Three Israeli soldiers injured south of Bethlehem


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2014
Pinetop, AZ
So, it continues.

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Three Israeli soldiers were injured in a hit-and-run accident on Wednesday night near the al-Arrub refugee camp on the main Bethlehem-Hebron road.

A Ma'an reporter in the camp said that a car plowed into three soldiers standing on the road, injuring one seriously and the other two moderately.

I read it first on Ma'an, link: 3 Israeli soldiers injured in hit-and-run south of Bethlehem Maan News Agency

Video: ALERT! Seems as though to see it on Youtube you have to log in because it is considered GRAPHIC! However, it is on the Ma'am webstie as of this posting.

And this same event is reported on JP:

Three IDF soldiers were injured Wednesday night after a Palestinian vehicle slammed into them on Route 60 southwest of Bethlehem in an attempt to target the Israeli forces, the IDF spokesperson's office said.

A freight truck with Palestinian license plates hit the three IDF soldiers, wounding one seriously and two moderately in what he IDF said was a terror attack, making it the second such vehicular attack targeting Israelis on Wednesday.

Link: Three IDF soldiers injured in vehicular terror attack in West Bank

This has got to stop. Please?
So, it continues.

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Three Israeli soldiers were injured in a hit-and-run accident on Wednesday night near the al-Arrub refugee camp on the main Bethlehem-Hebron road.

A Ma'an reporter in the camp said that a car plowed into three soldiers standing on the road, injuring one seriously and the other two moderately.

I read it first on Ma'an, link: 3 Israeli soldiers injured in hit-and-run south of Bethlehem Maan News Agency

Video: ALERT! Seems as though to see it on Youtube you have to log in because it is considered GRAPHIC! However, it is on the Ma'am webstie as of this posting.

And this same event is reported on JP:

Three IDF soldiers were injured Wednesday night after a Palestinian vehicle slammed into them on Route 60 southwest of Bethlehem in an attempt to target the Israeli forces, the IDF spokesperson's office said.

A freight truck with Palestinian license plates hit the three IDF soldiers, wounding one seriously and two moderately in what he IDF said was a terror attack, making it the second such vehicular attack targeting Israelis on Wednesday.

Link: Three IDF soldiers injured in vehicular terror attack in West Bank

This has got to stop. Please?

It is not terrorism to attack foreign troops.

But that is what to expect from a propaganda rag.
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Three members of an invading army were attacked and injured by defending forces.
I really don't see a problem here, save the invading soldiers weren't killed - a far better outcome.
It is not terrorism to attack foreign troops.

But that is what to expect from a propaganda rag.

Three members of an invading army were attacked and injured by defending forces.
I really don't see a problem here, save the invading soldiers weren't killed - a far better outcome.

Cool. So with this attitude, why do you guys cry foul when these soldiers defend themselves when attacked?
So, it continues.

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Three Israeli soldiers were injured in a hit-and-run accident on Wednesday night near the al-Arrub refugee camp on the main Bethlehem-Hebron road.

A Ma'an reporter in the camp said that a car plowed into three soldiers standing on the road, injuring one seriously and the other two moderately.

I read it first on Ma'an, link: 3 Israeli soldiers injured in hit-and-run south of Bethlehem Maan News Agency

Video: ALERT! Seems as though to see it on Youtube you have to log in because it is considered GRAPHIC! However, it is on the Ma'am webstie as of this posting.

And this same event is reported on JP:

Three IDF soldiers were injured Wednesday night after a Palestinian vehicle slammed into them on Route 60 southwest of Bethlehem in an attempt to target the Israeli forces, the IDF spokesperson's office said.

A freight truck with Palestinian license plates hit the three IDF soldiers, wounding one seriously and two moderately in what he IDF said was a terror attack, making it the second such vehicular attack targeting Israelis on Wednesday.

Link: Three IDF soldiers injured in vehicular terror attack in West Bank

This has got to stop. Please?

It is not terrorism to attack foreign troops.

But that is what to expect from a propaganda rag.

That's fine Tinmore, because when this scumbag is caught, he is going to rot in jail :)
Three members of an invading army were attacked and injured by defending forces.
I really don't see a problem here, save the invading soldiers weren't killed - a far better outcome.

What's a better outcome ?
P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, we are back to the question of: Is it an "occupation" or not?

So, it continues.

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Three Israeli soldiers were injured in a hit-and-run accident on Wednesday night near the al-Arrub refugee camp on the main Bethlehem-Hebron road.

A Ma'an reporter in the camp said that a car plowed into three soldiers standing on the road, injuring one seriously and the other two moderately.

I read it first on Ma'an, link: 3 Israeli soldiers injured in hit-and-run south of Bethlehem Maan News Agency

Video: ALERT! Seems as though to see it on Youtube you have to log in because it is considered GRAPHIC! However, it is on the Ma'am webstie as of this posting.

And this same event is reported on JP:

Three IDF soldiers were injured Wednesday night after a Palestinian vehicle slammed into them on Route 60 southwest of Bethlehem in an attempt to target the Israeli forces, the IDF spokesperson's office said.

A freight truck with Palestinian license plates hit the three IDF soldiers, wounding one seriously and two moderately in what he IDF said was a terror attack, making it the second such vehicular attack targeting Israelis on Wednesday.

Link: Three IDF soldiers injured in vehicular terror attack in West Bank

This has got to stop. Please?

It is not terrorism to attack foreign troops.

But that is what to expect from a propaganda rag.


The two laws that come into play are:

(A/RES/25/2625) Every State has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.​
  • (Article 68 --- GCIV) Protected persons [Arab Palestinians] who commit an offence which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power [Israelis], but which does not constitute an attempt on the life or limb of members of the occupying forces or administration, nor a grave collective danger, nor seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by them, shall be liable to internment or simple imprisonment, provided the duration of such internment or imprisonment is proportionate to the offence committed. Furthermore, internment or imprisonment shall, for such offences, be the only measure adopted for depriving protected persons of liberty. The courts provided for under Article 66 [ Link ] of the present Convention may at their discretion convert a sentence of imprisonment to one of internment for the same period.
  • The penal provisions promulgated by the Occupying Power in accordance with Articles 64 [ Link ] and 65 [ Link ] may impose the death penalty on a protected person only in cases where the person is guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offences which have caused the death of one or more persons, provided that such offences were punishable by death under the law of the occupied territory in force before the occupation began.
    The death penalty may not be pronounced against a protected person unless the attention of the court has been particularly called to the fact that since the accused is not a national of the Occupying Power, he is not bound to it by any duty of allegiance.
    In any case, the death penalty may not be pronounced against a protected person who was under eighteen years of age at the time of the offence.
Terrorism is a form of acts that are intended to create fear (terror); are perpetrated for a religious, political, or ideological goal; and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants.

The UN Security Council (Resolution 446) Calls once more upon Israel, as the occupying Power, to abide scrupulously by the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention.


Who said: "It is not terrorism to attack foreign troops."

Most Respectfully,
So, it continues.

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Three Israeli soldiers were injured in a hit-and-run accident on Wednesday night near the al-Arrub refugee camp on the main Bethlehem-Hebron road.

A Ma'an reporter in the camp said that a car plowed into three soldiers standing on the road, injuring one seriously and the other two moderately.

I read it first on Ma'an, link: 3 Israeli soldiers injured in hit-and-run south of Bethlehem Maan News Agency

Video: ALERT! Seems as though to see it on Youtube you have to log in because it is considered GRAPHIC! However, it is on the Ma'am webstie as of this posting.

And this same event is reported on JP:

Three IDF soldiers were injured Wednesday night after a Palestinian vehicle slammed into them on Route 60 southwest of Bethlehem in an attempt to target the Israeli forces, the IDF spokesperson's office said.

A freight truck with Palestinian license plates hit the three IDF soldiers, wounding one seriously and two moderately in what he IDF said was a terror attack, making it the second such vehicular attack targeting Israelis on Wednesday.

Link: Three IDF soldiers injured in vehicular terror attack in West Bank

This has got to stop. Please?

Aren't military targets legitimate resistance targets?
So, it continues.

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Three Israeli soldiers were injured in a hit-and-run accident on Wednesday night near the al-Arrub refugee camp on the main Bethlehem-Hebron road.

A Ma'an reporter in the camp said that a car plowed into three soldiers standing on the road, injuring one seriously and the other two moderately.

I read it first on Ma'an, link: 3 Israeli soldiers injured in hit-and-run south of Bethlehem Maan News Agency

Video: ALERT! Seems as though to see it on Youtube you have to log in because it is considered GRAPHIC! However, it is on the Ma'am webstie as of this posting.

And this same event is reported on JP:

Three IDF soldiers were injured Wednesday night after a Palestinian vehicle slammed into them on Route 60 southwest of Bethlehem in an attempt to target the Israeli forces, the IDF spokesperson's office said.

A freight truck with Palestinian license plates hit the three IDF soldiers, wounding one seriously and two moderately in what he IDF said was a terror attack, making it the second such vehicular attack targeting Israelis on Wednesday.

Link: Three IDF soldiers injured in vehicular terror attack in West Bank

This has got to stop. Please?

Aren't military targets legitimate resistance targets?

Does that include Da'esh soldier kids?
So, it continues.

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Three Israeli soldiers were injured in a hit-and-run accident on Wednesday night near the al-Arrub refugee camp on the main Bethlehem-Hebron road.

A Ma'an reporter in the camp said that a car plowed into three soldiers standing on the road, injuring one seriously and the other two moderately.

I read it first on Ma'an, link: 3 Israeli soldiers injured in hit-and-run south of Bethlehem Maan News Agency

Video: ALERT! Seems as though to see it on Youtube you have to log in because it is considered GRAPHIC! However, it is on the Ma'am webstie as of this posting.

And this same event is reported on JP:

Three IDF soldiers were injured Wednesday night after a Palestinian vehicle slammed into them on Route 60 southwest of Bethlehem in an attempt to target the Israeli forces, the IDF spokesperson's office said.

A freight truck with Palestinian license plates hit the three IDF soldiers, wounding one seriously and two moderately in what he IDF said was a terror attack, making it the second such vehicular attack targeting Israelis on Wednesday.

Link: Three IDF soldiers injured in vehicular terror attack in West Bank

This has got to stop. Please?

Aren't military targets legitimate resistance targets?

In a day when 17 Jews get run over, we consider it terror. Forgive us for not counting if one or two happened to be soldiers.
These seem to be nothing but minor traffic accidents. Palestinians are notoriously bad drivers and never resort to "intifada by automobile."

Following two incidents of vehicular terror in and around Jerusalem on Wednesday, Palestinians took to Facebook and other online social media to celebrate what they have dubbed the “Car Intifada.”

“From Palestine we brought to the world the intifada of stones. Now we are bringing from Palestine the intifada of running over (or trampling),” read a message on one popular Palestinian Facebook page.

One Israeli was killed and 13 others wounded when a Palestinian resident of Jerusalem rammed into a group of people waiting at a light rail station on the eastern side of the city around noon on Wednesday. Hours later, another Palestinian motorist slammed into and injured three Israeli soldier on a road south of the capita

Palestinians Celebrate Vehicular Terror Declare Car Intifada - Israel Today Israel News
So, it continues.

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Three Israeli soldiers were injured in a hit-and-run accident on Wednesday night near the al-Arrub refugee camp on the main Bethlehem-Hebron road.

A Ma'an reporter in the camp said that a car plowed into three soldiers standing on the road, injuring one seriously and the other two moderately.

I read it first on Ma'an, link: 3 Israeli soldiers injured in hit-and-run south of Bethlehem Maan News Agency

Video: ALERT! Seems as though to see it on Youtube you have to log in because it is considered GRAPHIC! However, it is on the Ma'am webstie as of this posting.

And this same event is reported on JP:

Three IDF soldiers were injured Wednesday night after a Palestinian vehicle slammed into them on Route 60 southwest of Bethlehem in an attempt to target the Israeli forces, the IDF spokesperson's office said.

A freight truck with Palestinian license plates hit the three IDF soldiers, wounding one seriously and two moderately in what he IDF said was a terror attack, making it the second such vehicular attack targeting Israelis on Wednesday.

Link: Three IDF soldiers injured in vehicular terror attack in West Bank

This has got to stop. Please?

Aren't military targets legitimate resistance targets?

Does that include Da'esh soldier kids?

Don't know what you are talking about.

You make a distinction between military targets and non-military targets. For example, bombing of the King David, regardless of the loss of civilian life, is justified (and celebrated) as a hit on a military target against the British occupation. So, what is the difference?
So, it continues.

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Three Israeli soldiers were injured in a hit-and-run accident on Wednesday night near the al-Arrub refugee camp on the main Bethlehem-Hebron road.

A Ma'an reporter in the camp said that a car plowed into three soldiers standing on the road, injuring one seriously and the other two moderately.

I read it first on Ma'an, link: 3 Israeli soldiers injured in hit-and-run south of Bethlehem Maan News Agency

Video: ALERT! Seems as though to see it on Youtube you have to log in because it is considered GRAPHIC! However, it is on the Ma'am webstie as of this posting.

And this same event is reported on JP:

Three IDF soldiers were injured Wednesday night after a Palestinian vehicle slammed into them on Route 60 southwest of Bethlehem in an attempt to target the Israeli forces, the IDF spokesperson's office said.

A freight truck with Palestinian license plates hit the three IDF soldiers, wounding one seriously and two moderately in what he IDF said was a terror attack, making it the second such vehicular attack targeting Israelis on Wednesday.

Link: Three IDF soldiers injured in vehicular terror attack in West Bank

This has got to stop. Please?

Aren't military targets legitimate resistance targets?

Does that include Da'esh soldier kids?

Don't know what you are talking about.

You make a distinction between military targets and non-military targets. For example, bombing of the King David, regardless of the loss of civilian life, is justified (and celebrated) as a hit on a military target against the British occupation. So, what is the difference?

What's the difference? That running people over in s train station is not a military target. That's the difference.
So, it continues.

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Three Israeli soldiers were injured in a hit-and-run accident on Wednesday night near the al-Arrub refugee camp on the main Bethlehem-Hebron road.

A Ma'an reporter in the camp said that a car plowed into three soldiers standing on the road, injuring one seriously and the other two moderately.

I read it first on Ma'an, link: 3 Israeli soldiers injured in hit-and-run south of Bethlehem Maan News Agency

Video: ALERT! Seems as though to see it on Youtube you have to log in because it is considered GRAPHIC! However, it is on the Ma'am webstie as of this posting.

And this same event is reported on JP:

Three IDF soldiers were injured Wednesday night after a Palestinian vehicle slammed into them on Route 60 southwest of Bethlehem in an attempt to target the Israeli forces, the IDF spokesperson's office said.

A freight truck with Palestinian license plates hit the three IDF soldiers, wounding one seriously and two moderately in what he IDF said was a terror attack, making it the second such vehicular attack targeting Israelis on Wednesday.

Link: Three IDF soldiers injured in vehicular terror attack in West Bank

This has got to stop. Please?

Aren't military targets legitimate resistance targets?

Does that include Da'esh soldier kids?

Don't know what you are talking about.

You make a distinction between military targets and non-military targets. For example, bombing of the King David, regardless of the loss of civilian life, is justified (and celebrated) as a hit on a military target against the British occupation. So, what is the difference?

What's the difference? That running people over in s train station is not a military target. That's the difference.

Killing military people would make them military targets would it not? When you go after Hamas - you are going after them in civilian places right?
So, it continues.

I read it first on Ma'an, link: 3 Israeli soldiers injured in hit-and-run south of Bethlehem Maan News Agency

Video: ALERT! Seems as though to see it on Youtube you have to log in because it is considered GRAPHIC! However, it is on the Ma'am webstie as of this posting.

And this same event is reported on JP:

Link: Three IDF soldiers injured in vehicular terror attack in West Bank

This has got to stop. Please?

Aren't military targets legitimate resistance targets?

Does that include Da'esh soldier kids?

Don't know what you are talking about.

You make a distinction between military targets and non-military targets. For example, bombing of the King David, regardless of the loss of civilian life, is justified (and celebrated) as a hit on a military target against the British occupation. So, what is the difference?

What's the difference? That running people over in s train station is not a military target. That's the difference.

Killing military people would make them military targets would it not? When you go after Hamas - you are going after them in civilian places right?

That's because they use their people as sheilds!

17 people were run over, most of them civilians, so what exactly is a military target, in a TRAIN STATION??
So, it continues.

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Three Israeli soldiers were injured in a hit-and-run accident on Wednesday night near the al-Arrub refugee camp on the main Bethlehem-Hebron road.

A Ma'an reporter in the camp said that a car plowed into three soldiers standing on the road, injuring one seriously and the other two moderately.

I read it first on Ma'an, link: 3 Israeli soldiers injured in hit-and-run south of Bethlehem Maan News Agency

Video: ALERT! Seems as though to see it on Youtube you have to log in because it is considered GRAPHIC! However, it is on the Ma'am webstie as of this posting.

And this same event is reported on JP:

Three IDF soldiers were injured Wednesday night after a Palestinian vehicle slammed into them on Route 60 southwest of Bethlehem in an attempt to target the Israeli forces, the IDF spokesperson's office said.

A freight truck with Palestinian license plates hit the three IDF soldiers, wounding one seriously and two moderately in what he IDF said was a terror attack, making it the second such vehicular attack targeting Israelis on Wednesday.

Link: Three IDF soldiers injured in vehicular terror attack in West Bank

This has got to stop. Please?

Aren't military targets legitimate resistance targets?

Does that include Da'esh soldier kids?

Don't know what you are talking about.

You make a distinction between military targets and non-military targets. For example, bombing of the King David, regardless of the loss of civilian life, is justified (and celebrated) as a hit on a military target against the British occupation. So, what is the difference?

The difference is the King David bombing was against an active military operation and the "infitada" car accidents are against innocent civilians and off-duty soldiers in their own territory. If the victims had been attacked in Gaza then it would have been a different story.
The three soldiers in the OP were not at the train station - they were hit by a car while standing at the street corner.

When military are mixed in with civilians - then how do you distinquish a military from a non military target? :dunno:

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