Thru nov 14 ABC, NBC, PBS, NPR, nytimes, latimes, & AP have run nothing on Gruber

So you don't think the GOP panders to the rich and is run by billionaires? IDIOT.

dear, if you think that please say why or admit you lack the IQ as a typical illiterate marxist parrot to defend what you say.
You are the most clueless person around. I'd put you on ignore if I believed in censorship like fascist functional idiot RWers, and don't call dear either, a-hole lol. Dude. lol
Freedom for the greedy GOP rich and giant corps to screw you even more,

dear, are you so stupid as to not know you should present a reason?? Why do you say greedy GOP?? Do you have any idea what you mean? You're a mindless marxist parrot who is too stupid to get past name calling. Do you think a person can get through college that way?
I'm not Marxist at all, MORON. So you don't think the GOP panders to the rich and is run by billionaires? IDIOT.

Try and understand this.

85 Billion a month.

STRAIGHT to Wall Street......4 times a month more than Bush.

That's Bammy's legacy.
That's all mindless Pubs allow, and they love it, dupe. Obama doesn't control the Fed. His legacy is ending the SECOND corrupt Pub Great Depression in no time, ending the stupidest wars ever, and passing the greatest social reform ever. Hope you lose your scumbag job lol...

You lose franco.

You have no education, no real world knowledge.

Tomorrow I walk into a Property Casualty Agency as the owner ;)

People like me work hard and depend on ourselves.....and things work out.

EVERY time.


You will be depending on the Gov for the rest of your life.


I'll just go to work and earn my own way.
His legacy is ending the SECOND corrupt Pub Great Depression in no time,.

100% typical liberal ignorance. Slowest recovery since Depression is not "no time"!!
By definition, it was over in late 2010. Only cost 4-5 trillion. A couple-three trillion since for assistance to victims. It wouldn't be a slow recovery if mindless party-first a-hole/racist Pubs would allow a typical jobs act or had avoided STUPID phony crises. You and the New BS GOP are a disgrace, chump.
Freedom for the greedy GOP rich and giant corps to screw you even more,

dear, are you so stupid as to not know you should present a reason?? Why do you say greedy GOP?? Do you have any idea what you mean? You're a mindless marxist parrot who is too stupid to get past name calling. Do you think a person can get through college that way?
I'm not Marxist at all, MORON. So you don't think the GOP panders to the rich and is run by billionaires? IDIOT.

Try and understand this.

85 Billion a month.

STRAIGHT to Wall Street......4 times a month more than Bush.

That's Bammy's legacy.
That's all mindless Pubs allow, and they love it, dupe. Obama doesn't control the Fed. His legacy is ending the SECOND corrupt Pub Great Depression in no time, ending the stupidest wars ever, and passing the greatest social reform ever. Hope you lose your scumbag job lol...

You lose franco.

You have no education, no real world knowledge.

Tomorrow I walk into a Property Casualty Agency as the owner ;)

People like me work hard and depend on ourselves.....and things work out.

EVERY time.


You will be depending on the Gov for the rest of your life.


I'll just go to work and earn my own way.
Well done. Meanwhile, I'm a retired teacher and depend on the gov't for NOTHING. Shyttehead. Dems always win in the end. It's called progress, hater dupe.
By definition, it was over in late 2010..

all agree it was over then and all agree it is slowest recovery since Great Depression with u6 at 12% and fewer full time jobs than when Barry took over and income down 5%

See what happens when you try to think liberal!!
It wouldn't be a slow recovery if mindless party-first a-hole/racist Pubs would allow a typical jobs act.

100% stupid as always but at least you agree it is slowest recovery ever. Now tell us exactly how Republicans made it worse by objecting to soviet liberal meaasures that we know don't work or admit to lacking the IQ for it!!
passing the greatest social reform ever. .

you mean passing soviet reform with pure lies is greatest reform ever? Did you hear that the USSR didn't do too well??

See why we say pure ignorance?
Transparent competition between corporations is communism, loudmouth moron?. You'll notice I don't even call you a functional (misinformed) moron anymore. Congrats. You have no intelligence, or a stupid troll.
On first reading I thought it said "latrines" not "latimes". Had that been true I would have had to protest as, this very morning, I read a latrine hieroglyphic at the coffee shop that bespoke a threesome involving Obama, Pelosi and Gruber.....
dear, are you so stupid as to not know you should present a reason?? Why do you say greedy GOP?? Do you have any idea what you mean? You're a mindless marxist parrot who is too stupid to get past name calling. Do you think a person can get through college that way?
I'm not Marxist at all, MORON. So you don't think the GOP panders to the rich and is run by billionaires? IDIOT.

Try and understand this.

85 Billion a month.

STRAIGHT to Wall Street......4 times a month more than Bush.

That's Bammy's legacy.
That's all mindless Pubs allow, and they love it, dupe. Obama doesn't control the Fed. His legacy is ending the SECOND corrupt Pub Great Depression in no time, ending the stupidest wars ever, and passing the greatest social reform ever. Hope you lose your scumbag job lol...

You lose franco.

You have no education, no real world knowledge.

Tomorrow I walk into a Property Casualty Agency as the owner ;)

People like me work hard and depend on ourselves.....and things work out.

EVERY time.


You will be depending on the Gov for the rest of your life.


I'll just go to work and earn my own way.
Well done. Meanwhile, I'm a retired teacher and depend on the gov't for NOTHING. Shyttehead. Dems always win in the end. It's called progress, hater dupe.

So you keep telling us.....

But you see....NOTHING you type speaks of an education.

I'm not Marxist at all, MORON. So you don't think the GOP panders to the rich and is run by billionaires? IDIOT.

Try and understand this.

85 Billion a month.

STRAIGHT to Wall Street......4 times a month more than Bush.

That's Bammy's legacy.
That's all mindless Pubs allow, and they love it, dupe. Obama doesn't control the Fed. His legacy is ending the SECOND corrupt Pub Great Depression in no time, ending the stupidest wars ever, and passing the greatest social reform ever. Hope you lose your scumbag job lol...

You lose franco.

You have no education, no real world knowledge.

Tomorrow I walk into a Property Casualty Agency as the owner ;)

People like me work hard and depend on ourselves.....and things work out.

EVERY time.


You will be depending on the Gov for the rest of your life.


I'll just go to work and earn my own way.
Well done. Meanwhile, I'm a retired teacher and depend on the gov't for NOTHING. Shyttehead. Dems always win in the end. It's called progress, hater dupe.

So you keep telling us.....

But you see....NOTHING you type speaks of an education.

BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. NO argument, just stupid insults. A total waste of time like Ed...
Try and understand this.

85 Billion a month.

STRAIGHT to Wall Street......4 times a month more than Bush.

That's Bammy's legacy.
That's all mindless Pubs allow, and they love it, dupe. Obama doesn't control the Fed. His legacy is ending the SECOND corrupt Pub Great Depression in no time, ending the stupidest wars ever, and passing the greatest social reform ever. Hope you lose your scumbag job lol...

You lose franco.

You have no education, no real world knowledge.

Tomorrow I walk into a Property Casualty Agency as the owner ;)

People like me work hard and depend on ourselves.....and things work out.

EVERY time.


You will be depending on the Gov for the rest of your life.


I'll just go to work and earn my own way.
Well done. Meanwhile, I'm a retired teacher and depend on the gov't for NOTHING. Shyttehead. Dems always win in the end. It's called progress, hater dupe.

So you keep telling us.....

But you see....NOTHING you type speaks of an education.

BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. NO argument, just stupid insults. A total waste of time like Ed...


I own you.

Gruber-gate gets to Obama: ‘No, I did not’ mislead Americans
posted at 2:01 pm on November 16, 2014 by Noah Rothman
All the president’s men could not shield the commander-in-chief from fallout surrounding recently uncovered comments made by Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber.
The health policy and implementation expert who worked closely on the Affordable Care Act and the Massachusetts health care reform law has backed the administration into a corner after it was revealed he repeatedly celebrated the misleading way in which the law was crafted and the “stupidity” of the American voter over whose eyes the wool was pulled.

ALL of his lying here:
Gruber-gate gets to Obama 8216 No I did not 8217 mislead Americans Hot Air
BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. NO argument,...

dear the conservative argument for freedom from govt is 2500 years old. As an illiterate you had no idea did you?

The liberal argument is do what you feel is in your heart and don't think as HItler Stalin and Mao did. Do you understand now?
Why do these media institutions so brazenly mislead america on everything?? You have to figure the govt is paying them a fortune to do so.

Currently ABC NBC PBS NPR nytimes latimes AP have run nothing on Gruber. InvestmentWatch

November 15th, 2014
Just imagine the reaction of the liberal media if a video had surfaced of a George W. Bush administration official admitting that “lack of transparency” was “a huge political advantage” in selling the Iraq war and that they relied on the “stupidity of the American voter” to launch an attack on Iraq? That video would be everywhere.

However, the clip of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber using those exact phrases in talking about the passage of the Affordable Care Act has yet to be reported on ABC or NBC’s evening or morning shows. The sum total of Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) network coverage was a 2 minute, 50 second segment on Thursday’s CBSThis Morning – six days after the tape was first discovered. On the print side the Washington Post offered a front page story on Gruber on Thursday. But the Gruber comment has yet to show up in the pages of The New York Times, USA Today, the Los Angeles Times or even the Associated Press.
Well here are one million reasons.........
1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

So what kind of IDIOT would write negative stories about the guy they gave $1 million to while writing/showing more negative stories about Romney?
"The reality of how [liberal bias] affects media coverage is outrageous."
"Most of my colleagues, as you know, are in denial about [liberal bias], or blind to it."
Another study found that ABC News had aired 55 positive stories on Obama's health-care policy compared to just 18 negative stories.
(Source: Business and Media Institute - Jun 2009) Interesting isn't that 73% of these Obama care stories are positive... )

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