Thru nov 14 ABC, NBC, PBS, NPR, nytimes, latimes, & AP have run nothing on Gruber

It is not important when, but that you heard them. Obama relies on our stupidity. Like believing he meant the 1% were the businesses (that employ people) that he was going to take from and that our poor would be the beneficiaries. When what he really meant by redistribution of wealth was America's, and the poor was anybody but America, stupid.

When he told you there were no "death panels" he told you the truth. They call them "ration panel" like the ones in place at the V.A. hospitals, stupid.
When he told you he was going to bring fundamental change to America, you thought he meant improvements, stupid. When what he meant was changing our constitutional rights. Like privacy.
When he said affordable, you thought he meant affordable, stupid. What he meant was premiums would necessary skyrocket and hospitals will be fined 150,000+ if you need to be readmitted for some reason.

We had better wise up, or we will be the ones responsible for the decay of this country.
Well, since you have all seen it, what do you think of being duped by Mr. Transparent?
When the bill was sent to the CBO to crunch the numbers, they were stunned because there were none. They made a point to tell us, that under those circumstances it may work financially, but if those blanks are filled in the price tag would be astronomical. We ignored their warning, and instead listened to this administration tell us how affordable healthcare would be if we just passed it and let them worry about the financial end of things. THAT is the type of stupidity from us they depend on.

The 'duping' was immaterial. The penalty for not getting insurance is the same whether you call it a tax or a fine or a penalty or a chicken.

It's no more serious than when someone calls a tax a 'user fee' because they're avoiding the t word.

I guess, as long as you don't mind being "duped" by your employees. I'd call it screwed more than duped. You mentioned one disadvantage of the bill in thousands of pages of screw jobs. The taxes and penalties forced onto the hospitals, the skyrocketing costs of insurance, the level of care if you are fortunate enough to find care, "ration panels" etc. If it wasn't a nightmare, we would have been allowed to read it before we passed it. The government has just destroyed our health care system to implement taxes on it. It's more than duped.
What Nixon did was duping. What Obama did was sneak behind our backs and take control of our health care to get to our money.

The left thinks nothing of lying to get what they want, Carb is living proof.

List my lies.
Well, since you have all seen it, what do you think of being duped by Mr. Transparent?
When the bill was sent to the CBO to crunch the numbers, they were stunned because there were none. They made a point to tell us, that under those circumstances it may work financially, but if those blanks are filled in the price tag would be astronomical. We ignored their warning, and instead listened to this administration tell us how affordable healthcare would be if we just passed it and let them worry about the financial end of things. THAT is the type of stupidity from us they depend on.

The 'duping' was immaterial. The penalty for not getting insurance is the same whether you call it a tax or a fine or a penalty or a chicken.

It's no more serious than when someone calls a tax a 'user fee' because they're avoiding the t word.

I guess, as long as you don't mind being "duped" by your employees. I'd call it screwed more than duped. You mentioned one disadvantage of the bill in thousands of pages of screw jobs. The taxes and penalties forced onto the hospitals, the skyrocketing costs of insurance, the level of care if you are fortunate enough to find care, "ration panels" etc. If it wasn't a nightmare, we would have been allowed to read it before we passed it. The government has just destroyed our health care system to implement taxes on it. It's more than duped.
What Nixon did was duping. What Obama did was sneak behind our backs and take control of our health care to get to our money.

How much more are you paying?

Well that took me 15 seconds to prove you're a fucking liar (I'm slowing down, lol)

NPR, 11/12:

Obamacare Architect Apologizes For Remarks On The Law's Passage

Obamacare Architect Apologizes For Remarks On The Law s Passage The Two-Way NPR

Now how about you apologize to us for once again polluting the board with your lies.

Hey einstein. We're talking about censorship by the print and TV media. No one disputes gruber has gotten lots of internet coverage. THINK

Oh, so now you're admitting you lied.

But, since the OP states there was a news blackout, how could I have heard this when it was first broadcast?

Its certainly not because the source in the OP is wrong and/or lied.

Seriously, we should never ever believe what the right says because its wrong or an outright lie just way too often. Never trust the right. NEVER. They will always lie to further their agenda of killing off the middle class and making the 1% richer.
Never take a USMB conservative at his word, the OP in particular. Always check the source yourself to confirm what's being posted is not a lie or otherwise misleading.

The track record of most on the right here clearly warrants it.
Better than the idiot left.
Well, since you have all seen it, what do you think of being duped by Mr. Transparent?
When the bill was sent to the CBO to crunch the numbers, they were stunned because there were none. They made a point to tell us, that under those circumstances it may work financially, but if those blanks are filled in the price tag would be astronomical. We ignored their warning, and instead listened to this administration tell us how affordable healthcare would be if we just passed it and let them worry about the financial end of things. THAT is the type of stupidity from us they depend on.

The 'duping' was immaterial. The penalty for not getting insurance is the same whether you call it a tax or a fine or a penalty or a chicken.

It's no more serious than when someone calls a tax a 'user fee' because they're avoiding the t word.

I guess, as long as you don't mind being "duped" by your employees. I'd call it screwed more than duped. You mentioned one disadvantage of the bill in thousands of pages of screw jobs. The taxes and penalties forced onto the hospitals, the skyrocketing costs of insurance, the level of care if you are fortunate enough to find care, "ration panels" etc. If it wasn't a nightmare, we would have been allowed to read it before we passed it. The government has just destroyed our health care system to implement taxes on it. It's more than duped.
What Nixon did was duping. What Obama did was sneak behind our backs and take control of our health care to get to our money.

The left thinks nothing of lying to get what they want, Carb is living proof.

List my lies.

Poor Carb, we are talking about Gruber here, you went on record as condoning him and your side lying ti get the Law passed.
Well, since you have all seen it, what do you think of being duped by Mr. Transparent?
When the bill was sent to the CBO to crunch the numbers, they were stunned because there were none. They made a point to tell us, that under those circumstances it may work financially, but if those blanks are filled in the price tag would be astronomical. We ignored their warning, and instead listened to this administration tell us how affordable healthcare would be if we just passed it and let them worry about the financial end of things. THAT is the type of stupidity from us they depend on.

The 'duping' was immaterial. The penalty for not getting insurance is the same whether you call it a tax or a fine or a penalty or a chicken.

It's no more serious than when someone calls a tax a 'user fee' because they're avoiding the t word.

I guess, as long as you don't mind being "duped" by your employees. I'd call it screwed more than duped. You mentioned one disadvantage of the bill in thousands of pages of screw jobs. The taxes and penalties forced onto the hospitals, the skyrocketing costs of insurance, the level of care if you are fortunate enough to find care, "ration panels" etc. If it wasn't a nightmare, we would have been allowed to read it before we passed it. The government has just destroyed our health care system to implement taxes on it. It's more than duped.
What Nixon did was duping. What Obama did was sneak behind our backs and take control of our health care to get to our money.

The left thinks nothing of lying to get what they want, Carb is living proof.

List my lies.

Just about every post you make..

That was easy..


But, since the OP states there was a news blackout, how could I have heard this when it was first broadcast?

Its certainly not because the source in the OP is wrong and/or lied.

Seriously, we should never ever believe what the right says because its wrong or an outright lie just way too often. Never trust the right. NEVER. They will always lie to further their agenda of killing off the middle class and making the 1% richer.
Never take a USMB conservative at his word, the OP in particular. Always check the source yourself to confirm what's being posted is not a lie or otherwise misleading.

The track record of most on the right here clearly warrants it.

Proof that the far left is fully of irony and goes to show they will doo all they can to protect their messiah, Obama..
Well, since you have all seen it, what do you think of being duped by Mr. Transparent?
When the bill was sent to the CBO to crunch the numbers, they were stunned because there were none. They made a point to tell us, that under those circumstances it may work financially, but if those blanks are filled in the price tag would be astronomical. We ignored their warning, and instead listened to this administration tell us how affordable healthcare would be if we just passed it and let them worry about the financial end of things. THAT is the type of stupidity from us they depend on.

The 'duping' was immaterial. The penalty for not getting insurance is the same whether you call it a tax or a fine or a penalty or a chicken.

It's no more serious than when someone calls a tax a 'user fee' because they're avoiding the t word.

I guess, as long as you don't mind being "duped" by your employees. I'd call it screwed more than duped. You mentioned one disadvantage of the bill in thousands of pages of screw jobs. The taxes and penalties forced onto the hospitals, the skyrocketing costs of insurance, the level of care if you are fortunate enough to find care, "ration panels" etc. If it wasn't a nightmare, we would have been allowed to read it before we passed it. The government has just destroyed our health care system to implement taxes on it. It's more than duped.
What Nixon did was duping. What Obama did was sneak behind our backs and take control of our health care to get to our money.

The left thinks nothing of lying to get what they want, Carb is living proof.

List my lies.

Poor Carb, we are talking about Gruber here, you went on record as condoning him and your side lying ti get the Law passed.

That's quite a short list, fatty.
BTW, In order for Obamacare to not pay for your care, they have a little trick. At anytime during your hospital stay they can change your status from admitted patient to post care patient, and not tell you. Obamacare won't pay for the latter, so if you have the misfortune of being admitted, ask daily if that status has changed.
Why do these media institutions so brazenly mislead america on everything?? You have to figure the govt is paying them a fortune to do so.

Currently ABC NBC PBS NPR nytimes latimes AP have run nothing on Gruber. InvestmentWatch

November 15th, 2014
Just imagine the reaction of the liberal media if a video had surfaced of a George W. Bush administration official admitting that “lack of transparency” was “a huge political advantage” in selling the Iraq war and that they relied on the “stupidity of the American voter” to launch an attack on Iraq? That video would be everywhere.

However, the clip of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber using those exact phrases in talking about the passage of the Affordable Care Act has yet to be reported on ABC or NBC’s evening or morning shows. The sum total of Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) network coverage was a 2 minute, 50 second segment on Thursday’s CBSThis Morning – six days after the tape was first discovered. On the print side the Washington Post offered a front page story on Gruber on Thursday. But the Gruber comment has yet to show up in the pages of The New York Times, USA Today, the Los Angeles Times or even the Associated Press.
We need to revoke Freedom of the Press clause from our Bill of Rights. The media is in bed with the government. They protect it from the People's wrath.
BTW, In order for Obamacare to not pay for your care, they have a little trick. At anytime during your hospital stay they can change your status from admitted patient to post care patient, and not tell you. Obamacare won't pay for the latter, so if you have the misfortune of being admitted, ask daily if that status has changed.
Yeah, that's not true
The 'duping' was immaterial. The penalty for not getting insurance is the same whether you call it a tax or a fine or a penalty or a chicken.

It's no more serious than when someone calls a tax a 'user fee' because they're avoiding the t word.

I guess, as long as you don't mind being "duped" by your employees. I'd call it screwed more than duped. You mentioned one disadvantage of the bill in thousands of pages of screw jobs. The taxes and penalties forced onto the hospitals, the skyrocketing costs of insurance, the level of care if you are fortunate enough to find care, "ration panels" etc. If it wasn't a nightmare, we would have been allowed to read it before we passed it. The government has just destroyed our health care system to implement taxes on it. It's more than duped.
What Nixon did was duping. What Obama did was sneak behind our backs and take control of our health care to get to our money.

The left thinks nothing of lying to get what they want, Carb is living proof.

List my lies.

Poor Carb, we are talking about Gruber here, you went on record as condoning him and your side lying ti get the Law passed.

That's quite a short list, fatty.

LOL, fatty?

Weak even for a sissy like you.

How young are you kid?
He's a gd no common sense number cruncher and speaks for no one but himself. Probably GOP.
I don't think anyone even knows what he's talking about...CBS said it was about Cadillac plans. More mindless hater dupe outrage...he always says "call it stupidity or whatever". I call it carelessness and lack of journalism.

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