Three times they denied God: New GOP advertisement


It would be interesting to know how many of the undecideds consider themselves to be devout Christians, and how many are committed atheists or agnostics. I'd imagine they're the only people who would be swayed by this.


It's gonna be kind of hard for the Democrats to sell themselves as evangelists now.

Who said they were ever doing that?
Republicans continue to use God as a tool.

Nonsense. God is a central figure in most republicans' lives, therefore he's important to them. And, most people believe in god. Why not try to attract voters based on the focus of god in the party?

LOL. What a load of crap. Does Ryan demand that all on his staff read the Bible? No, he demands that all read the writings of Ayn Rand. And what does Ayn Rand believe? Hardline atheism. And Fascism.
So much for the Republicans wanting to focus on the economy.

They would rather focus on the GOD of Ryan and Rand, and women's vaginas.:badgrin:
Hey, I like to focus on women’s vaginas but that could be because I am a man. :ssex:
You have something against vaginas!?!?!?!

SoH 'oH lugh !!!

Please provide an english translation for any post in Klingon.

Basically he agrees. :lol: I would thank him but that's not something Klingons do. They just grunt in acknowledgement. :lmao:
HOLY SHIT, he was serious. I thought he was just being facetious when he said to translate the Klingon. How in the hell did he know what to type and you recognize it?

Go sit in the corner, you let your geek through and that is unacceptable. :eusa_snooty:

It would be interesting to know how many of the undecideds consider themselves to be devout Christians, and how many are committed atheists or agnostics. I'd imagine they're the only people who would be swayed by this.


It's gonna be kind of hard for the Democrats to sell themselves as evangelists now.

I am a pentecostal, evangelical Bible-believing Christian and yet do not believe the people in the Middle East (and their allies) who are confusing Israelites/Israelis and Jews, and calling themselves Israelites are related to the Israelites of the Bible that Christian blindly support as chosen people of God. The so-called Israelis currently in the Middle East are counterfeits and vagabonds seeking to land-grab.

There is no way the good and loving God of Creation will displace and anguish nations just in order to make room for a bunch of nomads when so much land was still unoccupied on Planet Earth. Again I repeat: The history of dynasty Israel is the history of social justice in its extremity.

To read detailed of theory stated above, please search for article by L'Afrique titled "Palestine, Israel and God."
They would rather focus on the GOD of Ryan and Rand, and women's vaginas.:badgrin:

Why don't they focus on your god, Gaea, and the clinical insanity the worship of such reveals?

NO religion is as nutty as you AGW fools. Y'all make the Scientologists look rational.
Hey, I like to focus on women’s vaginas but that could be because I am a man. :ssex:
You have something against vaginas!?!?!?!

To Old Cocks, the vagina is just a doorway to killing a baby.

HOLY SHIT, he was serious. I thought he was just being facetious when he said to translate the Klingon. How in the hell did he know what to type and you recognize it?

Go sit in the corner, you let your geek through and that is unacceptable. :eusa_snooty:

That is a lot of geek.
I am a pentecostal, evangelical Bible-believing Christian and yet do not believe the people in the Middle East (and their allies) who are confusing Israelites/Israelis and Jews, and calling themselves Israelites are related to the Israelites of the Bible that Christian blindly support as chosen people of God. The so-called Israelis currently in the Middle East are counterfeits and vagabonds seeking to land-grab.

There is no way the good and loving God of Creation will displace and anguish nations just in order to make room for a bunch of nomads when so much land was still unoccupied on Planet Earth. Again I repeat: The history of dynasty Israel is the history of social justice in its extremity.

To read detailed of theory stated above, please search for article by L'Afrique titled "Palestine, Israel and God."

So, you're a follower of Richard Butler, then?
So I'll tell you what, let's do the "God Test".

We throw you off the top of the Sears Tower. If God catches you on the way down, I will totally convert to your religion and sign over all my worldly goods.

Any takers?

I have a counter. Let's throw you off first, your point will be confirmed by the splatter and I will drink to your victory.

You miss the point. I already KNOW a magic sky man won't save me... so I'd never try it.

I knew there wasn't a magic sky man when my mom died of cancer despite everyone praying for her.

But the thing is, all you religionists who cynically cite God to try to get working people to vote to get screwed harder by big corporations... you know there isn't a magic Sky Man who is going to catch you, either...
Ok this is off topic but since you brought it up....ever consider the idea that your mom made the decision to go? I just went thru this some 3 months ago myself with a parent. And furthermore asking sky man as you say to prove himself in that manner is illogical. And you don't have to be a Vulcan to understand that. Obviously didn't learn the teaching in the bible when Jesus was tempted in the desert to do acts to prove himself. Faith is all the proof needed as it produces manifestation.
Republicans continue to use God as a tool.

Nonsense. God is a central figure in most republicans' lives, therefore he's important to them. And, most people believe in god. Why not try to attract voters based on the focus of god in the party?

The GOP use their God, the Father of lies, for political purposes only. There is nothing even remotely Godly about the Republican lifestyle.

Are those the words you speak when traveling for another abortion?
Ok this is off topic but since you brought it up....ever consider the idea that your mom made the decision to go? I just went thru this some 3 months ago myself with a parent. And furthermore asking sky man as you say to prove himself in that manner is illogical. And you don't have to be a Vulcan to understand that. Obviously didn't learn the teaching in the bible when Jesus was tempted in the desert to do acts to prove himself. Faith is all the proof needed as it produces manifestation.

Save your words.

JoeB is a Bolshevik. Karl Marx is the closest he has to a god. Mao's "Little Red Book" is his Bible. Noam Chomsky is his prophet.

It would be interesting to know how many of the undecideds consider themselves to be devout Christians, and how many are committed atheists or agnostics. I'd imagine they're the only people who would be swayed by this.


It's gonna be kind of hard for the Democrats to sell themselves as evangelists now.

I am a pentecostal, evangelical Bible-believing Christian and yet do not believe the people in the Middle East (and their allies) who are confusing Israelites/Israelis and Jews, and calling themselves Israelites are related to the Israelites of the Bible that Christian blindly support as chosen people of God. The so-called Israelis currently in the Middle East are counterfeits and vagabonds seeking to land-grab.

There is no way the good and loving God of Creation will displace and anguish nations just in order to make room for a bunch of nomads when so much land was still unoccupied on Planet Earth. Again I repeat: The history of dynasty Israel is the history of social justice in its extremity.

To read detailed of theory stated above, please search for article by L'Afrique titled "Palestine, Israel and God."

Have you even cracked the Old Testement? No one was displaced by making the nation of Israel. Those who did leave left because their Muslim brothers warned them of the impending wars. The Muslims got their asses handed to them everytime they tried, kinds of speaks to God will don't you think?

We love God

Feed the poor and they will breed

Let them die

I'm not sure which "God" Republicans follow.


There seem to be a lot of things that you are not sure about.

I'm sure the Republicans don't follow the Jesus that says to help the poor at least 15 hundred times in the Bible. Right? You can't believe in traditional Christianity and "every man for himself" at the same time. They are "opposites. It's like Mitt saying he worked at Bain but then didn't work at Bain "at the same time". It can only be one or the other, not "both".
If no focus is put on God and HIS economy and way of doing things it will just get worse. Even with all the cuts that were put forth by Ryan budget plan it would still be 40 years of digging out of debt and dems say the cuts are too deep. There is a simple saying that dems need to grasp the meaning of....if you are in a hole and want to get out...DON'T DIG! Why is government so exempt from logic? If your credit cards are maxed that would be equal to a debt ceiling. How does spending more reduce that? For those who cant follow a simple doesn't.
If no focus is put on God and HIS economy and way of doing things it will just get worse. Even with all the cuts that were put forth by Ryan budget plan it would still be 40 years of digging out of debt and Dem's say the cuts are too deep. There is a simple saying that Dem's need to grasp the meaning of....if you are in a hole and want to get out...DON'T DIG! Why is government so exempt from logic? If your credit cards are maxed that would be equal to a debt ceiling. How does spending more reduce that? For those who cant follow a simple doesn't.

Ryan's original plan of cutting 6 trillion in ten years would have got us out in 24 years.
That's one generation.
President Obama wants 4 trillion in ten years.That would take 50 years.
That's 3 generations.
Denying God is not a wise move. I had a very detailed response typed out and I had a computer glitch that erased it frustrating. Bottom line basically was you can run on for awhile but the slack will be jerked from your rope.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

We love God

Feed the poor and they will breed

Let them die

I'm not sure which "God" Republicans follow.


There seem to be a lot of things that you are not sure about.

I'm sure the Republicans don't follow the Jesus that says to help the poor at least 15 hundred times in the Bible. Right? You can't believe in traditional Christianity and "every man for himself" at the same time. They are "opposites. It's like Mitt saying he worked at Bain but then didn't work at Bain "at the same time". It can only be one or the other, not "both".

So what does the Republican God of "Stomp the Poor" actually look like?

There seem to be a lot of things that you are not sure about.

I'm sure the Republicans don't follow the Jesus that says to help the poor at least 15 hundred times in the Bible. Right? You can't believe in traditional Christianity and "every man for himself" at the same time. They are "opposites. It's like Mitt saying he worked at Bain but then didn't work at Bain "at the same time". It can only be one or the other, not "both".

So what does the Republican God of "Stomp the Poor" actually look like?

Helping the poor is not handing them money it is teaching them how to prosper...guess you have not heard the story of give a man a fish

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