Thru nov 14 ABC, NBC, PBS, NPR, nytimes, latimes, & AP have run nothing on Gruber

Obama wants the government to control our health care. If he wanted us to have affordable health care he could have gone after the insurance companies. Instead he went after us.
The reason everyone is not driving around in a Cadillac is because they are too expensive for most. How appropriate to now call our insurance plans by the same name. If we can't afford a Cadillac, we have no choice but to drive a government owned Kia that runs out of gas as soon as you put it in gear.....
Generally speaking, the bias of American media is a corporate bias. That's the one thing they all have in common, a corporate media bias.

The ACA hasn't even been fully implemented. The burden of cost hasn't shifted to the states yet. Federal dollars are being used to establish Obamacare as the new law of the land. In the long run, the ACA is going to end up being a huge corporate welfare scheme, with state and federal tax dollars funding employee health plans. Employers will dump their workers into subsidized care. Another big winner in all of this is the drug companies who will get to charge exorbitant prices for drugs, at taxpayer expense.

Insurance companies are another winner. "In a nutshell, ObamaCare is set up to subsidize health insurance companies as well as hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. And while health insurers have battled the Obama administration on a few particular details of the program, like Medical Loss Ratios, which place a ceiling on the amount of profits health insurers can make, in general health insurers were eager for both the individual mandate and employer mandates to cover employees--features that would allow them more control of all corners of the insurance market. In addition, the state health insurance exchanges would provide health insurers with government subsidies for implementation of ObamaCare. So, aside from a few pesky details, what’s not to love about ObamaCare if you’re a health insurance company?" - Dr Susan Berry

ObamaCare is corporate welfare. The media has a corporate bias. It should be expected that media outlets would adopt a favorable narrative when covering the ACA. Watch any nightly news program and half of the ads are drug commercials. That's who is paying Brian Williams' salary.
Of course the Obama Aligned MSM are ignoring Gruber. Obama and his Cabal are doing what Bubbah did with Monica:

"We did not have legislative relations with That Man."
It just goes to the point that Pelosi, Reid, Obama, Wasserman-Shultz, H. Clinton, Holder, and a whole series of White House Press Secretaries have had no problem at all lying to the American people because they all view us as "too stupid" to have a say in how the country should be run.
Of course the Obama Aligned MSM are ignoring Gruber. Obama and his Cabal are doing what Bubbah did with Monica:

"We did not have legislative relations with That Man."

You've gotta love Nancy Pelosi's claim that she doesn't even know who Gruber is! She knew who he was back when the ACA was being debated! WATCH Pelosi Says She Doesn t Know Who ObamaCare Architect Jonathan Gruber Is ... But This Video Proves She Does - Fox Nation

This is one of the reasons why Obama wants to control the internets, no doubt. It's SO INCOVENIENT when the Masses can access video clips which contradict the current spin.
Avoid all of these for your political news. Either left/liberal/progressive slanted or outright mouth piece's for the DNC and Obama administration

And then there is PMSnbc
Of course the Obama Aligned MSM are ignoring Gruber. Obama and his Cabal are doing what Bubbah did with Monica:

"We did not have legislative relations with That Man."

You've gotta love Nancy Pelosi's claim that she doesn't even know who Gruber is! She knew who he was back when the ACA was being debated! WATCH Pelosi Says She Doesn t Know Who ObamaCare Architect Jonathan Gruber Is ... But This Video Proves She Does - Fox Nation

This is one of the reasons why Obama wants to control the internets, no doubt. It's SO INCOVENIENT when the Masses can access video clips which contradict the current spin.
Jeebus you're a brainwashed dingbat. Obama only wants to keep the internet the same as it is, corporate tool/twit. GO OUTSIDE AND GET SOME FRESH AIR... and freeze to death lol.
Of course the Obama Aligned MSM are ignoring Gruber. Obama and his Cabal are doing what Bubbah did with Monica:

"We did not have legislative relations with That Man."

You've gotta love Nancy Pelosi's claim that she doesn't even know who Gruber is! She knew who he was back when the ACA was being debated! WATCH Pelosi Says She Doesn t Know Who ObamaCare Architect Jonathan Gruber Is ... But This Video Proves She Does - Fox Nation

This is one of the reasons why Obama wants to control the internets, no doubt. It's SO INCOVENIENT when the Masses can access video clips which contradict the current spin.
Jeebus you're a brainwashed dingbat. Obama only wants to keep the internet the same as it is, corporate tool/twit. GO OUTSIDE AND GET SOME FRESH AIR... and freeze to death lol.

You're just as STUPID about Obama's intentions towards internet freedom as you are about ObamaCare.
Gruber is your main man franco. Romneycare and Obamacare.

You best get up to speed.

That's right, the Right-wing liars have been lying for the last 5 years that Ezechiel Emmanuel was the main man, but the liars are suddenly offended by lying and are no longer lying, if you can believe a pack of liars.

A) Why is it so hard to at least get the name spelled correctly? Pure laziness
B) Ezekiel Emanuel
Ezekiel Emanuel, architect of Obamacare and brother of former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, appeared on Morning Joe to promote an article he wrote in The Atlantic where he explained why 75 is the ideal age to die.
Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel 75 An Ideal Age To Die Video RealClearPolitics

Wagner seemed a little stunned. “Well, I guess I gotta play devil’s advocate for a second here, Zeke,” she said,
“because to be honest, it does seem, sort of, transparently political that they would do this ahead of the midterm elections when we know the White House is very concerned about Democrats holding on to their Senate seats.”
She also expressed concern over Americans who would be stuck with substandard plans because of the delay.

“I agree with you, Alex,” Emanuel claimed. “I don’t like these substandard plans, I’ve been a very big critic of them. I was a critic of the initial delay. I’m not advocating this delay. I think it’s understandable, and I also think it doesn’t go to the heart of the Affordable Care Act and making sure it really impacts the American healthcare system. But you know, I agree.”
Blog Ezekiel Emanuel lets the cat out of the bag on Obamacare

This is such typical right wing fear driven dogma...

Why I Hope to Die at 75 - The Atlantic

Many people, especially those sympathetic to the American immortal, will recoil and reject my view. They will think of every exception, as if these prove that the central theory is wrong. Like my friends, they will think me crazy, posturing—or worse. They might condemn me as being against the elderly.

Again, let me be clear: I am not saying that those who want to live as long as possible are unethical or wrong. I am certainly not scorning or dismissing people who want to live on despite their physical and mental limitations. I’m not even trying to convince anyone I’m right. Indeed, I often advise people in this age group on how to get the best medical care available in the United States for their ailments. That is their choice, and I want to support them.

And I am not advocating 75 as the official statistic of a complete, good life in order to save resources, ration health care, or address public-policy issues arising from the increases in life expectancy. What I am trying to do is delineate my views for a good life and make my friends and others think about how they want to live as they grow older.

This was from the architect of Obamacare and brother of former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel,
Point was refuting earlier false statement.

I thought Gruber was the 'architect' of Obamacare? You turds need to make up your tiny little parrot minds.

You DO know that the 'substandard plans' he is talking about are the garbage, faux insurance rip off plans private insurance cartels have been selling to citizens?

I haven't seen a single news report that is older than ten days ago thet claimed Gruber to be the architect of anything
Of course the Obama Aligned MSM are ignoring Gruber. Obama and his Cabal are doing what Bubbah did with Monica:

"We did not have legislative relations with That Man."

You've gotta love Nancy Pelosi's claim that she doesn't even know who Gruber is! She knew who he was back when the ACA was being debated! WATCH Pelosi Says She Doesn t Know Who ObamaCare Architect Jonathan Gruber Is ... But This Video Proves She Does - Fox Nation

This is one of the reasons why Obama wants to control the internets, no doubt. It's SO INCOVENIENT when the Masses can access video clips which contradict the current spin.
Jeebus you're a brainwashed dingbat. Obama only wants to keep the internet the same as it is, corporate tool/twit. GO OUTSIDE AND GET SOME FRESH AIR... and freeze to death lol.

You're just as STUPID about Obama's intentions towards internet freedom as you are about ObamaCare.

He has to a paid Obama goon who spreads this crap for him.

Or he's a seriously deranged Obot cult member
Of course the Obama Aligned MSM are ignoring Gruber. Obama and his Cabal are doing what Bubbah did with Monica:

"We did not have legislative relations with That Man."

You've gotta love Nancy Pelosi's claim that she doesn't even know who Gruber is! She knew who he was back when the ACA was being debated! WATCH Pelosi Says She Doesn t Know Who ObamaCare Architect Jonathan Gruber Is ... But This Video Proves She Does - Fox Nation

This is one of the reasons why Obama wants to control the internets, no doubt. It's SO INCOVENIENT when the Masses can access video clips which contradict the current spin.
Jeebus you're a brainwashed dingbat. Obama only wants to keep the internet the same as it is, corporate tool/twit. GO OUTSIDE AND GET SOME FRESH AIR... and freeze to death lol.

You're just as STUPID about Obama's intentions towards internet freedom as you are about ObamaCare.

He has to a paid Obama goon who spreads this crap for him.

Or he's a seriously deranged Obot cult member

What the Stupid O-Bots don't grok is that the FCC regulates New Products and Services. What happens to innovation on the internet when start ups have to apply to the FCC before they can launch a service?

Answer: start up activity declines due to the high cost of dealing with FCC red tape, and the Big Internet Cronies are protected from competition.
Why do these media institutions so brazenly mislead america on everything?? You have to figure the govt is paying them a fortune to do so.

Currently ABC NBC PBS NPR nytimes latimes AP have run nothing on Gruber. InvestmentWatch

November 15th, 2014
Just imagine the reaction of the liberal media if a video had surfaced of a George W. Bush administration official admitting that “lack of transparency” was “a huge political advantage” in selling the Iraq war and that they relied on the “stupidity of the American voter” to launch an attack on Iraq? That video would be everywhere.

However, the clip of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber using those exact phrases in talking about the passage of the Affordable Care Act has yet to be reported on ABC or NBC’s evening or morning shows. The sum total of Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) network coverage was a 2 minute, 50 second segment on Thursday’s CBSThis Morning – six days after the tape was first discovered. On the print side the Washington Post offered a front page story on Gruber on Thursday. But the Gruber comment has yet to show up in the pages of The New York Times, USA Today, the Los Angeles Times or even the Associated Press.
You drank the piss. I saw a story about Gruber on ABC News last week.

It took nine days, but ABC and NBC finally covered the controversial videos of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber making disparaging remarks about the American voters.

Since the first video surfaced, CBS had been the only “big three” (ABC, CBS, and NBC) network to cover the Gruber video, but on Sunday, November 16 ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos and NBC’s Meet the Press briefly mentioned the videos. However, as of this writing, ABC and NBC’s morning and evening newscasts have yet to mention the Gruber controversy once.

During an interview with Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd appeared almost apologetic at having to ask his guest about the Gruber videos:

I got to ask you about these comments from Jonathan Gruber. He’s of course, a lot of opponents of the Affordable Care Act have been pointing to these comments all week long. He's an MIT professor. He helped write the health care law both in Massachusetts. An adviser to the healthcare law and people that wrote it back when the Obama administration was working on it. I understand you didn't necessarily work with him very closely.

Todd did eventually concede that Gruber’s “playing into every fear that many conservatives had about this bill. That it’s not transparent, that there are things in it that people don't know. This certainly can't help a credibility gap” but for some reason felt the need to qualify his questioning by helping to distance Ms. Burwell from any connection to Gruber.

- See more at: ABC NBC Finally Acknowledge Existence of Gruber Videos
That's right, the Right-wing liars have been lying for the last 5 years that Ezechiel Emmanuel was the main man, but the liars are suddenly offended by lying and are no longer lying, if you can believe a pack of liars.

A) Why is it so hard to at least get the name spelled correctly? Pure laziness
B) Ezekiel Emanuel
Ezekiel Emanuel, architect of Obamacare and brother of former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, appeared on Morning Joe to promote an article he wrote in The Atlantic where he explained why 75 is the ideal age to die.
Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel 75 An Ideal Age To Die Video RealClearPolitics

Wagner seemed a little stunned. “Well, I guess I gotta play devil’s advocate for a second here, Zeke,” she said,
“because to be honest, it does seem, sort of, transparently political that they would do this ahead of the midterm elections when we know the White House is very concerned about Democrats holding on to their Senate seats.”
She also expressed concern over Americans who would be stuck with substandard plans because of the delay.

“I agree with you, Alex,” Emanuel claimed. “I don’t like these substandard plans, I’ve been a very big critic of them. I was a critic of the initial delay. I’m not advocating this delay. I think it’s understandable, and I also think it doesn’t go to the heart of the Affordable Care Act and making sure it really impacts the American healthcare system. But you know, I agree.”
Blog Ezekiel Emanuel lets the cat out of the bag on Obamacare

This is such typical right wing fear driven dogma...

Why I Hope to Die at 75 - The Atlantic

Many people, especially those sympathetic to the American immortal, will recoil and reject my view. They will think of every exception, as if these prove that the central theory is wrong. Like my friends, they will think me crazy, posturing—or worse. They might condemn me as being against the elderly.

Again, let me be clear: I am not saying that those who want to live as long as possible are unethical or wrong. I am certainly not scorning or dismissing people who want to live on despite their physical and mental limitations. I’m not even trying to convince anyone I’m right. Indeed, I often advise people in this age group on how to get the best medical care available in the United States for their ailments. That is their choice, and I want to support them.

And I am not advocating 75 as the official statistic of a complete, good life in order to save resources, ration health care, or address public-policy issues arising from the increases in life expectancy. What I am trying to do is delineate my views for a good life and make my friends and others think about how they want to live as they grow older.

This was from the architect of Obamacare and brother of former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel,
Point was refuting earlier false statement.

I thought Gruber was the 'architect' of Obamacare? You turds need to make up your tiny little parrot minds.

You DO know that the 'substandard plans' he is talking about are the garbage, faux insurance rip off plans private insurance cartels have been selling to citizens?

I haven't seen a single news report that is older than ten days ago thet claimed Gruber to be the architect of anything

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
In 2009–10 Gruber served as a technical consultant to the Obama Administration and worked with both the administration and Congress to help craft the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, often referred to as the ACA or "Obamacare".[5] The act was signed into law in March 2010, and Gruber has been described as an "architect", "writer", and "consultant" of the legislation. He was widely interviewed and quoted during the roll-out of the legislation.[6][7][8][9][10]
Jonathan Gruber economist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

They all wanted Jonathan Gruber, a numbers wizard at M.I.T., to help them figure out how to fix their health care systems, just as he had helped Mitt Romney overhaul health insurance when he was the Massachusetts governor.

Then came the call in 2008 from President-elect Obama’s transition team, the one that officially turned this stay-at-home economics professor into Mr. Mandate.

Mr. Gruber has spent decades modeling the intricacies of the health care ecosystem, which involves making predictions about how new laws will play out based on past experience and economic theory. It is his research that convinced the Obama administration that health care reform could not work without requiring everyone to buy insurance.
You've gotta love Nancy Pelosi's claim that she doesn't even know who Gruber is! She knew who he was back when the ACA was being debated! WATCH Pelosi Says She Doesn t Know Who ObamaCare Architect Jonathan Gruber Is ... But This Video Proves She Does - Fox Nation

This is one of the reasons why Obama wants to control the internets, no doubt. It's SO INCOVENIENT when the Masses can access video clips which contradict the current spin.
Jeebus you're a brainwashed dingbat. Obama only wants to keep the internet the same as it is, corporate tool/twit. GO OUTSIDE AND GET SOME FRESH AIR... and freeze to death lol.

You're just as STUPID about Obama's intentions towards internet freedom as you are about ObamaCare.

He has to a paid Obama goon who spreads this crap for him.

Or he's a seriously deranged Obot cult member

What the Stupid O-Bots don't grok is that the FCC regulates New Products and Services. What happens to innovation on the internet when start ups have to apply to the FCC before they can launch a service?

Answer: start up activity declines due to the high cost of dealing with FCC red tape, and the Big Internet Cronies are protected from competition.

Oh yea. we can't let him get his Fascist grubby hand on the Internet. the majority of the people I think realize what his wanting to call it a utility will do and the controls they will put on it. screw him and people need to contact their Reps. if he proceeds and tries.
Why do these media institutions so brazenly mislead america on everything?? You have to figure the govt is paying them a fortune to do so.

Currently ABC NBC PBS NPR nytimes latimes AP have run nothing on Gruber. InvestmentWatch

November 15th, 2014
Just imagine the reaction of the liberal media if a video had surfaced of a George W. Bush administration official admitting that “lack of transparency” was “a huge political advantage” in selling the Iraq war and that they relied on the “stupidity of the American voter” to launch an attack on Iraq? That video would be everywhere.

However, the clip of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber using those exact phrases in talking about the passage of the Affordable Care Act has yet to be reported on ABC or NBC’s evening or morning shows. The sum total of Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) network coverage was a 2 minute, 50 second segment on Thursday’s CBSThis Morning – six days after the tape was first discovered. On the print side the Washington Post offered a front page story on Gruber on Thursday. But the Gruber comment has yet to show up in the pages of The New York Times, USA Today, the Los Angeles Times or even the Associated Press.
You drank the piss. I saw a story about Gruber on ABC News last week.

It took nine days, but ABC and NBC finally covered the controversial videos of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber making disparaging remarks about the American voters.

Since the first video surfaced, CBS had been the only “big three” (ABC, CBS, and NBC) network to cover the Gruber video, but on Sunday, November 16 ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos and NBC’s Meet the Press briefly mentioned the videos. However, as of this writing, ABC and NBC’s morning and evening newscasts have yet to mention the Gruber controversy once.

During an interview with Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd appeared almost apologetic at having to ask his guest about the Gruber videos:

I got to ask you about these comments from Jonathan Gruber. He’s of course, a lot of opponents of the Affordable Care Act have been pointing to these comments all week long. He's an MIT professor. He helped write the health care law both in Massachusetts. An adviser to the healthcare law and people that wrote it back when the Obama administration was working on it. I understand you didn't necessarily work with him very closely.

Todd did eventually concede that Gruber’s “playing into every fear that many conservatives had about this bill. That it’s not transparent, that there are things in it that people don't know. This certainly can't help a credibility gap” but for some reason felt the need to qualify his questioning by helping to distance Ms. Burwell from any connection to Gruber.

- See more at: ABC NBC Finally Acknowledge Existence of Gruber Videos
A) Why is it so hard to at least get the name spelled correctly? Pure laziness
B) Ezekiel Emanuel
Ezekiel Emanuel, architect of Obamacare and brother of former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, appeared on Morning Joe to promote an article he wrote in The Atlantic where he explained why 75 is the ideal age to die.
Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel 75 An Ideal Age To Die Video RealClearPolitics

Wagner seemed a little stunned. “Well, I guess I gotta play devil’s advocate for a second here, Zeke,” she said,
“because to be honest, it does seem, sort of, transparently political that they would do this ahead of the midterm elections when we know the White House is very concerned about Democrats holding on to their Senate seats.”
She also expressed concern over Americans who would be stuck with substandard plans because of the delay.

“I agree with you, Alex,” Emanuel claimed. “I don’t like these substandard plans, I’ve been a very big critic of them. I was a critic of the initial delay. I’m not advocating this delay. I think it’s understandable, and I also think it doesn’t go to the heart of the Affordable Care Act and making sure it really impacts the American healthcare system. But you know, I agree.”
Blog Ezekiel Emanuel lets the cat out of the bag on Obamacare

This is such typical right wing fear driven dogma...

Why I Hope to Die at 75 - The Atlantic

Many people, especially those sympathetic to the American immortal, will recoil and reject my view. They will think of every exception, as if these prove that the central theory is wrong. Like my friends, they will think me crazy, posturing—or worse. They might condemn me as being against the elderly.

Again, let me be clear: I am not saying that those who want to live as long as possible are unethical or wrong. I am certainly not scorning or dismissing people who want to live on despite their physical and mental limitations. I’m not even trying to convince anyone I’m right. Indeed, I often advise people in this age group on how to get the best medical care available in the United States for their ailments. That is their choice, and I want to support them.

And I am not advocating 75 as the official statistic of a complete, good life in order to save resources, ration health care, or address public-policy issues arising from the increases in life expectancy. What I am trying to do is delineate my views for a good life and make my friends and others think about how they want to live as they grow older.

This was from the architect of Obamacare and brother of former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel,
Point was refuting earlier false statement.

I thought Gruber was the 'architect' of Obamacare? You turds need to make up your tiny little parrot minds.

You DO know that the 'substandard plans' he is talking about are the garbage, faux insurance rip off plans private insurance cartels have been selling to citizens?

I haven't seen a single news report that is older than ten days ago thet claimed Gruber to be the architect of anything

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
In 2009–10 Gruber served as a technical consultant to the Obama Administration and worked with both the administration and Congress to help craft the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, often referred to as the ACA or "Obamacare".[5] The act was signed into law in March 2010, and Gruber has been described as an "architect", "writer", and "consultant" of the legislation. He was widely interviewed and quoted during the roll-out of the legislation.[6][7][8][9][10]
Jonathan Gruber economist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

They all wanted Jonathan Gruber, a numbers wizard at M.I.T., to help them figure out how to fix their health care systems, just as he had helped Mitt Romney overhaul health insurance when he was the Massachusetts governor.

Then came the call in 2008 from President-elect Obama’s transition team, the one that officially turned this stay-at-home economics professor into Mr. Mandate.

Mr. Gruber has spent decades modeling the intricacies of the health care ecosystem, which involves making predictions about how new laws will play out based on past experience and economic theory. It is his research that convinced the Obama administration that health care reform could not work without requiring everyone to buy insurance.
it's weird that it has him being a TECHNICAL CONSULTANT????

Here is how a technical consultant is described by a recruiting firm

Technical Consultant

Candidates for a technical consultant position usually major in computer science, engineering or an engineering degree with programming coursework and an interest in being a software developer. The Technical Consultant builds world class software applications for some of the country's largest companies.

Perficient's Technical Consultants utilize top technologies including JAVA and .Net and implement popular software products such as IBM WebSphere Portal, TIBCO, Siebel, Sharepoint, etc. while working in a collaborative environment.

Responsibilities of a Technical Consultant include:

  • Designing, coding and unit/integration testing using
  • Perficient methodologies, technology and tools
  • Debugging and troubleshooting code related issues/defects
  • Producing client deliverables such as detailed design documentation, unit test plans and well documented code
  • Gaining an understanding of the unique business and technical requirements on each engagement to facilitate the most appropriate solution design
  • Practicing strong configuration management and version control
  • Representing Perficient professionally in both client and team situations
  • Instilling confidence in Perficient's skills and ability to deliver


  • Coursework and understanding of object-oriented programming
  • Strong analytical and problem solving skills Strong interpersonal and teamwork skills
  • Detail-oriented
  • Flexible to new situations and challenges

Technical Consulting Career Paths

We are proud to offer the opportunity for technical consultants to build long and successful careers at Perficient. We value our technical consultants and understand that deep technical expertise and experience is critical to our success with our clients. We offer dual career paths for individuals allowing continued career advancement either along a technical path or a management path. We encourage our consultants to explore the different options and work closely with their career counselor and mentors to build a career that is satisfying and rewarding.

Typical Technical Consultant Career Paths:

  • Technical Consultant → Senior Technical Consultant → Lead Technical Consultant
  • Solution Architecture: Solution Architect → Senior Solution Architect
  • Technical Architecture: Technical Architect → Senior Technical Architect
  • Consulting Leadership: Director, Technology → Director, Practice Area Business Management: Director, Operations → General Manager → VP, Operations
In order to have free market competition you have to be able to price some consumers out of the market.

not really with Republican capitalism prices would be about 20% of what they are now so most could afford it. Those who could not could be subsidized easily by local and state govt.
Of course the Obama Aligned MSM are ignoring Gruber. Obama and his Cabal are doing what Bubbah did with Monica:

"We did not have legislative relations with That Man."

You've gotta love Nancy Pelosi's claim that she doesn't even know who Gruber is! She knew who he was back when the ACA was being debated! WATCH Pelosi Says She Doesn t Know Who ObamaCare Architect Jonathan Gruber Is ... But This Video Proves She Does - Fox Nation

This is one of the reasons why Obama wants to control the internets, no doubt. It's SO INCOVENIENT when the Masses can access video clips which contradict the current spin.
Jeebus you're a brainwashed dingbat. Obama only wants to keep the internet the same as it is, corporate tool/twit. GO OUTSIDE AND GET SOME FRESH AIR... and freeze to death lol.

You're just as STUPID about Obama's intentions towards internet freedom as you are about ObamaCare.
Wrong again, corporate/obstructionist tool lol.You're on the side of a few greedy internet providers like comcast and bought off a-hole Pubs PERIOD. Idiot.

ACTUAL figures for costs for 2015 show O-Care is working great already...Going down in 15 matter what some fool said last year about Cadillac plans- and hater dupes think means O-Care is a total lie. Why SHOULD real media cover ANOTHER out of context bs phony scandal?
In order to have free market competition you have to be able to price some consumers out of the market.

not really with Republican capitalism prices would be about 20% of what they are now so most could afford it. Those who could not could be subsidized easily by local and state govt.
What a gd moron jackass.
ad hominen from typical violent liberal without IQ for substance!
ever see a conservative afriad to debate? What does that teach you?

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