Three cops shot in Baton Rouge

Both of these guys were military. We know they both were honorably discharged. And one was refered to some sort of treatment.

Other than that they shared nothing else except killing cops.

So what will the blame be? The blackness Trump did with the judge who was unfair because he's "A Mexican"?

The shooters seemed to think whiteness alone was to blame.

Well that tactic is getting kinda old...blaming it on whitey...that tactic is kinda stagnant and ineffective.....blaming it on the culture seems like a better that we can get a lot of mileage out of before folks catch on. Git mah drift?

It is an old and ineffective tactic. Claiming that whites are under attack by the minority and blaming them for all the problems is as old as the Southern Strategy....

Oh you were saying...something else.? Poor fool.
“There was multiple gunshots going back and forth and back and forth before any police ever showed up. This was not a come-at-police situation,” Vancel said. “They weren’t targeting police at first, I don’t assume so, because these were men out here shooting at each other in an empty parking lot until the police showed and then it turned into a gun battle, I’m guessing to try to get themselves free or get out of the situation.”
Get your facts straight, you lying bastards!!
Both of these guys were military. We know they both were honorably discharged. And one was refered to some sort of treatment.

Other than that they shared nothing else except killing cops.

So what will the blame be? The blackness Trump did with the judge who was unfair because he's "A Mexican"?

The shooters seemed to think whiteness alone was to blame.

Blame for their military service? Or for their shootings? Because one of the cops in Baton Rouge was black.

He must of missed.
It is an old and ineffective tactic. Claiming that whites are under attack by the minority and blaming them for all the problems is as old as the Southern Strategy....

Oh you were saying...something else.? Poor fool.
True. OTOH, to constantly act like it's 1964 and every Democrat is a "Freedom Rider" is equally old. It's also stupid, deceitful and racist.
Both of these guys were military. We know they both were honorably discharged. And one was refered to some sort of treatment.

Other than that they shared nothing else except killing cops.

So what will the blame be? The blackness Trump did with the judge who was unfair because he's "A Mexican"?
Trying to understand why you keep lying is a mystery to me:
When Army career ended in disgrace, Dallas gunman was ostracized
"The [panty] case ended in September 2014, when Johnson signed paperwork agreeing to receive a "less than honorable" discharge from the Army".

I haven't seen anything on the career of the second murderer.

Your lies and half-truths aside, are you seriously trying to claim only racist RWers are prejudicial assholes who broad brush others? What about the fucking LWers who broad brush every gun owner as a tiny dick nutjob whenever some mentally ill individual (how's that Obamacare working?) murders several people?
He was walking' down the road with an assault rifle. The NRA defends his right to do that!
Assault rifle or assault weapon? Let's assume for a minute you know the difference.

FWIW, I am happy to have the NRA defend my right to walk down a road with a rifle over my shoulder without having a SWAT team shoot me in the head for being "suspicious".
So you saying we should blame all 'evil' on culture....or just some it?...if it is a cultural thing does that mean no one is to blame...aka it is just their culture?

O.K. I think i see where you are coming from....get ready to roll the presses....we gonna run wid dat....yeh dats da ticket. Bound to git dem rightwingers off our butts...just blame it all on culture...yeh dats da ticket boyo's.
Not sure what you mean by "evil" since I not only didn't mention it in my post, but do not believe "evil" is a force unto itself. It's more like "cold", which is merely an absence of heat.
Both of these guys were military. We know they both were honorably discharged. And one was refered to some sort of treatment.

Other than that they shared nothing else except killing cops.

So what will the blame be? The blackness Trump did with the judge who was unfair because he's "A Mexican"?
Trying to understand why you keep lying is a mystery to me:
When Army career ended in disgrace, Dallas gunman was ostracized
"The [panty] case ended in September 2014, when Johnson signed paperwork agreeing to receive a "less than honorable" discharge from the Army".

I haven't seen anything on the career of the second murderer.

Your lies and half-truths aside, are you seriously trying to claim only racist RWers are prejudicial assholes who broad brush others? What about the fucking LWers who broad brush every gun owner as a tiny dick nutjob whenever some mentally ill individual (how's that Obamacare working?) murders several people?

So tell me since I'm lying. I think he received an honorable discharge. You posted some bullshit about him REQUESTING something. What was he discharged from the military is the question. Post that he was NOT honorably discharged and I'll never repeat it again.

Ahh, you’re stereotyping. So, that means that all white cop killers were representing conservatives everywhere? Right?

Yeah....let me know when white people call for Fatwa against the police.

Yeah….let me know when a vocal few speak for the millions.

See, folks…this is what I mean when I equate conservatism to sheer laziness. Some loudmouth blacks, in the mind of conservatives, have been promoted to being the spokesmen for blacks (and I suppose liberals) everywhere. I agree, it’s much more involved to hold more than one though in your head and I suppose conservatives are just more comfortable with one at a time…but it doesn’t make it valid.
You must be referring to that race baiting jiggaboo that obama appointed as his advisor in the Fergunson case.. Al Sharpton?
“There was multiple gunshots going back and forth and back and forth before any police ever showed up. This was not a come-at-police situation,” Vancel said. “They weren’t targeting police at first, I don’t assume so, because these were men out here shooting at each other in an empty parking lot until the police showed and then it turned into a gun battle, I’m guessing to try to get themselves free or get out of the situation.”
Get your facts straight, you lying bastards!!

Link it or stfu.
Tell me you are joking........
No, just mistaken. I thought he had a scope. The only reason he had for pointing his rifle down range was to line up for a shot or for the multiple pictures of him from all angles on the Internet. Which do you think it was? [Hint: he never fired his rifle].

Notice the photographers in the first image, not to mention the one who took the picture:



Now ask me what I think about the Bundy situation itself and whether or not the fucking asshole should have been arrested for cheating and stealing from "We, the People". :D
It is an old and ineffective tactic. Claiming that whites are under attack by the minority and blaming them for all the problems is as old as the Southern Strategy....

Oh you were saying...something else.? Poor fool.
True. OTOH, to constantly act like it's 1964 and every Democrat is a "Freedom Rider" is equally old. It's also stupid, deceitful and racist.

I agree and when you're done with that strawman let me give him a punch or two too!
I agree and when you're done with that strawman let me give him a punch or two too!
Thanks for agreeing, but you already brought up and punched your own straw man with this comment "Claiming that whites are under attack by the minority and blaming them for all the problems is as old as the Southern Strategy". Did it make you happy?
So tell me since I'm lying. I think he received an honorable discharge. You posted some bullshit about him REQUESTING something. What was he discharged from the military is the question. Post that he was NOT honorably discharged and I'll never repeat it again.
Obviously you know little about the military and less about the truth.

If the link I provided didn't convince you Johnson was given a LTH discharge, you are free to research and provide your own evidence that he was Honorably Discharged as you claim.

If all you want to do is blame others for your own mistakes, then I strongly doubt your credibility will climb much higher than dog shit.
I turned that crap off. Royals vs Tigers is on
Agreed about turning it off sometimes. However, I do see a clear difference between daytime news and nighttime commentary. I never, ever watch that bullshit.
I watch in the evenings is there are big current events underway. I will likely watch a fair amount this week. Having said that I'd heard enough about death for one day today.
Homey killed 3 officers including a black one, so what's the talking story this time?
NY STL MD HOU DAL BR all recent Cop assassinations off top of my head. So many on this site make jokes and approve of this. I am sickened. This is serious sheeeat unleashed by foolish politicians and media.
Homey killed 3 officers including a black one, so what's the talking story this time?
Have you watched this video? I looked through the comments and all on her page and she had just gotten new phone 7-15

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