three cops and paramedics charged in black mans death

matter a fact fourth amendment in the constitution: Consensual The police can approach you without any legal basis to ask questions. You can consent (agree) to answer questions or you can refuse.

And on the police page they have ever right to detain you and even if it is here say. a phone call from person in neighbor saying there is fella in black clothes and a black ski mask is acting sketchy is giving them the right to detain and talk to the man.

his best bet would be talk to them, instead of fight them.
Wearing a ski mask. No behavior that was “sketchy”. No one at any time said they saw him do anything that indicated he was doing anything illegal, about to do anything illegal.

Sorry, I just don’t think people should be detained over nothing. To detain someone, to be physically stopped and restrained by the police should require more than just wearing a ski mask because you get cold. The government ability yo harass people should only go so far.
Why is it that every time these black males are killed by cops they were just peacefully walking down the street, picking up trash, waving to old people and minding their own business?
What was he doing illegal? Oh that's right if you are black you are automatically suspicious, funny how these Karens never find a white dude walking down the street to be suspicious.
So the poor bugger dies of Cardiac arrest and the cops are to blame??? What am I missing here??

I just hope those cops suffer in prison — just a foretaste of the eternal torment in hell they face.
Why are people blaming the cops? If there is anyone I blame it's the paramedics. The cops didn't select the drug or inject it into that guy.
What did the call say again? What grounds was he stopped on?
The argument for anything is what is escalation. People who experience evil law enforcement do not forget. But there is a lot of good law enforcement also. It is the supposed view that we are supposed to bow to them. We are having issues now because there are tens of millions of people and more who have had inept, incompetent and abrasive morons affect the lives of individuals and families. We need police. We need to bring ten times more, a hundred times more to prison for transgressions. And we need to go back decades for those who played with the rights of others.
Why are people blaming the cops? If there is anyone I blame it's the paramedics. The cops didn't select the drug or inject it into that guy.
The paramedics by themselves aren't really in a position of forcing people to submit to medical procedures against their will. It's the cops who are responsible for the use of guns and handcuffs, other restraints and hardware.
The paramedics by themselves aren't really in a position of forcing people to submit to medical procedures against their will. It's the cops who are responsible for the use of guns and handcuffs, other restraints and hardware.
Yes, but the cops only subdued the man. They may have, or did even request the drug. The medical professional would have to determine the appropriateness for any medication.

I can go into a clinic and demand liquid is their call to determine if I should receive it or not. That is why they receive training.
Wearing a ski mask. No behavior that was “sketchy”. No one at any time said they saw him do anything that indicated he was doing anything illegal, about to do anything illegal.

Sorry, I just don’t think people should be detained over nothing. To detain someone, to be physically stopped and restrained by the police should require more than just wearing a ski mask because you get cold. The government ability yo harass people should only go

Wearing a ski mask. No behavior that was “sketchy”. No one at any time said they saw him do anything that indicated he was doing anything illegal, about to do anything illegal.

Sorry, I just don’t think people should be detained over nothing. To detain someone, to be physically stopped and restrained by the police should require more than just wearing a ski mask because you get cold. The government ability yo harass people should only go so far.
it does not mater what you think. some one called and said a man in a ski mask was acting sketchy;. by the law and the consitution they have right to stop and detane him for questionsing. and it is not harrasment it is investigting. and is strange for some people to see a man in black with a ski mask to be wearing one out side season or if they are not sking. robbers wear them you know.
it does not mater what you think. some one called and said a man in a ski mask was acting sketchy;. by the law and the consitution they have right to stop and detane him for questionsing. and it is not harrasment it is investigting. and is strange for some people to see a man in black with a ski mask to be wearing one out side season or if they are not sking. robbers wear them you know.
No, the law requires more than a person thinking you “look sketchy”. There has to be articulable reason to think that someone has or is about to commit a crime.

By stopping and detaining someone, you are depriving them or rights and forgive me from saying that the ability to deprive someone of rights has to go a little bit further than wearing an article of clothing.

Call me crazy, but I think people’s rights matter more than that.
No, the law requires more than a person thinking you “look sketchy”. There has to be articulable reason to think that someone has or is about to commit a crime.

By stopping and detaining someone, you are depriving them or rights and forgive me from saying that the ability to deprive someone of rights has to go a little bit further than wearing an article of clothing.

Call me crazy, but I think people’s rights matter more than that.
wrong it says what i told you on the police page. they had ever right to do what they did as far as detaining him and investigting because they got a call. i actually talk to cop about this so yesd im right.
wrong it says what i told you on the police page. they had ever right to do what they did as far as detaining him and investigting because they got a call. i actually talk to cop about this so yesd im right.
They asked the caller if they thought the person was doing anything illegal. The caller said no. The police observed him and likewise said they had no indication he was doing anything illegal.

Without an articulable case that he was suspected of doing something illegal, they cannot deprive him of rights.

I don't doubt that a cop thought it was okay. Cops tend to feel the bar to deprive people of rights is basically nonexistent.

well i attached the police video of what happened. shoyld they have charged all these people be charged?

Since the murder of George Floyd, prosecutors and civil rights organizations are combing through the past for similar situations. This one is but one of many they are pursuing now.

A young man goes into a convenience store and buys some beverages. On his way out, he bows genteely to another customer.

911 Caller: He looks sketchy.

Jesus H. Christ! What a fucking asshole!

The young man is walking down the sidewalk with his plastic bag from the store.

COP: You're acting suspicious.

So they murdered him. After they choked him, he vomited and then apologized for vomiting before they gave him a fatal dose of ketamine.

I'm sure somehow some way, some tard will find a way to blame the guy for his own murder.

"He shouldna protested the way they were treating him!"
apparently the paramedics and fire department can legally use it on people who are aggitated and agresive,. which he was aggetated.
They gave him a dose of ketamine far above what is supposed to be given to someone of his weight.
If he has that much difficulty interacting with the public,s he should not be out to begin with. I would not have charged the officers
Oh, I see. Buying beverages and bowing to the other customers and walking home is a horrendous way to interact with society.

Holy shit, man!
Why is it that every time these black males are killed by cops they were just peacefully walking down the street, picking up trash, waving to old people and minding their own business?
This guy was minding his own business. Did you even watch the video, retard?
Much like Floyd, if they hadn't been doing illegal shit they would be alive today.

When you decide to do illegal stuff you take your life in your own hands, when you fight the cops you do so even more.
Another retard who didn't watch the video. The murder victim was not doing a single fucking thing wrong.

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