Threats to Assassinate Romney Explode After Debate

Does no one find it odd that with all of the spelling fails on the webs, EVERY SINGLE ONE of those posts had "assassinate" spelled correctly?

It's another one of Alex Jones' endless bullshit stories. I'm surpised he didn't start it with "Buy gold."

I think Glenn Beck would sue if he did.

Regards from Rosie

What the hell are you two hens clucking about.
If you are going to go off topic, start your own stupid thread. Better still, stop posting here and join a quilting club.
Can you imagine just how mad some folks would be if someone came in and took away their Obamaphone???? I'm sure it would make a few of them made enough to kill. They wouldn't be able to text or update facebook from the mall!!! It's just plain criminal!!

Oh PUH-lese -

Not the "Obamaphone" LIE again.

Can't you please get some new lies? Check with MitTwit - he's told 533 LIES ince beginning his camp-pain so I'm sure you can find something there.

We are not defending your false accusations.
You libs are a fucking miracle. In every instance when the facts do not agree with your agenda, you simply accuse the opposition of lying.
Your accusations are worth precisely DICK.
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The left's true color emerge as they are backed into a corner. Who can vote for these people?

Threats to Assassinate Romney Explode After Debate

» Threats to Assassinate Romney Explode After Debate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Despite numerous media outlets attempting to downplay the issue, Twitter exploded last night following the debate with new threats from Obama supporters to assassinate Mitt Romney if he defeats Obama in the presidential race.

Sorry , but the right has plotted to kill the President of the United States on several occasions.

Assassination threats against Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, ok...So some radical lefty moonbat starts a wiki page about threats on Obama yet the mainstream media has reported NOTHING...Hmm..
Flag on the play, Unsportsmanlike conduct. Spreading bullshit. 15 yards. Loss of down. 4th down.
Oh, and just because someone tweets "I want to ( harm) the president, does not constitute a threat.
Now, to be fair, these things about Romney on twitter are idiots with nothing better to do.
If what goes on in twitter affects you that much, you have a serious problem with having too much idle time on your hands.
Here's your people that support hussein, and the very same ones that would make the threats...

[ame=]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]
Here's your people that support hussein, and the very same ones that would make the threats...

Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube

Wait, that can't be true...some cracked out Obama supporter said it was another one of Mitt's lies.

So, apparently somebody paid this poor lady to say this...right? I mean, there's no way that she could honestly think that the government would actually give her a phone... could she? Now, if she were entitled to said phone, then that would be a different story altogether I suppose. Maybe she hasn't worked in a really long time and her unemployment ran out and became a "+" in the employment statistics. For whatever reason, she is convinced that a vote for Obama is the ticket to a free phone...and, God bless her, she's gonna do what she gotta do.
Does no one find it odd that with all of the spelling fails on the webs, EVERY SINGLE ONE of those posts had "assassinate" spelled correctly?

It's another one of Alex Jones' endless bullshit stories. I'm surpised he didn't start it with "Buy gold."

I think Glenn Beck would sue if he did.

Regards from Rosie

What the hell are you two hens clucking about.
If you are going to go off topic, start your own stupid thread. Better still, stop posting here and join a quilting club.

Aren't silly men just the cutest little things? It's so adorable that he doesn't want women to talk. We need to make quilts instead, make ourselves useful!

Clown, I got my diesel certification in '88. I can fix everything from a tricycle to an ocean liner. I don't have time for quiltmaking.

I wasn't off topic, btw. I was pointing out how those tweets were fake.

Now, little man, tell me how "Obamaphones" fit into the topic. Then get out in the kitchen and make me a ham sammich.
I think Glenn Beck would sue if he did.

Regards from Rosie

What the hell are you two hens clucking about.
If you are going to go off topic, start your own stupid thread. Better still, stop posting here and join a quilting club.

Aren't silly men just the cutest little things? It's so adorable that he doesn't want women to talk. We need to make quilts instead, make ourselves useful!

Clown, I got my diesel certification in '88. I can fix everything from a tricycle to an ocean liner. I don't have time for quiltmaking.

I wasn't off topic, btw. I was pointing out how those tweets were fake.

Now, little man, tell me how "Obamaphones" fit into the topic. Then get out in the kitchen and make me a ham sammich.

I think your depends are full.
I never stated nor implied you not talk at all.
It is the total lack of logic and reason that finds me asking you to seek another hobby.
BTW, I have never used the term "Obamaphones"...
There you go again, making up stupid shit.
Now, about that quilting club...
I think Glenn Beck would sue if he did.

Regards from Rosie

What the hell are you two hens clucking about.
If you are going to go off topic, start your own stupid thread. Better still, stop posting here and join a quilting club.

Aren't silly men just the cutest little things? It's so adorable that he doesn't want women to talk. We need to make quilts instead, make ourselves useful!

Clown, I got my diesel certification in '88. I can fix everything from a tricycle to an ocean liner. I don't have time for quiltmaking.

I wasn't off topic, btw. I was pointing out how those tweets were fake.

Now, little man, tell me how "Obamaphones" fit into the topic. Then get out in the kitchen and make me a ham sammich.

The problem with you libs is you think you can fix everything.
The left's true color emerge as they are backed into a corner. Who can vote for these people?

Threats to Assassinate Romney Explode After Debate

» Threats to Assassinate Romney Explode After Debate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Despite numerous media outlets attempting to downplay the issue, Twitter exploded last night following the debate with new threats from Obama supporters to assassinate Mitt Romney if he defeats Obama in the presidential race.

the assassintion attempt if tried wont be successul.The secret servie agents will try to protect him unlike they did with Kennedy.:D they protect the evil and corrupt.
The left's true color emerge as they are backed into a corner. Who can vote for these people?

Threats to Assassinate Romney Explode After Debate

» Threats to Assassinate Romney Explode After Debate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Despite numerous media outlets attempting to downplay the issue, Twitter exploded last night following the debate with new threats from Obama supporters to assassinate Mitt Romney if he defeats Obama in the presidential race.
It's prolly from the wingnuts who Mittens is betraying by moving to the center.
The left's true color emerge as they are backed into a corner. Who can vote for these people?

Threats to Assassinate Romney Explode After Debate

» Threats to Assassinate Romney Explode After Debate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Despite numerous media outlets attempting to downplay the issue, Twitter exploded last night following the debate with new threats from Obama supporters to assassinate Mitt Romney if he defeats Obama in the presidential race.
It's prolly from the wingnuts who Mittens is betraying by moving to the center.

"Prolly" ... "Mitten" ... what kind of little FAGGOT TALK is that ya pole inhaling little QUEER BAIT BITCH?

You'd be doing yourself and the rest of the board a big favor if you just SHUT THE FUCK UP... moron.

Funny how I'm in your ignore list yet you find posts of mine to neg. How is that, scabby?

You're a lying little two faced liberal piss bag.
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Threats to Assassinate Romney Explode After Debate

And THAT was just at the Secret Service! :lol:
Assinate Romney....President Ryan.


The lefties on this board would look like the invaders from Mars attacks with yodelling in full gear.

[ame=]Indian Love Call in Mars Attacks! - YouTube[/ame]
The left's true color emerge as they are backed into a corner. Who can vote for these people?

Threats to Assassinate Romney Explode After Debate

» Threats to Assassinate Romney Explode After Debate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Despite numerous media outlets attempting to downplay the issue, Twitter exploded last night following the debate with new threats from Obama supporters to assassinate Mitt Romney if he defeats Obama in the presidential race.

I bet it was right wingers mad because of all the etchy sketchy positions.
I doubt it. Right wingers are highly disinterested in poor quality art.
I think Glenn Beck would sue if he did.

Regards from Rosie

What the hell are you two hens clucking about.
If you are going to go off topic, start your own stupid thread. Better still, stop posting here and join a quilting club.

Aren't silly men just the cutest little things? It's so adorable that he doesn't want women to talk. We need to make quilts instead, make ourselves useful!

Clown, I got my diesel certification in '88. I can fix everything from a tricycle to an ocean liner. I don't have time for quiltmaking.

I wasn't off topic, btw. I was pointing out how those tweets were fake.

Now, little man, tell me how "Obamaphones" fit into the topic. Then get out in the kitchen and make me a ham sammich.

Aren't women silly things. Is there anything on earth any sillier than a neglege'.. Silly women think they make them appear sexier.. silly women.. Why would be those silly quilts. Quilts remind me of fruitcake. They are pretty much worthless but with the recieving of them one is obligated to fawn all over the gift when everyone that has ever tried to use one knows that cardboard is a better insulator..

Note to silly women: ... Fred Meyer(A large department store) sells bedding that is 100 times more comfortable than any quilt ever made.. A quilt is useless compared to a cheap sleeping bag unzipped. Oh that's's the "love" ya put into it.. Did I mention how silly and useless fruitcakes made with all that "love" are?

If I want a ham sammie I'll order out and have a proffesionally made one that will knock your socks off delivered.

I'll fix my own machinery toots. You'll know how usefull your skills are when your friends and aquaintenances keep asking you to fix thier shit.

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