Three Trillion more dollars coming out of the Tax Payers pocket, the end is coming very quick now.

Of course you are totally missing formed.
I was formed perfectly, English is not your first language, I take it.
Obviously it's the smartphone and I'm sick of fixing missing formed. Too bad you have no actual argument lol. At least in the real world
Obviously, the phone is smarter than the dufus that is using it.
Your post was ridiculous and really didn't warrant as much attention as I gave it. First, those illegal immigrants are getting much better than welfare with no strings attached. $82M for hotel rooms? Second--they are working under the table and pay no taxes. So, I say again, send YOUR money down to them. You, sir did not respond to that guidance the last time I posted it showing once again that you hypocritically are ready to spend other people's money as long as yours is left alone. SMFH.
No one in the real world knows what you are talking about. Total garbage propaganda. Change the channel for God's sake. Pass a work ID card and the 2010 Democratic immigration bill and end this mess forever. Your ridiculous wall and harassment unconstitutional laws against minorities are not workable. Total idiocy in fact.
Of course you are totally missing formed.
I was formed perfectly, English is not your first language, I take it.
Obviously it's the smartphone and I'm sick of fixing missing formed. Too bad you have no actual argument lol. At least in the real world
Obviously, the phone is smarter than the dufus that is using it.
Your post was ridiculous and really didn't warrant as much attention as I gave it. First, those illegal immigrants are getting much better than welfare with no strings attached. $82M for hotel rooms? Second--they are working under the table and pay no taxes. So, I say again, send YOUR money down to them. You, sir did not respond to that guidance the last time I posted it showing once again that you hypocritically are ready to spend other people's money as long as yours is left alone. SMFH.
No one in the real world knows what you are talking about. Total garbage propaganda. Change the channel for God's sake. Pass a work ID card and the 2010 Democratic immigration bill and end this mess forever. Your ridiculous wall and harassment unconstitutional laws against minorities are not workable. Total idiocy in fact.
Take an English composition class or stop for a moment and collect your thoughts before you start typing. How about you pass a voter ID bill and if you think I can pass ANYTHING in a government that is under TOTAL democrat control you are "misinformed." (see how easy that was) You are a moron and it is more evident every time you post. But be my guest--I welcome comedy.
Biden Team Preparing Up to $3 Trillion in New Spending for the Economy (
President Biden’s economic advisers are preparing to recommend spending as much as $3 trillion on a sweeping set of efforts aimed at boosting the economy, reducing carbon emissions and narrowing economic inequality, beginning with a giant infrastructure plan that may be financed in part through tax increases on corporations and the rich.
When the government bankrupts everyone, then we will be just like Venezuela. It takes 1 person at a dollar a second to spend one trillion dollars, over 33,000 years, yet this government spends it like it grows on trees. Soon the dollar isnt going to be worth squat. And you prog slaves....You will be hurt the most.....

The Many Real Dangers of Soaring National Debt | The Heritage Foundation

View attachment 470931
it's coming ..but it might not be ''quick'''
Funny how every economist and expert who doesn't work for Fox noise thinks this is a great idea and will work perfectly for everyone involved. For a change. Tax the rich and fix the country. This is totally out of control after a 40 year GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job and bologna for everyone else.....

Why are Dems so useless?

Is it genetic?
Why is the GOP pure obstructionist and give away to the rich and lies? Greedy stupid or brainwashed?

Clinton and Obama didn't fix anything when they had the House and Senate?
Is it because you're a moron?
Venezuela went to hell because of American sanctions.... They can't sell their oil.

They can't sell to any other country in the world?

Why are commies so helpless against our refusal to buy from them?

Is it because communism sucks and commies like you are cretins?
They still have democracy down there. They know who the Oligarchs and the swine are.
It's called socialism not communism. And that conflation of the two terms is why English speaking people's are amazing swine and brainwashed fools.
Biden Team Preparing Up to $3 Trillion in New Spending for the Economy (
President Biden’s economic advisers are preparing to recommend spending as much as $3 trillion on a sweeping set of efforts aimed at boosting the economy, reducing carbon emissions and narrowing economic inequality, beginning with a giant infrastructure plan that may be financed in part through tax increases on corporations and the rich.
When the government bankrupts everyone, then we will be just like Venezuela. It takes 1 person at a dollar a second to spend one trillion dollars, over 33,000 years, yet this government spends it like it grows on trees. Soon the dollar isnt going to be worth squat. And you prog slaves....You will be hurt the most.....

The Many Real Dangers of Soaring National Debt | The Heritage Foundation

View attachment 470931
it's coming ..but it might not be ''quick'''
Funny how every economist and expert who doesn't work for Fox noise thinks this is a great idea and will work perfectly for everyone involved. For a change. Tax the rich and fix the country. This is totally out of control after a 40 year GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job and bologna for everyone else.....

Why are Dems so useless?

Is it genetic?
Why is the GOP pure obstructionist and give away to the rich and lies? Greedy stupid or brainwashed?

Clinton and Obama didn't fix anything when they had the House and Senate?
Is it because you're a moron?
No it's because you are an idiotic troll. Check your much later lol
Biden Team Preparing Up to $3 Trillion in New Spending for the Economy (
President Biden’s economic advisers are preparing to recommend spending as much as $3 trillion on a sweeping set of efforts aimed at boosting the economy, reducing carbon emissions and narrowing economic inequality, beginning with a giant infrastructure plan that may be financed in part through tax increases on corporations and the rich.
When the government bankrupts everyone, then we will be just like Venezuela. It takes 1 person at a dollar a second to spend one trillion dollars, over 33,000 years, yet this government spends it like it grows on trees. Soon the dollar isnt going to be worth squat. And you prog slaves....You will be hurt the most.....

The Many Real Dangers of Soaring National Debt | The Heritage Foundation

View attachment 470931
it's coming ..but it might not be ''quick'''
Funny how every economist and expert who doesn't work for Fox noise thinks this is a great idea and will work perfectly for everyone involved. For a change. Tax the rich and fix the country. This is totally out of control after a 40 year GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job and bologna for everyone else.....

Why are Dems so useless?

Is it genetic?
Why is the GOP pure obstructionist and give away to the rich and lies? Greedy stupid or brainwashed?

Clinton and Obama didn't fix anything when they had the House and Senate?
Is it because you're a moron?
No it's because you are an idiotic troll. Check your much later lol

Oh, that's right, it's because Dems are worthless and weak.
Last edited:
Biden Team Preparing Up to $3 Trillion in New Spending for the Economy (
President Biden’s economic advisers are preparing to recommend spending as much as $3 trillion on a sweeping set of efforts aimed at boosting the economy, reducing carbon emissions and narrowing economic inequality, beginning with a giant infrastructure plan that may be financed in part through tax increases on corporations and the rich.
When the government bankrupts everyone, then we will be just like Venezuela. It takes 1 person at a dollar a second to spend one trillion dollars, over 33,000 years, yet this government spends it like it grows on trees. Soon the dollar isnt going to be worth squat. And you prog slaves....You will be hurt the most.....

The Many Real Dangers of Soaring National Debt | The Heritage Foundation

View attachment 470931
it's coming ..but it might not be ''quick'''
Funny how every economist and expert who doesn't work for Fox noise thinks this is a great idea and will work perfectly for everyone involved. For a change. Tax the rich and fix the country. This is totally out of control after a 40 year GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job and bologna for everyone else.....
babble shit from you
1. the rich already pay MORE than their fair share--and it's still fkd up
2. a lot of people aren't poor because they don't make minimum wage/etc but because they are lazy and stupid

well, not everyone is lazy and stupid.That is sometimes the case but honestly not everyone is destined to be rich, and not at every point of their lifetime are they rich. Besides the term rich is fairly relative as well.

Liberals just dont understand that taxes do not exist to take away peoples profits. They think if you are making a big profit your stealing from society, yet they don't have any problem with supporting rich Democrat politicians. They just seem to have distain for the private sector.
Biden Team Preparing Up to $3 Trillion in New Spending for the Economy (
President Biden’s economic advisers are preparing to recommend spending as much as $3 trillion on a sweeping set of efforts aimed at boosting the economy, reducing carbon emissions and narrowing economic inequality, beginning with a giant infrastructure plan that may be financed in part through tax increases on corporations and the rich.
When the government bankrupts everyone, then we will be just like Venezuela. It takes 1 person at a dollar a second to spend one trillion dollars, over 33,000 years, yet this government spends it like it grows on trees. Soon the dollar isnt going to be worth squat. And you prog slaves....You will be hurt the most.....

The Many Real Dangers of Soaring National Debt | The Heritage Foundation

View attachment 470931
it's coming ..but it might not be ''quick'''
Funny how every economist and expert who doesn't work for Fox noise thinks this is a great idea and will work perfectly for everyone involved. For a change. Tax the rich and fix the country. This is totally out of control after a 40 year GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job and bologna for everyone else.....
babble shit from you
1. the rich already pay MORE than their fair share--and it's still fkd up
2. a lot of people aren't poor because they don't make minimum wage/etc but because they are lazy and stupid

well, not everyone is lazy and stupid.That is sometimes the case but honestly not everyone is destined to be rich, and not at every point of their lifetime are they rich. Besides the term rich is fairly relative as well.

Liberals just dont understand that taxes do not exist to take away peoples profits. They think if you are making a big profit your stealing from society, yet they don't have any problem with supporting rich Democrat politicians. They just seem to have distain for the private sector.
If you count all taxes, we have a flat tax system, a huge giveaway to the greedy idiot GOP rich and a screw job for you and everybody you know. For 40 years now we have had Reagan tax rates and it just keeps getting worse and worse and we already have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history or anywhere in the modern world. All the GOP base knows about is phony scandals and conspiracy theories and just plain misinformation from the propaganda machine.
Tax cuts are not spending for fucks sake. They are a reduction in revenue and a rebate of confiscated income.
Government doesn't have a revenue problem, it has always had a spending problem. You could tax the evil 1% at 95% and it won't even touch the interest on the Democrats wish list of waste.
At this point, screw it and enjoy the ride before the crash.
Biden Team Preparing Up to $3 Trillion in New Spending for the Economy (
President Biden’s economic advisers are preparing to recommend spending as much as $3 trillion on a sweeping set of efforts aimed at boosting the economy, reducing carbon emissions and narrowing economic inequality, beginning with a giant infrastructure plan that may be financed in part through tax increases on corporations and the rich.
When the government bankrupts everyone, then we will be just like Venezuela. It takes 1 person at a dollar a second to spend one trillion dollars, over 33,000 years, yet this government spends it like it grows on trees. Soon the dollar isnt going to be worth squat. And you prog slaves....You will be hurt the most.....

The Many Real Dangers of Soaring National Debt | The Heritage Foundation

View attachment 470931
it's coming ..but it might not be ''quick'''
Funny how every economist and expert who doesn't work for Fox noise thinks this is a great idea and will work perfectly for everyone involved. For a change. Tax the rich and fix the country. This is totally out of control after a 40 year GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job and bologna for everyone else.....
babble shit from you
1. the rich already pay MORE than their fair share--and it's still fkd up
2. a lot of people aren't poor because they don't make minimum wage/etc but because they are lazy and stupid

well, not everyone is lazy and stupid.That is sometimes the case but honestly not everyone is destined to be rich, and not at every point of their lifetime are they rich. Besides the term rich is fairly relative as well.

Liberals just dont understand that taxes do not exist to take away peoples profits. They think if you are making a big profit your stealing from society, yet they don't have any problem with supporting rich Democrat politicians. They just seem to have distain for the private sector.
If you count all taxes, we have a flat tax system, a huge giveaway to the greedy idiot GOP rich and a screw job for you and everybody you know. For 40 years now we have had Reagan tax rates and it just keeps getting worse and worse and we already have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history or anywhere in the modern world. All the GOP base knows about is phony scandals and conspiracy theories and just plain misinformation from the propaganda machine.

If you count all taxes, we have a flat tax system,


For 40 years now we have had Reagan tax rates

Because dems are useless.
Biden Team Preparing Up to $3 Trillion in New Spending for the Economy (
President Biden’s economic advisers are preparing to recommend spending as much as $3 trillion on a sweeping set of efforts aimed at boosting the economy, reducing carbon emissions and narrowing economic inequality, beginning with a giant infrastructure plan that may be financed in part through tax increases on corporations and the rich.
When the government bankrupts everyone, then we will be just like Venezuela. It takes 1 person at a dollar a second to spend one trillion dollars, over 33,000 years, yet this government spends it like it grows on trees. Soon the dollar isnt going to be worth squat. And you prog slaves....You will be hurt the most.....

The Many Real Dangers of Soaring National Debt | The Heritage Foundation

View attachment 470931
it's coming ..but it might not be ''quick'''
Funny how every economist and expert who doesn't work for Fox noise thinks this is a great idea and will work perfectly for everyone involved. For a change. Tax the rich and fix the country. This is totally out of control after a 40 year GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job and bologna for everyone else.....
babble shit from you
1. the rich already pay MORE than their fair share--and it's still fkd up
2. a lot of people aren't poor because they don't make minimum wage/etc but because they are lazy and stupid

well, not everyone is lazy and stupid.That is sometimes the case but honestly not everyone is destined to be rich, and not at every point of their lifetime are they rich. Besides the term rich is fairly relative as well.

Liberals just dont understand that taxes do not exist to take away peoples profits. They think if you are making a big profit your stealing from society, yet they don't have any problem with supporting rich Democrat politicians. They just seem to have distain for the private sector.
The problem is not the rich, the problem is the greedy idiot GOP rich who lie to you everyday non-stop. The first political party based on lies and a flat tax system.
Tax cuts are not spending for fucks sake. They are a reduction in revenue and a rebate of confiscated income.
Government doesn't have a revenue problem, it has always had a spending problem. You could tax the evil 1% at 95% and it won't even touch the interest on the Democrats wish list of waste.
At this point, screw it and enjoy the ride before the crash.
--plus the lower wage earners cost the tax payers more $$$$$:
1. causing crime
--a. $$$ needed for police THEN courts THEN prisons
2.needing social programs
---welfare/WIC program/etc etc
3.they get MUCHO tax deductions

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