Threats from Russia to the USA minutes ago.

Putin won't do it. Look towards China.
Putin is ticked off because Poland invited the USA to put nukes in Poland this morning. So I think Putin's new threat this morning may have something to do with that prospect. It's a little hazy if the current threat was made a few minutes ago, and it's hazy because it was written on top of 60 years of the Professor's history lecture. I think it's a little strange that it would be the most recent addition to YouTube's ongoing Putin/Zalenski/Russia/Ukraine/USA/Poland/Duda/Biden/current threats/etc.
Putin is ticked off because Poland invited the USA to put nukes in Poland this morning. So I think Putin's new threat this morning may have something to do with that prospect. It's a little hazy if the current threat was made a few minutes ago, and it's hazy because it was written on top of 60 years of the Professor's history lecture. I think it's a little strange that it would be the most recent addition to YouTube's ongoing Putin/Zalenski/Russia/Ukraine/USA/Poland/Duda/Biden/current threats/etc.
No, Russia won't be ticked off over a rumour that America is in favour of nuclear proliferation.
The idea is only for American public consumption.

Oh, and don't you know the real story on the Cuban missile crisis yet? Ask your dad!
What grabbed your attention in the last minute?
I had just watched a series of videos on Russia's preoccupation with nukes by land, sky, and sea, Poland's offer to hold American nukes in their country, The EU sanctioning Russia amid nuclear threats, etc. While all this is going on, the Washington crowd is having petty annoyances being hurled each other like rotten apples. North Korea is being an attention whore again by shooting a missile over Japan that landed far enough away from Japan to equate a measurable distance that they could now strike America's West Coast.

Here's European current opinionaries on Putin's spitting out yet another nuclear threat:

A military invasion through the southern border makes sense. It is already meticulously undefended.
He's talkin' nukes.

The same way JFK did in 1962.
The US has been fighting for regime change in Russia to the last drop of Ukrainian blood longer than most Americans have been alive:

Ukraine: The CIA’s 75-year-old Proxy | MR Online

"The MSM have constructed an undiluted narrative about 'Putin’s War' that disguises America’s imperialist expansion into eastern Europe.

"It is utterly Orwellian in its effort to project onto Russia what the U.S. and its main imperial ally, the UK (which a British journalist deemed 'America’s tugboat'), have been doing non-stop since 1945—and indeed for centuries.

"Looking back, the U.S. under Truman began the policy of turning enemies (Germany, Japan) into friends and friends (the important war-time alliance with the USSR) into enemies.

"The CIA, established in 1947, was the main clandestine instrument of this policy, working closely with the neo-Nazi Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) to carry out acts to sabotage, divide and destabilize the Soviet state."
The same way JFK did in 1962.
The US has been fighting for regime change in Russia to the last drop of Ukrainian blood longer than most Americans have been alive:

Ukraine: The CIA’s 75-year-old Proxy | MR Online

"The MSM have constructed an undiluted narrative about 'Putin’s War' that disguises America’s imperialist expansion into eastern Europe.

"It is utterly Orwellian in its effort to project onto Russia what the U.S. and its main imperial ally, the UK (which a British journalist deemed 'America’s tugboat'), have been doing non-stop since 1945—and indeed for centuries.

"Looking back, the U.S. under Truman began the policy of turning enemies (Germany, Japan) into friends and friends (the important war-time alliance with the USSR) into enemies.

"The CIA, established in 1947, was the main clandestine instrument of this policy, working closely with the neo-Nazi Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) to carry out acts to sabotage, divide and destabilize the Soviet state."
LOL the Soviet Union was never our friend. I guess they just accidentally stole the info on nukes and our technology all those years.
LOL the Soviet Union was never our friend. I guess they just accidentally stole the info on nukes and our technology all those years.
If you grew up during the Cold War as I did, perhaps you also heard how the WWII vets wanted to fight Russia AFTER they defeated the Nazis so the boomer generation did not have to?

I think it's likely that war would have happened if the Soviets had not acquired nuclear weapons, and in any event, the Soviets were not dropping terrorists into Texas or Montana in order to facilitate regime change in DC
If you grew up during the Cold War as I did, perhaps you also heard how the WWII vets wanted to fight Russia AFTER they defeated the Nazis so the boomer generation did not have to?

I think it's likely that war would have happened if the Soviets had not acquired nuclear weapons, and in any event, the Soviets were not dropping terrorists into Texas or Montana in order to facilitate regime change in DC
again the Soviets were never our friends, and they were only allies because they had no choice and as soon as Germany was defeated, they went back to adversaries.
No, Russia won't be ticked off over a rumour that America is in favour of nuclear proliferation.
The idea is only for American public consumption.

Oh, and don't you know the real story on the Cuban missile crisis yet? Ask your dad!
When you're attacking me, don't mention my family again. USMB Rules and Guidelines

My dear father died in 1991 at a ripe old age and cannot support your claim from the days of the Kennedy administration. Dad's service ended in 1953 when we came home from Fort Richardson, Alaska. He spent the rest of his life teaching slide rule and coaching sports teams in our home state's high schools. His math students won every interscholastic league math contest until he retired.
When you're attacking me, don't mention my family again. USMB Rules and Guidelines

My dear father died in 1991 at a ripe old age and cannot support your claim from the days of the Kennedy administration. Dad's service ended in 1953 when we came home from Fort Richardson, Alaska. He spent the rest of his life teaching slide rule and coaching sports teams in our home state's high schools. His math students won every interscholastic league math contest until he retired.
Not that bright. Room-temp IQ. Hunter snorts coke while his dad forgives those who effeminize their gonads with the slothful cartoons of cannabis.
If you grew up during the Cold War as I did, perhaps you also heard how the WWII vets wanted to fight Russia AFTER they defeated the Nazis so the boomer generation did not have to?

I think it's likely that war would have happened if the Soviets had not acquired nuclear weapons, and in any event, the Soviets were not dropping terrorists into Texas or Montana in order to facilitate regime change in DC
Belarus is doing something about CIA presence in Ukraine. Lukashenko: "No price increases as of today."
Belarus is doing something about CIA presence in Ukraine. Lukashenko: "No price increases as of today."
What sort of "price increases" does he mean?

Lukashenko confirms Belarus’ participation in war against Ukraine

"At the same time, Lukashenko tried to justify himself and stated that his country’s participation is allegedly limited 'to preventing the spread of this conflict into Belarus’ territory.'

Read also:
Lukashenko denies rumors of mobilization in Belarus

"'Secondly, to preventing a strike on Belarus from Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia under the guise of the special military operation,' the dictator said.

"'As I’ve said, nobody is going to shoot Russians in the back from Belarus’ territory. This is our participation.'"
I think it's likely that war would have happened if the Soviets had not acquired nuclear weapons, and in any event, the Soviets were not dropping terrorists into Texas or Montana in order to facilitate regime change in DC
It's hard to say who killed JFK, but it seems the mob and Russia are the main suspects. There are other theories, but they don't seem likely at all.

Also, the Soviet Union supported a lot of far-left terrorists in Europe, they'd do bombing/hijackings. Ever heard of the Red Army Faction?
Нave you noticed the absence of a mass anti-war movement in еuropean countries, where the Euro-greens should be in the forefront (and they can collect hundreds of thousands of protesters at a whistle), because all their favorite animals will burn in a nuclear conflict.
But at the helm of the greens are not eco-activists, but misanthropes

"Dutch greens have banned the deconservation of the country's largest gas field, fearing earthquakes at the start of gas production"
Eco-taliban is when members of this cult are more afraid of probable earthquakes than of the damaging factors of nuclear weapons.
Еurope is stupefied
Also, the Soviet Union supported a lot of far-left terrorists in Europe, they'd do bombing/hijackings. Ever heard of the Red Army Faction?
They fought fascists.

Red Army Faction - Wikipedia

"The RAF described itself as a communist, anti-imperialist, and urban guerrilla group engaged in armed resistance against what they deemed to be a fascist state.

"Members of the RAF generally used the Marxist–Leninist term faction when they wrote in English."

Have you any knowledge of Operation Gladio?

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