Thread to Talk Shit about Global Warming

Mountains of empirical data gathered by professional, published climate scientists tells us that the world is getting warmer rapidly when it had been cooling off for the last 5,000 years. It tells us that the cause of that warming is the greenhouse effect acting on the CO2 and other greenhouse gases that humans have put into the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution. That increased temperature has caused sea level to rise both from thermal expansion and melting land-borne ice The warming is going to fuck with us six ways from Sunday but there are still a small collection of idiots (roughly 10% of the US population) who reject all that science and think its some sort of hoax by people trying to get rich or to destroy our country or the world cause, you know, that motivates a lot of people these days. In fact, from the PoV of these particular individuals, an unquenchable desire to destroy everything is an identifying characteristic of democrats.

So, based on the conclusions of more than 10,000 PhD, published, actively researching climate scientists, I'm convinced that the conclusions of the IPCC are the best idea we have right now as to what's going to happen. Some of you disagree. Bring your evidence cause I'm gonna bring mine.

When you can't show one single experiment linking doubling CO2 to temperature increase, you go to "Mountains of empirical data"
It is woven into the "covenant of lies" the left adores.

Who cares if it is not true, it grows government, it expands government, it raises taxes, it helps DEMOCRATS steal the taxpayers' money

That's the crux of it and that's why they don't care if it's all a lie; the ends justify the "Settled science"
That's the crux of it and that's why they don't care if it's all a lie; the ends justify the "Settled science"

You have no idea...

Just like homO's quest to keep the CLOSET DOOR SHUT, there is a trail of corpses first covered up by W firing 7 US Attorneys in 2007...
you're stupidity is putting my granddaughter's future at risk.

as if $30 trillion in debt is not a risk, because your daughter lives in ISRAEL and is not liable...
Compare to the #CoronaHoax2020. Same underlying motives.

Vicious murderous attack by big government on individual liberty and right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness

The alliance of the Zionist Fascist and the left wing hate hoaxing homos is behind all of it...

Thread to Talk Shit about Global Warming​

Talk shit? if you really want to talk shit about this stupidity of Globlal warming, OP? then go to the Flame Zone.

There we can talk shit more freely.
There is no fear so there is no tone of fear. There's some dislike present because you people are just as stupid as rocks and you're stupidity is putting my granddaughter's future at risk.
Okay, what are you going to do about China? You go over to Xi and tell him to knock it off, i might actually believe your shit. Until then, you are just full of it.

Answer the question. Why has every prediction been wrong?
Fuck your question. The predictions of scientists have all been correct.

ToasterParrot's ADHD prevents him from posting more than 10 words per post... so does his knowledge.

BlackAgain's brilliance can be seen in my sig.
Which outs him as a Kwazy Konspiwacist.
I wonder who can see your Sig apu afuk? I know I can’t see it.

And it hardly matters. You’re the kook. That’s plain and clear. 👍

Thread to Talk Shit about Global Warming​

Talk shit? if you really want to talk shit about this stupidity of Globlal warming, OP? then go to the Flame Zone.

There we can talk shit more freely.
That would be a good point except people can and do 'talk shit' and Troll here all day every day.
(ie see the scvmbag NO TOPICAL CONTENT BackAgain just above)

There is NO Moderation here I can see, and it's gone to hell since Flacaltenn left.
I have seen zero done despite what are/WERE grotesque violations.

The ONLY rule enforced is starting a thread without personal content by Meister.
The new mod here MisterBeale does absolutely NOTHING.
I mean Nothing.
Trolling/name calling/thread sabotage is in full blossom here. Reports ignored.
They just stop even enforcing it as it's a pain in the ass.

Post what you want.
There's a 1% chance it gets taken down.
But you can do that same Vio every day (and they do) and nothing happens except maybe removing the post.
There are NO Penalties, No days off, No weeks off, No months off, Nothing.
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Fuck your question. The predictions of scientists have all been correct.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Thread to Talk Shit about Global Warming​

Talk shit? if you really want to talk shit about this stupidity of Globlal warming, OP? then go to the Flame Zone.

There we can talk shit more freely.
Keine danke.

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