Thoughts & Prayers

The gun cult, Congressional Republicans, the NRA, gun manufacturers, are not moved by deaths. They'll watch the next mass murder and the one after that and so on in perpetuity and will forever put money and votes above lives. It isn't them being killed it is someone else, and they could not give a shit. Their only prayers are for more people to buy guns to protect themselves from all the people that have bought guns.

And these same people will claim to be Christians. A religion of 'peace'.

It's sad and tragic that these things happen and that there are crazy people in the world, but that does not justify taking away OR even limiting one of my constitutional rights. Has absolutely NOTHING to do with me.

Yet you have no problem with lawn darts or three wheel motorcycles being outlawed. The right has just the phoniest meme arguments that have just grown old and stale.

What are you talking about? Lol. I never said I wanted any of those things banned.
If Liberals really wanted to end gun violence and get them out of the hands of criminals, Obama would not have given THOUSANDS of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels ... or to the Muslim Brotherhood ... or to Al Qaeda ... or to ISIS ...

yet ANOTHER lame attempt to divert from the objective......

Want to claim that the bastard in Las Vegas got his weapons from drug cartels. Muslims Brotherhood, or A-Q????

Go on LIST how many weapons Paddock got because of Obama's mistake....Go on, list them.................I'll wait........
Look, if you want to give up your freedom for security provided to you by your government, then there are PLENTY of places you can live and be perfectly satisfied. This is AMERICA where certain freedoms are guaranteed.
".just ask how many casualties there were in LV in a period of TEN FUCKING MINUTES." They don't care, at all.
Oh we care - we just don't let EMOTION during a tragedy dictate knee-jerk legislation that would not have prevented that tragedy or prevent another such tragedy in the future.
Look, if you want to give up your freedom for security provided to you by your government, then there are PLENTY of places you can live and be perfectly satisfied. This is AMERICA where certain freedoms are guaranteed.
She shoots, she scores.

Oops, maybe I should not have used the term 'shoots' in this thread. I might offend someone. My bad - sorry. :p
You sound like that jackass Steven Colbert. He demanded something be done. When he was asked what he responded by saying "ANYTHING"

Oh, I have quite a few plans of action......and nitwits like you would not like ANY of them since you DO just cling to your guns and bibles.

Bring it.
I would adore you regaling us with your daring feats of...what?
May I chime in??
Not if you're going to say stupid shit like you just did.

Those are pretty bold words coming from a bunch of wusses who let the DNC dictate to them who their nominee would be by rigging their primaries, engaging in election fraud, and cheating during debates.

It's even bolder words from a party that let a short, squat, old, scandal-plagued, sexual deviant-enabling, career-long corrupt, criminal - who was under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit - has-been push them around and force them to GIVE her the nomination because 'It was her turn'.

Perhaps this is more to your liking?
perhaps you can explain why states with tighter laws have lower gun violence rates. But probably not.

As a counterexample, explain Chicago!
Illinois has a low rate of gun violence compared to most other states. Chicago???? You got me That's one for your side
[yet ANOTHER lame attempt to divert from the objective......
No, actually it was just a quick test to see if you had become so 'puckered' that you lost your sense of humor...and you have. :p
Instead of flapping your lips to do nothing more that attack others like some on-line troll, let's hear them. PUT UP, or, as they say....

I started another thread naming the leading company (in Abilene Texas) that makes bump stocks and called for them to share in the liability for the carnage.

First of all, even semi automatic,should be banned since the conversion to fully automatic has turned out to be a fucking joke in making semi-automatic a military weapon for war.....

Second, have a buy-back program for both semi automatics and these bump stocks and make the holding out [or the selling] of such weapons a felony.

That's your plan? Bannings and more laws?
Tried and big fail.
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Look, if you want to give up your freedom for security provided to you by your government, then there are PLENTY of places you can live and be perfectly satisfied. This is AMERICA where certain freedoms are guaranteed.

You live in a fantasy world of memes. You are going to be Jason Bourne and spring into action and take out the shooters. Where are all these people with concealed carry in all of these mass murders? Where are they? Why haven't they gotten their Batman on and saved the day?

It has just gotten so ponderous with you children and that is what you are children, who sit in your safe little warm house hugging your gun where there is absolutely no threat, that you will turn into Batman.

This is the thinking of people who have little self confidence in everyday life but imagine scenarios where they instantly become someone they aren't and save everyone. If you really think you will become braver than the brave at a moments notice, put your gun in your pocket and go to the worst part of town at 2AM and walk the streets. You wouldn't do this in your wildest dreams because you would be terrified.
Illinois has a low rate of gun violence compared to most other states. Chicago???? You got me That's one for your side

As horrendous as the Chicago crime rate may be, the carnage that goes on in that city is ludicrous........BUT, AT LEAST,.....we there have a fucked up motive (gangs, drugs, turf wars, etc.) .........

When it comes to Columbine, Sandy Hook and Las Vegas, however, we have NO MOTIVE except insanity......and we all know that one of the first repeal of gun laws made by republicans was to allow people of questionable sanity, to buy guns at will.
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".just ask how many casualties there were in LV in a period of TEN FUCKING MINUTES." They don't care, at all.
Oh we care - we just don't let EMOTION during a tragedy dictate knee-jerk legislation that would not have prevented that tragedy or prevent another such tragedy in the future.

Mass murders have been going on for at least the last 50 years but you consider any gun regulation legislation today as 'knee-jerk' legislation?

Again you people live in a meme world, not reality. The gun cult tells you what to think and you drone out "yes master".
Look, if you want to give up your freedom for security provided to you by your government, then there are PLENTY of places you can live and be perfectly satisfied. This is AMERICA where certain freedoms are guaranteed.
You live in a fantasy world of memes.
Actually she is right. The Constitution protect Americans' rights to own guns, and just because liberals are running around emotionally attempting to use the recent tragedy to push their agenda does not give you the right to trample my Constitutionally-protected rights or put me in harm's way.
No, actually it was just a quick test to see if you had become so 'puckered' that you lost your sense of humor...and you have

I have (and I am proud of) my sense of humor......But, for the life of me I CANNOT find one chuckle emanating from 58 dead, fellow Americans attending a concert.
As horrendous as the Chicago crime rate may be, the carnage that goes on in that city is ludicrous........BUT, AT LEAST,.....we there have a fucked up motive (gangs, drugs, turf wars, etc.) .........
Well hell, I guess that makes it all ok then....justifies your inability to curb the gun violence and provides you with the ability to abandon Chicago as a 'loss' and move on to trying to turn the rest of America into 'Chicago'.

Banking's and more laws?
Tried and big fail.

No,moron.....I am a firm believer that all you idiots should buy a tank for your front lawn and have a small nuke in your basement......just in case the government comes after you.....(what an asshole....LOL)

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