Three Trillion more dollars coming out of the Tax Payers pocket, the end is coming very quick now.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Biden Team Preparing Up to $3 Trillion in New Spending for the Economy (
President Biden’s economic advisers are preparing to recommend spending as much as $3 trillion on a sweeping set of efforts aimed at boosting the economy, reducing carbon emissions and narrowing economic inequality, beginning with a giant infrastructure plan that may be financed in part through tax increases on corporations and the rich.
When the government bankrupts everyone, then we will be just like Venezuela. It takes 1 person at a dollar a second to spend one trillion dollars, over 33,000 years, yet this government spends it like it grows on trees. Soon the dollar isnt going to be worth squat. And you prog slaves....You will be hurt the most.....

The Many Real Dangers of Soaring National Debt | The Heritage Foundation

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Biden Team Preparing Up to $3 Trillion in New Spending for the Economy (
President Biden’s economic advisers are preparing to recommend spending as much as $3 trillion on a sweeping set of efforts aimed at boosting the economy, reducing carbon emissions and narrowing economic inequality, beginning with a giant infrastructure plan that may be financed in part through tax increases on corporations and the rich.
When the government bankrupts everyone, then we will be just like Venezuela. It takes 1 person at a dollar a second to spend one trillion dollars, over 33,000 years, yet this government spends it like it grows on trees. Soon the dollar isnt going to be worth squat. And you prog slaves....You will be hurt the most.....

The Many Real Dangers of Soaring National Debt | The Heritage Foundation

View attachment 470931
it's coming ..but it might not be ''quick'''
Biden Team Preparing Up to $3 Trillion in New Spending for the Economy (
President Biden’s economic advisers are preparing to recommend spending as much as $3 trillion on a sweeping set of efforts aimed at boosting the economy, reducing carbon emissions and narrowing economic inequality, beginning with a giant infrastructure plan that may be financed in part through tax increases on corporations and the rich.
When the government bankrupts everyone, then we will be just like Venezuela. It takes 1 person at a dollar a second to spend one trillion dollars, over 33,000 years, yet this government spends it like it grows on trees. Soon the dollar isnt going to be worth squat. And you prog slaves....You will be hurt the most.....

The Many Real Dangers of Soaring National Debt | The Heritage Foundation

View attachment 470931View attachment 470931
Three trillion is a drop in the bucket. In 2018 Congress gave trump 1.6 billion out of a 1.3 trillion spending bill to go towards trump waste of money wall. That money was pissed away.

The iraq war cost 2 trillion.
Biden Team Preparing Up to $3 Trillion in New Spending for the Economy (
President Biden’s economic advisers are preparing to recommend spending as much as $3 trillion on a sweeping set of efforts aimed at boosting the economy, reducing carbon emissions and narrowing economic inequality, beginning with a giant infrastructure plan that may be financed in part through tax increases on corporations and the rich.
When the government bankrupts everyone, then we will be just like Venezuela. It takes 1 person at a dollar a second to spend one trillion dollars, over 33,000 years, yet this government spends it like it grows on trees. Soon the dollar isnt going to be worth squat. And you prog slaves....You will be hurt the most.....

The Many Real Dangers of Soaring National Debt | The Heritage Foundation

View attachment 470931
it's coming ..but it might not be ''quick'''
Funny how every economist and expert who doesn't work for Fox noise thinks this is a great idea and will work perfectly for everyone involved. For a change. Tax the rich and fix the country. This is totally out of control after a 40 year GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job and bologna for everyone else.....
NOW they care about spending.


Why the lie? there are many republicans who have complained about soaring debt, I as an Independent have complained too.

The proposed large tax increase isn't going to come close to covering all this outflow of non existent money, it is FIAT money instead.

The problem is massive overspending done by BOTH parties.
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Biden Team Preparing Up to $3 Trillion in New Spending for the Economy (
President Biden’s economic advisers are preparing to recommend spending as much as $3 trillion on a sweeping set of efforts aimed at boosting the economy, reducing carbon emissions and narrowing economic inequality, beginning with a giant infrastructure plan that may be financed in part through tax increases on corporations and the rich.
When the government bankrupts everyone, then we will be just like Venezuela. It takes 1 person at a dollar a second to spend one trillion dollars, over 33,000 years, yet this government spends it like it grows on trees. Soon the dollar isnt going to be worth squat. And you prog slaves....You will be hurt the most.....

The Many Real Dangers of Soaring National Debt | The Heritage Foundation

View attachment 470931
it's coming ..but it might not be ''quick'''
Funny how every economist and expert who doesn't work for Fox noise thinks this is a great idea and will work perfectly for everyone involved. For a change. Tax the rich and fix the country. This is totally out of control after a 40 year GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job and bologna for everyone else.....
babble shit from you
1. the rich already pay MORE than their fair share--and it's still fkd up
2. a lot of people aren't poor because they don't make minimum wage/etc but because they are lazy and stupid
Biden Team Preparing Up to $3 Trillion in New Spending for the Economy (
President Biden’s economic advisers are preparing to recommend spending as much as $3 trillion on a sweeping set of efforts aimed at boosting the economy, reducing carbon emissions and narrowing economic inequality, beginning with a giant infrastructure plan that may be financed in part through tax increases on corporations and the rich.
When the government bankrupts everyone, then we will be just like Venezuela. It takes 1 person at a dollar a second to spend one trillion dollars, over 33,000 years, yet this government spends it like it grows on trees. Soon the dollar isnt going to be worth squat. And you prog slaves....You will be hurt the most.....

The Many Real Dangers of Soaring National Debt | The Heritage Foundation

View attachment 470931
it's coming ..but it might not be ''quick'''
Funny how every economist and expert who doesn't work for Fox noise thinks this is a great idea and will work perfectly for everyone involved. For a change. Tax the rich and fix the country. This is totally out of control after a 40 year GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job and bologna for everyone else.....

You are lying again.

Democrat's had a 40 year unchallenged majority control of the House from 1954 to 1994, the time frame where most of the built in automatic deficit spending was created.

But they also created Social Security too, thus today, Democrats are 100% responsible for at least 68% of the budget deficit (actually higher) that are automatic and growing by percentage of the total budget, which is forecast to reach 70% of the entire budget in 2 years.

Stop parading your stupid ignorant partisanship bullshit!
Biden Team Preparing Up to $3 Trillion in New Spending for the Economy (
President Biden’s economic advisers are preparing to recommend spending as much as $3 trillion on a sweeping set of efforts aimed at boosting the economy, reducing carbon emissions and narrowing economic inequality, beginning with a giant infrastructure plan that may be financed in part through tax increases on corporations and the rich.
When the government bankrupts everyone, then we will be just like Venezuela. It takes 1 person at a dollar a second to spend one trillion dollars, over 33,000 years, yet this government spends it like it grows on trees. Soon the dollar isnt going to be worth squat. And you prog slaves....You will be hurt the most.....

The Many Real Dangers of Soaring National Debt | The Heritage Foundation

View attachment 470931
it's coming ..but it might not be ''quick'''
Funny how every economist and expert who doesn't work for Fox noise thinks this is a great idea and will work perfectly for everyone involved. For a change. Tax the rich and fix the country. This is totally out of control after a 40 year GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job and bologna for everyone else.....
they need to be CUTTING taxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!..cutting SPENDING
...most companies lay off people when they MAKE $$$$$ and don't meet goals...the US is in debt and NOT laying off workers.....they are giving them MORE $$$$!!!!!! = federal workers!!!!!!!
NOW they care about spending.


Why the lie? there are many republicans who have complained about soaring debt, I as an Independent have complained too.

The proposed large tax increase isn't going to come close to coving all this outflow of non existent money, it is FIAT money instead.

The problem is massive overspending done by BOTH parties.
Funny. Trumpsters swallowed and pushed Trump's bullshit about "the greatest economy ever" (2.4% GDP is the greatest? Really?) when Trump made Keynes look like Ron freakin' Paul.

NOW they care about spending.


:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

There are trillions of reasons to slam Democrats’ spending bill

Biden Team Preparing Up to $3 Trillion in New Spending for the Economy (
President Biden’s economic advisers are preparing to recommend spending as much as $3 trillion on a sweeping set of efforts aimed at boosting the economy, reducing carbon emissions and narrowing economic inequality, beginning with a giant infrastructure plan that may be financed in part through tax increases on corporations and the rich.
When the government bankrupts everyone, then we will be just like Venezuela. It takes 1 person at a dollar a second to spend one trillion dollars, over 33,000 years, yet this government spends it like it grows on trees. Soon the dollar isnt going to be worth squat. And you prog slaves....You will be hurt the most.....

The Many Real Dangers of Soaring National Debt | The Heritage Foundation

View attachment 470931
it's coming ..but it might not be ''quick'''
Funny how every economist and expert who doesn't work for Fox noise thinks this is a great idea and will work perfectly for everyone involved. For a change. Tax the rich and fix the country. This is totally out of control after a 40 year GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job and bologna for everyone else.....
..the poor ALREADY get MUCHO tax breaks !!! DUH--they don't pay shit--they get $$$ BACK
NOW they care about spending.


Why the lie? there are many republicans who have complained about soaring debt, I as an Independent have complained too.

The proposed large tax increase isn't going to come close to coving all this outflow of non existent money, it is FIAT money instead.

The problem is massive overspending done by BOTH parties.
Funny. Trumpsters swallowed and pushed Trump's bullshit about "the greatest economy ever" (2.4% GDP is the greatest? Really?) when Trump made Keynes look like Ron freakin' Paul.

hahhahahahah---babble shit from you
much laughing from me
Biden Team Preparing Up to $3 Trillion in New Spending for the Economy (
President Biden’s economic advisers are preparing to recommend spending as much as $3 trillion on a sweeping set of efforts aimed at boosting the economy, reducing carbon emissions and narrowing economic inequality, beginning with a giant infrastructure plan that may be financed in part through tax increases on corporations and the rich.
When the government bankrupts everyone, then we will be just like Venezuela. It takes 1 person at a dollar a second to spend one trillion dollars, over 33,000 years, yet this government spends it like it grows on trees. Soon the dollar isnt going to be worth squat. And you prog slaves....You will be hurt the most.....

The Many Real Dangers of Soaring National Debt | The Heritage Foundation

View attachment 470931
Trumpkins didn’t care about the debt when Donald blew a hole in it.

stupid trumpkins
NOW they care about spending.


Why the lie? there are many republicans who have complained about soaring debt, I as an Independent have complained too.

The proposed large tax increase isn't going to come close to coving all this outflow of non existent money, it is FIAT money instead.

The problem is massive overspending done by BOTH parties.
Funny. Trumpsters swallowed and pushed Trump's bullshit about "the greatest economy ever" (2.4% GDP is the greatest? Really?) when Trump made Keynes look like Ron freakin' Paul.

hahhahahahah---babble shit from you
much laughing from me
You realize he’s about 1,000 times smarter than you, right? And that’s a conservative estimate.

now run along like a good little trumpkin
NOW they care about spending.


Why the lie? there are many republicans who have complained about soaring debt, I as an Independent have complained too.

The proposed large tax increase isn't going to come close to coving all this outflow of non existent money, it is FIAT money instead.

The problem is massive overspending done by BOTH parties.
Funny. Trumpsters swallowed and pushed Trump's bullshit about "the greatest economy ever" (2.4% GDP is the greatest? Really?) when Trump made Keynes look like Ron freakin' Paul.


Your idiotic deflection is a clear sign you can't admit the obvious that BOTH parties are overspending.

You need to stop punching yourself in the face with stupid replies that doesn't even address what I was saying.


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