Three Simple Solutions (no politics necessary)


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Instead of mass riots and political yell wars, it's embarrassing how simple the solutions can be:

(1) Remember the ongoing fights about LGBT policies and accusations of anti-gay bigotry?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Unisex neutral restrooms. No need to force anyone to change policies or beliefs.

(Also, only having states recognize civil unions and domestic partnerships, while marriage remains a social ceremony for individuals to decide, not govt)

(2) Facebook and Twitter wars over who has rights to decide policy on contents?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Start your own media network. When you run your own business, you make your own rules on what can be posted or not.
(Similar with medical policies on masks and distancing: If you run your own District with its own medical operations, taxpayers can agree to the costs of precautions and consequences. That way, residents can decide their own policies for managing their own resources to meet local demands as a self-governing district.)

(3) Now what about resolving complaints and cover-ups of police abuse and brutality?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Let neighborhood districts hire and screen their own police, and train all residents to enforce the same procedures. When officers and public servants know each other through sustainable relationships, this wards off abuse and crime, especially outside instigators who can't play divide and conquer.
Instead of mass riots and political yell wars, it's embarrassing how simple the solutions can be:

(1) Remember the ongoing fights about LGBT policies and accusations of anti-gay bigotry?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Unisex neutral restrooms. No need to force anyone to change policies or beliefs.

(Also, only having states recognize civil unions and domestic partnerships, while marriage remains a social ceremony for individuals to decide, not govt)

(2) Facebook and Twitter wars over who has rights to decide policy on contents?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Start your own media network. When you run your own business, you make your own rules on what can be posted or not.
(Similar with medical policies on masks and distancing: If you run your own District with its own medical operations, taxpayers can agree to the costs of precautions and consequences. That way, residents can decide their own policies for managing their own resources to meet local demands as a self-governing district.)

(3) Now what about resolving complaints and cover-ups of police abuse and brutality?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Let neighborhood districts hire and screen their own police, and train all residents to enforce the same procedures. When officers and public servants know each other through sustainable relationships, this wards off abuse and crime, especially outside instigators who can't play divide and conquer.
4. Filthy communist thugs are looting and destroying the neighborhood.

SOLUTION: Repeal the Hughes Amenment.

Instead of mass riots and political yell wars, it's embarrassing how simple the solutions can be:

(1) Remember the ongoing fights about LGBT policies and accusations of anti-gay bigotry?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Unisex neutral restrooms. No need to force anyone to change policies or beliefs.

(Also, only having states recognize civil unions and domestic partnerships, while marriage remains a social ceremony for individuals to decide, not govt)

(2) Facebook and Twitter wars over who has rights to decide policy on contents?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Start your own media network. When you run your own business, you make your own rules on what can be posted or not.
(Similar with medical policies on masks and distancing: If you run your own District with its own medical operations, taxpayers can agree to the costs of precautions and consequences. That way, residents can decide their own policies for managing their own resources to meet local demands as a self-governing district.)

(3) Now what about resolving complaints and cover-ups of police abuse and brutality?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Let neighborhood districts hire and screen their own police, and train all residents to enforce the same procedures. When officers and public servants know each other through sustainable relationships, this wards off abuse and crime, especially outside instigators who can't play divide and conquer.
your solutions are not very good

starting with bathrooms your idea is to allow men to use the same facility as the women and that is inacceptable to most Americans

The LBJTERUIAXYZ ”community” is only 1% of the population. We do not have to cater to them

#2 Facebook/Twitter. We will treat them the same way Standard Oil and AT&T were treated

Break them up

#3 black neighborhoods do not have the money to create their own police forces

Under your plan the hood would be run and policed by the drug cartels
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Instead of mass riots and political yell wars, it's embarrassing how simple the solutions can be:

(1) Remember the ongoing fights about LGBT policies and accusations of anti-gay bigotry?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Unisex neutral restrooms. No need to force anyone to change policies or beliefs.

(Also, only having states recognize civil unions and domestic partnerships, while marriage remains a social ceremony for individuals to decide, not govt)

(2) Facebook and Twitter wars over who has rights to decide policy on contents?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Start your own media network. When you run your own business, you make your own rules on what can be posted or not.
(Similar with medical policies on masks and distancing: If you run your own District with its own medical operations, taxpayers can agree to the costs of precautions and consequences. That way, residents can decide their own policies for managing their own resources to meet local demands as a self-governing district.)

(3) Now what about resolving complaints and cover-ups of police abuse and brutality?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Let neighborhood districts hire and screen their own police, and train all residents to enforce the same procedures. When officers and public servants know each other through sustainable relationships, this wards off abuse and crime, especially outside instigators who can't play divide and conquer.

"(1) Remember the ongoing fights about LGBT policies and accusations of anti-gay bigotry?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Unisex neutral restrooms. No need to force anyone to change policies or beliefs.

(Also, only having states recognize civil unions and domestic partnerships, while marriage remains a social ceremony for individuals to decide, not govt)"

Appeasement is the name of your game. It is no coincidence that the handful of unchanging, primordial human ideas (see similar tenets of religious texts extant since time immemorial) of what is always Right and always Wrong are inextricably tied to the continued survival of the human species. Sooner or later one must, both as an individual mind and citizen of whatever civilization, take a stand on the side of those ideologies, rules, morals—what have you—that prevent humanity from extinction. Otherwise one becomes a champion for mankind's eventual, final end. The LGTBQ movement is also a movement for and toward human extinction, sort of a long game extinction event, one where we become the dinosaurs, if you get my drift. Your point solution (1) aims to appease both those ideologies and agents provocateur who stand simultaneously for perpetuating mankind and ending it, eventually. Surely you've more common sense than that as you seem to be an individual possessed of the capacity for deep and reasonable thought. Perhaps you're just too naïve to grasp the depth and consequence of the issue. For judging by this post you haven't even scratched the surface.

"(2) Facebook and Twitter wars over who has rights to decide policy on contents?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Start your own media network. When you run your own business, you make your own rules on what can be posted or not.
(Similar with medical policies on masks and distancing: If you run your own District with its own medical operations, taxpayers can agree to the costs of precautions and consequences. That way, residents can decide their own policies for managing their own resources to meet local demands as a self-governing district.)"

Again with the highly visible naiveté. So we'll have 360 odd million media networks? A network for every American? Why not seven billion networks?

So you're calling for something like autonomous districts ran like employee owned companies? Is this the new Utopia all the cool kids dream about? A place rife with fluffy bunnies, peace, harmony, unity and togetherness? America is ONE nation, under God. America is not fifty individual city or nation states no matter how much postmodernist propaganda wants you to believe it so. How will your privately owned "districts" defend their borders when a dozen other such districts unite in the cause of conquering one of their neighbors? History is full of such events. I suggest you become a student of it.

"(3) Now what about resolving complaints and cover-ups of police abuse and brutality?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Let neighborhood districts hire and screen their own police, and train all residents to enforce the same procedures. When officers and public servants know each other through sustainable relationships, this wards off abuse and crime, especially outside instigators who can't play divide and conquer."

So very naïve indeed. Every man, woman, child, pensioner, graduate, farmer, merchant, etc. will have their own idea of the ideal cop and the ideal powers of the ideal cop and the limitations of said cop's power. The ancient concept of the city guard is not one of appeasement. The police do not exist to appease (there's that word again) the whims and desires and wants of every last or of any citizen at all. The police do exist to perform a grim but necessary job for purpose of maintaining internal civilizational order: enforcing the law.

We do not live in a civilization where power, political or otherwise, is shared equally or at all by every last citizen, nor should we ever create such a "utopia". In our civilization we, through elections, give over absolute power over our lives to men and women we elect. That's the fairytale we're all taught, but I digress. In truth we individual citizens are born without any true or meaningful political power. Instead our government trusts us on good faith to follow the laws created by our representatives in exchange for the peace and freedom to move about our nation, marry, procreate, pursue educations, careers, hobbies, etc. all without fear of draconian restrictions or democide. Our government gives us the benefit of the doubt, in theory and normally in practice, that we will behave and live lives governed by an American sense of personal responsibility.

When an American citizen commits a violent felony, he or she betrays that trust given at birth to each of us by our government, spits in the face of that benefit of the doubt and most importantly, creates a victim whom by law must be given the comfort of reparations—avenged. Felons lose rights, lose government trust—and rightly so. My point being? The man who's name pertains most to your third point, the one the rioters claim to be burning down America in the name of, also lost the trust of the police who knew him and knew what he was capable of. Again, the words appeasement and naiveté must arise to the surface . . .
Solution # 4: Round up all of the people that are rioting and burning buildings, lock them in a secure prison, and give them a book of matches where they can burn it down... with them inside!!!
Hang all rioting criminals in the same day, publicly.
Instead of mass riots and political yell wars, it's embarrassing how simple the solutions can be:

(1) Remember the ongoing fights about LGBT policies and accusations of anti-gay bigotry?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Unisex neutral restrooms. No need to force anyone to change policies or beliefs.

(Also, only having states recognize civil unions and domestic partnerships, while marriage remains a social ceremony for individuals to decide, not govt)

(2) Facebook and Twitter wars over who has rights to decide policy on contents?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Start your own media network. When you run your own business, you make your own rules on what can be posted or not.
(Similar with medical policies on masks and distancing: If you run your own District with its own medical operations, taxpayers can agree to the costs of precautions and consequences. That way, residents can decide their own policies for managing their own resources to meet local demands as a self-governing district.)

(3) Now what about resolving complaints and cover-ups of police abuse and brutality?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Let neighborhood districts hire and screen their own police, and train all residents to enforce the same procedures. When officers and public servants know each other through sustainable relationships, this wards off abuse and crime, especially outside instigators who can't play divide and conquer.

(4)Your thoughts.

SIMPLE SOLUTION: 4 more years of Trump followed by 8 years of Ivanka.
Emily may not have thought of this, but unisex bathrooms might could foster some prostitution. Possibly other illicit activity as well. Idk what, but something. :rolleyes:
Instead of mass riots and political yell wars, it's embarrassing how simple the solutions can be:

(1) Remember the ongoing fights about LGBT policies and accusations of anti-gay bigotry?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Unisex neutral restrooms. No need to force anyone to change policies or beliefs.

(Also, only having states recognize civil unions and domestic partnerships, while marriage remains a social ceremony for individuals to decide, not govt)

(2) Facebook and Twitter wars over who has rights to decide policy on contents?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Start your own media network. When you run your own business, you make your own rules on what can be posted or not.
(Similar with medical policies on masks and distancing: If you run your own District with its own medical operations, taxpayers can agree to the costs of precautions and consequences. That way, residents can decide their own policies for managing their own resources to meet local demands as a self-governing district.)

(3) Now what about resolving complaints and cover-ups of police abuse and brutality?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Let neighborhood districts hire and screen their own police, and train all residents to enforce the same procedures. When officers and public servants know each other through sustainable relationships, this wards off abuse and crime, especially outside instigators who can't play divide and conquer.
I am not going to argue the validity or failure of any of the solutions offered. It is so refreshing to see some one spit wading solutions instead of bitching I almost fell out of my chair. Thank you for offering ideas for solutions for a change.
Instead of mass riots and political yell wars, it's embarrassing how simple the solutions can be:

(1) Remember the ongoing fights about LGBT policies and accusations of anti-gay bigotry?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Unisex neutral restrooms. No need to force anyone to change policies or beliefs.

(Also, only having states recognize civil unions and domestic partnerships, while marriage remains a social ceremony for individuals to decide, not govt)

(2) Facebook and Twitter wars over who has rights to decide policy on contents?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Start your own media network. When you run your own business, you make your own rules on what can be posted or not.
(Similar with medical policies on masks and distancing: If you run your own District with its own medical operations, taxpayers can agree to the costs of precautions and consequences. That way, residents can decide their own policies for managing their own resources to meet local demands as a self-governing district.)

(3) Now what about resolving complaints and cover-ups of police abuse and brutality?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Let neighborhood districts hire and screen their own police, and train all residents to enforce the same procedures. When officers and public servants know each other through sustainable relationships, this wards off abuse and crime, especially outside instigators who can't play divide and conquer.
your solutions are not very good

starting with bathrooms your idea is to allow men to use the same facility as the women and that is inacceptable to most Americans

The LBJTERUIAXYZ ”community” is only 1% of the population. We do not have to cater to them

#2 Facebook/Twitter. We will treat them the same way Standard Oil and AT&T were treated

Break them up

#3 black neighborhoods do not have the money to create their own police forces

Under your plan the hood would be run and policed by the drug cartels

Dear Mac-7
(1) No, the Unisex restrooms are single use. This allows the traditional male only and female only restrooms to remain.
But adds Unisex restrooms so the other restrooms and policies remain unchanged.
Sorry this wasn't clear, but that's how all other Unisex restrooms I have seen already work.
You don't have more than one person in there anyway.

(2) Oil companies are not protected like freedom of the press is.
I'm not sure if it is the govt's place to regulate the press.

If people AGREE to a PARTICULAR POLICY CHANGE, then it's coming from the PEOPLE.
So that's fine if people are regulating their own access and use of media resources.

But if Political Groups are pushing it for political agenda, it should only
be by the PEOPLE applying pressure, but NOT the "govt forcing it if the people don't agree."

I'd be careful getting govt involved in anything to do with media.
So they don't screw it up by political bias as what has gone wrong with
trying to fix the "internet neutrality" issues and the "citizens united" that
got politically hijacked instead of representing the entire public objectively.

I would agree if the people are pushing this, and govt just represents that,
but not the other way, where political groups "abuse govt" to push their agenda that the
other sectors of the public oppose, because of politicized bias that doesn't carry
full public consent and authority of law.

(3) BINGO Mac-7 that's the problem.
The solutions are microlending and business training,
and teaching people to manage democratic ownership
of their own businesses, health care services and schools.

Another solution was developed around renovating public housing
by Black leaders in a historic community that addressed the poverty issues
by creating a Sustainable Campus plan (passed into federal HUD laws under HOPE VI)
to break the cycle of poverty, by integrating education and training onsite,
as well as democratizing the management through tenant councils
and recognizing ownership by the community represented in "all phases of development."

Also, ownership can be refinanced by reclaiming control of Health Care resources,
education and training to manage districts as a Cooperative:

Mac-7 the problem is trying to address things "using the same systems"
so of course nothing changes!
You cannot lift yourself up by the bootstraps when you don't have boots.
Nor can liberals expect to keep teaching minorities to "depend on govt" to
make decisions for them, instead of learning to manage resources by self-govt.
That is NEVER going to lead to equality, but perpetuate dependence on others.

The solutions I have found from nonprofits
that successfully break the cycle of poverty, invest training in business
ownership and microlending to get started. This can either be done
by reorganizing the health care and criminal justice resources so that the money saved
by not wasting it on for-profit contractors exploiting the demands
can be invested back into creating jobs and managing clinics and providers per district.

Capital and Credit can also be invested by reclaiming RESTITUTION for
trafficking or racketeering, where communities affected can claim property
that was abused for such crimes.
Emily may not have thought of this, but unisex bathrooms might could foster some prostitution. Possibly other illicit activity as well. Idk what, but something. :rolleyes:

Dear Marion Morrison
If schools have prostitution going on in their restrooms, that's an indication of worse problems
than just bathroom policies. (NOTE: I did help one nonprofit group that was nearly shut down out of retaliation
for reporting a school official involved in a prostitution ring. That does happen and it has nothing to do
with the bathroom policies, but with poverty that pressures parents to get involved in sex and drug trafficking.)


As for the signs like this one Kroger put on their Unisex restrooms,
I guess we'd have to add your suggestion to the list,
for people who believe in legalized prostitution!

I don't think Kroger's or Public Schools would agree to endorse
that activity on their premises. But if Libertarians lobby to set
up their own schools with their own policies on legalization
of drugs, prostitution, etc., if the residents in that district
agree to an ordinance that permits that on private property,
they are welcome to try adding it to the list of "user friendly" uses!
Dear Ms. Emily, that's not the situation I was envisioning. It it a very real scenario from back when I 1st got out of high school and started working, though. This girl just stayed in the bathroom and made money..until she got fired.
Not sure I ever even saw her, it just kind of went on around me. I knew she was in that bathroom, though. (I used the other). :dunno:
For a few days, there was a hooker in the bathroom at work.
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Instead of mass riots and political yell wars, it's embarrassing how simple the solutions can be:

(1) Remember the ongoing fights about LGBT policies and accusations of anti-gay bigotry?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Unisex neutral restrooms. No need to force anyone to change policies or beliefs.

(Also, only having states recognize civil unions and domestic partnerships, while marriage remains a social ceremony for individuals to decide, not govt)

(2) Facebook and Twitter wars over who has rights to decide policy on contents?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Start your own media network. When you run your own business, you make your own rules on what can be posted or not.
(Similar with medical policies on masks and distancing: If you run your own District with its own medical operations, taxpayers can agree to the costs of precautions and consequences. That way, residents can decide their own policies for managing their own resources to meet local demands as a self-governing district.)

(3) Now what about resolving complaints and cover-ups of police abuse and brutality?

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Let neighborhood districts hire and screen their own police, and train all residents to enforce the same procedures. When officers and public servants know each other through sustainable relationships, this wards off abuse and crime, especially outside instigators who can't play divide and conquer.

I can't think of a single woman I know anywhere, that wants a man walking into the bathroom when she's in there.

We are starting our own networks. I think this is bad for the nation though. It will only divide us even more. The real solution is allow freedom of speech, and stop blocking everyone that has a different opinion than you.

Neighborhood districts hire and screen their own police, will be very bad.

Ironically I'm almost inclined to support it... but it will be very bad. Because there are neighborhoods that are run by gangs, drug dealers, and the result will be that they will hire police that simply ignore crime.

The only way to not have people die to police, is by police being in bed with the criminals.

And then million of innocent people are going to be abused, murdered, raped, and victimized.

But, from what I see... this is what those communities want. So I'm almost inclined to let them have the abused and misery and death they desire.
The solutions are microlending and business training,
and teaching people to manage democratic ownership
of their own businesses, health care services and schools.
Where have I heard all these big ideas before?

they date back to the 1960’s in various forms that me up the Great Society and the War on Poverty

we have poured trillions into the hood with no measurable results

Yet asians and african and Indian immigrants have arrived in this country, opened businesses in the hood and after one generation progressed into the top rungs of society
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Emily may not have thought of this, but unisex bathrooms might could foster some prostitution. Possibly other illicit activity as well. Idk what, but something. :rolleyes:

Dear Marion Morrison
If schools have prostitution going on in their restrooms, that's an indication of worse problems
than just bathroom policies. (NOTE: I did help one nonprofit group that was nearly shut down out of retaliation
for reporting a school official involved in a prostitution ring. That does happen and it has nothing to do
with the bathroom policies, but with poverty that pressures parents to get involved in sex and drug trafficking.)

View attachment 344092
As for the signs like this one Kroger put on their Unisex restrooms,
I guess we'd have to add your suggestion to the list,
for people who believe in legalized prostitution!

I don't think Kroger's or Public Schools would agree to endorse
that activity on their premises. But if Libertarians lobby to set
up their own schools with their own policies on legalization
of drugs, prostitution, etc., if the residents in that district
agree to an ordinance that permits that on private property,
they are welcome to try adding it to the list of "user friendly" uses!

Ironically, that is exactly why I have stopped going to the Kroger near by.

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