Thru nov 14 ABC, NBC, PBS, NPR, nytimes, latimes, & AP have run nothing on Gruber

He's a gd no common sense number cruncher and speaks for no one but himself. Probably GOP.

Gruber is your main man franco. Romneycare and Obamacare.

You best get up to speed.

That's right, the Right-wing liars have been lying for the last 5 years that Ezechiel Emmanuel was the main man, but the liars are suddenly offended by lying and are no longer lying, if you can believe a pack of liars.

A) Why is it so hard to at least get the name spelled correctly? Pure laziness
B) Ezekiel Emanuel
Ezekiel Emanuel, architect of Obamacare and brother of former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, appeared on Morning Joe to promote an article he wrote in The Atlantic where he explained why 75 is the ideal age to die.
Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel 75 An Ideal Age To Die Video RealClearPolitics

Wagner seemed a little stunned. “Well, I guess I gotta play devil’s advocate for a second here, Zeke,” she said,
“because to be honest, it does seem, sort of, transparently political that they would do this ahead of the midterm elections when we know the White House is very concerned about Democrats holding on to their Senate seats.”
She also expressed concern over Americans who would be stuck with substandard plans because of the delay.

“I agree with you, Alex,” Emanuel claimed. “I don’t like these substandard plans, I’ve been a very big critic of them. I was a critic of the initial delay. I’m not advocating this delay. I think it’s understandable, and I also think it doesn’t go to the heart of the Affordable Care Act and making sure it really impacts the American healthcare system. But you know, I agree.”
Blog Ezekiel Emanuel lets the cat out of the bag on Obamacare

This is such typical right wing fear driven dogma...

Why I Hope to Die at 75 - The Atlantic

Many people, especially those sympathetic to the American immortal, will recoil and reject my view. They will think of every exception, as if these prove that the central theory is wrong. Like my friends, they will think me crazy, posturing—or worse. They might condemn me as being against the elderly.

Again, let me be clear: I am not saying that those who want to live as long as possible are unethical or wrong. I am certainly not scorning or dismissing people who want to live on despite their physical and mental limitations. I’m not even trying to convince anyone I’m right. Indeed, I often advise people in this age group on how to get the best medical care available in the United States for their ailments. That is their choice, and I want to support them.

And I am not advocating 75 as the official statistic of a complete, good life in order to save resources, ration health care, or address public-policy issues arising from the increases in life expectancy. What I am trying to do is delineate my views for a good life and make my friends and others think about how they want to live as they grow older.

This was from the architect of Obamacare and brother of former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel,
Point was refuting earlier false statement.
He's a gd no common sense number cruncher and speaks for no one but himself. Probably GOP.

Gruber is your main man franco. Romneycare and Obamacare.

You best get up to speed.

That's right, the Right-wing liars have been lying for the last 5 years that Ezechiel Emmanuel was the main man, but the liars are suddenly offended by lying and are no longer lying, if you can believe a pack of liars.

A) Why is it so hard to at least get the name spelled correctly? Pure laziness
B) Ezekiel Emanuel
Ezekiel Emanuel, architect of Obamacare and brother of former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, appeared on Morning Joe to promote an article he wrote in The Atlantic where he explained why 75 is the ideal age to die.
Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel 75 An Ideal Age To Die Video RealClearPolitics

Wagner seemed a little stunned. “Well, I guess I gotta play devil’s advocate for a second here, Zeke,” she said,
“because to be honest, it does seem, sort of, transparently political that they would do this ahead of the midterm elections when we know the White House is very concerned about Democrats holding on to their Senate seats.”
She also expressed concern over Americans who would be stuck with substandard plans because of the delay.

“I agree with you, Alex,” Emanuel claimed. “I don’t like these substandard plans, I’ve been a very big critic of them. I was a critic of the initial delay. I’m not advocating this delay. I think it’s understandable, and I also think it doesn’t go to the heart of the Affordable Care Act and making sure it really impacts the American healthcare system. But you know, I agree.”
Blog Ezekiel Emanuel lets the cat out of the bag on Obamacare

This is such typical right wing fear driven dogma...

Why I Hope to Die at 75 - The Atlantic

Many people, especially those sympathetic to the American immortal, will recoil and reject my view. They will think of every exception, as if these prove that the central theory is wrong. Like my friends, they will think me crazy, posturing—or worse. They might condemn me as being against the elderly.

Again, let me be clear: I am not saying that those who want to live as long as possible are unethical or wrong. I am certainly not scorning or dismissing people who want to live on despite their physical and mental limitations. I’m not even trying to convince anyone I’m right. Indeed, I often advise people in this age group on how to get the best medical care available in the United States for their ailments. That is their choice, and I want to support them.

And I am not advocating 75 as the official statistic of a complete, good life in order to save resources, ration health care, or address public-policy issues arising from the increases in life expectancy. What I am trying to do is delineate my views for a good life and make my friends and others think about how they want to live as they grow older.

And yet another far left propaganda blog piece posted by a far left programmed drone.

More proof that the far left posts from a far left programmed propaganda religious agenda.

You only mentioned "far left" four times in two sentences. You're slipping mate.
Is this you people's new Benghazi?
well... probably not. Real sorry no one got KILLED because of progtard negligence. I know you like that much better. It's so much more fun for you to mock when someone gets killed. I guess you'll just have to work a little harder insulting the majority for being offended by being lied to... but you can do it... you're a progtard.
Liberals cannot even admit it when they admit they lied about obamacare.


It is no wonder they think you are so fucking stupid.

Liberals are such a waste of time. Just sit there in your fucking ignorance you arrogant bloviated hypocritical sock puppets. I laugh disrespectfully at all of you.
Liberals cannot even admit it when they admit they lied about obamacare.


It is no wonder they think you are so fucking stupid.

Liberals are such a waste of time. Just sit there in your fucking ignorance you arrogant bloviated hypocritical sock puppets. I laugh disrespectfully at all of you.
It's been clear for some time, just like Gruber stated, that if the public knew exactly what the progtards were up to, they'd never get any legislation passed. They HAVE to LIE, and that is EXACTLY what they do. Leftists are the scummiest, filthiest, low life trash on the planet.

Liberals cannot even admit it when they admit they lied about obamacare.


It is no wonder they think you are so fucking stupid.

Liberals are such a waste of time. Just sit there in your fucking ignorance you arrogant bloviated hypocritical sock puppets. I laugh disrespectfully at all of you.
Not to mention how all of them are dirty patronizing racists. The worst part is how they think they are not racists, cause they do know that patronizing races is an actual insult.

They are that fucking dumb.
Liberals cannot even admit it when they admit they lied about obamacare.


It is no wonder they think you are so fucking stupid.

Liberals are such a waste of time. Just sit there in your fucking ignorance you arrogant bloviated hypocritical sock puppets. I laugh disrespectfully at all of you.
Not to mention how all of them are dirty patronizing racists. The worst part is how they think they are not racists, cause they do know that patronizing races is an actual insult.

They are that fucking dumb.
And they THINK, also as their lying Gruber stated, that Americans are just too STUPID to figure out they're lying.

Well... I guess they found out the answer to that in the last midterms... they got their asses handed to them.

But what's even more disturbing, is the progtards that come on boards like this and think that they can actually pass off their bull shit and lies to thinking people here and someone will believe them. The level of their arrogant, ignorant, blatant stupidity is mind numbing.
Liberals cannot even admit it when they admit they lied about obamacare.


It is no wonder they think you are so fucking stupid.

Liberals are such a waste of time. Just sit there in your fucking ignorance you arrogant bloviated hypocritical sock puppets. I laugh disrespectfully at all of you.
Not to mention how all of them are dirty patronizing racists. The worst part is how they think they are not racists, cause they do know that patronizing races is an actual insult.

They are that fucking dumb.

I agree that many of those that first voted for Obama because they had NO REASON to vote for him, i.e. he had NO executive experience as governor,etc. much less ever any business executive experience. They had though the MSM microphones in Iowans faces where Iowans had to stand literally for their
primary choice. So here you are ... one of those "stupid American voters..Iowan to boot" with microphones in your face with MSM just lathered up to jump after you as a dumb racist Iowan if you didn't vote for Obama... so you had NOTHING positive except he was black!
And you the first primary voter couldn't appear to be a dumb hick racist stood for Obama... and that's how the ball got rolling... simply out of fear of being pegged a racist Iowans and many "stupid American voters" didn't want what Obama first raised to be the reason... Remember when Obama first said this:
"They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me.
He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name.

And did I mention he’s black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet
Liberals cannot even admit it when they admit they lied about obamacare.


It is no wonder they think you are so fucking stupid.

Liberals are such a waste of time. Just sit there in your fucking ignorance you arrogant bloviated hypocritical sock puppets. I laugh disrespectfully at all of you.
Not to mention how all of them are dirty patronizing racists. The worst part is how they think they are not racists, cause they do know that patronizing races is an actual insult.

They are that fucking dumb.
And they THINK, also as their lying Gruber stated, that Americans are just too STUPID to figure out they're lying.

Well... I guess they found out the answer to that in the last midterms... they got their asses handed to them.

But what's even more disturbing, is the progtards that come on boards like this and think that they can actually pass off their bull shit and lies to thinking people here and someone will believe them. The level of their arrogant, ignorant, blatant stupidity is mind numbing.

You are so right! I am so amazed at how blatantly obvious "progtards" think people are especially on this forum as being "stupid"!
These people just don't see how "dumb and dumber" they appear when they think there aren't people like us to expose their outrageous lies.
Why do these media institutions so brazenly mislead america on everything?? You have to figure the govt is paying them a fortune to do so.

Currently ABC NBC PBS NPR nytimes latimes AP have run nothing on Gruber. InvestmentWatch

November 15th, 2014
Just imagine the reaction of the liberal media if a video had surfaced of a George W. Bush administration official admitting that “lack of transparency” was “a huge political advantage” in selling the Iraq war and that they relied on the “stupidity of the American voter” to launch an attack on Iraq? That video would be everywhere.

However, the clip of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber using those exact phrases in talking about the passage of the Affordable Care Act has yet to be reported on ABC or NBC’s evening or morning shows. The sum total of Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) network coverage was a 2 minute, 50 second segment on Thursday’s CBSThis Morning – six days after the tape was first discovered. On the print side the Washington Post offered a front page story on Gruber on Thursday. But the Gruber comment has yet to show up in the pages of The New York Times, USA Today, the Los Angeles Times or even the Associated Press.
You drank the piss. I saw a story about Gruber on ABC News last week.
Why do these media institutions so brazenly mislead america on everything?? You have to figure the govt is paying them a fortune to do so.

Currently ABC NBC PBS NPR nytimes latimes AP have run nothing on Gruber. InvestmentWatch

November 15th, 2014
Just imagine the reaction of the liberal media if a video had surfaced of a George W. Bush administration official admitting that “lack of transparency” was “a huge political advantage” in selling the Iraq war and that they relied on the “stupidity of the American voter” to launch an attack on Iraq? That video would be everywhere.

However, the clip of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber using those exact phrases in talking about the passage of the Affordable Care Act has yet to be reported on ABC or NBC’s evening or morning shows. The sum total of Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) network coverage was a 2 minute, 50 second segment on Thursday’s CBSThis Morning – six days after the tape was first discovered. On the print side the Washington Post offered a front page story on Gruber on Thursday. But the Gruber comment has yet to show up in the pages of The New York Times, USA Today, the Los Angeles Times or even the Associated Press.
You drank the piss. I saw a story about Gruber on ABC News last week.

Actually loser, you drank the fucking piss. Fuck you....liberal.
He's a gd no common sense number cruncher and speaks for no one but himself. Probably GOP.

Gruber is your main man franco. Romneycare and Obamacare.

You best get up to speed.

That's right, the Right-wing liars have been lying for the last 5 years that Ezechiel Emmanuel was the main man, but the liars are suddenly offended by lying and are no longer lying, if you can believe a pack of liars.

A) Why is it so hard to at least get the name spelled correctly? Pure laziness
B) Ezekiel Emanuel
Ezekiel Emanuel, architect of Obamacare and brother of former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, appeared on Morning Joe to promote an article he wrote in The Atlantic where he explained why 75 is the ideal age to die.
Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel 75 An Ideal Age To Die Video RealClearPolitics

Wagner seemed a little stunned. “Well, I guess I gotta play devil’s advocate for a second here, Zeke,” she said,
“because to be honest, it does seem, sort of, transparently political that they would do this ahead of the midterm elections when we know the White House is very concerned about Democrats holding on to their Senate seats.”
She also expressed concern over Americans who would be stuck with substandard plans because of the delay.

“I agree with you, Alex,” Emanuel claimed. “I don’t like these substandard plans, I’ve been a very big critic of them. I was a critic of the initial delay. I’m not advocating this delay. I think it’s understandable, and I also think it doesn’t go to the heart of the Affordable Care Act and making sure it really impacts the American healthcare system. But you know, I agree.”
Blog Ezekiel Emanuel lets the cat out of the bag on Obamacare

This is such typical right wing fear driven dogma...

Why I Hope to Die at 75 - The Atlantic

Many people, especially those sympathetic to the American immortal, will recoil and reject my view. They will think of every exception, as if these prove that the central theory is wrong. Like my friends, they will think me crazy, posturing—or worse. They might condemn me as being against the elderly.

Again, let me be clear: I am not saying that those who want to live as long as possible are unethical or wrong. I am certainly not scorning or dismissing people who want to live on despite their physical and mental limitations. I’m not even trying to convince anyone I’m right. Indeed, I often advise people in this age group on how to get the best medical care available in the United States for their ailments. That is their choice, and I want to support them.

And I am not advocating 75 as the official statistic of a complete, good life in order to save resources, ration health care, or address public-policy issues arising from the increases in life expectancy. What I am trying to do is delineate my views for a good life and make my friends and others think about how they want to live as they grow older.

This was from the architect of Obamacare and brother of former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel,
Point was refuting earlier false statement.

I thought Gruber was the 'architect' of Obamacare? You turds need to make up your tiny little parrot minds.

You DO know that the 'substandard plans' he is talking about are the garbage, faux insurance rip off plans private insurance cartels have been selling to citizens?
Not surprising. They're all Communist/Democrat Media fronts. They'll say or do anything for their Dear Leader. It is what it is.
Is this you people's new Benghazi?
No, this is the DNC/Democrat/Obama monthly fuck try and keep up.

IT seems they are putting them out with frightening regularity.

Gruber made his "too stupid" voter comments last year. Do try and keep up.

The only regularity is the right wing going on the rag about ObamaCare or Benghazi every month. It's a predictable cycle and all you whiny bitches have your periods synchronized.
Last edited:
Let's be real, this asshole lackey was only speaking the truth. Obamacare is an Un-American fluster-cuck. It should be scrapped all-together.
He's a gd no common sense number cruncher and speaks for no one but himself. Probably GOP.

Gruber is your main man franco. Romneycare and Obamacare.

You best get up to speed.

That's right, the Right-wing liars have been lying for the last 5 years that Ezechiel Emmanuel was the main man, but the liars are suddenly offended by lying and are no longer lying, if you can believe a pack of liars.
Ezekiel Emanuel, architect of Obamacare
And now we are Back to Emmanuel is the main man.
Is this you people's new Benghazi?
No, this is the DNC/Democrat/Obama monthly fuck try and keep up.

IT seems they are putting them out with frightening regularity.

Gruber made his "too stupid" voter comments last year. Do try and keep up.

The only regularity is the right wing going on the rag about ObamaCare or Benghazi every month. It's a predictable cycle and all you whiny bitches have your periods synchronized.

So anyone who brings up the parade of Obama Administration scandals is "whining"? Really, G5000?

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