Throwing away long-time friendships?

I got some grand kids that use Facebook. IMHO, it does much more harm than good.

Facebook is just a tool ... And cannot harm anyone.
People can cause mischief and ill will towards others with or without Facebook.
I just think it funny when people dislike or hate Facebook because of what the people they know do.

Facebook didn't make them who they are ... It just makes it easier for others to see who they are.


A lot of stupid people have been harmed by FB. Not saying I feel for them as I am a fan of Darwin. Just pointing it out.
I got some grand kids that use Facebook. IMHO, it does much more harm than good.

Facebook is just a tool ... And cannot harm anyone.
People can cause mischief and ill will towards others with or without Facebook.
I just think it funny when people dislike or hate Facebook because of what the people they know do.

Facebook didn't make them who they are ... It just makes it easier for others to see who they are.


A lot of stupid people have been harmed by FB. Not saying I feel for them as I am a fan of Darwin. Just pointing it out.

No ... They were harmed by other people ... Or their inability to cope with certain forms of social interaction ... Facebook is a website, and it cannot do anything to you.
All relationships are transitory.

Friendships end people drift apart no big deal.
Facebook has too much of a following to be easily taken over by something else. Its managed to work its way into hosts of other websites and services.

Its very simplicity will win out over any percived privacy issues for most people.
There used to be MySpace buttons on websites, too. Easily removed.

Myspace was far klunkier than facebook ever was or is.
Not the point. Not surprised you missed it.
Okay anyone harmed by Facebook is a pussy.

I don't have Facebook. The laws have to catch up with my rights and my privacy before I will give them the time of day.

I remember my neighbor interacted with another neighbor parking in front of her house. She said, "You can park in front of my house but not say hello?"

Why should I give out my pictures and private moments to people who aren't going to put any effort in friendship? Why should I see my friendships in time frames and snap shots instead of real life?

I also had a neighbor who didn't like questions. As a kid, I tried to get to know him and he said, "I value my privacy."

I've also seen the news post pictures from Facebook of people who have gotten arrested which is against the laws in other countries but they've done it here. People are presumed innocent until proven guilty so why do they have the right to publish them?

If you are on Facebook, what is privacy? Not enough for me.

Facebook is like a 4 credit class. I could spend time with Facebook or I could do something productive like learning, making something, cooking, reading, etc.
I just saw an exchange;

You ever get sick and tired of the rabid hatred from conservatives on Facebook? - Liberals Unite | Liberals Unite

Name Changed to Protect the Guilty: Hillary doesn’t stand a chance, not now. You are stuck on stupid, Sam, and you deserve whatever insults are thrown your way. You have ignored the truth and support Statism. It’s your religion. You are as bad as a Muslim in my opinion.

Name Changed to Protect the Guilty: Lower than a snakes belly.

Samuel Wynn Warde Insults are the last refuge of those with an intellectually weak argument. With all due respect, you are behaving like a traitor. For some reason you don’t like a duly elected public official and now you are calling for armed rebellion, revolution, civil war. Indeed, you are dancing precariously close to the edge of committing federal crimes with some of your more inflammatory statements. With all due respect you are becoming an embarassment with your cries for revolt, unwarranted verbal assaults on anyone with a differing opinion, and your religious intolerance.

Name Changed to Protect the Guilty: In my opinion you crossed that line a long time ago by advocating for socialism and the nanny state. Unamerican.

Samuel Wynn Warde Do you really think it is appropriate to lob such insults at me on my own profile, Name Changed to Protect the Guilty? Do you have no class, no self-respect, no sense of decency?

This is really disheartening to see you so consumed with hatred that you would lash out with such venom against a friend you have known for decades.

You seem to lack the objectivity to remember that having varying opinions IS AMERICAN. Or did you forget our country was founded on principles such as free expression, the right to disagree?

There are people in my life that I absolutely cannot and will not discuss politics with, based on exactly what happened in the exchange above. I can't imagine treating somebody like that, OR being treated like that.

I'm wondering how the rest of the board handles the non-believers in their life.

I've not had someone directly come after me, but many of my friends, who know that I'm not of the same party, will continue to "share" comments against Obama, Obamacare and anything Democratic.

I have enough respect for them that I would never do that, but, I guess to some party comes before anything else and they don't mind making others uncomfortable.

I would certainly drop a friend that would say what that one said to you. I have let go several friends because they couldn't resist sending me their partisan propaganda on e-mails, even some that was not true and I responded with "Snopes" and told them they needed to check out their gossip before sending it out. I don't need friends who don't understand boundaries.
Oh, they can put anything on their own wall. Just not mine. ;) and no confrontations, either.
So what I gather is that it is important to treat people with gentleness and respect regardless of our views.
I've not had someone directly come after me, but many of my friends, who know that I'm not of the same party, will continue to "share" comments against Obama, Obamacare and anything Democratic.

I have enough respect for them that I would never do that, but, I guess to some party comes before anything else and they don't mind making others uncomfortable.

I would certainly drop a friend that would say what that one said to you. I have let go several friends because they couldn't resist sending me their partisan propaganda on e-mails, even some that was not true and I responded with "Snopes" and told them they needed to check out their gossip before sending it out. I don't need friends who don't understand boundaries.

That's totally understandable, and I cannot disagree with it ... But "Divide and Conquer" only works as long as they can keep us divided.

Oh, they can put anything on their own wall. Just not mine. ;) and no confrontations, either.

Exactly - and even family members put stuff up that I may not be in agreement with, but I respect their rights.
I flat out do not argue politics on FB. Discussing politics in a political forum is bad enough - mostly pointless, parisan bickering and propoganda. Subjecting actual friends and family to that nonsense is pure insanity.

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