Threats Force Justice Alito to Cancel Public Appearance

You are such a dumbass. Did you read the draft? Alito uses 17th century hogwash about witches. I suppose you didn't hear about that one. Dumbass.
I hadn't, got a link to the entire thing?
okfine said:
Wrong. Taking away rights is all about GOP. You must love Govt taking away individual liberties.

where do you get the GOP is behind this? This just POPS up one day from the judges. It was a surprise to conservatives as much as anyone because we always expect SC and our reps and senators to stab US in the back.

If you baby killers want to go blm burn loot murder then do it in DC. Take it up with the Pelousy DC cops, the SC and DC itself. BLM-ing LA doesn't do any good. Bring it on home.
Murdering someone isn't a right. and it's not a personal liberty. No one is keeping you from murdering your own offspring in your state or another one provided Abortion is legal in that state. So you might have to travel. well too effing bad.
The Left Wing Insurrectionists are threatening Supreme Court Justices. Why isn't the Biden's Justice Department using all the resources of the FBI to find those assholes and put them in jail like they did going after the 1/9 protesters that took selfies in Peloski office?

Joe is busy right now. All his time is tied up right now calling MAGA America's biggest threat, starting up his Ministry of Propaganda, and trying to explain to us why he is giving 33 billion more to Ukraine while other countries aren't giving jack.
where do you get the GOP is behind this? This just POPS up one day from the judges. It was a surprise to conservatives as much as anyone because we always expect SC and our reps and senators to stab US in the back.

If you baby killers want to go blm burn loot murder then do it in DC. Take it up with the Pelousy DC cops, the SC and DC itself. BLM-ing LA doesn't do any good. Bring it on home.
You calling me a baby killer? Go fuck yourself. That fits perfectly.
you get your drawers in a wad over 'you baby killers' when i gave you advice on how to be the most effective radical destroyers of property and society in general. you need to get your priorities straight.
The left lies about violence being untolerable.

They just mean YOU are not allowed to use it, but they can.
You are such a dumbass. Did you read the draft? Alito uses 17th century hogwash about witches. I suppose you didn't hear about that one. Dumbass.
Since you also think a Supreme Court Justice is a dumbass, I'm in good company.

The statement stands. Communist democrats are all about taking individual liberties away.
You are such a dumbass. Did you read the draft? Alito uses 17th century hogwash about witches. I suppose you didn't hear about that one. Dumbass.
Okay I read the draft. You lied. There is not one word about witches. There is quite an exhaustive examination of the totally ignorant claim that abortion was historically legal.
Okay I read the draft. You lied. There is not one word about witches. There is quite an exhaustive examination of the totally ignorant claim that abortion was historically legal.
Oh, of course!! I say you don't know how to read or you didn't read it. That makes you the liar.

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