Three times they denied God: New GOP advertisement

If no focus is put on God and HIS economy and way of doing things it will just get worse. Even with all the cuts that were put forth by Ryan budget plan it would still be 40 years of digging out of debt and dems say the cuts are too deep. There is a simple saying that dems need to grasp the meaning of....if you are in a hole and want to get out...DON'T DIG! Why is government so exempt from logic? If your credit cards are maxed that would be equal to a debt ceiling. How does spending more reduce that? For those who cant follow a simple doesn't.

So God wants old people to be denied medical treatment when they reach the lifetime cap on their insurance voucher? Really?

Apparently that is Obama agenda yeah

Where is your faith? Obama is the self-proclaimed messiah, savior or this nation, and possibly the World. He doesn't have an agenda, he has an avowed mandate to save us all from ourselves...and be his brother's keeper.
Where is your faith? Obama is the self-proclaimed messiah, savior or this nation, and possibly the World. He doesn't have an agenda, he has an avowed mandate to save us all from ourselves...and be his brother's keeper.

We liberals just don't get why conservatives think of presidents as deities.

It was worst with Bush. He was their messiah, their DearLeader, their protector and daddy figure, a man placed in office directly by God Himself. Conservatives would like us to forget just how devoted most of them were to worshipping Bush, but that's not gonna happen. Not when I can remember all the times sputtering conservatives screamed I was a traitor simply for criticizing DearLeaderBush, not to mention the scattered threats of violence. That's not how liberals act with Obama, being we don't do the messiah thing.

Now, when Obama took over, he did take over that deity spot in the hearts of Republicans, except they think he's an evil deity placed there by Satan.
Where is your faith? Obama is the self-proclaimed messiah, savior or this nation, and possibly the World. He doesn't have an agenda, he has an avowed mandate to save us all from ourselves...and be his brother's keeper.

We liberals just don't get why conservatives think of presidents as deities.

It was worst with Bush. He was their messiah, their DearLeader, their protector and daddy figure, a man placed in office directly by God Himself. Conservatives would like us to forget just how devoted most of them were to worshipping Bush, but that's not gonna happen. Not when I can remember all the times sputtering conservatives screamed I was a traitor simply for criticizing DearLeaderBush, not to mention the scattered threats of violence. That's not how liberals act with Obama, being we don't do the messiah thing.

Now, when Obama took over, he did take over that deity spot in the hearts of Republicans, except they think he's an evil deity placed there by Satan.
just when you thought it couldn't get any more idiotic.....
So God wants old people to be denied medical treatment when they reach the lifetime cap on their insurance voucher? Really?

Apparently that is Obama agenda yeah

Where is your faith? Obama is the self-proclaimed messiah, savior or this nation, and possibly the World. He doesn't have an agenda, he has an avowed mandate to save us all from ourselves...and be his brother's keeper.

Lol apparently not his brothers keeper. His brother lives in a kind of poverty we can't ewn imagine in Kenya. But then again maybe he is his brothers keeper....keeper into bondage. There are reasons people refer to Obama as the anti Christ. He wants to put the nation into bondage weakening us to be subjected to power of other nations and keep us there. Taunt the USA by going to other countries making back door deals with Russia going to Arab nations bowing to their leaders and puts his feet up insulting Israel. 4 years of that is 4 years too many to take
Yeah, which 19th century asshole is that, anyway?

Frankly, Religion, spirituality, it's all the same font of bullshit.

about as rational as believing in a lucky Rabbit's foot.
The man in the picture is John brown. And no religion and spirituality are not the same but you do not bother to educate yourself on the difference and thats just means that you will miss out on the benefits. Your choice.

Ah, you mean he was the asshole who started the Civil War through an act of Domestic Terrorism? That Asshole!

Religion, spirituality, astrology, lucky rabbit's foot... it's all the same thing. Wishful thinking based on irrational hope.
Have you actually looked at the republican platform? And if so you honestly feel you identify with it and consider yourself part of the GOP?

It would be interesting to know how many of the undecideds consider themselves to be devout Christians, and how many are committed atheists or agnostics. I'd imagine they're the only people who would be swayed by this.


It's gonna be kind of hard for the Democrats to sell themselves as evangelists now.

Obama must be pretty confident that the christian blacks who believe in traditional marriage are 'in the bag' and will still vote for him simply because he's black, like them. I wonder how many of the aforementioned will abandon their personal religious convictions to do just for the so-called black candidate?
Voting for someone based upon their skin color is as foolish as it comes and/or gets in this nation, and this is because ones skin color never makes for a persons character in life, but for some reason we have found within this nation now, that (the federal government) has seen it this way when created laws and legislation around this very thing in which we speak. The nation is confused anymore because of this sort of thing, but who is stopping it from happening in these ways in which it is now or has been happening like this in the past ? We are a nation of colorless Americans, and this as it should be, and for whom are recognized by our characters and work ethic we keep, also as well as our family traditions that are rooted in faith and in God for which we have kept. This is why we still remain recognizable as America and Americans in this nation of ours, but their are those who are out to end much of this now that we speak, and their doing it as best that they can now.
Nonsense. God is a central figure in most republicans' lives, therefore he's important to them. And, most people believe in god. Why not try to attract voters based on the focus of god in the party?

Because our political system is supposed to be secular, not favoring any manner of belief or disbelief in the making of or application of our laws, lest our people become slave to an American styled Taliban. Intellectual consistency under that standard demands not making religious preference the focal point of our political decisions, or a litmus test predicating political and civic involvement.

This has become a new secular democratic position that is taken by those who are among the extreme fringe element that is now found within the democrat party, whom are undoubtedly leading or trying to lead the dem's big time these days, but this is not the over all opinion of many democrats hopefully. The extraction of God from the platform, was perfect for those wanting a Godless chaotic society in which to live and control in that way. Problem is for them, is that America isn't quite over that cliff as of yet, and those who still have some sense in America, have pushed back on this newly developed attitude in this nation, and this all in regards to an opinion in which has been taken by the fringe element that exist now within the democratic party, but hopefully does not reflect the opinion of the entire party as of yet.

This was the very foundation of our representative republic up until the "red scare" (BOO!) and all the asinine shit that followed.
People will eventually outgrow such ancient superstitious nonsense.


You dont know what the fuck you are talking about, dumbass.

Well, there probably wasn't enough room at the end to add, "before women were allowed to learn how to read."
The man in the picture is John brown. And no religion and spirituality are not the same but you do not bother to educate yourself on the difference and thats just means that you will miss out on the benefits. Your choice.

Ah, you mean he was the asshole who started the Civil War through an act of Domestic Terrorism? That Asshole!

Religion, spirituality, astrology, lucky rabbit's foot... it's all the same thing. Wishful thinking based on irrational hope.
Have you actually looked at the republican platform? And if so you honestly feel you identify with it and consider yourself part of the GOP?

I have looked at the Republican Platform.

And what I see is that my party has been hijacked by religious nutbags and corporate bloodsuckers, which is why for the first time in 32 years, I will be voting for the Democrat for president.

That, and I really, really hate Mormons.
Ah, you mean he was the asshole who started the Civil War through an act of Domestic Terrorism? That Asshole!

Religion, spirituality, astrology, lucky rabbit's foot... it's all the same thing. Wishful thinking based on irrational hope.
Have you actually looked at the republican platform? And if so you honestly feel you identify with it and consider yourself part of the GOP?

I have looked at the Republican Platform.

And what I see is that my party has been hijacked by religious nutbags and corporate bloodsuckers, which is why for the first time in 32 years, I will be voting for the Democrat for president.

That, and I really, really hate Mormons.
So, you voted for Bush…
Apparently that is Obama agenda yeah

Where is your faith? Obama is the self-proclaimed messiah, savior or this nation, and possibly the World. He doesn't have an agenda, he has an avowed mandate to save us all from ourselves...and be his brother's keeper.

Lol apparently not his brothers keeper. His brother lives in a kind of poverty we can't ewn imagine in Kenya. But then again maybe he is his brothers keeper....keeper into bondage. There are reasons people refer to Obama as the anti Christ. He wants to put the nation into bondage weakening us to be subjected to power of other nations and keep us there. Taunt the USA by going to other countries making back door deals with Russia going to Arab nations bowing to their leaders and puts his feet up insulting Israel. 4 years of that is 4 years too many to take

Yeah, if one is trying to destroy a nation or other social entity from the inside, one cannot be too direct. Making subtle changes that greatly injure the entity and yet can be justified, rationalized and defended in some way are the manner prefered in order to do the greatest long term damage.
Have you actually looked at the republican platform? And if so you honestly feel you identify with it and consider yourself part of the GOP?

I have looked at the Republican Platform.

And what I see is that my party has been hijacked by religious nutbags and corporate bloodsuckers, which is why for the first time in 32 years, I will be voting for the Democrat for president.

That, and I really, really hate Mormons.
So, you voted for Bush…


Keep in mind, the stuff that really changed my mind on things didn't start happening until 2007...

And even in 2008, I voted for McCain, because I thought he had more character and experience than Obama did.

This year, meh... the things that bother me about the GOP, its domination by religious fanatics and corporate money, just can't be ignored. Especially when crystalized by a creature like Romney.
Ah, you mean he was the asshole who started the Civil War through an act of Domestic Terrorism? That Asshole!

Religion, spirituality, astrology, lucky rabbit's foot... it's all the same thing. Wishful thinking based on irrational hope.
Have you actually looked at the republican platform? And if so you honestly feel you identify with it and consider yourself part of the GOP?

I have looked at the Republican Platform.

And what I see is that my party has been hijacked by religious nutbags and corporate bloodsuckers, which is why for the first time in 32 years, I will be voting for the Democrat for president.

That, and I really, really hate Mormons.
Yeah, and do tell us what the entire democratic platform has to offer a person like you, that a republican platform doesn't ?

It's all about the offers wouldn't you say (or) is it about social re-engineering that you like the best about it all going forward with that party ? By your attacks on religion in this post, I can see that it's all about social re-engineering for you (to hell with the economy and the rest, just like the last 4 years have been), so this is right up the dems ally, and you should feel right at home with them.

The dems are willing to sink the whole ship with everyone on it, just to save a leader whom they think will fish them out of the water only, and yet leave everyone else to drown because of these social issues now being faced in this nation, and this over and above the economic issues being faced in this nation that affect everyone.
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Where is your faith? Obama is the self-proclaimed messiah, savior or this nation, and possibly the World. He doesn't have an agenda, he has an avowed mandate to save us all from ourselves...and be his brother's keeper.

Lol apparently not his brothers keeper. His brother lives in a kind of poverty we can't ewn imagine in Kenya. But then again maybe he is his brothers keeper....keeper into bondage. There are reasons people refer to Obama as the anti Christ. He wants to put the nation into bondage weakening us to be subjected to power of other nations and keep us there. Taunt the USA by going to other countries making back door deals with Russia going to Arab nations bowing to their leaders and puts his feet up insulting Israel. 4 years of that is 4 years too many to take

Yeah, if one is trying to destroy a nation or other social entity from the inside, one cannot be too direct. Making subtle changes that greatly injure the entity and yet can be justified, rationalized and defended in some way are the manner prefered in order to do the greatest long term damage.
Here's my position as a so called "religious fanatic" if were being elected.. I would make suttle changes to back back off of the cliff in which this nation has either foolishly climded out on or has been forced out on. Listen to me yall, I am not for making quick changes to a situation that has caused great dependency over a long period of time (that would cause great suffering for those who have become dependent by a government whom made them that away), but rather to make plans over the long haul that would slowly chip away at that dependency as it should be chipped away at, but do it in a way that retains all human dignity, and restores hope that if a person applies themselves honestly and thoughtfully in everything that they do, and they do the best that they can in life according to their attributes born with or even if they were given a bad deal as could be proven as such, I would be willing to help them and this nation to get out of this mess we have all gotten ourselves into over time, and this by philoshophical losers as some of our Presidents have been over time... So this is the way in which I would govern the nation in respect to such a mess that has been created. I would also warn the world that we are down on the social issues right now, but we are strong on defense, so back off if think that our social issues being delt with, somehow makes us vulnerable and/or weak.

Bad individual choices that are made, will result in bad results sometimes by such choices made, but even then all depending on the choices, I would be willing to help a person back away from those choices when they are willing to do so, but also let them learn from those choices, if a learning moment comes due to them not backing away from their bad choices in life also.
Yeah, and do tell us what the entire democratic platform has to offer a person like you, that a republican platform doesn't ?

It's all about the offers wouldn't you say (or) is it about social re-engineering that you like the best about it all going forward with that party ? By your attacks on religion in this post, I can see that it's all about social re-engineering for you (to hell with the economy and the rest, just like the last 4 years have been), so this is right up the dems ally, and you should feel right at home with them.

The dems are willing to sink the whole ship with everyone on it, just to save a leader whom they think will fish them out of the water only, and yet leave everyone else to drown because of these social issues now being faced in this nation, and this over and above the economic issues being faced in this nation that affect everyone.

The Democrats aren't trying to put the LDS cult in the White House, to start with.

I frankly don't care about the social engineering, because religious conservatives have been dupes since 1980. Notice that abortion is still legal after 32 years of their being an anti-abortion plank in the GOP platform? Now why is that? At one time, Republicans had made 7 of the 9 appointments to SCOTUS... so how is it that Roe is still the law of the land?

Unfortunately, the religious right is willing to vote for the continued gutting of the middle class to make the rich wealthier... and that's the problem.
Yeah, and do tell us what the entire democratic platform has to offer a person like you, that a republican platform doesn't ?

It's all about the offers wouldn't you say (or) is it about social re-engineering that you like the best about it all going forward with that party ? By your attacks on religion in this post, I can see that it's all about social re-engineering for you (to hell with the economy and the rest, just like the last 4 years have been), so this is right up the dems ally, and you should feel right at home with them.

The dems are willing to sink the whole ship with everyone on it, just to save a leader whom they think will fish them out of the water only, and yet leave everyone else to drown because of these social issues now being faced in this nation, and this over and above the economic issues being faced in this nation that affect everyone.

The Democrats aren't trying to put the LDS cult in the White House, to start with.

I frankly don't care about the social engineering, because religious conservatives have been dupes since 1980. Notice that abortion is still legal after 32 years of their being an anti-abortion plank in the GOP platform? Now why is that? At one time, Republicans had made 7 of the 9 appointments to SCOTUS... so how is it that Roe is still the law of the land?

Unfortunately, the religious right is willing to vote for the continued gutting of the middle class to make the rich wealthier... and that's the problem.
The anti-abortion thing just appeals to the far right, so they will never remove it from their platform, nor will they ever abolish it.
Both Reagan and Bush, Sr. were pro-choice until they decided to go for the far right wing vote.
NO, that would be Ryan's Agenda, because he wants to turn Medicare into a Voucher system.

You're an idiot.

I mean, pretty much all Communists are, but you're a special kind of stupid.

Ryan proposes a voucher system to provide basic care - guess what Comrade Moron? This is already common, about half of those on Medicare join an HMO to get better care.
Blue Medicare HMO – 2012 Plan Benefits | BCBSNC
Medicare Advantage HMO Coverage: Humana Gold Plus HMO Plan
Horus was reassembled by others while Jesus Christ resurrected Himself.

Not that you can grasp the distinction, of course.

I don't pay much attention to lakhota, but went ahead and clicked the link.

That has to be the most poorly researched and ignorant website I've ever seen. Jesus is the "morning star?" Uh no, that would be Lucifer. Jesus was the "capstone?" Uh no, Jesus was the base stone that Peter would build his house (The Church) upon.

There probably was nothing in the idiotic rant that was correct.

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