Three of private sector's biggest "free agents" flee liberal taxes, unions!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Well, well, well. What a week. What a 1st half of the year. As we continue to witness the glorious implosion of progressive liberalism, I wanted to discuss the consequences of liberal tax and union policies as they have affected two major individuals and one major company, the latter which affects me.

1- I just got hired in Charleston, SC by Boeing. Boeing chose the gorgeous Southern city of Charleston over the far left whacko city of Seattle for it's new Dreamliner plant. Why? LOWER taxes and no union labor. The city will get about 7,000 good paying jobs as a result. Well, 6,999 now because I got one. 60K. Good office. Low taxes in SC. I'll like it there.

2- Lebron James. He and Chris Bosch fled the high tax liberal cities of Toronto and Cleveland. They could've gone to other high tax cities/states in New York, New Jersey, Chicago, LA. But no.......they chose Miami, Florida. Is the fact that there is no income tax in Florida a factor? Essentially giving them at least about 15-20% more in pay per year in taxes not lost.

3- Rush Limbaugh. I just can't enjoy this story enough. Limbaugh flees the city of New York and it's overbearing taxes. Thousands of liberals will have a few less food stamps thanks to Rush taking his millions elsewhere.

The moral of my thread is whether it is Lebron, Limbaugh, or Boeing, people and business are beginning to realize the far left government policies are crippling and they are beginning to proactively protest those things by simply leaving. Lower taxes and more freedom are going to win out in the end.

And all you folks that like to be parasites on the government nipple? Well, better find the classified ads, because the free lunch is about to dry up.
Wow. A whole day, and not one response to this. Hmmmm. C'mon liberals, don't you have any explanation as to why citizens and companies are trying to flee progressive liberalism? It happened in the Soviet Union ya know....people trying to flee the evil of the progressive ideology. We are now seeing it with companies and citizens fleeing leftist states and cities. Your ideology is imploding.
And don't forget George Steinbrenner having a heart attack to avoid the huge increase in estate taxes come 1/1/2011!
And don't forget George Steinbrenner having a heart attack to avoid the huge increase in estate taxes come 1/1/2011!

Haha, I heard the heat Limbaugh got for saying that.

But it ironically does bring to light the policy of the estate tax, which is my opinion is outright thievery of a person's money by the government. Just straight ghetto, gangsta car-jacking type theft.

Steinbrenner's family will get $500,000,000 more because of not paying the estate tax. I mean what right does the government have to take that amount of money from a man's family simply for dying?
So whats your point? That rich people and big companies are concerned about the size of their bank accounts first and foremost? We knew that already. Is this really news?
Well, well, well. What a week. What a 1st half of the year. As we continue to witness the glorious implosion of progressive liberalism, I wanted to discuss the consequences of liberal tax and union policies as they have affected two major individuals and one major company, the latter which affects me.

1- I just got hired in Charleston, SC by Boeing. Boeing chose the gorgeous Southern city of Charleston over the far left whacko city of Seattle for it's new Dreamliner plant. Why? LOWER taxes and no union labor. The city will get about 7,000 good paying jobs as a result. Well, 6,999 now because I got one. 60K. Good office. Low taxes in SC. I'll like it there.

2- Lebron James. He and Chris Bosch fled the high tax liberal cities of Toronto and Cleveland. They could've gone to other high tax cities/states in New York, New Jersey, Chicago, LA. But no.......they chose Miami, Florida. Is the fact that there is no income tax in Florida a factor? Essentially giving them at least about 15-20% more in pay per year in taxes not lost.

3- Rush Limbaugh. I just can't enjoy this story enough. Limbaugh flees the city of New York and it's overbearing taxes. Thousands of liberals will have a few less food stamps thanks to Rush taking his millions elsewhere.

The moral of my thread is whether it is Lebron, Limbaugh, or Boeing, people and business are beginning to realize the far left government policies are crippling and they are beginning to proactively protest those things by simply leaving. Lower taxes and more freedom are going to win out in the end.

And all you folks that like to be parasites on the government nipple? Well, better find the classified ads, because the free lunch is about to dry up.

Your point is so conclusive that one would wonder how our liberal friends don't see the handwriting on the wall...

but then, they never notice the condition of cities such as Detroit and Chicago, which have been ruled with the same kind of policies for decades...

nor do they perceive the reversal going on in Europe, and the retreat from welfare state policies.

The reason? Liberalism is a religion, not a political philosophy, and therefore rational argument will have no effect.

"t’s worth looking closely and seriously at the election-year enthusiasm of media elites and other Obamaphiles, much of which was indeed, as the wags recognized, quasi-religious. The surprising fact is that the American Left, for all its claims to being “reality-based” and secular, is often animated by the passions, motivations, and imagery that one normally associates with religion. The better we understand this religious impulse, the better we will understand liberal America’s likely trajectory in the years to come."
The Varieties of Liberal Enthusiasm by Benjamin A. Plotinsky, City Journal Spring 2010
Well, well, well. What a week. What a 1st half of the year. As we continue to witness the glorious implosion of progressive liberalism, I wanted to discuss the consequences of liberal tax and union policies as they have affected two major individuals and one major company, the latter which affects me.

1- I just got hired in Charleston, SC by Boeing. Boeing chose the gorgeous Southern city of Charleston over the far left whacko city of Seattle for it's new Dreamliner plant. Why? LOWER taxes and no union labor. The city will get about 7,000 good paying jobs as a result. Well, 6,999 now because I got one. 60K. Good office. Low taxes in SC. I'll like it there.

2- Lebron James. He and Chris Bosch fled the high tax liberal cities of Toronto and Cleveland. They could've gone to other high tax cities/states in New York, New Jersey, Chicago, LA. But no.......they chose Miami, Florida. Is the fact that there is no income tax in Florida a factor? Essentially giving them at least about 15-20% more in pay per year in taxes not lost.

3- Rush Limbaugh. I just can't enjoy this story enough. Limbaugh flees the city of New York and it's overbearing taxes. Thousands of liberals will have a few less food stamps thanks to Rush taking his millions elsewhere.

The moral of my thread is whether it is Lebron, Limbaugh, or Boeing, people and business are beginning to realize the far left government policies are crippling and they are beginning to proactively protest those things by simply leaving. Lower taxes and more freedom are going to win out in the end.

And all you folks that like to be parasites on the government nipple? Well, better find the classified ads, because the free lunch is about to dry up.

1.Congratulations on your new job. It is tough for anyone right now. If $60 K will support you and your family in SC good luck to you. Unions are an annoyance until you need them. Hope your employer treats you well. Boeing has a good reputation

2. Lebron and company going to Miami is a victory for the working class. They formed their own "union" and went where they wanted to play

3. Rush leaving New York is a victory for the greatest city in the US. Wouldn't want him in my neighborhood
1. It is weird, Boeing still has plants and a campus in Seatle, along with it's headquarters still being Chicago, plus the factory here is still open. PS I live in Washington State.
I also think it is weird Gates, the largest tax payer in the US, still calls Washington State is home.
So whats your point? That rich people and big companies are concerned about the size of their bank accounts first and foremost? We knew that already. Is this really news?

No, my point is this:

High taxes drive away rich people and rich companies.

My boss is rich, and he works for a rich company.

If the company leaves, so does my job.

I want my job to stay.

Thus, if the local people want more good jobs, they need more rich people and rich companies around to work for. Logically, one would want policies that encourage rich people and rich companies to stay and/or move there.

I don't know about you, but I'd much rather work for a rich, greedy company than a generous, unselfish but poor company.
1. It is weird, Boeing still has plants and a campus in Seatle, along with it's headquarters still being Chicago, plus the factory here is still open. PS I live in Washington State.
I also think it is weird Gates, the largest tax payer in the US, still calls Washington State is home.

You might mention the income tax rate in Washington State......

Here in Oregon it is 11%. We just raised it this year.
Well, well, well. What a week. What a 1st half of the year. As we continue to witness the glorious implosion of progressive liberalism, I wanted to discuss the consequences of liberal tax and union policies as they have affected two major individuals and one major company, the latter which affects me.

1- I just got hired in Charleston, SC by Boeing. Boeing chose the gorgeous Southern city of Charleston over the far left whacko city of Seattle for it's new Dreamliner plant. Why? LOWER taxes and no union labor. The city will get about 7,000 good paying jobs as a result. Well, 6,999 now because I got one. 60K. Good office. Low taxes in SC. I'll like it there.

2- Lebron James. He and Chris Bosch fled the high tax liberal cities of Toronto and Cleveland. They could've gone to other high tax cities/states in New York, New Jersey, Chicago, LA. But no.......they chose Miami, Florida. Is the fact that there is no income tax in Florida a factor? Essentially giving them at least about 15-20% more in pay per year in taxes not lost.

3- Rush Limbaugh. I just can't enjoy this story enough. Limbaugh flees the city of New York and it's overbearing taxes. Thousands of liberals will have a few less food stamps thanks to Rush taking his millions elsewhere.

The moral of my thread is whether it is Lebron, Limbaugh, or Boeing, people and business are beginning to realize the far left government policies are crippling and they are beginning to proactively protest those things by simply leaving. Lower taxes and more freedom are going to win out in the end.

And all you folks that like to be parasites on the government nipple? Well, better find the classified ads, because the free lunch is about to dry up.

1.Congratulations on your new job. It is tough for anyone right now. If $60 K will support you and your family in SC good luck to you. Unions are an annoyance until you need them. Hope your employer treats you well. Boeing has a good reputation

2. Lebron and company going to Miami is a victory for the working class. They formed their own "union" and went where they wanted to play

3. Rush leaving New York is a victory for the greatest city in the US. Wouldn't want him in my neighborhood

1- Thanks for the kind words. SC is a great place to live. It is non-union, and hopefully work conditions will be fine. The Dept of Labor and OSHA laws help non-union workers a lot these days also.

2- I agree also. It was the free market working at it's finest. Miami will win multiple champs as a result. I like Wade and Pat Riley a lot, I'll be rooting for them.

3- And you have that right. I'd welcome him. I think each state should have the freedom to choose the lifestyle it wants for it's citizens. I'd pick Florida any day over NY. I prefer lower taxes and warm weather. Others are OK with higher taxes and cooler weather. So be it, states rights and individual rights for all!!!
So whats your point? That rich people and big companies are concerned about the size of their bank accounts first and foremost? We knew that already. Is this really news?

No, my point is this:

High taxes drive away rich people and rich companies.

My boss is rich, and he works for a rich company.

If the company leaves, so does my job.

I want my job to stay.

Thus, if the local people want more good jobs, they need more rich people and rich companies around to work for. Logically, one would want policies that encourage rich people and rich companies to stay and/or move there.

I don't know about you, but I'd much rather work for a rich, greedy company than a generous, unselfish but poor company.

I guess that's why condominiums in NYC only cost $12 million.

Got any $12 million condominiums down there in Charleston?

Probably not.

And why not?

Because nobody wants to live there.
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So whats your point? That rich people and big companies are concerned about the size of their bank accounts first and foremost? We knew that already. Is this really news?

No, my point is this:

High taxes drive away rich people and rich companies.

My boss is rich, and he works for a rich company.

If the company leaves, so does my job.

I want my job to stay.

Thus, if the local people want more good jobs, they need more rich people and rich companies around to work for. Logically, one would want policies that encourage rich people and rich companies to stay and/or move there.

I don't know about you, but I'd much rather work for a rich, greedy company than a generous, unselfish but poor company.

Well then, how about the fact that that some of the richest people in our country, ie. Warren Buffet are adamant Obama supporters. The man is a genius when it comes to making money, so why would he back Obama?
1. It is weird, Boeing still has plants and a campus in Seatle, along with it's headquarters still being Chicago, plus the factory here is still open. PS I live in Washington State.
I also think it is weird Gates, the largest tax payer in the US, still calls Washington State is home.

Very true. Boeing's home is indeed Chicago and Seattle. Has been for a long time. But times are a-changin'. Companies are slowly trending towards lower tax, non-union areas to open new plants, and some have completely relocated.

BTW, did you see all the anti-South, redneck stereotype cartoons and editorials in the Seattle and Washington area newspapers after Boeing's announcement? The local Charleston and Columbia papers ran copies of them. It was quite shocking that they (meaning the reporters, not the fine folks who live there) attacked the people of Charleston and Columbia in such a way for doing nothing other than competing for the same good jobs they were. But that was a huge land for South Carolina. Boeing is bringing 7,000+ high paying jobs. It's gonna be as big as the early 90's opening of the BMW plant in South Carolina, which ignited a massive economic explosion in the Greenville/Spartanburg area.
So whats your point? That rich people and big companies are concerned about the size of their bank accounts first and foremost? We knew that already. Is this really news?

You and your liberal idiot friends are concerned about their bank accounts too. The difference is that they work for it and you just want to sit around and take it from them while doing nothing.
So whats your point? That rich people and big companies are concerned about the size of their bank accounts first and foremost? We knew that already. Is this really news?

No, my point is this:

High taxes drive away rich people and rich companies.

My boss is rich, and he works for a rich company.

If the company leaves, so does my job.

I want my job to stay.

Thus, if the local people want more good jobs, they need more rich people and rich companies around to work for. Logically, one would want policies that encourage rich people and rich companies to stay and/or move there.

I don't know about you, but I'd much rather work for a rich, greedy company than a generous, unselfish but poor company.

Well then, how about the fact that that some of the richest people in our country, ie. Warren Buffet are adamant Obama supporters. The man is a genius when it comes to making money, so why would he back Obama?

So whats your point? That rich people and big companies are concerned about the size of their bank accounts first and foremost? We knew that already. Is this really news?

You and your liberal idiot friends are concerned about their bank accounts too. The difference is that they work for it and you just want to sit around and take it from them while doing nothing.

So is that what you think? That I sit at home all day and make no money? That's the part of the argument that I can't quite understand is that me and MANY other liberals are hardly freeloaders, quite the opposite. I make a good living, more then the average american and yet I still am liberal and would like to see those less fortunate get some help.

I guess Warren Buffet is just mooching off hard working guys like you too.
So whats your point? That rich people and big companies are concerned about the size of their bank accounts first and foremost? We knew that already. Is this really news?

No, my point is this:

High taxes drive away rich people and rich companies.

My boss is rich, and he works for a rich company.

If the company leaves, so does my job.

I want my job to stay.

Thus, if the local people want more good jobs, they need more rich people and rich companies around to work for. Logically, one would want policies that encourage rich people and rich companies to stay and/or move there.

I don't know about you, but I'd much rather work for a rich, greedy company than a generous, unselfish but poor company.

I guess that's why condominiums in NYC only cost $12 million.

Got any $12 million condominiums down there in Charleston?

Probably not.

And why not?

Because nobody wants to live there.


Yeah, NOBODY wants to live in Charleston, SC!!!! You've obviously never been here. For starters, the joke is the Yankee invasion never ended, since we get thousands moving here every year. Why? Costs are lower. Taxes are lower.

There are multi-million dollar HOMES here, not condos. They are on the beach of the Isle of Palms, the Charleston harbor, Folly Beach, etc. Gorgeous homes. No one in their right mind would pay over a million for damn condo.

Lets also mention that it's often 70-80 degrees in the winter. I've spent many January and February days on the beach here. Traffic is not bad. The women are legendarily hot. Charleston was named America's Friendliest City or Most Mannerly City for about 12 years straight until it was deemed disqualified just so another city would win. It's among the top tourist destinations in the country, and the world. History, culture, beaches, amazing food, amazing weather, affordable, good schools, low, crime, etc, etc, etc.

You couldn't pay me double what I make now in exchange for living in New York. Not knocking NYC......but if you spend any amount of time in Charleston, you'd feel the same. Just ask any of the Northern guests we get here in the winter after seeing their envious glares around our city.
No, my point is this:

High taxes drive away rich people and rich companies.

My boss is rich, and he works for a rich company.

If the company leaves, so does my job.

I want my job to stay.

Thus, if the local people want more good jobs, they need more rich people and rich companies around to work for. Logically, one would want policies that encourage rich people and rich companies to stay and/or move there.

I don't know about you, but I'd much rather work for a rich, greedy company than a generous, unselfish but poor company.

Well then, how about the fact that that some of the richest people in our country, ie. Warren Buffet are adamant Obama supporters. The man is a genius when it comes to making money, so why would he back Obama?


LOL, really? that's your answer? GUILT? Amazing, thanks for that.

So how much do you make a year? How come you don't make as much as Warren Buffet? Why don't you stop being lazy and mooching off of everyone else. See the ridiculousness yet in your argument?
No, my point is this:

High taxes drive away rich people and rich companies.

My boss is rich, and he works for a rich company.

If the company leaves, so does my job.

I want my job to stay.

Thus, if the local people want more good jobs, they need more rich people and rich companies around to work for. Logically, one would want policies that encourage rich people and rich companies to stay and/or move there.

I don't know about you, but I'd much rather work for a rich, greedy company than a generous, unselfish but poor company.

I guess that's why condominiums in NYC only cost $12 million.

Got any $12 million condominiums down there in Charleston?

Probably not.

And why not?

Because nobody wants to live there.


Yeah, NOBODY wants to live in Charleston, SC!!!! You've obviously never been here. For starters, the joke is the Yankee invasion never ended, since we get thousands moving here every year. Why? Costs are lower. Taxes are lower.

There are multi-million dollar HOMES here, not condos. They are on the beach of the Isle of Palms, the Charleston harbor, Folly Beach, etc. Gorgeous homes. No one in their right mind would pay over a million for damn condo.

Lets also mention that it's often 70-80 degrees in the winter. I've spent many January and February days on the beach here. Traffic is not bad. The women are legendarily hot. Charleston was named America's Friendliest City or Most Mannerly City for about 12 years straight until it was deemed disqualified just so another city would win. It's among the top tourist destinations in the country, and the world. History, culture, beaches, amazing food, amazing weather, affordable, good schools, low, crime, etc, etc, etc.

You couldn't pay me double what I make now in exchange for living in New York. Not knocking NYC......but if you spend any amount of time in Charleston, you'd feel the same. Just ask any of the Northern guests we get here in the winter after seeing their envious glares around our city.

I've been to Charleston. Nice town but I wouldn't want to live there.

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