Three cops shot in Baton Rouge

I was going to post "Cosmo's" website but see others have.

Another fucking nutcase with a gun!

Personally.....I think it was the gun's fault...yeh dats da wid dat boyo's

Let us not forget Hitler was a nutcase....does that excuse him?

Muhammed was a psychotic pedophile....crazy as they come---does that excuse him?

You can add Stalin and Mao to that list..........are they excused also?

Yeh...sounds like you have found the perfect remedy bro....just declare all terrorism the work of nutcases then we can all rest easy....nuttin to worry about ...just a bunch of nutcases....yeh dats da tiket folks.

The libtards have finally solved the problem....yeh yeh right on bro.

Even Satan himself probably has a few mental do not worry about anything that is evil...just some kind of mental abberation. we understand. Dont worry folks be happy...nuttin but a bunch of nutcases....yeh dats da ticket.

Where do you get I'm excusing him by saying he's a nutcase???
NY STL MD HOU DAL BR all recent Cop assassinations off top of my head. So many on this site make jokes and approve of this. I am sickened. This is serious sheeeat unleashed by foolish politicians and media.
I agree, but people have to get this stopped, if I have to shame people I will. I think people need to understand, it's not ok to kill cops....not cool at all. If they invade your home illegally them could persuade me, but this shit needs to stop now.
Both of these guys were military. We know they both were honorably discharged. And one was refered to some sort of treatment.

Other than that they shared nothing else except killing cops.

So what will the blame be? The blackness Trump did with the judge who was unfair because he's "A Mexican"?
Trying to understand why you keep lying is a mystery to me:
When Army career ended in disgrace, Dallas gunman was ostracized
"The [panty] case ended in September 2014, when Johnson signed paperwork agreeing to receive a "less than honorable" discharge from the Army".

I haven't seen anything on the career of the second murderer.

Your lies and half-truths aside, are you seriously trying to claim only racist RWers are prejudicial assholes who broad brush others? What about the fucking LWers who broad brush every gun owner as a tiny dick nutjob whenever some mentally ill individual (how's that Obamacare working?) murders several people?
Huh. First I heard he didn't get an honorable. I suspect the writer was wrong in that the killer was still in the Ready Reserve.
NY STL MD HOU DAL BR all recent Cop assassinations off top of my head. So many on this site make jokes and approve of this. I am sickened. This is serious sheeeat unleashed by foolish politicians and media.
I agree, but people have to get this stopped, if I have to shame people I will. I think people need to understand, it's not ok to kill cops....not cool at all. If they invade your home illegally them could persuade me, but this shit needs to stop now.
Unfortunately after last seven and a half years of leadership it is just getting warmed up.

I don't hate anyone. Looking back at my children's choices of close (best friends), I did OK. It is getting better in some areas. Much better. The racism is now originating from other groups.
Is this a true history on this guy?

About Cosmo

Cosmo is a Freedom Strategist, Mental Game Coach, Nutritionist, Author and Spiritual Advisor.

At the age of sixteen, after self-educating himself about fitness, nutrition, and diet, Cosmo lost over eighty pounds in six months. He then joined the United States Marine Corps and earned the rank of Sergeant (E-5) in less than three years as one of the Corps most physically fit and disciplined Marines. During his five years as a Marine, Cosmo spent two years in Japan and did one tour in Iraq. While stationed in San Diego, California, Cosmo became a highly esteemed and sought after nutritionist and personal trainer.

After completing an Associate’s degree in General Studies at Central Texas College, Cosmo then attended Clark Atlanta University to further his education. After a year and a half at Clark Atlanta as a dean’s list student, he had a spiritual revelation that resulted in him dropping out of college, selling his two cars, giving away all of his material possessions, packing two suitcases and journeying to Africa—his ancestral homeland.

While in Africa, Cosmo’s spiritual journey took him across Rwanda, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Egypt, Ghana and Burkina Faso. During that time he frequented the highly treasured and revered mountainous regions of Africa and was taught by Africa’s native spiritual practitioners and elder holistic healers. While there, Cosmo authored and published three books– cosmo-global

Cosmo has been an avid student of nutrition, health, fitness, personal transformation and spiritual mastery since the age of sixteen. He conducts sports nutrition workshops locally, nationally, and internationally. He has traveled nationally to over thirty States in the U.S., and internationally to The Bahamas, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Maldives (Island country near India), Iraq, and Africa to name a few.

In addition to over twelve years of health, fitness, and nutrition experience, Cosmo also has extensive sports nutrition, life-coach, and spiritual counseling experience with fitness enthusiasts, professional athletes and spiritual seekers. In one-on-one sessions, he coaches his clients on ways to create a daily food plan that is successful and can be maintained over the long-term. He also helps them reach their optimal weight, diet, spiritual and personal growth goals.
new phone.jpg
He was walking' down the road with an assault rifle. The NRA defends his right to do that!
Assault rifle or assault weapon? Let's assume for a minute you know the difference.

FWIW, I am happy to have the NRA defend my right to walk down a road with a rifle over my shoulder without having a SWAT team shoot me in the head for being "suspicious".

:banana: I was carrying a rifle when you were in diapers. Explain why Cleveland is talking about suspending its open carry law, during the GOP convention, please. Nuts that walk around with open guns either have size problem or a mental issue.
Homey killed 3 officers including a black one, so what's the talking story this time?
Crazed gunman kills police officers....

Yeah crazy nut did kill 3 cops, but if you think cops are racist, why kill the black guy, because he's an uncle tom?
No because he was a cop....which shows his true motivation..

Soooooo, it's not racial?
When a black man kills a black officer it would be hard to categorize it as racist..
Homey killed 3 officers including a black one, so what's the talking story this time?
Crazed gunman kills police officers....

Yeah crazy nut did kill 3 cops, but if you think cops are racist, why kill the black guy, because he's an uncle tom?
No because he was a cop....which shows his true motivation..

Soooooo, it's not racial?
When a black man kills a black officer it would be hard to categorize it as racist..

Racist is a worthless over-used woid but the nation remains hung up on it due to political correctness.....the only way to get over it is to understand there is nothing wrong with it.

White folk have been conned and indoctrinated into this p.c. nonsense ....time to get over it and understand that in the first place there is no such thing as equality.

This world is not a fair place...anyone who expects it to be are sorely deluded.....most of the negroes running around screaming waycist, believing they are held down by da white man etc. were subjected to governmental indoctrination in the public schools that convinced them they were equal to all other races....that is the root of the problem we now have with blacks killing cops and the long overlooked reality of black on white crime....these young negroes that feel entitled just because they are black to the same lifestyle that hard working white folk enjoy.

Trump needs to declare martial law when he gets in...construct camps for all criminals....not enough jail space now...use the military to round up all criminals....irregardless of their race and strip their citizenship...if they are violent criminals...they should be executed. Those that are not violent should be inducted into a national servant program...force them to work for their upkeep, offer them training to learn a trade whereby they can support themselves...after a few years of good honest work and no further criminal their citizenship.

Return public schools to local control....segregate the schools....let black teachers bang their head against the wall trying to teach da negroes....actually a better idea....abandon all the academic stuff in black schools....just teach them the basics of simple arithemetic, simple writing and reading but really concentrate on training them in work skills like carpentry, plumbing etc. stuff they can actually use to earn a living.
Homey killed 3 officers including a black one, so what's the talking story this time?
Crazed gunman kills police officers....

Yeah crazy nut did kill 3 cops, but if you think cops are racist, why kill the black guy, because he's an uncle tom?
No because he was a cop....which shows his true motivation..

Soooooo, it's not racial?
When a black man kills a black officer it would be hard to categorize it as racist..

More likely the black guy just got caught in the line of fire...not intentional on part of the shooter.

The shooter was a member of the Nation of Islam....all of whom believe white folk are devils.

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