Three times they denied God: New GOP advertisement

Republicans continue to use God as a tool.
Does an artist paint without his brush, does a mechanic work without his tools, does an engineer work without his knowledge, does a genious work without his thoughts, does a brick layer work without his hands, does a builder work without his level and/or measuring tape etc. ?

The demon-crats do, because they are Godless and have no concept anymore of what these very important things are in which God had given unto us within this world (or) what their value is unto us within this world as well.

Bullshit. Democrats DO believe in God, you just like to think they don't.
Some do I think still, and why of course they do, but the ones who don't want to control the party now.. It is being seen in evidence there of, but the dems over all undoubtedly don't see this or maybe they do..

It would be interesting to know how many of the undecideds consider themselves to be devout Christians, and how many are committed atheists or agnostics. I'd imagine they're the only people who would be swayed by this.


It's gonna be kind of hard for the Democrats to sell themselves as evangelists now.

they would be fools to even bother with those morons.
right it keeps it a private matter like it should be. I dont need religion in my government, if i wanted that i'd move to the middle east.

I guess you best pack your bags then.

Opening Prayer Archive, Office of the Chaplain

Our Government opens each day with prayer.



I know a word.

Belief is useful, but...


I don't doubt one's beliefs. I fear them. Some fear godlessness. I fear people who check their mind at the factory door.



It's not just a command line entry.

God is a fairytale, who gives a fuck about him?

92% of Americans.

It's cool that you leftist piss on them.

And because a lot of people believe it that makes it true? Most children believe in Santa Clause he must be real then.

On the vast majority of questions, the majority is usually right, which is why odds makers so often end up with better success at 'predicting' winners as they make book on various sporting events.

But of course when losers have no case, no argument and no evidence to the contrary of the majority opinion, they do tend to run to the 'majority does not define the Truth' rhetoric.

The winner in the market place of ideas is more efficient than economic markets, and they are most often right.
Republicans continue to use God as a tool.

Perhaps, perhaps not. But consider the following article:

More Than 9 in 10 Americans Continue to Believe in God

Whether it's a tool or not, it's not good advertising for liberals to have the DNC screaming "no" when asked if they want to return the word "God" to their platform.

Hey, guy, shouldn't you use the Ferengi symbol for Romney... It would seem to work better.

I mean, that guy's no Klingon. Klingons don't run to France to do missionary work when there's a war.

Anyway back to this phony bullshit. The Democrats changed "God-given ability" with "ability", and the religious whackos went apeshit. I'm really kind of sorry the Dems caved on this one.

Not me, I would prefer a closer election so Romney looks stupid.

Now Romney is going to pick up a lot more votes and that sux.
And because a lot of people believe it that makes it true? Most children believe in Santa Clause he must be real then.

The fact that you don't believe in God, does not man that God does not exist. It just means you are not the brightest bulb in the string.

So I'll tell you what, let's do the "God Test".

We throw you off the top of the Sears Tower. If God catches you on the way down, I will totally convert to your religion and sign over all my worldly goods.

Any takers?

That is the biggest bunch of bullshit I have ever read.

Fuck, even the dumbest atheist I have ever met wouldnt try such a moronic 'argument'.

Hey, lets toss you off the top of the Sears tower and see if ANYONE bothers to catch you.

Joe, you have really degenerated into a complete fucktard.

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