and those who are respectable citizens.

Acknowledge misconduct, and let's get it the hell out of here before it can damage society any more. There is no more protecting these animals.
No one ignores misconduct. It is why we have a justice system
Because bad women exist.....

What do you have to say to the victims? What do you have to say to the men who do these things? How many "bad women" do you think exist as opposed to actual victims and actual attackers? Look at how many people have appeared to tell their stories of being attacked, not only in the U.S., but the world over, from France to the UK to India to Africa to Australia and beyond.

I have never known this Brett Kavanaugh personally. But it would not surprise me if he were a drunken 'ho who paws other people. I've met this type.

You don't know him, but you know his type...

How can you know what type he is, without knowing him?

The way his friends and old roommate, from two different schools (high school and college) described his behavior and his drinking. The bar fight. Mark Judge's book. His less than stellar behavior during the hearings, including the tantrum. Spoiled drunken frat boy. He probably did wave his privates in that girl's face. These spoiled puppies were never given clear boundaries growing up. They just think that they can do anything they want, and, sadly, society lets them.

Every man that drank in college is not a rapist.

There was no bar fight.

And being angry at being mercilessly and vicious attacked by vile morons, is completely called for.

You assume that the accusations are true, because, as you keep bringing up, you were assaulted.

Your "reasoning" is more along the lines of hysteria.

Nope. I the society that I came from in northern Jersey, we girls and boys were raised to mind our manners at all times. No one would grope another human being. I am questioning where this trash came from, what societies these animals came from, what their parents taught them, what their "religions" taught them.

Errr, what? What does this have to do with anything?

I know that you use the word "hysteria" because you think that it is somehow "cute" and applies to girls. No. I was raised in an area (predominantly Christian, ! might add), where people were taught proper social behavior. Then one goes to college and meets these animals. Why don't you address their behavior? We know the difference between people who are scum and those who are respectable citizens.

No, I used it, because it is the word that best describes your behavior.

The reason I do not address their behavior, is because their behavior is not relevant to the Kavanaugh confirmation battle.

Because the claim that he exhibited such behavior is completely unsupported.

Acknowledge misconduct, and let's get it the hell out of here before it can damage society any more. There is no more protecting these animals.

No one is protecting them. THe problem is that you are quite willing to throw men to the wolves before it is established that they are actually guilty.

It is dishonest to pretend that this conversation is about something it is not, AND it is very insulting to those that you accuse of "protecting animals".

It is obvious that you don't give a damn about women, you just want to use this to smear Republicans, and/or white males.
What do you have to say to the victims? What do you have to say to the men who do these things? How many "bad women" do you think exist as opposed to actual victims and actual attackers? Look at how many people have appeared to tell their stories of being attacked, not only in the U.S., but the world over, from France to the UK to India to Africa to Australia and beyond.

I have never known this Brett Kavanaugh personally. But it would not surprise me if he were a drunken 'ho who paws other people. I've met this type.

You don't know him, but you know his type...

How can you know what type he is, without knowing him?

The way his friends and old roommate, from two different schools (high school and college) described his behavior and his drinking. The bar fight. Mark Judge's book. His less than stellar behavior during the hearings, including the tantrum. Spoiled drunken frat boy. He probably did wave his privates in that girl's face. These spoiled puppies were never given clear boundaries growing up. They just think that they can do anything they want, and, sadly, society lets them.

Every man that drank in college is not a rapist.

There was no bar fight.

And being angry at being mercilessly and vicious attacked by vile morons, is completely called for.

You assume that the accusations are true, because, as you keep bringing up, you were assaulted.

Your "reasoning" is more along the lines of hysteria.

Nope. I the society that I came from in northern Jersey, we girls and boys were raised to mind our manners at all times. No one would grope another human being. I am questioning where this trash came from, what societies these animals came from, what their parents taught them, what their "religions" taught them.

Errr, what? What does this have to do with anything?

I know that you use the word "hysteria" because you think that it is somehow "cute" and applies to girls. No. I was raised in an area (predominantly Christian, ! might add), where people were taught proper social behavior. Then one goes to college and meets these animals. Why don't you address their behavior? We know the difference between people who are scum and those who are respectable citizens.

No, I used it, because it is the word that best describes your behavior.

The reason I do not address their behavior, is because their behavior is not relevant to the Kavanaugh confirmation battle.

Because the claim that he exhibited such behavior is completely unsupported.

Acknowledge misconduct, and let's get it the hell out of here before it can damage society any more. There is no more protecting these animals.

No one is protecting them. THe problem is that you are quite willing to throw men to the wolves before it is established that they are actually guilty.

It is dishonest to pretend that this conversation is about something it is not, AND it is very insulting to those that you accuse of "protecting animals".

It is obvious that you don't give a damn about women, you just want to use this to smear Republicans, and/or white males.

Quit with the fantasy. Nobody is accusing "white males," as a group, you idiot. If there is anyone I would love to bring back from the dead to the porch to argue whether it was right to drop nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, like my father and I would do when I was a teenager and he brought tons of books home from the library for us to read together, I would love for my "white male" father to come back to me. The current republicans are cheap trash who protect animals, so I don't give a rat's ass that I insult them, because they do these things with the thought of dragging us all into their gutter. People like trump and pigpence (and kavanaugh) choose to live in a dirty world of their own creation.

How did I know that my Dad was suffering from dementia? When I took him for a doctor's appointment and he entered an elevator with his hat on and I had to remind him. How did I know that he was at least part of the man who raised me? When we ate in the dining room at his senior living center and there was a man there who ate with a reversed baseball cap on and my father when ballistic at his lack of manners.

The republicans need to stop behaving like a pack of uncivilized rodents and start living as civilized people. It is "please," "thank you," "yes, ma'm," "yes, sir." Learn it.
No one wants to live in fear, and most people don't aspire to have others live in fear of them, in my opinion. However if this fear results in a reckoning regarding the how women have traditionally been treated by men in society, then something positive may come of it

Fear is not a pleasant thing, but transformation usually requires it. Coupled with empathy, it might lead men to imagine how women must have felt for eons — always fearful that they would be branded as sluts, or forced to give birth against their will, or experience sex as violent assault. Women carry these anxieties in their emotional DNA.

Some men are now finding out that it’s not fun to be afraid.​


#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello, NVM. In your opinion who among us are the primary child caretakers responsible for raising, nurturing and socializing perfectly HEALTHY American newborns maturing into fairly or wonderfully happy, reasonably responsible teen and adult citizens, respecting themselves, as well as embracing empathy, compassion and respect for their peaceful and/or less fortunate neighbors?

Conversely, who are the FAILED primary child caretakers raising and socializing perfectly healthy newborns maturing into apparent HATEFUL, emotionally troubled teen and adult citizens believing it is acceptable to rape women, as well as physically or emotionally harm women?
American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect
You don't know him, but you know his type...

How can you know what type he is, without knowing him?

The way his friends and old roommate, from two different schools (high school and college) described his behavior and his drinking. The bar fight. Mark Judge's book. His less than stellar behavior during the hearings, including the tantrum. Spoiled drunken frat boy. He probably did wave his privates in that girl's face. These spoiled puppies were never given clear boundaries growing up. They just think that they can do anything they want, and, sadly, society lets them.

Every man that drank in college is not a rapist.

There was no bar fight.

And being angry at being mercilessly and vicious attacked by vile morons, is completely called for.

You assume that the accusations are true, because, as you keep bringing up, you were assaulted.

Your "reasoning" is more along the lines of hysteria.

Nope. I the society that I came from in northern Jersey, we girls and boys were raised to mind our manners at all times. No one would grope another human being. I am questioning where this trash came from, what societies these animals came from, what their parents taught them, what their "religions" taught them.

Errr, what? What does this have to do with anything?

I know that you use the word "hysteria" because you think that it is somehow "cute" and applies to girls. No. I was raised in an area (predominantly Christian, ! might add), where people were taught proper social behavior. Then one goes to college and meets these animals. Why don't you address their behavior? We know the difference between people who are scum and those who are respectable citizens.

No, I used it, because it is the word that best describes your behavior.

The reason I do not address their behavior, is because their behavior is not relevant to the Kavanaugh confirmation battle.

Because the claim that he exhibited such behavior is completely unsupported.

Acknowledge misconduct, and let's get it the hell out of here before it can damage society any more. There is no more protecting these animals.

No one is protecting them. THe problem is that you are quite willing to throw men to the wolves before it is established that they are actually guilty.

It is dishonest to pretend that this conversation is about something it is not, AND it is very insulting to those that you accuse of "protecting animals".

It is obvious that you don't give a damn about women, you just want to use this to smear Republicans, and/or white males.

Quit with the fantasy. Nobody is accusing "white males," as a group, you idiot. If there is anyone I would love to bring back from the dead to the porch to argue whether it was right to drop nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, like my father and I would do when I was a teenager and he brought tons of books home from the library for us to read together, I would love for my "white male" father to come back to me. The current republicans are cheap trash who protect animals, so I don't give a rat's ass that I insult them, because they do these things with the thought of dragging us all into their gutter. People like trump and pigpence (and kavanaugh) choose to live in a dirty world of their own creation.

How did I know that my Dad was suffering from dementia? When I took him for a doctor's appointment and he entered an elevator with his hat on and I had to remind him. How did I know that he was at least part of the man who raised me? When we ate in the dining room at his senior living center and there was a man there who ate with a reversed baseball cap on and my father when ballistic at his lack of manners.

The republicans need to stop behaving like a pack of uncivilized rodents and start living as civilized people. It is "please," "thank you," "yes, ma'm," "yes, sir." Learn it.

You are outraged that we did not believe the accusations against Kavanaugh.

I've asked you repeatedly how are we supposed to, in your opinion, tell the difference between true and false allegations, between good and bad men.

You have not told me. YOu keep going on about how terrible sexual assault is, and how terrible society is for protecting the men that do it, and on and on.

THe only logical conclusion is that you want us to accept any and all accusations against men, especially white men.

That makes men, especially white men, second class citizens, without a lot of rights taken away.

Such men, will always be at the mercy of a society that is ready to unleash the full power of the State, not to mention the Mob, on them, without justification or mercy.

That is what you seem to want, and THAT is certainly an attack on men, especially white men, as a group.

If that is NOT what you want, you need to take a long look at your position on this issue.
No one wants to live in fear, and most people don't aspire to have others live in fear of them, in my opinion. However if this fear results in a reckoning regarding the how women have traditionally been treated by men in society, then something positive may come of it

Fear is not a pleasant thing, but transformation usually requires it. Coupled with empathy, it might lead men to imagine how women must have felt for eons — always fearful that they would be branded as sluts, or forced to give birth against their will, or experience sex as violent assault. Women carry these anxieties in their emotional DNA.​
Some men are now finding out that it’s not fun to be afraid.​

With his place of incarceration now publicly known, bi-racial Holtzclaw should be concerned.

Witch hunts are as old as human society, and whether the target is a woman or a man, everyone should be fearful of this impulse and its tragic outcomes.
That is the stupidest thing that I have ever heard. Women clearly are second class citizens in this country. Fortune 500 companies are overwhelmingly male. Males hold nearly every seat of power in federal, state, and local government. and men make more than women to name just a few measurements. Males have it made in every phase of society.
That is the stupidest c laim anyone has heard. Women are not second class citizens, men are, especially white men.

women have more rights and protection under the law than men.

Heads of companies are overwhelmingly men because women overwhelmingly do not pursue such positions.
Males hold sucgh seats in government because women elect them. The income fap exists because of women's personal choices.

Males pay most of the taxes while women recieve most tax benefits. Men are discriminated against in family court. Women get lighter sentences thasn men for the same crimes.

You have it quite backwards.
No post up some stats for actual rape cases as a comparison. You will see that they are as I said, vanishingly rare.
Your statement that false accusations are vanashing rare is an outright lie and comparison of the STATS prove it.

False accusations which are PROVEN false make up about 2 to 3 percent of all accusations. Accusations which are proven true make up about 3 to 4 percent of all accusations. The only way we know if they are true is when they are proven in court.

What this means is that over 90% of all accusations are unresolved and we do nto know and cannot prove one way or the other if they are true or false. The assumption you are running on is that ONLY false accusations are the ones proven false. It is ludicrous to claim most of the unresolved accusations are true just as it is kudicrous to believe they are false. The truth is probably somewhere close to the middle but we can never really know.

Either way false accusations are common and a threat to all. Even without a conviction they can destroy the accused.
Your statement that false accusations are vanashing rare is an outright lie and comparison of the STATS prove it.

False accusations which are PROVEN false make up about 2 to 3 percent of all accusations. Accusations which are proven true make up about 3 to 4 percent of all accusations. The only way we know if they are true is when they are proven in court.

What this means is that over 90% of all accusations are unresolved and we do nto know and cannot prove one way or the other if they are true or false. The assumption you are running on is that ONLY false accusations are the ones proven false. It is ludicrous to claim most of the unresolved accusations are true just as it is kudicrous to believe they are false. The truth is probably somewhere close to the middle but we can never really know.

Either way false accusations are common and a threat to all. Even without a conviction they can destroy the accused.
Since I'm not a rapist I'm not afaid.

You're not an American. If the CCP wants to put a bullet in your head, they'll charge your family for it.

We are concerned with America, which prior to 2008 had at least a semblance of equal protection under law.

The first Obiden regime put an end to that.
You're not an American. If the CCP wants to put a bullet in your head, they'll charge your family for it.

We are concerned with America, which prior to 2008 had at least a semblance of equal protection under law.

The first Obiden regime put an end to that.
Do you actually believe the shit you spew or are you just trying to get my goat?

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