Thru nov 14 ABC, NBC, PBS, NPR, nytimes, latimes, & AP have run nothing on Gruber

Who the fuck cares about Gruber? I don't. I found out about it online by right-wingers who were having a fit of outrage about it.

That's how their news always breaks. They get outraged about something and it makes moderate people like myself go, "Wow, they're really riled up about that, it MUST be important". Until of course I look into it and find out that there isn't really anything to be riled up about. Gruber's just some stupid moron who used to be a political advisor and he's got some opinions about healthcare and voters and in the end, I take his opinions with a grain of salt because on at least 3 things he's said, he's utterly full of shit.

But cue the false outrage society on the right, as usual, who've been running around with their hair on fire all week shouting GOOBER GOOBER to anyone who will listen.

And you call yourself a centrist.

Funny stuff.

But, since the OP states there was a news blackout, how could I have heard this when it was first broadcast?

Its certainly not because the source in the OP is wrong and/or lied.

Seriously, we should never ever believe what the right says because its wrong or an outright lie just way too often. Never trust the right. NEVER. They will always lie to further their agenda of killing off the middle class and making the 1% richer.

They discussed him this morning on ABC new's Sunday show. Saw it with my own eyes.

But, since the OP states there was a news blackout, how could I have heard this when it was first broadcast?

Its certainly not because the source in the OP is wrong and/or lied.

Seriously, we should never ever believe what the right says because its wrong or an outright lie just way too often. Never trust the right. NEVER. They will always lie to further their agenda of killing off the middle class and making the 1% richer.

They discussed him this morning on ABC new's Sunday show. Saw it with my own eyes.

And yet you still support the far left even though they lied..
So, once the GOP repeals the ACA they have 10 million Americans immediately losing their insurance.

What do you say to them?
A few things about Gruber's comments.

One, he is right. Yes, he is.

Two, the morons he was referring to are the liberals, left wing, Obama, voting base.

Everything we said (those of us who think for ourselves and have a basic understanding on how the economy works since we have to pay our own bills) about obamacare was the truth. Everything the rightwinger and luddley types claimed was wrong. Has anyone ever seen them be on the correct side of anything? When?

For 6 years these morons on the left parroted the lie of obamacare. They of course used all of the talking points put out by this pathetic treasonous administration. They actually believed the socialist in chief when he blatantly lied and said if you want to keep your plan......

It is the left he was referring to. They are so fucking stupid and brainless they do not know or care. Do you have an appreciation of pathetic liberals are?
100- They should be. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Only it's delivery is a problem at all, thanks to Pubs and insurers. And the gd roll out online.

simple truth is Republican capitalism would reduce health care costs to 20% of what they are now. Liberals lack the IQ to understand capitalism so it won't happen.
Agreed except I would replace free markets for "capitalism"

yes, a liberal will lack the IQ to know that when providers compete on the basis of price and quality, surprise, you get better price and quality. Most children would get it but a liberal simply cant?

In order to have free market competition you have to be able to price some consumers out of the market. That means healthcare would be simply unaffordable to large numbers of Americans, because as soon as you introduce any sort of government assistance to those families, you've artificially increased demand.

Is that what you want?
100- They should be. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Only it's delivery is a problem at all, thanks to Pubs and insurers. And the gd roll out online.

simple truth is Republican capitalism would reduce health care costs to 20% of what they are now. Liberals lack the IQ to understand capitalism so it won't happen.
Agreed except I would replace free markets for "capitalism"

yes, a liberal will lack the IQ to know that when providers compete on the basis of price and quality, surprise, you get better price and quality. Most children would get it but a liberal simply cant?

In order to have free market competition you have to be able to price some consumers out of the market. That means healthcare would be simply unaffordable to large numbers of Americans, because as soon as you introduce any sort of government assistance to those families, you've artificially increased demand.

Is that what you want?

Oh my the far left does not understand what they post..

I mean seriously the far left programming is definitely irony impaired..
If these media outlets are not run by Liberals.
Why will they not run anything that casts Obama and his administration in a negative light.

WHEN has faux news or the right wing talking heads EVER cast ANY Democrat in anything BUT a negative light?

It is amazing you folks make across a busy street. You only look ONE way...

"Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party."
David Frum - Speechwriter for George W. Bush
And yet you still support the far left even though they lied..
And yet you still support the far Right even though they always lie.

Another far left propaganda post not based on type of reality..
You are a perfect example of why Gowdy said GOP voters are stupid.

And the far left propaganda drones on no matter how far detached from reality it is..

Then again the far left programming continues to prove how irony impaired they are..
And yet you still support the far left even though they lied..
And yet you still support the far Right even though they always lie.

Another far left propaganda post not based on type of reality..
You are a perfect example of why Gowdy said GOP voters are stupid.

And the far left propaganda drones on no matter how far detached from reality it is..

Then again the far left programming continues to prove how irony impaired they are..
Again a perfect example of the stupidity the GOP counts on in their voters.
And yet you still support the far left even though they lied..
And yet you still support the far Right even though they always lie.

Another far left propaganda post not based on type of reality..
You are a perfect example of why Gowdy said GOP voters are stupid.

And the far left propaganda drones on no matter how far detached from reality it is..

Then again the far left programming continues to prove how irony impaired they are..
Again a perfect example of the stupidity the GOP counts on in their voters.

Yep the far left programmed propaganda machine is definitely irony impaired..

Seriously can we get one ID for all the far left posters?
He's a gd no common sense number cruncher and speaks for no one but himself. Probably GOP.

Gruber is your main man franco. Romneycare and Obamacare.

You best get up to speed.

That's right, the Right-wing liars have been lying for the last 5 years that Ezechiel Emmanuel was the main man, but the liars are suddenly offended by lying and are no longer lying, if you can believe a pack of liars.

A) Why is it so hard to at least get the name spelled correctly? Pure laziness
B) Ezekiel Emanuel
Ezekiel Emanuel, architect of Obamacare and brother of former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, appeared on Morning Joe to promote an article he wrote in The Atlantic where he explained why 75 is the ideal age to die.
Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel 75 An Ideal Age To Die Video RealClearPolitics

Wagner seemed a little stunned. “Well, I guess I gotta play devil’s advocate for a second here, Zeke,” she said,
“because to be honest, it does seem, sort of, transparently political that they would do this ahead of the midterm elections when we know the White House is very concerned about Democrats holding on to their Senate seats.”
She also expressed concern over Americans who would be stuck with substandard plans because of the delay.

“I agree with you, Alex,” Emanuel claimed. “I don’t like these substandard plans, I’ve been a very big critic of them. I was a critic of the initial delay. I’m not advocating this delay. I think it’s understandable, and I also think it doesn’t go to the heart of the Affordable Care Act and making sure it really impacts the American healthcare system. But you know, I agree.”
Blog Ezekiel Emanuel lets the cat out of the bag on Obamacare
He's a gd no common sense number cruncher and speaks for no one but himself. Probably GOP.

Gruber is your main man franco. Romneycare and Obamacare.

You best get up to speed.

That's right, the Right-wing liars have been lying for the last 5 years that Ezechiel Emmanuel was the main man, but the liars are suddenly offended by lying and are no longer lying, if you can believe a pack of liars.

A) Why is it so hard to at least get the name spelled correctly? Pure laziness
B) Ezekiel Emanuel
Ezekiel Emanuel, architect of Obamacare and brother of former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, appeared on Morning Joe to promote an article he wrote in The Atlantic where he explained why 75 is the ideal age to die.
Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel 75 An Ideal Age To Die Video RealClearPolitics

Wagner seemed a little stunned. “Well, I guess I gotta play devil’s advocate for a second here, Zeke,” she said,
“because to be honest, it does seem, sort of, transparently political that they would do this ahead of the midterm elections when we know the White House is very concerned about Democrats holding on to their Senate seats.”
She also expressed concern over Americans who would be stuck with substandard plans because of the delay.

“I agree with you, Alex,” Emanuel claimed. “I don’t like these substandard plans, I’ve been a very big critic of them. I was a critic of the initial delay. I’m not advocating this delay. I think it’s understandable, and I also think it doesn’t go to the heart of the Affordable Care Act and making sure it really impacts the American healthcare system. But you know, I agree.”
Blog Ezekiel Emanuel lets the cat out of the bag on Obamacare

This is such typical right wing fear driven dogma...

Why I Hope to Die at 75 - The Atlantic

Many people, especially those sympathetic to the American immortal, will recoil and reject my view. They will think of every exception, as if these prove that the central theory is wrong. Like my friends, they will think me crazy, posturing—or worse. They might condemn me as being against the elderly.

Again, let me be clear: I am not saying that those who want to live as long as possible are unethical or wrong. I am certainly not scorning or dismissing people who want to live on despite their physical and mental limitations. I’m not even trying to convince anyone I’m right. Indeed, I often advise people in this age group on how to get the best medical care available in the United States for their ailments. That is their choice, and I want to support them.

And I am not advocating 75 as the official statistic of a complete, good life in order to save resources, ration health care, or address public-policy issues arising from the increases in life expectancy. What I am trying to do is delineate my views for a good life and make my friends and others think about how they want to live as they grow older.
He's a gd no common sense number cruncher and speaks for no one but himself. Probably GOP.

Gruber is your main man franco. Romneycare and Obamacare.

You best get up to speed.

That's right, the Right-wing liars have been lying for the last 5 years that Ezechiel Emmanuel was the main man, but the liars are suddenly offended by lying and are no longer lying, if you can believe a pack of liars.

A) Why is it so hard to at least get the name spelled correctly? Pure laziness
B) Ezekiel Emanuel
Ezekiel Emanuel, architect of Obamacare and brother of former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, appeared on Morning Joe to promote an article he wrote in The Atlantic where he explained why 75 is the ideal age to die.
Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel 75 An Ideal Age To Die Video RealClearPolitics

Wagner seemed a little stunned. “Well, I guess I gotta play devil’s advocate for a second here, Zeke,” she said,
“because to be honest, it does seem, sort of, transparently political that they would do this ahead of the midterm elections when we know the White House is very concerned about Democrats holding on to their Senate seats.”
She also expressed concern over Americans who would be stuck with substandard plans because of the delay.

“I agree with you, Alex,” Emanuel claimed. “I don’t like these substandard plans, I’ve been a very big critic of them. I was a critic of the initial delay. I’m not advocating this delay. I think it’s understandable, and I also think it doesn’t go to the heart of the Affordable Care Act and making sure it really impacts the American healthcare system. But you know, I agree.”
Blog Ezekiel Emanuel lets the cat out of the bag on Obamacare

This is such typical right wing fear driven dogma...

Why I Hope to Die at 75 - The Atlantic

Many people, especially those sympathetic to the American immortal, will recoil and reject my view. They will think of every exception, as if these prove that the central theory is wrong. Like my friends, they will think me crazy, posturing—or worse. They might condemn me as being against the elderly.

Again, let me be clear: I am not saying that those who want to live as long as possible are unethical or wrong. I am certainly not scorning or dismissing people who want to live on despite their physical and mental limitations. I’m not even trying to convince anyone I’m right. Indeed, I often advise people in this age group on how to get the best medical care available in the United States for their ailments. That is their choice, and I want to support them.

And I am not advocating 75 as the official statistic of a complete, good life in order to save resources, ration health care, or address public-policy issues arising from the increases in life expectancy. What I am trying to do is delineate my views for a good life and make my friends and others think about how they want to live as they grow older.

And yet another far left propaganda blog piece posted by a far left programmed drone.

More proof that the far left posts from a far left programmed propaganda religious agenda.

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