Thoughts on the Bipartisan UFO Whistleblower Hearings tomorrow

Pretty sure the government has suppressed information on unexplained aerial phenomena for years. There is no telling what they know, as I ma sure you know.
Consider this. Any hints you have been given that aliens exist might be a lie the government puts out to get the masses behind funding space exploration.

The idea that aliens might have made it here sure makes me want to go to the moon, Mara and beyond.

They don’t have to lie to me to get me to support space exploration. It’s you guys they have to win over.

If you truly believe aliens made it here you must support humans going to mars. Or should we just stay dumb and never learn and do whatever it is those aliens learned and did to be able to come here.

Glad you support space exploration. That is what these stories are designed to do. So yes the gov is playing you
Consider this. Any hints you have been given that aliens exist might be a lie the government puts out to get the masses behind funding space exploration.

The idea that aliens might have made it here sure makes me want to go to the moon, Mara and beyond.

They don’t have to lie to me to get me to support space exploration. It’s you guys they have to win over.

If you truly believe aliens made it here you must support humans going to mars. Or should we just stay dumb and never learn and do whatever it is those aliens learned and did to be able to come here.

Glad you support space exploration. That is what these stories are designed to do. So yes the gov is playing you
I can see this really upsets you, and you find it important, people accept your point of view, yet you will not be able to stop the testimony. The incidents reported are no longer confined to a secret book. Is the cultural shock of the possibility too much for you? Relax.
I can see this really upsets you, and you find it important, people accept your point of view, yet you will not be able to stop the testimony. The incidents reported are no longer confined to a secret book. Is the cultural shock of the possibility too much for you? Relax.

No sir it doesn't upset me. I have the ability to think. If it's not aliens, what else might it be.

Or do you want ancient aliens and just believe it all?

I'm not upset just rational and not gullible.

On a scale of 1-10 10 being most sure, how sure are you aliens are among us? Don't get upset. Just give me a number. It's simple. Don't ask a question, don't NOT give me a number. I need a number to see how stupid you are.
No sir it doesn't upset me. I have the ability to think. If it's not aliens, what else might it be.

Or do you want ancient aliens and just believe it all?

I'm not upset just rational and not gullible.

On a scale of 1-10 10 being most sure, how sure are you aliens are among us? Don't get upset. Just give me a number. It's simple. Don't ask a question, don't NOT give me a number. I need a number to see how stupid you are.
Why? Is it definitively going to affect me? For that matter, is it definitively going to affect you?
Why? Is it definitively going to affect me? For that matter, is it definitively going to affect you?
I can't answer your question until you answer mine. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being CERTAIN aliens are among us, how certain are you?

Trying to make a point.
I can't answer your question until you answer mine. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being CERTAIN aliens are among us, how certain are you?

Trying to make a point.
I'm not certain. Certainty is not the point. I am definitely open to the idea. I am definitively certain the government tried for many years to keep the issue under wraps, but failed.
I'm not certain. Certainty is not the point. I am definitely open to the idea. I am definitively certain the government tried for many years to keep the issue under wraps, but failed.
So the point I wanted to make is that you and I aren't actually in disagreement on this subject. Something fishy going on there. What is it they know and aren't telling us? God I would love to know.

But honestly, if it's true, then it's something they don't even tell presidents. Because no question in my mind, if Trump saw aliens, we'd know about it already.

So do they even keep this from presidents knowing that they only serve for 4 or 8 years? Does every senator and house member know about it? No way. So it must be the people who serve on a special committee are the only ones told about it. And they are told if they blab they'll end up killed.

They should put George Santos on that committee. No one would believe him if he blabbed. LOL
So the point I wanted to make is that you and I aren't actually in disagreement on this subject. Something fishy going on there. What is it they know and aren't telling us? God I would love to know.

But honestly, if it's true, then it's something they don't even tell presidents. Because no question in my mind, if Trump saw aliens, we'd know about it already.

So do they even keep this from presidents knowing that they only serve for 4 or 8 years? Does every senator and house member know about it? No way. So it must be the people who serve on a special committee are the only ones told about it. And they are told if they blab they'll end up killed.

They should put George Santos on that committee. No one would believe him if he blabbed. LOL
Not so sure, unless they landed at Mara Largo and interfered with a Tee shot. Remember, he like other presidents did not even release all information on the Kennedy assassination, back in 1963, almost 60 years ago.

It amazes at times, what information, findings, evidence on a variety of things our government and all others (for that matter) find too harmful to their populations (or the governments) to be released to the public.
I watched the hearings and I'm glad at least someone is taking this seriously. I've seen UFOs at least four times as an astronomer and trained observer and science specialist: two of the times I can explain away as likely weather balloons. One other time I can sort of explain it away as a balloon of some type, though it seemed to defy all of the common notions about balloon behavior and other things, but the fourth time, seen through a telescope in the late 1960s, cannot be explained by any known science then or now and defied the laws of physics.

What the government has admitted to is the awareness of non-human vehicles of a seemingly extraterrestrial origin, some of which have crashed, to which the USA has recovered several for study, and with the presence of some non-human biologics recovered as well.
Not so sure, unless they landed at Mara Largo and interfered with a Tee shot. Remember, he like other presidents did not even release all information on the Kennedy assassination, back in 1963, almost 60 years ago.

It amazes at times, what information, findings, evidence on a variety of things our government and all others (for that matter) find too harmful to their populations (or the governments) to be released to the public.
President Donald Trump says he’s heard some interesting things about Roswell, but he’s not sharing even with his eldest child.

Don Jr. wound down his interview by jokingly asking his Dad/President if he would ever divulge more information about Roswell, the New Mexico city known for its proximity to arguably most famousUFO event — “and let us know what’s really going on.”

Trump responded, “I won’t talk to you about what I know about it, but it’s very interesting.”

In 1947, a rancher discovered unidentifiable debris in his sheep pasture outside Roswell. Air Force officials said it was a crashed weather balloon, but skeptics questioned whether it was in fact at extraterrestrial flying saucer. Decades later the U.S. military acknowledged the debris was related to a top-secret atomic project. Still, the UFO theory has flourished.

The president in the past has spoken skeptically about the possibility that there is something out there. Last year Trump said he received short briefing on UFO sighting, but also offered: “People are saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly.”

After his father offered that he heard some “interesting” things about Roswell, Trump Jr. asked the president might declassify that information someday.

“Well, I’ll have to think about that one,” the president responded.

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