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Thousands protest in London demanding an end to the Gaza siege

Other particulars aside:
Public opinion in Britain is changing. During israels onslaught on Gaza several opinion polls showed that a majority - not an overwhelming one but a majority - of Brits DIDNT agree with israels actions.
PressTV - Thousands of British people march in solidarity with Palestinians

If the overwhelming majority of Brits are against Israel why were there only thousands in the streets? how many people live in England?

For thousands you can probably read hundreds, max, HG. And the report came from the PIC remember. I live in London and this 'event' barely got a mention and it did not look like there were thousands of people attending at all. We also have some nutters here who protest wearing tshirts and banners declairing 'we are all hamas now' - patently nonsense - but thats the hardcore for you. As someone else pointed out, something like 51+ million English people did not protest and neither did almost ALL Londoners.
LONDON, (PIC)-- Thousands of British protestors marched in London, on Saturday, outside 10 Downing Street, demanding an end to the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip and an end to the suffering of the Palestinians.

Sooo what? who cares as long as the Israelis hit Gaza?
Public opinion in Britain is changing. During israels onslaught on Gaza several opinion polls showed that a majority - not an overwhelming one but a majority - of Brits DIDNT agree with israels actions.
PressTV - Thousands of British people march in solidarity with Palestinians[/url]

What the British think about the tens of thausands that the British army killed in Iraq and Afhgahnistan although they didn't attack Britain at all? Why do you thing that they have the right and mercy to go half of the world and killing those who never knew them, but at the breath they don't like when the Israelis reacting against un stopping fallen of rockets over them? What gives them the right to intervene in a war that doesn't share their interests?
Well it sort of matters as the premise of the OP was to disingenuously make believe that a majority of people in the UK support Hamas when in fact they do not.

Thats what I was getting at.

he said no such thing.

i don't really support HAMAS because i think that what the irish refer to as "the split". or the springing up of different factions within a body, is detrimental to the palestinian cause.

i do support the end of the siege of gaza.

the real bottom line is that most people worldwide, do not support israel, and as 9/11 becomes more distant in the minds of the people of the united statesl, with its attendant and bigoted hatred of muslims, more americaans will xupport the palestinian people.

So why Hamas keeps firing rockets (until the last seaze fire) over Israel and call for her destruction? When Hama took office there, there wasn't any seige over Gaza. When they have started tp launch rockets the partially sieged started. In any case hundreds of trucks full of goods enter to Gaza from Israel' even through the last war. All goods enter Gaza after the Israelis inspected them.
Other particulars aside:
Public opinion in Britain is changing. During israels onslaught on Gaza several opinion polls showed that a majority - not an overwhelming one but a majority - of Brits DIDNT agree with israels actions.
PressTV - Thousands of British people march in solidarity with Palestinians

If the overwhelming majority of Brits are against Israel why were there only thousands in the streets? how many people live in England?

For thousands you can probably read hundreds, max, HG. And the report came from the PIC remember. I live in London and this 'event' barely got a mention and it did not look like there were thousands of people attending at all. We also have some nutters here who protest wearing tshirts and banners declairing 'we are all hamas now' - patently nonsense - but thats the hardcore for you. As someone else pointed out, something like 51+ million English people did not protest and neither did almost ALL Londoners.

Thats what I figured.
Once yet again--as if it demanded re-stating---we catch an accurate glimpse into the distorted--and conversely distorting---thought-process of the Zionist mind-set. A prominent component of this child-like perspective is the selective truncation of history...key events, and a rudimentary cause-n-effect...so the limp-brained Zionist bullshit-corps feel unshakably confident in criticizing Hamas rockets---as if nothing but peace and harmony reigned prior to this phenomenon....no collective-punishment...no routine IDF incursions...targeted assassinations...air-strikes...harassment...criminal blockade. You really have to admire the ability to summarily dismiss otherwise highly relevant details because they don't fall in line with you "chosen" delusions
Once again the "busy, busy writer" Skitzo in Manhattan is saying the same old stuff he has said for years and years under many different screen names on various boards. One would think that after all these years he would get tired of repeating himself and actually get down to earning a real living.
Thats what I was getting at.

he said no such thing.

i don't really support HAMAS because i think that what the irish refer to as "the split". or the springing up of different factions within a body, is detrimental to the palestinian cause.

i do support the end of the siege of gaza.

HAMAS was not even mentioned in P F's post, nor was it mentioned in the linked article.

thousands of people protested. that is a lot of people in what amounts to a spontaneous protest.

the real bottom line is that most people worldwide, do not support israel, and as 9/11 becomes more distant in the minds of the people of the united statesl, with its attendant and bigoted hatred of muslims, more americaans will xupport the palestinian people.

In order for that to happen, Hamas would have to stop lobbing missiles into Israel, or letting other Militant groups do it. Most Americans will not support a group of people like that, not while we are locked in with our own wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

a lot of americans support just causes, no matter if they are our opponents or not. there are a whole lot of issues at play.

some americans don't care.

a lot of americans don't understand the issues.

some americans are anti-semite.

many americans have jewish friends.

some americans are isolationists.

thye news media has been generally reluctant to report anything negative about israel. that is changing.

the jewish lobby and propaganda machines are very effective.

but people are changing as they meet more muslims, and that is a two edged sword for zionists because they see muslims as normal, caring people and that makes the zionist mantra of "savage animals, lowly beasts"" untenable, and it makes even the truths they happen to tell less creditable.
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If the overwhelming majority of Brits are against Israel why were there only thousands in the streets? how many people live in England?

For thousands you can probably read hundreds, max, HG. And the report came from the PIC remember. I live in London and this 'event' barely got a mention and it did not look like there were thousands of people attending at all. We also have some nutters here who protest wearing tshirts and banners declairing 'we are all hamas now' - patently nonsense - but thats the hardcore for you. As someone else pointed out, something like 51+ million English people did not protest and neither did almost ALL Londoners.

Thats what I figured.

and over 300,000,000 americans, and that includes over 36,000,000 black americans did not participate in the million man march in washington DC, and that had massive planning and organisation and took a long time to prepare.

i think i would be drawing an erroneous conclusion that most americans, including most african americans, don't support equal rights for black people...but if i followed your logic, that is the conclusion i would have to come to.

Other particulars aside:
Public opinion in Britain is changing. During israels onslaught on Gaza several opinion polls showed that a majority - not an overwhelming one but a majority - of Brits DIDNT agree with israels actions.
PressTV - Thousands of British people march in solidarity with Palestinians

If the overwhelming majority of Brits are against Israel why were there only thousands in the streets? how many people live in England?

if the maority of brits are pro-israel, how come there are no stories about all those who show up to support her.

the same can be said of americans and pro-israel rallies here. other than in new york, hardly anyone shows up. they don't really organise them anymore because the turnout is so low. hell, more ews show up at a rally to bitch about a missing menorah at christmas time.

besides all that, drop the histrionics, which ews and their supporters have such a a penchant for. all "thousands of people march in solidarity with palestinians" means is that thousands of people marched in solidarity with palestinians. y'all are beginning to enter the iRose "millions of jews are killed because ISLAmOFASCIST seven year olds are listiening to the UMMAH AnD STRAPPING BRAIN SMASHING NAIL BOMBS laced in cyanide and the AIDs virus and strapping them on their butts blah blah blah.
et al,

OK, I have great sympathy for the plight of the Palestinian; I really do. But, damn'it, if you're "wrong" --- "You are wrong!" And the Palestinians are definitely wrong in this case. And it is a double wrong for the extra-regional supporters to attempt to justify the "wrong."

The Palestinians, with the direct or tacite approval of HAMAS, the duly elected representative of the People of Gaza, condoned an "Act of War." And, they People of Gaza, allowed their government to use their civilian population and neighborhoods as tactical launch facilities. And the People of Gaza, provided support for the transit of illegal military grade arms to effect the "Act of War."

THEN, the People of Gaza, and every Palestinian Supporter, has the audacity to complain when after the People of Gaza fire on civilian targets (normally a War Crime under the Rome Statutes) get their collective butts kicked, in the wake of retaliatory fire and and defensive strikes, claim some sort of "foul."

The Arab Nations and the Palestinian People (along with their religious clerics), have gone out of their way to make the "Palestinian Brand" synonymous with terrorism, around the world. No one engagement, of all the engagements, shows the Chivalry once made famous by Great Saladin.

No greater shadow of Shame can be cast, then that by the Palestinian. They have absolutely no room to complain. The Great Saladin would roll over in his tomb.

Most Respectfully,
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et al,

OK, I have great sympathy for the plight of the Palestinian; I really do. But, damn'it, if you're "wrong" --- "You are wrong!" And the Palestinians are definitely wrong in this case. And it is a double wrong for the extra-regional supporters to attempt to justify the "wrong."

The Palestinians, with the direct or tacite approval of HAMAS, the duly elected representative of the people of Gaza, condoned an "act of war." And, they People of Gaza,allow their government to use their civilian population and neighborhoods as tactical launch facilities. And the People of Gaza, provided support for the transit of illegal military grade arms to effect the "act of war."

THEN, the People of Gaza, and every Palestinian Supporter, has the audacity to complain when after the People of Gaza fire on civilian targets (normally a War Crime under the Rome Statutes) get their collective butts kicked, in the wake of retaliatory fire and and defensive strikes, claim some sort of "foul."

The Arab Nations and the Palestinian People (along with their religious clerics), have gone out of their way to make the "Palestinian Brand" synonymous with terrorism, around the world. No one engagement, of all the engagements, shows the Chivalry once made famous by Great Saladin.

No greater shadow of Shame can be cast, then that by the Palestinian. They have absolutely no room to complain. The Great Saladin would roll over in his tomb.

Most Respectfully,

Saladin isn't coming back anytime soon. LOL.....a Saladin like cousin of Muhammad will come at the end of the world according to Islamic prophecy. :cool:
et al,

OK, I have great sympathy for the plight of the Palestinian; I really do. But, damn'it, if you're "wrong" --- "You are wrong!" And the Palestinians are definitely wrong in this case. And it is a double wrong for the extra-regional supporters to attempt to justify the "wrong."

The Palestinians, with the direct or tacite approval of HAMAS, the duly elected representative of the people of Gaza, condoned an "act of war." And, they People of Gaza,allow their government to use their civilian population and neighborhoods as tactical launch facilities. And the People of Gaza, provided support for the transit of illegal military grade arms to effect the "act of war."

THEN, the People of Gaza, and every Palestinian Supporter, has the audacity to complain when after the People of Gaza fire on civilian targets (normally a War Crime under the Rome Statutes) get their collective butts kicked, in the wake of retaliatory fire and and defensive strikes, claim some sort of "foul."

The Arab Nations and the Palestinian People (along with their religious clerics), have gone out of their way to make the "Palestinian Brand" synonymous with terrorism, around the world. No one engagement, of all the engagements, shows the Chivalry once made famous by Great Saladin.

No greater shadow of Shame can be cast, then that by the Palestinian. They have absolutely no room to complain. The Great Saladin would roll over in his tomb.

Most Respectfully,

It is true that Sala'adin would roll over-----but Sala'adin was not an arab----he was
a KURD-----and he had a good advisor , MAIMONIDES (rabbi moshe ben maimon)
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Irosie, Saladin was Muslim first. He was a united Muslim, they never separated race at those times, he was a Muslim and never referred to himself as a Kurd. He referred to himself as Salah al Deen, this name has a meaning.

Also, it's odd how people praise Saladin yet anyone other then him they hate because they were Arabs. What an odd world, another mentionable Commander was Khalid Ibn Waleed.
BecauseIKnow, et al,

Yes, you're right!

... ... ...
No greater shadow of Shame can be cast, then that by the Palestinian. They have absolutely no room to complain. The Great Saladin would roll over in his tomb.

Saladin isn't coming back anytime soon. LOL.....a Saladin like cousin of Muhammad will come at the end of the world according to Islamic prophecy. :cool:


Well, he won't come back as a Palestinian!

No Islamic Warrior, of the caliber and chivalry of Saladin, would every associate himself with such that operate with these many despicable manners.

Most Respectfully,
BecauseIKnow, et al,

Yes, you're right!

... ... ...
No greater shadow of Shame can be cast, then that by the Palestinian. They have absolutely no room to complain. The Great Saladin would roll over in his tomb.

Saladin isn't coming back anytime soon. LOL.....a Saladin like cousin of Muhammad will come at the end of the world according to Islamic prophecy. :cool:


Well, he won't come back as a Palestinian!

No Islamic Warrior, of the caliber and chivalry of Saladin, would every associate himself with such that operate with these many despicable manners.

Most Respectfully,

Islam was strong and united then, not on terms of numbers or weoponry, but determination and religion.

Palestinians are actually tough people, they have no army, you got to understand that, they have to operate as a guerrilla.

When Islam is strong, it won't be until the Mahdi comes. I will explain more about him if you want PM me.

I'm busy now, so have a good day. :cool:

He's not the only Islamic warrior. I would say Khalid ibn Waleed and others were also.

Ali bin abi Talib was also. And Muhammad was too. He's my fave. :)
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I wonder if they have thoughts on the 800+ missiles lobbed into Israel from Gaza this year alone?
What the British think about the tens of thausands that the British army killed in Iraq and Afhgahnistan although they didn't attack Britain at all? Why do you thing that they have the right and mercy to go half of the world and killing those who never knew them, but at the breath they don't like when the Israelis reacting against un stopping fallen of rockets over them? What gives them the right to intervene in a war that doesn't share their interests?

The world intervened to stop Hitler, the Palestinian people need support of the world to end the Occupation that has lasted already over 40 years!

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