Three-Year-Old Boy Killed After Teenagers Release More Than 150 Rounds Into North Carolina Home⁠⁠...over some high school beef

teenagers are dangerous...all young people should be locked until they're...36
Only teens who've grown up in amoral, totally savage inner-city plantations. THESE should be given a fair trial and once we know who was pulling those triggers, they should be publicly hung. If riots begin in protest of that then live ammo should be used on the filth that are trying to destroy this nation.
Black Lives Matter, unless you’re a 3 year old killed by other blacks in gang violence in which case no one cares. No one will take a knee. White Liberals won’t even virtue signal pretending as if they care.
Chinese commies are happy, not only for their virus working its magic, but also for their other inventions.
Black Lives Matter, unless you’re a 3 year old killed by other blacks in gang violence in which case no one cares. No one will take a knee. White Liberals won’t even virtue signal pretending as if they care.

Oh shut up , you sick fuck.
fast trial...death penalty for all!

Unfortunately that's not going to happen. I support the death penalty for anyone who murders another person and is convicted of it. Why should the taxpayers be burdened with supporting them for the rest of their lives.

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