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Thousands protest in London demanding an end to the Gaza siege

I wonder if they have thoughts on the 800+ missiles lobbed into Israel from Gaza this year alone?

You need some perspective, missiles killed no Israeli children this year, while in 8 day operation in Gaza Israel killed 43 Palestinian children!

Ah, so your real issue is that not enough Israeli children were killed.

On your broom. Fly away you pathetic waste of oxygen.
et al,

This is nonsense.

You need some perspective, missiles killed no Israeli children this year, while in 8 day operation in Gaza Israel killed 43 Palestinian children!

Ah, so your real issue is that not enough Israeli children were killed.

On your broom. Fly away you pathetic waste of oxygen.

WOW!!!!!!!! does one have to work at it to maintain such debilitating ignorance---or does it come naturally Hollie??? I can only salute Sherri's Olympian patience and obvious restraint....Forgive Hollie Sherri, for she is well-beyond learning-impaired...:D

The argument here is that the Palestinians have the right to hide behind the aiding and abetting civilian population, engaged in "Acts of War."

They claim foul if the Israeli fires back. Because their volunteer population that supports the "At of War" get killed.

This is nonsense.

If the Palestinian want to keep the innocent out of harms way, then the complaisant population, "aiding and abetting" their combatants must move their launch facilities out of the populated areas; of migrate to safe ground.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
I wonder if they have thoughts on the 800+ missiles lobbed into Israel from Gaza this year alone?

You need some perspective, missiles killed no Israeli children this year, while in 8 day operation in Gaza Israel killed 43 Palestinian children!

Ah, so your real issue is that not enough Israeli children were killed.

On your broom. Fly away you pathetic waste of oxygen.

or, on the other hand, she could be saying that 43 too many children died, period.
et al,

This is nonsense.

Ah, so your real issue is that not enough Israeli children were killed.

On your broom. Fly away you pathetic waste of oxygen.

WOW!!!!!!!! does one have to work at it to maintain such debilitating ignorance---or does it come naturally Hollie??? I can only salute Sherri's Olympian patience and obvious restraint....Forgive Hollie Sherri, for she is well-beyond learning-impaired...:D

The argument here is that the Palestinians have the right to hide behind the aiding and abetting civilian population, engaged in "Acts of War."

They claim foul if the Israeli fires back. Because their volunteer population that supports the "At of War" get killed.

This is nonsense.

If the Palestinian want to keep the innocent out of harms way, then the complaisant population, "aiding and abetting" their combatants must move their launch facilities out of the populated areas; of migrate to safe ground.

Most Respectfully,

what kind of dumfug are you...you want them to go sit out in the middle of the negev unarmed and scgedule it in advance.

yeah, and israeli children shouldn't ride busses because soldiers ride them to hide behind vhildren.

that is about the lamest excuse i have ever heard. maybe you should read the united nations fact finding mission on the gaza conflict so you get an idea how these freakin' savages conduct themselves. they are a disgrace to good soldiers everywhere.

fuck your "most respectfully", you low loife suck.
artfulcodger, et al,

Again, this is nonsense.

The Israelis are not cold-blooded terrorists who deliberately target women and children...

There is not the slightest indication that the Israelis are intentionally targeting women and children. Not the slightest.

There is overwhelming evidence that the brave, honorable and honest Palestinians are using tactics that fire indiscriminately into the civilian population and target civilians in terrorist attacks. Their name is synonymous for terrorism. This is a matter of record in hundreds of cases.

its all the fault of the subject population that Israel confines in an outdoor ghetto, and sets up like sitting ducks for their techno-weapons.

So the People of Gaza understand that if they provide cover and concealment for launch platforms of hostile rockets targeting Israeli civilians, the platforms and Gaza citizens in proximity of the rocket launchers are in harms way. And to minimize Gaza innocent casualties, Israel has been known to drop leaflets warning citizens by many many - outside observers.

  • Israel drops leaflets warning Gaza residents to leave homes for 'own
http://www.usmessageboard.com/israe.../israel-drops-leaflets-warning-gaza-resid...6 days ago – Israel's air force dropped leaflets across Gaza City on Tuesday urging people to evacuate their homes “immediately” amid fears the military was ...​

  • Israel drops leaflets warning Gazans to flee their homes | NOLA.com
http://www.usmessageboard.com/israe...itics/.../israel_drops_leaflets_warning.html6 days ago – GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip -- Israeli warplanes have dropped leaflets on several Gaza City neighborhoods urging people to evacuate their homes ...​

Godlike Productions - Conspiracy Forum
5 posts - 1 author - 6 days ago
Leaflets dropped by Israel over Gaza tell residents to evacuate certain areas for their own safety.​

Now, are the Israelis blameless in all cases? Hell no. I don't claim that. I think they are in violation of the Rome Statues and the GCIV. But the Palestinians have done far worse, and continue to promote their reputation for violence in terrorist ways.

how did I ever get the idea that the Jews created this conflict---profit from this confict---AND MAINTAIN THSI CONFLICT????

Now that is a good --- a very good --- question! How did you get that idea?

From the very first conflict in May 1948, until this present exchange, the Arabs have initiated a provocative action first, forcing an Israel military response.

The ink had hardly dried on the Israeli Independence Declaration (14 MAY) when a greatly superior Arab force from Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq, invaded Israel.

And every one of those countries owes their independence to the allied forces of WWI and WWII. That was all under the Ottoman Empire until it became a French and British Mandate after the war. Oddly enough, Saudi Arabia - owing its independence to Ibn Saud, didn't participate.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
artfulcodger, et al,

Again, this is nonsense.

The Israelis are not cold-blooded terrorists who deliberately target women and children...

There is not the slightest indication that the Israelis are intentionally targeting women and children. Not the slightest.

There is overwhelming evidence that the brave, honorable and honest Palestinians are using tactics that fire indiscriminately into the civilian population and target civilians in terrorist attacks. Their name is synonymous for terrorism. This is a matter of record in hundreds of cases.


So the People of Gaza understand that if they provide cover and concealment for launch platforms of hostile rockets targeting Israeli civilians, the platforms and Gaza citizens in proximity of the rocket launchers are in harms way. And to minimize Gaza innocent casualties, Israel has been known to drop leaflets warning citizens by many many - outside observers.

  • Israel drops leaflets warning Gaza residents to leave homes for 'own
http://www.usmessageboard.com/israe.../israel-drops-leaflets-warning-gaza-resid...6 days ago – Israel's air force dropped leaflets across Gaza City on Tuesday urging people to evacuate their homes “immediately” amid fears the military was ...
  • Israel drops leaflets warning Gazans to flee their homes | NOLA.com
http://www.usmessageboard.com/israe...itics/.../israel_drops_leaflets_warning.html6 days ago – GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip -- Israeli warplanes have dropped leaflets on several Gaza City neighborhoods urging people to evacuate their homes ...
Godlike Productions - Conspiracy Forum
5 posts - 1 author - 6 days ago
Leaflets dropped by Israel over Gaza tell residents to evacuate certain areas for their own safety.
Now, are the Israelis blameless in all cases? Hell no. I don't claim that. I think they are in violation of the Rome Statues and the GCIV. But the Palestinians have done far worse, and continue to promote their reputation for violence in terrorist ways.

how did I ever get the idea that the Jews created this conflict---profit from this confict---AND MAINTAIN THSI CONFLICT????

Now that is a good --- a very good --- question! How did you get that idea?

ROCCO: From the very first conflict in May 1948, until this present exchange, the Arabs have initiated a provocative action first, forcing an Israel military response.

Arty: Rocco, I have no idea where you got this information, but you have no minor idea of what you're talking about--none!!! The JEWS initiated the conflict through both pre-state and post-state terrorism and collective-punishment...the details are hardly controversial or ambiguous...you are a pool of ignorance

ROCCO: The ink had hardly dried on the Israeli Independence Declaration (14 MAY) when a greatly superior Arab force from Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq, invaded Israel.

arty: LOL!!!! again you have zero idea of what you're talking about...where you get the chutzpah to post this ignorance I HAVE NO IDEA...the UN introduced a partition recommendation that cede 56% of historic Palestine to a Jewish minority that legally owned 8% of the land...obviously this recommendation was rejected by the Arab states as the Zionists anticipated...dismissing the rejection the thugs seized Palestine in a well-planned terror-offensive, the so-called "greatly superior Arab forces" were actually numerically undermatched to the Zionist militants...again you have zero knowledge of this issue

And every one of those countries owes their independence to the allied forces of WWI and WWII. That was all under the Ottoman Empire until it became a French and British Mandate after the war. Oddly enough, Saudi Arabia - owing its independence to Ibn Saud, didn't participate.

Most Respectfully,

APPLAUSE APPLAUSE....I don't really know how to process such swaggering ignorance delivered as if it were beyond dispute...you are either extremely stupid, or impossibly confident for you lack of basic knowledge

Not much of a rebuttal, AC. Poor show. Really :eusa_angel:.

Exceptionally erudite posts from RoccoR, though :eusa_clap:.
LONDON, (PIC)-- Thousands of British protestors marched in London, on Saturday, outside 10 Downing Street, demanding an end to the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip and an end to the suffering of the Palestinians.

Sooo what? who cares as long as the Israelis hit Gaza?
So, you want to see more children die? What kind of monster are you?

You accuse someone of being a monster, yet you support the very people who show their contempt for children by using them as suicide bombers. I guess you must be an even bigger monster.
artfulcodger, et al,

Sometimes you tend to mix apples and oranges.

Rocco, I have no idea where you got this information, but you have no minor idea of what you're talking about--none!!! The JEWS initiated the conflict through both pre-state and post-state terrorism and collective-punishment...the details are hardly controversial or ambiguous...you are a pool of ignorance.

As I said, there is plenty of blame to spread around. What you may think of as "unambiguous" is questionable.

Yes, there was Jewish pre-state (pre-May 1948) nationalism actions using asymmetric tactics. Overwhelmingly it was directed at the British as the occupation force behind the mandate; not the Arabs. But, post-state (post-May 1949) conflict is another matter; and you cannot call the Six Nation Arab Military Force rolling tanks into Israel ambiguous.

  • Pre-state Conflict: Jewish Settlers against British
  • Post-state Conflict: Arab Army against Jewish Settlers

Now, where there displaced Palestinians? Yes! Did the displaced Palestinians have a legitimate civil cause of action? Yes! But probably not now; it is surely questionable and arguable (for legal minds to figure out). Clearly, the Arab leadership were not acting in the best interest of the displaced Palestinians when they attacked the newly formed state. It was a territorial land grab and power play to extend their influence. The land "ownership" issue wasn't even part of the agenda.

arty: LOL!!!! again you have zero idea of what you're talking about...where you get the chutzpah to post this ignorance I HAVE NO IDEA...the UN introduced a partition recommendation that cede 56% of historic Palestine to a Jewish minority that legally owned 8% of the land...obviously this recommendation was rejected by the Arab states as the Zionists anticipated...dismissing the rejection the thugs seized Palestine in a well-planned terror-offensive,

The territory (in 1948 called Israel) was fresh from under British Mandate --- formerly Ottoman Occupation. Who owns the property has nothing to do with the territorial administration. Land "ownership" was a "post-conflict" Red Herring; an economic issue brought out after the fact as a means of justification (political chicanery).

dismissing the rejection the thugs seized Palestine in a well-planned terror-offensive, the so-called "greatly superior Arab forces" were actually numerically undermatched to the Zionist militants...again you have zero knowledge of this issue

The international community established Israel under Resolution 181. And the Arab leaders (except for Ibn Saud), between the end of WWI and WWII, did virtually nothing to further the region or make is prosperous. They had an opportunity to make great nations and they wasted it, as they waste it now.

Whoever wins a conflict, by definition, was better than the opponent. However you want to justify the defeat, it was a case of regular military units against a 1 day old nation with no real defense force. The Jordanian Arab Legion was 7,000 strong (2 x Mechanized Brigades + 2 x Independent Regiments); the Jerusalem Relief Column of 1 Mech Regiment + elements of Mech Regiments. The Egyptian Expeditionary Force consisted of 2 Egyptian Brigades, a Saudi Tank Unit, and more than 2000 volunteers from the Muslim Brotherhood. Syria contributed a total of 3 Brigades, and a Tank Battalion. The Arab Liberation Army and the Lebanese contributed 1 Brigade and 2 Regiments. Iraq gave 4 Brigades, combat air cover, and a tank contingent. The Asymmetric and irregular forces numbered 8000-10000 and were made-up of The Army of Salvation, the Faza'a Militia, and the Palestinian guerrilla elements of the Najada and Futuwa.

Clearly, it was the case that the Arab Armies were pre-positioned to jump off the FEBA and across the border on the announcement of independence. That means it was the Arab's that pre-planned the war! Not the other way around.

APPLAUSE APPLAUSE....I don't really know how to process such swaggering ignorance delivered as if it were beyond dispute...you are either extremely stupid, or impossibly confident for you lack of basic knowledge

There is a difference between having knowledge of the facts and not being one-sided --- versus --- one sided approach with slanted facts.

(ON THE MATTER OF: "lack of basic knowledge") Name calling is a cognitive bias and a technique to promote propaganda. If someone is using propaganda here, I wonder who it might be?

I'll be the first to admit, that I don't know everything.

In this case, I know both sides have been wrong at various times for various different reasons. I also know that neither the Arab or the Israel were accountable as the entire root cause for the conflict that started in 1948. And I know that neither the Israeli or and of the Arab nations have a reputation for being honest and cooperative. All these ingredients came together to create a prefect storm, which has lasted more than half century and shows no sign of abating.

As to the militancy of one side or the other, it is historically clear, that both the Arab and Israeli have that history. Neither side has clean hands.

Most Respectfully,
Thats what I was getting at.

he said no such thing.

i don't really support HAMAS because i think that what the irish refer to as "the split". or the springing up of different factions within a body, is detrimental to the palestinian cause.

i do support the end of the siege of gaza.

the real bottom line is that most people worldwide, do not support israel, and as 9/11 becomes more distant in the minds of the people of the united statesl, with its attendant and bigoted hatred of muslims, more americaans will xupport the palestinian people.

So why Hamas keeps firing rockets (until the last seaze fire) over Israel and call for her destruction? When Hama took office there, there wasn't any seige over Gaza. When they have started tp launch rockets the partially sieged started. In any case hundreds of trucks full of goods enter to Gaza from Israel' even through the last war. All goods enter Gaza after the Israelis inspected them.

When Hama took office there, there wasn't any seige over Gaza.

Not true.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR5BDwEW6uw]Laila El-Haddad, Journalist, Author, Gaza Mom-The Autograph-09-21-2011 - YouTube[/ame]
Other particulars aside:
Public opinion in Britain is changing. During israels onslaught on Gaza several opinion polls showed that a majority - not an overwhelming one but a majority - of Brits DIDNT agree with israels actions.
PressTV - Thousands of British people march in solidarity with Palestinians

If the overwhelming majority of Brits are against Israel why were there only thousands in the streets? how many people live in England?

if the maority of brits are pro-israel, how come there are no stories about all those who show up to support her.

the same can be said of americans and pro-israel rallies here. other than in new york, hardly anyone shows up. they don't really organise them anymore because the turnout is so low. hell, more ews show up at a rally to bitch about a missing menorah at christmas time.

besides all that, drop the histrionics, which ews and their supporters have such a a penchant for. all "thousands of people march in solidarity with palestinians" means is that thousands of people marched in solidarity with palestinians. y'all are beginning to enter the iRose "millions of jews are killed because ISLAmOFASCIST seven year olds are listiening to the UMMAH AnD STRAPPING BRAIN SMASHING NAIL BOMBS laced in cyanide and the AIDs virus and strapping them on their butts blah blah blah.

y'all are beginning to enter the iRose "millions of jews are killed because ISLAmOFASCIST seven year olds are listiening to the UMMAH AnD STRAPPING BRAIN SMASHING NAIL BOMBS laced in cyanide and the AIDs virus and strapping them on their butts blah blah blah.

If the pro-Israel culture is any indication of the Israel culture I am surprised there are any Philistines left. I guess killing babies makes sure they don't reproduce.
If the pro-Israel culture is any indication of the Israel culture I am surprised there are any Philistines left. I guess killing babies makes sure they don't reproduce.
Why, Mr. EmptyStep, with regard to the Islamic culture, with all the Muslims murdering other Muslims, I am surprised there are any Muslims left. I guess Mr. EmptyStep doesn't keep up with the news about what is happening elsewhere. Or maybe Mr. EmptyStep does keep up with the news, but he has no problem with the Muslims killing each others' babies and women of different sects as well as those who are non Muslims. By the way, I wonder if Mr. EmptyStep can give us a ballpark figure of all the children and women who have been killed so far in Syria. He can also throw in a ballpark figure of the Shiite children and women who have been murdered in the last few days by the Sunnis. Do you happen to have any figures on hand, Mr. EmptyStep?
If the pro-Israel culture is any indication of the Israel culture I am surprised there are any Philistines left. I guess killing babies makes sure they don't reproduce.
Why, Mr. EmptyStep, with regard to the Islamic culture, with all the Muslims murdering other Muslims, I am surprised there are any Muslims left. I guess Mr. EmptyStep doesn't keep up with the news about what is happening elsewhere. Or maybe Mr. EmptyStep does keep up with the news, but he has no problem with the Muslims killing each others' babies and women of different sects as well as those who are non Muslims. By the way, I wonder if Mr. EmptyStep can give us a ballpark figure of all the children and women who have been killed so far in Syria. He can also throw in a ballpark figure of the Shiite children and women who have been murdered in the last few days by the Sunnis. Do you happen to have any figures on hand, Mr. EmptyStep?

Mr. Emptystep thinks you're a moron.
If the pro-Israel culture is any indication of the Israel culture I am surprised there are any Philistines left. I guess killing babies makes sure they don't reproduce.
Why, Mr. EmptyStep, with regard to the Islamic culture, with all the Muslims murdering other Muslims, I am surprised there are any Muslims left. I guess Mr. EmptyStep doesn't keep up with the news about what is happening elsewhere. Or maybe Mr. EmptyStep does keep up with the news, but he has no problem with the Muslims killing each others' babies and women of different sects as well as those who are non Muslims. By the way, I wonder if Mr. EmptyStep can give us a ballpark figure of all the children and women who have been killed so far in Syria. He can also throw in a ballpark figure of the Shiite children and women who have been murdered in the last few days by the Sunnis. Do you happen to have any figures on hand, Mr. EmptyStep?

Mr. Emptystep thinks you're a moron.
'Ol Hoss doesn't think Mr. Emptystep is a moron.............
If the pro-Israel culture is any indication of the Israel culture I am surprised there are any Philistines left. I guess killing babies makes sure they don't reproduce.
Why, Mr. EmptyStep, with regard to the Islamic culture, with all the Muslims murdering other Muslims, I am surprised there are any Muslims left. I guess Mr. EmptyStep doesn't keep up with the news about what is happening elsewhere. Or maybe Mr. EmptyStep does keep up with the news, but he has no problem with the Muslims killing each others' babies and women of different sects as well as those who are non Muslims. By the way, I wonder if Mr. EmptyStep can give us a ballpark figure of all the children and women who have been killed so far in Syria. He can also throw in a ballpark figure of the Shiite children and women who have been murdered in the last few days by the Sunnis. Do you happen to have any figures on hand, Mr. EmptyStep?

Mr. Emptystep thinks you're a moron.
Why, Mr. EmptySuit, you can think whatever you want, but no doubt many readers will go along with me that you are just a two-bit anti-Semite. So I guess Mr. EmptySuit has no ballpark figures to throw out to us estimating how many women and children were killed in Syria or the Shiite women and children killed by the Sunnis in recent days. I didn't think he was interested in that since there are no Jews involved.
Why, Mr. EmptyStep, with regard to the Islamic culture, with all the Muslims murdering other Muslims, I am surprised there are any Muslims left. I guess Mr. EmptyStep doesn't keep up with the news about what is happening elsewhere. Or maybe Mr. EmptyStep does keep up with the news, but he has no problem with the Muslims killing each others' babies and women of different sects as well as those who are non Muslims. By the way, I wonder if Mr. EmptyStep can give us a ballpark figure of all the children and women who have been killed so far in Syria. He can also throw in a ballpark figure of the Shiite children and women who have been murdered in the last few days by the Sunnis. Do you happen to have any figures on hand, Mr. EmptyStep?

Mr. Emptystep thinks you're a moron.
'Ol Hoss doesn't think Mr. Emptystep is a moron.............

I wouldn’t necessarily characterize Mr. Emptystep as a moron, just one of the many in the forum who are less concerned with the daily slaughter of moslem victims of moslem atrocities than they are with an all-consuming preoccupation withThe Zionists.™

From the perspective of someone less concerned with the insensate Jooooo hatred that seems to addle the more excitable of the wannabe Jew killers, there are too many (and growing) Moslems/jihadis seeking the destruction of Israel, a second and final Holocaust.

Still, despite peace agreements, Roadmaps to Nowhere, generous offers to finally the end the conflict, unilateral withdrawals from territories now filled with groups (Hezbollah in South Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza'istan) sworn to Israel's death and from which Islamic terror attacks and rockets rain down on Israeli towns, villages and children, we're to believe that peace and tranquility will be effected once all The Zionists™ are pushed into the Sea.

Thus, it is to prevent another Holocaust in a world apathetic or hostile to Jews/Israelis that is the foundation of the Israeli State and government. Unfortunately, there are innocents among the “Palestinians” that suffer to prevent the Palestinian/Molsem terrorists from achieving this second Holocaust. But, as we see with regularity, in the interest of Jew killing, "Palestinian" civilians are met with "screw you losers" as their bretheren in one of the many islamist terrorist franchises sets out on his (or her), mission from gawd to kill... The Zionists.™

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