Thru nov 14 ABC, NBC, PBS, NPR, nytimes, latimes, & AP have run nothing on Gruber

No, this is the DNC/Democrat/Obama monthly fuck try and keep up.

IT seems they are putting them out with frightening regularity.

Gruber made his "too stupid" voter comments last year. Do try and keep up.

The only regularity is the right wing going on the rag about ObamaCare or Benghazi every month. It's a predictable cycle and all you whiny bitches have your periods synchronized.

So anyone who brings up the parade of Obama Administration scandals is "whining"? Really, G5000?

They are mostly fabricated 'scandals'...

I had a flat tire, fucking Obama!

Come are any of them "fabricated"?

Was Fast & Furious not an Obama Justice Department program? Did they not allow guns to "walk" into the hands of narco-terrorists in another sovereign nation? Were those guns not then used to kill innocent Mexican citizens and a US border guard? Has Eric Holder not refused to turn over evidence on the program to Congressional investigators?

Was a US Ambassador not killed at Benghazi? Did the State Department not drop the ball on security for our diplomats in Libya? Did the Obama White House not fail to respond to the initial attack? Did they not deliberately lie to the both the loved ones of those killed that night as well as the American people for political reasons?

Did the Obama Justice Department not lie and tell a Federal judge that James Rosen was being investigated for "criminal" acts as the reason they wanted to wiretap his phones and spy on his e-mail traffic?

Did high level administrators in the IRS not use the power of that agency to target conservatives leading up to the 2012 elections? Did those same administrators not then take the 5th and do everything they could to stonewall subsequent investigations into the IRS?

As long as long consensus on the Right is that the Bush administration lying us into Iraq was NOT scandalous,

I'm happy to use that standard. That means that NOTHING the Obama administration has done is a scandal.

Fair enough?

Let me see if I understand your stance on this...

Because you think Bush "lied" us into a war in're excusing any subsequent lies or scandals that Barack Obama has committed? Is that the way this works for you?

Gruber made his "too stupid" voter comments last year. Do try and keep up.

The only regularity is the right wing going on the rag about ObamaCare or Benghazi every month. It's a predictable cycle and all you whiny bitches have your periods synchronized.

So anyone who brings up the parade of Obama Administration scandals is "whining"? Really, G5000?

They are mostly fabricated 'scandals'...

I had a flat tire, fucking Obama!

Come are any of them "fabricated"?

Was Fast & Furious not an Obama Justice Department program? Did they not allow guns to "walk" into the hands of narco-terrorists in another sovereign nation? Were those guns not then used to kill innocent Mexican citizens and a US border guard? Has Eric Holder not refused to turn over evidence on the program to Congressional investigators?

Was a US Ambassador not killed at Benghazi? Did the State Department not drop the ball on security for our diplomats in Libya? Did the Obama White House not fail to respond to the initial attack? Did they not deliberately lie to the both the loved ones of those killed that night as well as the American people for political reasons?

Did the Obama Justice Department not lie and tell a Federal judge that James Rosen was being investigated for "criminal" acts as the reason they wanted to wiretap his phones and spy on his e-mail traffic?

Did high level administrators in the IRS not use the power of that agency to target conservatives leading up to the 2012 elections? Did those same administrators not then take the 5th and do everything they could to stonewall subsequent investigations into the IRS?

As long as long consensus on the Right is that the Bush administration lying us into Iraq was NOT scandalous,

I'm happy to use that standard. That means that NOTHING the Obama administration has done is a scandal.

Fair enough?

Let me see if I understand your stance on this...

Because you think Bush "lied" us into a war in're excusing any subsequent lies or scandals that Barack Obama has committed? Is that the way this works for you?

Yes that's it. Isn't their brilliance blinding?:rolleyes-41:

Gruber made his "too stupid" voter comments last year. Do try and keep up.

The only regularity is the right wing going on the rag about ObamaCare or Benghazi every month. It's a predictable cycle and all you whiny bitches have your periods synchronized.

So anyone who brings up the parade of Obama Administration scandals is "whining"? Really, G5000?

They are mostly fabricated 'scandals'...

I had a flat tire, fucking Obama!

Sane people must constantly resist the pressure to allow the RWnuts to be the arbiters of what is or isn't a scandal.

A good reminder for that...Always think 'Birthers'.

What's amusing is that you call yourself "sane" when you display such a blatant disregard for reality.

So because I'm not a birther I'm not in touch with reality? lol

I never was a "Birther". Reality told me that was nonsense. On the other hand anyone who can look at Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the IRS and the James Rosen scandals and declare that they are the equivalent of the Birther controversy is SERIOUSLY delusional!

Gruber made his "too stupid" voter comments last year. Do try and keep up.

The only regularity is the right wing going on the rag about ObamaCare or Benghazi every month. It's a predictable cycle and all you whiny bitches have your periods synchronized.

So anyone who brings up the parade of Obama Administration scandals is "whining"? Really, G5000?

They are mostly fabricated 'scandals'...

I had a flat tire, fucking Obama!

Come are any of them "fabricated"?

Was Fast & Furious not an Obama Justice Department program? Did they not allow guns to "walk" into the hands of narco-terrorists in another sovereign nation? Were those guns not then used to kill innocent Mexican citizens and a US border guard? Has Eric Holder not refused to turn over evidence on the program to Congressional investigators?

Was a US Ambassador not killed at Benghazi? Did the State Department not drop the ball on security for our diplomats in Libya? Did the Obama White House not fail to respond to the initial attack? Did they not deliberately lie to the both the loved ones of those killed that night as well as the American people for political reasons?

Did the Obama Justice Department not lie and tell a Federal judge that James Rosen was being investigated for "criminal" acts as the reason they wanted to wiretap his phones and spy on his e-mail traffic?

Did high level administrators in the IRS not use the power of that agency to target conservatives leading up to the 2012 elections? Did those same administrators not then take the 5th and do everything they could to stonewall subsequent investigations into the IRS?

As long as long consensus on the Right is that the Bush administration lying us into Iraq was NOT scandalous,

I'm happy to use that standard. That means that NOTHING the Obama administration has done is a scandal.

Fair enough?

Let me see if I understand your stance on this...

Because you think Bush "lied" us into a war in're excusing any subsequent lies or scandals that Barack Obama has committed? Is that the way this works for you?

What I'm saying is, how would you people on the Right like it if we liberals acted exactly like you people do?
So anyone who brings up the parade of Obama Administration scandals is "whining"? Really, G5000?

They are mostly fabricated 'scandals'...

I had a flat tire, fucking Obama!

Come are any of them "fabricated"?

Was Fast & Furious not an Obama Justice Department program? Did they not allow guns to "walk" into the hands of narco-terrorists in another sovereign nation? Were those guns not then used to kill innocent Mexican citizens and a US border guard? Has Eric Holder not refused to turn over evidence on the program to Congressional investigators?

Was a US Ambassador not killed at Benghazi? Did the State Department not drop the ball on security for our diplomats in Libya? Did the Obama White House not fail to respond to the initial attack? Did they not deliberately lie to the both the loved ones of those killed that night as well as the American people for political reasons?

Did the Obama Justice Department not lie and tell a Federal judge that James Rosen was being investigated for "criminal" acts as the reason they wanted to wiretap his phones and spy on his e-mail traffic?

Did high level administrators in the IRS not use the power of that agency to target conservatives leading up to the 2012 elections? Did those same administrators not then take the 5th and do everything they could to stonewall subsequent investigations into the IRS?

As long as long consensus on the Right is that the Bush administration lying us into Iraq was NOT scandalous,

I'm happy to use that standard. That means that NOTHING the Obama administration has done is a scandal.

Fair enough?

Let me see if I understand your stance on this...

Because you think Bush "lied" us into a war in're excusing any subsequent lies or scandals that Barack Obama has committed? Is that the way this works for you?

What I'm saying is, how would you people on the Right like it if we liberals acted exactly like you people do?

What's laughable, is that you don't think you do! The level of stonewalling by the Obama Administration on these scandals makes the Nixon White House look like amateurs!
So anyone who brings up the parade of Obama Administration scandals is "whining"? Really, G5000?

They are mostly fabricated 'scandals'...

I had a flat tire, fucking Obama!

Sane people must constantly resist the pressure to allow the RWnuts to be the arbiters of what is or isn't a scandal.

A good reminder for that...Always think 'Birthers'.

What's amusing is that you call yourself "sane" when you display such a blatant disregard for reality.

So because I'm not a birther I'm not in touch with reality? lol

I never was a "Birther". Reality told me that was nonsense. On the other hand anyone who can look at Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the IRS and the James Rosen scandals and declare that they are the equivalent of the Birther controversy is SERIOUSLY delusional!

The birthers are still at it, even on this forum. Go beat up on them. Prove you're objective.
Why do these media institutions so brazenly mislead america on everything?? You have to figure the govt is paying them a fortune to do so.

Currently ABC NBC PBS NPR nytimes latimes AP have run nothing on Gruber. InvestmentWatch

November 15th, 2014
Just imagine the reaction of the liberal media if a video had surfaced of a George W. Bush administration official admitting that “lack of transparency” was “a huge political advantage” in selling the Iraq war and that they relied on the “stupidity of the American voter” to launch an attack on Iraq? That video would be everywhere.

However, the clip of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber using those exact phrases in talking about the passage of the Affordable Care Act has yet to be reported on ABC or NBC’s evening or morning shows. The sum total of Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) network coverage was a 2 minute, 50 second segment on Thursday’s CBSThis Morning – six days after the tape was first discovered. On the print side the Washington Post offered a front page story on Gruber on Thursday. But the Gruber comment has yet to show up in the pages of The New York Times, USA Today, the Los Angeles Times or even the Associated Press.

can you say "state controlled media" ? Can you say government indoctrination? Can you say Pravda and Politburo?

Orwell and Rand were right, they predicted this.
You've got an Administration that has been caught red handed lying about scandals so many times it's almost farce at this point...yet you won't even admit that there ARE any scandals!
The left media refuses to report the truth about BO and his gang of theives.

Is it any wonder Libs progs and D's are uninformed?

"Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party."
David Frum - Speechwriter for George W. Bush

We already KNOW Fox news is just a propaganda arm of the GOP.

SO...because the rest of the media refuses to also be a propaganda arm of the GOP, they are liars.

Talk about pea brains...

To a lib like you, one network among many that occasionally criticizes your Messiah and reports the corruption in our government, means that network is propagandist and an arm of the GOP...funny...the GOP is a progressive statist party, but libs still hate it....CRAZY!!!

Lets see now....all the networks but one and nearly all the newspapers in their pocket, but Libs go nuts over the one network NOT in their pocket.

Insanity it most be.
They are mostly fabricated 'scandals'...

I had a flat tire, fucking Obama!

Sane people must constantly resist the pressure to allow the RWnuts to be the arbiters of what is or isn't a scandal.

A good reminder for that...Always think 'Birthers'.

What's amusing is that you call yourself "sane" when you display such a blatant disregard for reality.

So because I'm not a birther I'm not in touch with reality? lol

I never was a "Birther". Reality told me that was nonsense. On the other hand anyone who can look at Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the IRS and the James Rosen scandals and declare that they are the equivalent of the Birther controversy is SERIOUSLY delusional!

The birthers are still at it, even on this forum. Go beat up on them. Prove you're objective.

Produce one person who says he or she knew Obama at Harvard or Columbia----------just one.
The left media refuses to report the truth about BO and his gang of theives.

Is it any wonder Libs progs and D's are uninformed?

"Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party."
David Frum - Speechwriter for George W. Bush

We already KNOW Fox news is just a propaganda arm of the GOP.

SO...because the rest of the media refuses to also be a propaganda arm of the GOP, they are liars.

Talk about pea brains...

To a lib like you, one network among many that occasionally criticizes your Messiah and reports the corruption in our government, means that network is propagandist and an arm of the GOP...funny...the GOP is a progressive statist party, but libs still hate it....CRAZY!!!

Lets see now....all the networks but one and nearly all the newspapers in their pocket, but Libs go nuts over the one network NOT in their pocket.

Insanity it most be.

government indoctrination cannot work if even one media outlet is not controlled by the government.
They are mostly fabricated 'scandals'...

I had a flat tire, fucking Obama!

Sane people must constantly resist the pressure to allow the RWnuts to be the arbiters of what is or isn't a scandal.

A good reminder for that...Always think 'Birthers'.

What's amusing is that you call yourself "sane" when you display such a blatant disregard for reality.

So because I'm not a birther I'm not in touch with reality? lol

I never was a "Birther". Reality told me that was nonsense. On the other hand anyone who can look at Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the IRS and the James Rosen scandals and declare that they are the equivalent of the Birther controversy is SERIOUSLY delusional!

The birthers are still at it, even on this forum. Go beat up on them. Prove you're objective.

Oh for God's sake...the people that keep the whole "Birther" thing going are you folks on the far left and a few conspiracy idiots on the right. You use the "Birther" thing to try and deflect valid criticism of the Obama Administration for the very real scandals that they have been involved in.
Is this you people's new Benghazi?
No, this is the DNC/Democrat/Obama monthly fuck try and keep up.

IT seems they are putting them out with frightening regularity.

Gruber made his "too stupid" voter comments last year. Do try and keep up.

The only regularity is the right wing going on the rag about ObamaCare or Benghazi every month. It's a predictable cycle and all you whiny bitches have your periods synchronized.

So anyone who brings up the parade of Obama Administration scandals is "whining"? Really, G5000?

They are mostly fabricated 'scandals'...

I had a flat tire, fucking Obama!

that is something a PAID troll would say
the people evidently didn't think so. they just took his power out from under him by taking away the house and then the Senate. You people have not an ounce of shame do you?
Sane people must constantly resist the pressure to allow the RWnuts to be the arbiters of what is or isn't a scandal.

A good reminder for that...Always think 'Birthers'.

What's amusing is that you call yourself "sane" when you display such a blatant disregard for reality.

So because I'm not a birther I'm not in touch with reality? lol

I never was a "Birther". Reality told me that was nonsense. On the other hand anyone who can look at Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the IRS and the James Rosen scandals and declare that they are the equivalent of the Birther controversy is SERIOUSLY delusional!

The birthers are still at it, even on this forum. Go beat up on them. Prove you're objective.

Oh for God's sake...the people that keep the whole "Birther" thing going are you folks on the far left and a few conspiracy idiots on the right. You use the "Birther" thing to try and deflect valid criticism of the Obama Administration for the very real scandals that they have been involved in.

Benghazi was a fake scandal too. Feel better?
Is this you people's new Benghazi?
No, this is the DNC/Democrat/Obama monthly fuck try and keep up.

IT seems they are putting them out with frightening regularity.

Gruber made his "too stupid" voter comments last year. Do try and keep up.

The only regularity is the right wing going on the rag about ObamaCare or Benghazi every month. It's a predictable cycle and all you whiny bitches have your periods synchronized.

So anyone who brings up the parade of Obama Administration scandals is "whining"? Really, G5000?

They are mostly fabricated 'scandals'...

I had a flat tire, fucking Obama!

that is something a PAID troll would say
the people evidently didn't think so. they just took his power out from under him by taking away the house and then the Senate. You people have not an ounce of shame do you?

They did that to Bush too in 2006, and yet, by the end of 2008, Bush STILL had a 70+% job approval rating among conservatives.

Stop trying to hold others to standards you wouldn't think of holding yourself to.
What's amusing is that you call yourself "sane" when you display such a blatant disregard for reality.

So because I'm not a birther I'm not in touch with reality? lol

I never was a "Birther". Reality told me that was nonsense. On the other hand anyone who can look at Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the IRS and the James Rosen scandals and declare that they are the equivalent of the Birther controversy is SERIOUSLY delusional!

The birthers are still at it, even on this forum. Go beat up on them. Prove you're objective.

Oh for God's sake...the people that keep the whole "Birther" thing going are you folks on the far left and a few conspiracy idiots on the right. You use the "Birther" thing to try and deflect valid criticism of the Obama Administration for the very real scandals that they have been involved in.

Benghazi was a fake scandal too. Feel better?

So nobody dropped the ball on our diplomatic security in Libya? Nobody tried to spin the story with lies about riots over a video that got out of control? Benghazi is a twofold scandal...first for the incompetence of our government leading up to the deaths of those four Americans...and secondly for the bald faced lies that the Obama Administration then told to save political "face" prior to an election.
No, this is the DNC/Democrat/Obama monthly fuck try and keep up.

IT seems they are putting them out with frightening regularity.

Gruber made his "too stupid" voter comments last year. Do try and keep up.

The only regularity is the right wing going on the rag about ObamaCare or Benghazi every month. It's a predictable cycle and all you whiny bitches have your periods synchronized.

So anyone who brings up the parade of Obama Administration scandals is "whining"? Really, G5000?

They are mostly fabricated 'scandals'...

I had a flat tire, fucking Obama!

that is something a PAID troll would say
the people evidently didn't think so. they just took his power out from under him by taking away the house and then the Senate. You people have not an ounce of shame do you?

They did that to Bush too in 2006, and yet, by the end of 2008, Bush STILL had a 70+% job approval rating among conservatives.

Stop trying to hold others to standards you wouldn't think of holding yourself to.

What's amusing is watching progressives like yourself hold Barack Obama to the lowest standards imaginable. Who would have thought that the man who took office as the second coming of FDR would be leaving office as the second coming of George W. Bush!
So because I'm not a birther I'm not in touch with reality? lol

I never was a "Birther". Reality told me that was nonsense. On the other hand anyone who can look at Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the IRS and the James Rosen scandals and declare that they are the equivalent of the Birther controversy is SERIOUSLY delusional!

The birthers are still at it, even on this forum. Go beat up on them. Prove you're objective.

Oh for God's sake...the people that keep the whole "Birther" thing going are you folks on the far left and a few conspiracy idiots on the right. You use the "Birther" thing to try and deflect valid criticism of the Obama Administration for the very real scandals that they have been involved in.

Benghazi was a fake scandal too. Feel better?

So nobody dropped the ball on our diplomatic security in Libya? Nobody tried to spin the story with lies about riots over a video that got out of control? Benghazi is a twofold scandal...first for the incompetence of our government leading up to the deaths of those four Americans...and secondly for the bald faced lies that the Obama Administration then told to save political "face" prior to an election.

Like I said, apply the conservative Iraq war standard to Benghazi.
I'm coming into this thread late, and I'm sorry if I'll cover old business....

But I can't figure out what the GOP has to gain by Fox News acting like they're the only network that isn't in the tank for Obama.

It must do for the GOP base something beneficial.

Americans realize Fox isn't "news", and nobody disputes that they offer Republican friendly punditry, and ineffective Democratic counter does MSNBC and CNN in reverse...

I watch Fox News daily, quite a bit... and this Gruber thing has gotten non stop press for about one week.

Maybe they just need a new way to attack Obamacare.

Hmmm...maybe I just answered my own question

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