Three times they denied God: New GOP advertisement

And yet you cannot prove any of that shit rolling out of your pie hole.

Funny how idiots like you confuse preference with reason.

The thing is, the burden of proof isn't on me, it's on believers...

If you are going to insist on changing the law because your Friend in the Sky says so, I think it's kind of on you to prove you HAVE a friend in the sky, isn't it?

No one is talking about a 'friend in the sky', Joe.

We are talking about the same Eternal Creator that the Socratic school conceived of millenia ago using nothing but reason and logic.

There are reasons the vast majority of mankind find a belief in God to be rational and compelling.

Just because you have not bothered to educate yourself on the topic means nothing more than that you are ignorant.

The Eternal Creator is not a 'magical man in the sky'. He was not made within the flow of time and space as all polietheistic deities are. He has no flow of conscience as everything is in the present to Him, past and future as well. He is the real world entity that George Cantors 'infinity of infinities' would represent. I could go on about the relevant things we know about the Creator but I would be wasting my time telling them to you because you are believing what you wish, not what the evidence leads you to based on a reasonable effort to investigate the topic.

And your pretense to have done so is nothing more than a hypocrital sham and fraud.

And though some are trying to change laws based on Biblical revelation, there is no requirement to do so as the evolved moral structure of human society has long had certain common precepts that are nearly universal and justify those laws no matter what a bunch of nihilistic atheists may think.

You might find belief in a creator rational. I guess people need to find purpose in things when there probably isn't. Life is just random and chaotic, period.

But until that creator makes an actual appearence and tells me that homosexuality is wrong or he doesn't want women to have abortions, all we have are PEOPLE claiming a moral authority that they can't prove.

Which goes back to my religion test. If we throw you off a tall building and God catches you, you have moral authority. Until then, you're just another person with an opinion you need to back up with reason.
That is religion not spirituality but since you do not care to bother to know the difference you miss out on the benefit of it, but as they say you will never miss what you never had....and I am not a guy. I just have that picture posted for a specific reason which I will not bother to get into

Yeah, which 19th century asshole is that, anyway?

Frankly, Religion, spirituality, it's all the same font of bullshit.

about as rational as believing in a lucky Rabbit's foot.
The man in the picture is John brown. And no religion and spirituality are not the same but you do not bother to educate yourself on the difference and thats just means that you will miss out on the benefits. Your choice.

Ah, you mean he was the asshole who started the Civil War through an act of Domestic Terrorism? That Asshole!

Religion, spirituality, astrology, lucky rabbit's foot... it's all the same thing. Wishful thinking based on irrational hope.

I wonder if using the term "fuck off" is considered Godly.

If it is, hell, I'm in!


"fuck off"

Now, is Ducky coming back in the new season of NCIS?


Tells me I haven't watched the series in a while, I didn't know he left.

The actor who plays him is well into his seventies, I'm not sure if he can keep up with the shooting schedule.
As though HE is the only option.


Such a silly thing to say.

If God were female, we would have global earthquakes, meteorshowers, and Solar flares that bake the Earth every thirty days or so.

But since we know that beer tastes so good, football is played on Sunday and women look so much better than men, He is obviously a He.

God is both genders actually
Well we know that he created both genders of course, as he then seperated the two by gender in the way that it all had came to pass finally. This then was part of the plan for the two of them (male and female) when got together, to go forth and populate the earth by pro-creating just as he had intended for it to be. Now what man has taken all this and done to it since, is he has perverted it now in the sight of God, and continues to anger God, and this for man's deviency and twisted idea's cast upon God's works that were found in his creational attributes.
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The situation that we witnessed with the Democrats denying the Lord three times reminds me of Peter.

And Christ's prophecy. Jesus said to him, “Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.”

Here's the ad:

Three Times. - YouTube

Feel free to behave like this is something that a theocratic society would punish....maybe some hints of heresy and the Spanish Inquisition for good measure....

So now it is theocratic to observe an event and its similarities to a sciptural event?

Have you Christ Haters stepped your game up so soon already?
Christhaters? See the bearing false witness by the Theocracy-loving Right wing nuts...Christ had some really good ideas and I seriously doubt anyone hates someone who lived over 2000 years ago and never killed anyone nor advocated killing anyone. But you go on and keep misrepresenting those who don't fall all over themselves because not everyone waves the cross at every moment.
God is a fairytale, who gives a fuck about him?

if he turns out to be may.....just sayin...

I wouldn't think much of a God who punishes otherwise decent people who don't believe in him...

I'm not sure why you would.

who said he would?......oo basically spitting in his sure if god proved to him that he indeed exists.....he would expect Oo Pah to have an attitude adjustment...if he still spit in his face ....would you expect "God" to just laugh it off?.....or do what he said he would do?.....
Such a silly thing to say.

If God were female, we would have global earthquakes, meteorshowers, and Solar flares that bake the Earth every thirty days or so.

But since we know that beer tastes so good, football is played on Sunday and women look so much better than men, He is obviously a He.

God is both genders actually

Then why do the Prophets consistently refer to Him as 'He'?

Of course, that might be nothing more than why the Spanish have a gender for every object, but I think it goes well beyond that.

Then why do the Prophets consistently refer to Him as 'He?

because Jesus called him Father?.....hey just sayin......
Republicans continue to use God as a tool.

Perhaps, perhaps not. But consider the following article:

More Than 9 in 10 Americans Continue to Believe in God

Whether it's a tool or not, it's not good advertising for liberals to have the DNC screaming "no" when asked if they want to return the word "God" to their platform.

I do not believe in your god, but I am not threatened by your belief. I do, however, find what was done at the DNC quite telling. They are willing to deny you your belief if they do not agree with you. They will silence your prayers and criminalize any demonstration of your faith. I am dead set against their presumption that their hatred and fear justifies denying others their rights. What more will they destroy with their "faith", how much further will they go to be right and 'prove' everyone else wrong?
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Republicans continue to use God as a tool.

The left live in a world that is all about "me" and look to negatives that they can criticize to justify themselves. Ego is their higher power and hubris is their sword. The idea of spiritual values like empathy, humility, service to others and faith in something greater than themselves is as a hot coal to their beliefs. Angels and miracles do not exist because there's no explanation. Unfortunately the Democrats of faith are swept up by party loyalty, but they have a choice and can vote their conscience. Just have faith!

How can you say that? Leftists live to do good deeds for long as they can do it with other peoples' wherewithall.
Wow, it took a lot of guts to affirm why we have a separation of church and state. I gotta give credit to the democrats who said 'no' to a piece of empty platform rhetoric that means nothing, your faith and your actions matter, not empty talk.

"The Godless Constitution is an urgent and timely reexamination of the roots of church-state separation in American politics - and a ringing refutation of the misguided claims of the religious right. In this important polemic two distinguished scholars of American political ideas and religion refute this dangerous attempt to introduce what they term "religious correctness" into our politics, by reminding us that the absence of any mention of God in the Constitution was a conscious action on the framers' part, intended to prevent the bloody religious controversies that so marked European history. They also emphasize that church-state separation was seen as a guarantee of - not a hindrance to - religions liberty. Fully respecting the importance of religion in the public sphere, yet forthright in defining proper limits, The Godless Constitution offers a bracing return to the first principles of American democracy - and a guide to keeping them intact in the forthcoming presidential campaign." The Godless Constitution: The Case Against Religious Correctness (9780393315240): Isaac Kramnick, R. Laurence Moore: Books

If it's nothing more than empty platform rhetoric, why not let it stand? Or is there a faction that views it as something more ominous than "empty rhetoric", a faction to which obama and his handlers would pander by removing it?

It would be interesting to know how many of the undecideds consider themselves to be devout Christians, and how many are committed atheists or agnostics. I'd imagine they're the only people who would be swayed by this.


It's gonna be kind of hard for the Democrats to sell themselves as evangelists now.

Obama must be pretty confident that the christian blacks who believe in traditional marriage are 'in the bag' and will still vote for him simply because he's black, like them. I wonder how many of the aforementioned will abandon their personal religious convictions to do just for the so-called black candidate?
Republicans continue to use God as a tool.

Nonsense. God is a central figure in most republicans' lives, therefore he's important to them. And, most people believe in god. Why not try to attract voters based on the focus of god in the party?

LOL. What a load of crap. Does Ryan demand that all on his staff read the Bible? No, he demands that all read the writings of Ayn Rand. And what does Ayn Rand believe? Hardline atheism. And Fascism.

No, Ayn Rand promoted the philosophy of Objectivism. Inform yourself:

The Ayn Rand Institute: Introducing Objectivism
G-d wants them to stop taking his name in vain

God has more class than to associate with the likes of you, so you have no way of knowing what he wants.

Standard Disclaimer: I don't really believe in God, and doubt Jillian does either.

That would explain why she was unable to say the word God.

A more likely explanation is that Jillian is Jewish.

Why Do Some Jews Spell "God" G-d?

The custom of substituting the word "God" with G-d in English is based on the traditional practice in Jewish law of giving God's Hebrew name a high degree of respect and reverence.

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