Three times they denied God: New GOP advertisement

It's a clever ad. I still think it was stupid to televise the vote lol

We love God

Feed the poor and they will breed

Let them die

I'm not sure which "God" Republicans follow.

I'll wait here while you run and fetch your evidence that Republicans said "Let them die" with respect to the poor.

Hurry along now, son.

G-d wants them to stop taking his name in vain

God has more class than to associate with the likes of you, so you have no way of knowing what he wants.

Standard Disclaimer: I don't really believe in God, and doubt Jillian does either.
That would explain why she was unable to say the word God.

That's a pseudo-Jewish thing. To utter the name of God, which is Adani or Elohim, is prohibited by Mosaic law. In the last 20 years or so, it's become fashionable among West Side Jews to preen by altering the title of God. God is a title, not a name. The tradition of using the word "God" is to denote the nameless nature of God. Some use the name "Jehovah" or "Elohim" (or just "El",) but the Christian tradition is to not name God.
They were just wanting to keep church and state separated - as they should be.

So Democrats haven't kept church and state separate, because God was part of their platform. How different would the Party have been if they excluded it?
G-d wants them to stop taking his name in vain

God has more class than to associate with the likes of you, so you have no way of knowing what he wants.

Standard Disclaimer: I don't really believe in God, and doubt Jillian does either.

That would explain why she was unable to say the word God.

no. we don't write G-d. thanks for the disrespect.

and kindly don't encourage a misogynist, braindead, immoral loser like shoudlbecensored.

its beneath you.
People will eventually outgrow such ancient superstitious nonsense.


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