Thoughts about the protestors blocking CA freeway?

But I will defend the right for a peaceful protest which, despite inconvenience of some motorists, is completely allowed by the 1st amendment. It is public property.

I don't have a problem with a peaceful protest done under the local laws. I've had to detour around streets that were closed for such reasons but the people doing the protest went through the proper channels. Those blocking the roads in this situation didn't nor does their right without such approval mean they can cause me inconvenience.

But that's allowed under the 1st amendment as long as the protest is not blocking but moving in unison. Police usually try to move the protest to the sidewalks if feasible.

The whole point of protesting is to make the community aware of a situation they may not be aware of. People can protest for any reason or no reason at all. I can start yelling nonsense on a street corner and that's protesting.

Their 1st amendment rights can violate my rights. If they are prohibiting my movement, they are violating my rights.

You seem to think 1st amendment rights are absolute. Most places have ordinances that required permits to do such things even in unison. Since their protests didn't meet them, they are in violation of the law.

What amendment says you have the right of movement?

So you defend people being where they shouldn't but oppose my vehicle being on a road designed for that purpose. It's no wonder those idiots do what they do. They have dumbasses like you defending theirs. Guess I'd just run them over and say they ran out in front of me where I was supposed to be.
But I will defend the right for a peaceful protest which, despite inconvenience of some motorists, is completely allowed by the 1st amendment. It is public property.

I don't have a problem with a peaceful protest done under the local laws. I've had to detour around streets that were closed for such reasons but the people doing the protest went through the proper channels. Those blocking the roads in this situation didn't nor does their right without such approval mean they can cause me inconvenience.
I drive a 4x4, have a 1911, two mags and 50 more rounds in the console, and a Sig M-400 and five 30 round mags behind the seat.

I don't plan to get cut off anywhere for very long.

Motherfucker with a hammer jump on my truck, and he better have 100 other motherfuckers with hammers backing him up.
They love the idea of the first amendment until some uppity negros pretend they have the same right
But I will defend the right for a peaceful protest which, despite inconvenience of some motorists, is completely allowed by the 1st amendment. It is public property.

I don't have a problem with a peaceful protest done under the local laws. I've had to detour around streets that were closed for such reasons but the people doing the protest went through the proper channels. Those blocking the roads in this situation didn't nor does their right without such approval mean they can cause me inconvenience.
I drive a 4x4, have a 1911, two mags and 50 more rounds in the console, and a Sig M-400 and five 30 round mags behind the seat.

I don't plan to get cut off anywhere for very long.

Motherfucker with a hammer jump on my truck, and he better have 100 other motherfuckers with hammers backing him up.
Yes, yes. We know...You're Johnny BadAss.
What amendment says you have the right of movement?

Just curious did you get a chance to watch the first video?

Did you see the people that were being blocked? People who were health care workers. People who were worried about losing their jobs and feeding their families, do you care about their rights?

Kudos to the guy that tried to wrestle the bullhorn from the abnoxious brat.
Irony defined: The same crowd that jumped Chris Christies bones for closing lanes on a bridge has no problem with protestors blocking an interstate.........
That most on the right are frightened by acts of civil disobedience and dissent in accordance with the First Amendment, and seek to ridicule it comes as no surprise.

This also demonstrates the extent to which most on the right simply don't get it.

Oh Lord------do I detect another phobia being concocted ? I guess homophobia worked so well that we now have civil disobedientaphobes ?

:lol: like anyone is frightened by 'dissent in accordance with the First Amendment' ...

wake up dems, inciting destruction in our communities is not an 'act of civil disobedience'!


Pants up don't loot
That most on the right are frightened by acts of civil disobedience and dissent in accordance with the First Amendment, and seek to ridicule it comes as no surprise.

This also demonstrates the extent to which most on the right simply don't get it.

Oh Lord------do I detect another phobia being concocted ? I guess homophobia worked so well that we now have civil disobedientaphobes ?

:lol: like anyone is frightened by 'dissent in accordance with the First Amendment' ...

wake up dems, inciting destruction in our communities is not an 'act of civil disobedience'!


Pants up don't loot

:lol: yep, good one!

Martin Luther King's memory and peaceful protests have been turned into a farce by the riots, lawlessness and the Democratic Parties promoted racism of a small minority of not overly bright African Americans and their dimwitted tag alongs.
Which of the Democratic parties were doing this?
Why are all race baiters working or promoting votes for the Democrat Party?
Martin Luther King's memory and peaceful protests have been turned into a farce by the riots, lawlessness and the Democratic Parties promoted racism of a small minority of not overly bright African Americans and their dimwitted tag alongs.
Which of the Democratic parties were doing this?
Why are all race baiters working or promoting votes for the Democrat Party?

Because of how you perceive the world maybe?
But I will defend the right for a peaceful protest which, despite inconvenience of some motorists, is completely allowed by the 1st amendment. It is public property.

I don't have a problem with a peaceful protest done under the local laws. I've had to detour around streets that were closed for such reasons but the people doing the protest went through the proper channels. Those blocking the roads in this situation didn't nor does their right without such approval mean they can cause me inconvenience.

But that's allowed under the 1st amendment as long as the protest is not blocking but moving in unison. Police usually try to move the protest to the sidewalks if feasible.

The whole point of protesting is to make the community aware of a situation they may not be aware of. People can protest for any reason or no reason at all. I can start yelling nonsense on a street corner and that's protesting.

Their 1st amendment rights can violate my rights. If they are prohibiting my movement, they are violating my rights.

You seem to think 1st amendment rights are absolute. Most places have ordinances that required permits to do such things even in unison. Since their protests didn't meet them, they are in violation of the law.

What amendment says you have the right of movement?

It's in the Constitution, not the BOR. "The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States." The earliest Supreme Court case I have ever heard of was Paul v. Virginia, 75 U.S. 168 (1869), the Court defined freedom of movement as "right of free ingress into other States, and egress from them."
"What is so remarkable is they might as well have come out with a flying saucer attached to all of their heads in solidarity of Michael Brown being transported to Venus on a flying saucer, because that happened as much as [hands up] happened," he said, adding that claims made by Brown's friend, Dorian Johnson, alleging that Brown had his hands up at the time of the shooting conflicted with other witness testimony. "They are using his accomplice in the robbery that was with him at the time, who also claimed that Michael Brown was shot in the back. And for some reason the media attaches to these narratives that will stir up further protests."

Joe Scarborough Slams Coverage Of Michael Brown Shooting
We are doing such a grave disservice to police officers in this country by pushing a narrative that they are just going around looking to shoot and kill black people. Somebody needs to tell me why Michael Brown has been chosen as the face of black oppression.

... There are so many great people to embrace as heroes in the black community, that deciding you're going to embrace a guy that knocked over a convenience store, and then, according to grand jury testimony, acting in ways that would get my children shot on Staten Island or in Queens or in Brooklyn, that's your hero?

That's the reason you want to burn down black businesses? ...

That's why you want to block African-American commuters with five children going to work in the Bay Area and get them fired? Really? This is your mission in life?
That most on the right are frightened by acts of civil disobedience and dissent in accordance with the First Amendment, and seek to ridicule it comes as no surprise.

This also demonstrates the extent to which most on the right simply don't get it.

You understand that blocking traffic is not hurting the government that they are protesting against, right?

That's like PETA blocking entrance into a vegan restaurant.

What idiots progressives are

But they're good for a chuckle
Van Jones's gang, Occupy Wall Street or OWS, headquartered in Oakland, Ca is looking for an excuse to continue the socialist revolution. No doubt the republican sweep in the last mid term fueled their anger more than Ferguson.
What would end it is if traffic just didn't stop. Traffic moves at 65 to 70 along those freeways. Blocking any freeway wouldn't last long.
That most on the right are frightened by acts of civil disobedience and dissent in accordance with the First Amendment, and seek to ridicule it comes as no surprise.

This also demonstrates the extent to which most on the right simply don't get it.
No one is frightened. Annoyed but not frightened.

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