Three cops shot in Baton Rouge

He reminds me of that black muscle guy who sang Barry White on AGT last week...

Ahh, you’re stereotyping. So, that means that all white cop killers were representing conservatives everywhere? Right?

Yeah....let me know when white people call for Fatwa against the police.
dont hold your breath, whites in general are not animalistic degenerates.
Men seem to be tho.
No someone who posts a positive comment on a killers page regarding a killing..........did I list a specific color......didnt think so
Did you deny being a Democrat who advocates violating the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendments? Didn't think so.

Police need to scan these people social media interrogate every one of their friends...anyone who posts a positive comment and owns a gun needs it to be seized
No someone who posts a positive comment on a killers page regarding a killing..........did I list a specific color......didnt think so
Did you deny being a Democrat who advocates violating the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendments? Didn't think so.

Police need to scan these people social media interrogate every one of their friends...anyone who posts a positive comment and owns a gun needs it to be seized
Any cursory reading of my posts and you'd know I am not a dem......ooooops......and I stand by what I said...anyone on this guys social media accounts who agreed with him needs investigating period end of story
Nothing said they were liberals.

They're n!ggers....
If I have to say more you're a complete dolt.

Ahh, you’re stereotyping. So, that means that all white cop killers were representing conservatives everywhere? Right?

Yeah....let me know when white people call for Fatwa against the police.
dont hold your breath, whites in general are not animalistic degenerates.
Men seem to be tho.

Only the dark versions....
I was going to post "Cosmo's" website but see others have.

Another fucking nutcase with a gun!

Personally.....I think it was the gun's fault...yeh dats da wid dat boyo's

Let us not forget Hitler was a nutcase....does that excuse him?

Muhammed was a psychotic pedophile....crazy as they come---does that excuse him?

You can add Stalin and Mao to that list..........are they excused also?

Yeh...sounds like you have found the perfect remedy bro....just declare all terrorism the work of nutcases then we can all rest easy....nuttin to worry about ...just a bunch of nutcases....yeh dats da tiket folks.

The libtards have finally solved the problem....yeh yeh right on bro.

Even Satan himself probably has a few mental do not worry about anything that is evil...just some kind of mental abberation. we understand. Dont worry folks be happy...nuttin but a bunch of nutcases....yeh dats da ticket.
Your accusations are lame. Point is that cops don't seem to like it when they are targeted. No one does. Yet they target blacks with impunity and now cry that THEY are unfairly targeted. It's ironic.

Well the assholes that pulled this shit today will guarantee that more blacks die. The bogus 911 call they used will cause officers to hesitate to respond to future calls and that will cost lives. BTW blacks only account for 26% of police involved killings.

More blacks dying by cops is inevitable anyway. They get away with it everytime. Maybe people are tired of being targeted.
If they don't want to be targeted...stop acting like a target.
Yes....everyone knows that a broken tail light makes you a target. Stop.
I've been stopped for a broken light...thank God they didn't shoot me. You are nuts.

White privilege.
Well the assholes that pulled this shit today will guarantee that more blacks die. The bogus 911 call they used will cause officers to hesitate to respond to future calls and that will cost lives. BTW blacks only account for 26% of police involved killings.

More blacks dying by cops is inevitable anyway. They get away with it everytime. Maybe people are tired of being targeted.
If they don't want to be targeted...stop acting like a target.
Yes....everyone knows that a broken tail light makes you a target. Stop.
I've been stopped for a broken light...thank God they didn't shoot me. You are nuts.

White privilege.

Yeh...we can run wid dat bro....teach dem white folk a lesson or two....blame it on white privilege yeh dats dat ticket...obama bound to back us on dat...and of course abc,nbc,cbs,cnn ....all aboard...............yeh git dat train going boyo's.
Given blacks penchant for violence I'd bet it is.
Skin color has nothing to do with a propensity for violence. It's a matter of culture. Europeans think Americans have a "culture of violence" because of our gun rights, Wild West heritage and love of violent movies. American inner-city blacks have a strong cultural propensity to idolize the Hip-Hop Gangsta image and lifestyle.

Notice the "shot and killed" list of dead Hip-Hop artists: List of deceased hip hop artists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

which came first the skin color or the culture?
Why do you accuse me of being anti-man when I am just pointing out the Fact that almost ALL violent crimes are committed by men. Yes there are some women committing violent crimes like the female you mention....but she is very much the exception. Or do you dispute that?
Let's cut to the chase. What is your solution to a genetic reality?

Men are naturally, genetically-predisposed to be aggressive. For a very few, this means they become criminally violent. We have laws and anyone who violates those laws ends up in jail.

Both LWers and RWers want to point out how the number of blacks in prison [edit] is above the norm. Many LWers claim a biased justice system, many RWers claim genetics. It's a mixture of truth and reality. While there is proven bias in the system, it's understandable why people, of any skin-tone, would be biased against a violent [edit] subculture (inner-city Hi-Hop Gangstas).

In my line of work, I often meet and work with foreigners. Those of a darker skin-tone are likely to point out they are foreigners not "an American black". Why? Culture.
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Both of these guys were military. We know they both were honorably discharged. And one was refered to some sort of treatment.

Other than that they shared nothing else except killing cops.

So what will the blame be? The blackness Trump did with the judge who was unfair because he's "A Mexican"?
Police don't like to be targeted. The black community says "Really?" :cool:

THIS right here is why we're in the mess we're in. You have no sense of reality....NONE

It is also proof of my other thread. You condone this violence. Perhaps one day it will come for you and your tune will change.

Your accusations are lame. Point is that cops don't seem to like it when they are targeted. No one does. Yet they target blacks with impunity and now cry that THEY are unfairly targeted. It's ironic.

Well the assholes that pulled this shit today will guarantee that more blacks die. The bogus 911 call they used will cause officers to hesitate to respond to future calls and that will cost lives. BTW blacks only account for 26% of police involved killings.

More blacks dying by cops is inevitable anyway. They get away with it everytime. Maybe people are tired of being targeted.
What a racist comment.

People of all color eventually being shot and killed by cops is inevitable. More cops being killed by blacks AND whites is inevitable. More blacks being killed by blacks in black-on-black crime is inevitable. More non-Muslims being killed by Muslim terrorists is inevitable. You saying something racist / stupid again is inevitable...
Why do you accuse me of being anti-man when I am just pointing out the Fact that almost ALL violent crimes are committed by men. Yes there are some women committing violent crimes like the female you mention....but she is very much the exception. Or do you dispute that?
Let's cut to the chase. What is your solution to a genetic reality?

Men are naturally, genetically-predisposed to be aggressive. For a very few, this means they become criminally violent. We have laws and anyone who violates those laws ends up in jail.

Both LWers and RWers want to point out how the number of blacks is above the norm. Many LWers claim a biased justice system, many RWers claim genetics. It's a mixture of truth and reality. While there is proven bias in the system, it's understandable why people, of any skin-tone, would be biased against a subculture (inner-city Hi-Hop Gangstas).

In my line of work, I often meet and work with foreigners. Those of a darker skin-tone are likely to point out they are foreigners not "an American black". Why? Culture.

So you saying we should blame all 'evil' on culture....or just some it?...if it is a cultural thing does that mean no one is to blame...aka it is just their culture?

O.K. I think i see where you are coming from....get ready to roll the presses....we gonna run wid dat....yeh dats da ticket. Bound to git dem rightwingers off our butts...just blame it all on culture...yeh dats da ticket boyo's.
Both of these guys were military. We know they both were honorably discharged. And one was refered to some sort of treatment.

Other than that they shared nothing else except killing cops.

So what will the blame be? The blackness Trump did with the judge who was unfair because he's "A Mexican"?

The shooters seemed to think whiteness alone was to blame.
Those of a darker skin-tone are likely to point out they are foreigners not "an American black". Why? Culture.

I imagine the reason they didn't say they were an American Black was because they werent. Usually that's what happens when you misidentify someones background.:dunno:
Both of these guys were military. We know they both were honorably discharged. And one was refered to some sort of treatment.

Other than that they shared nothing else except killing cops.

So what will the blame be? The blackness Trump did with the judge who was unfair because he's "A Mexican"?

The shooters seemed to think whiteness alone was to blame.

Blame for their military service? Or for their shootings? Because one of the cops in Baton Rouge was black.
Both of these guys were military. We know they both were honorably discharged. And one was refered to some sort of treatment.

Other than that they shared nothing else except killing cops.

So what will the blame be? The blackness Trump did with the judge who was unfair because he's "A Mexican"?

The shooters seemed to think whiteness alone was to blame.

Well that tactic is getting kinda old...blaming it on whitey...that tactic is kinda stagnant and ineffective.....blaming it on the culture seems like a better that we can get a lot of mileage out of before folks catch on. Git mah drift?

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