Three in four Americans say U.S. should support Ukraine despite Russian threats

So is right and wrong determined by polls now? We don’t need to consider whether a country is corrupt or not, we just follow polls to tell us right and wrong?
Yes, in a democracy right and wrong are determined by polls; that's what makes it a democracy.
Yes, in a democracy right and wrong are determined by polls; that's what makes it a democracy.
A poll is research not democracy and it is said that it is possible to get a poll to say anything the author wants.
A poll is research not democracy and it is said that it is possible to get a poll to say anything the author wants.
An election is a special kind of poll, and in an election the people determine what right and wrong are.

Only people who don't like the results of a poll say, " that it is possible to get a poll to say anything the author wants."

If you had followed the polls from the beginning of the Russian invasion you would have seen that more Americans supported aid to Ukraine than opposed it. At first it was only a plurality of Americans who supported Ukraine, but with every threat Putin made and with every atrocity against civilians, support for Ukraine grew among Americans until now an overwhelming percent of Americans, including Republicans, support continuing aid to Ukraine. But now that Putin has established that the Russian military is not competent to win this war on the battlefield, all Putin has left in his arsenal are threats and atrocities every move Putin is able to make increases support for Ukraine and diminishes Russia's future prospects.
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So polls make your decisions of right and wrong? Interesting way to live. So who wins the propaganda war is right?
No, your decisions determine the poll results. The poll reported that when asked, 3/4 of Americans, including 2/3 of Republicans, said they thought supporting Ukraine's fight against the Russian invaders was the right thing to do,
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An election is a special kind of poll, and in an election the people determine what right and wrong are.

They don't. In the world we live in they are frequently duped by lies. That is what happened over Brexit.
Only people who don't like the results of a poll say, " that it is possible to get a poll to say anything the author wants."
I studied such things years ago on my degree and that was one of the things I was taught. Clearly when you are designing a poll you need to be extremely careful not to put in anything which could create a bias....and leading on from that we were told that in reality you could design a poll to say anything you wanted. Polls do not provide truth. They can give an idea but people usually want the result of more than one poll before they come to any decision making.
If you had followed the polls from the beginning of the Russian invasion you would have seen that more Americans supported aid to Ukraine than opposed it. At first it was only a plurality of Americans who supported Ukraine, but with every threat Putin made and with every atrocity against civilians, support for Ukraine grew among Americans until now an overwhelming percent of Americans, including Republicans, support continuing aid to Ukraine. But now that Putin has established that the Russian military is not competent to win this war on the battlefield, all Putin has left in his arsenal are threats and atrocities every move Putin is able to make increases support for Ukraine and diminishes Russia's future prospects.[/quote[

Well obviously, people who do not know anything about the situation are very prone to propaganda which is what they will be provided with. Now if we wanted to be democracies again one of the things that would happen would be that our journalists would start being investigative again and bring up the things our governments hide for us to see. Without that, without the person knowing both sides, their view is not worth very much.
They don't. In the world we live in they are frequently duped by lies. That is what happened over Brexit.

I studied such things years ago on my degree and that was one of the things I was taught. Clearly when you are designing a poll you need to be extremely careful not to put in anything which could create a bias....and leading on from that we were told that in reality you could design a poll to say anything you wanted. Polls do not provide truth. They can give an idea but people usually want the result of more than one poll before they come to any decision making.

Well obviously, people who do not know anything about the situation are very prone to propaganda which is what they will be provided with. Now if we wanted to be democracies again one of the things that would happen would be that our journalists would start being investigative again and bring up the things our governments hide for us to see. Without that, without the person knowing both sides, their view is not worth very much.
So what you are saying is that if a poll doesn't provide the results you want, it is worthless.
Ukraine was a huge supporter of Hitler and needs to be obliterated

Ukraine killed tens of thousands of Jews , too
Hitler was the lesser of evils compared to Stalin. When Hitler started exec Ukrainians, they turned against him as well.
Stalin wanted to join the Axis Powers, but Hitler turned him down.
Stalin wanted to join the Axis Powers, but Hitler turned him down.
Hitler did not turn him down. Hitler and Stalin made a pact to invade and divide Poland, thus starting WWII, but then Stalin broke his agreement with Hitler by taking parts of Poland he had agreed would go to Hitler and that is when Hitler invaded Russia. Hitler murdered six million Jews as well as other groups, and Stalin starved nearly 4 million Ukrainians to death to put down a Ukrainian independence movement. It is a toss-up which man was more evil and which country was more depraved.
Hitler did not turn him down. Hitler and Stalin made a pact to invade and divide Poland, thus starting WWII, but then Stalin broke his agreement with Hitler by taking parts of Poland he had agreed would go to Hitler and that is when Hitler invaded Russia. Hitler murdered six million Jews as well as other groups, and Stalin starved nearly 4 million Ukrainians to death to put down a Ukrainian independence movement. It is a toss-up which man was more evil and which country was more depraved.
No wonder you're dumb as a pig's ass. When you study such shit from childhood, you inevitably become stupid shit yourself.
Hitler did not turn him down. Hitler and Stalin made a pact to invade and divide Poland, thus starting WWII, but then Stalin broke his agreement with Hitler by taking parts of Poland he had agreed would go to Hitler and that is when Hitler invaded Russia. Hitler murdered six million Jews as well as other groups, and Stalin starved nearly 4 million Ukrainians to death to put down a Ukrainian independence movement. It is a toss-up which man was more evil and which country was more depraved.
No, Stalin did not invade Germany's "part" of Poland, they simply wanted a bunch of other areas, parts of Finland, some land in the Balkans, which made Germany renounce the pact and attack the Soviet Union, although an offer was made to become the fourth Axis power.
Wikiwand - German–Soviet Axis talks

The Changing Reading of the Hitler–Stalin Alliance
No, Stalin did not invade Germany's "part" of Poland, they simply wanted a bunch of other areas, parts of Finland, some land in the Balkans, which made Germany renounce the pact and attack the Soviet Union
Really? Oh, poor fuhrer... He was driven by evil Stalin to attack USSR...

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