Thru nov 14 ABC, NBC, PBS, NPR, nytimes, latimes, & AP have run nothing on Gruber

I never was a "Birther". Reality told me that was nonsense. On the other hand anyone who can look at Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the IRS and the James Rosen scandals and declare that they are the equivalent of the Birther controversy is SERIOUSLY delusional!

The birthers are still at it, even on this forum. Go beat up on them. Prove you're objective.

Oh for God's sake...the people that keep the whole "Birther" thing going are you folks on the far left and a few conspiracy idiots on the right. You use the "Birther" thing to try and deflect valid criticism of the Obama Administration for the very real scandals that they have been involved in.

Benghazi was a fake scandal too. Feel better?

So nobody dropped the ball on our diplomatic security in Libya? Nobody tried to spin the story with lies about riots over a video that got out of control? Benghazi is a twofold scandal...first for the incompetence of our government leading up to the deaths of those four Americans...and secondly for the bald faced lies that the Obama Administration then told to save political "face" prior to an election.

Like I said, apply the conservative Iraq war standard to Benghazi.

There was no CONSERVATIVE Iraq war. Republicans and Democrats voted on it.
You're so disgusting with your lies. and then sit here and make excuses for Obama and his party lying right to our faces. You're another Obot pimp
The birthers are still at it, even on this forum. Go beat up on them. Prove you're objective.

Oh for God's sake...the people that keep the whole "Birther" thing going are you folks on the far left and a few conspiracy idiots on the right. You use the "Birther" thing to try and deflect valid criticism of the Obama Administration for the very real scandals that they have been involved in.

Benghazi was a fake scandal too. Feel better?

So nobody dropped the ball on our diplomatic security in Libya? Nobody tried to spin the story with lies about riots over a video that got out of control? Benghazi is a twofold scandal...first for the incompetence of our government leading up to the deaths of those four Americans...and secondly for the bald faced lies that the Obama Administration then told to save political "face" prior to an election.

Like I said, apply the conservative Iraq war standard to Benghazi.

There was no CONSERVATIVE Iraq war. Republicans and Democrats voted on it.
You're so disgusting with your lies. and then sit here and make excuses for Obama and his party lying right to our faces. You're another Obot pimp
Why did you ruin your perfectly valid first sentence, with your second sentence?
Oh for God's sake...the people that keep the whole "Birther" thing going are you folks on the far left and a few conspiracy idiots on the right. You use the "Birther" thing to try and deflect valid criticism of the Obama Administration for the very real scandals that they have been involved in.

Benghazi was a fake scandal too. Feel better?

So nobody dropped the ball on our diplomatic security in Libya? Nobody tried to spin the story with lies about riots over a video that got out of control? Benghazi is a twofold scandal...first for the incompetence of our government leading up to the deaths of those four Americans...and secondly for the bald faced lies that the Obama Administration then told to save political "face" prior to an election.

Like I said, apply the conservative Iraq war standard to Benghazi.

There was no CONSERVATIVE Iraq war. Republicans and Democrats voted on it.
You're so disgusting with your lies. and then sit here and make excuses for Obama and his party lying right to our faces. You're another Obot pimp
Why did you ruin your perfectly valid first sentence, with your second sentence?

why do you bother being such a jerk? Does it make you feel superior or something?
You Fox Newsies run to non-stories like flies to shit.

Every scandal is a non-story when the majority of the media has abandoned tenets of fundamental journalism in favor of currying favor with the party that is aligned with their agenda. If CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, taxpayer-funded NPR, The Washington Post, and The New York Times had not abandoned these principals, Fox News would be dead. Instead, they are kicking the crap out of everyone in ratings.

The Market teaches us everything we need to know.

But, since the OP states there was a news blackout, how could I have heard this when it was first broadcast?

Its certainly not because the source in the OP is wrong and/or lied.

Seriously, we should never ever believe what the right says because its wrong or an outright lie just way too often. Never trust the right. NEVER. They will always lie to further their agenda of killing off the middle class and making the 1% richer.

They discussed him this morning on ABC new's Sunday show. Saw it with my own eyes.

Let me guess. He wasn't really the architect of Obamacare. He wasn't on Obama's staff. He wrote Romneycare for Romney. He was lying. Did I miss anything?
Good God....

Nobody but Fox covers the senate hearings

Nobody but Fox cares.

This is a waste of time, and I can't imagine what the GOP gain by continuing, unless they think it helps them with their base...who watch Fox New...which is all of them, whether they admit it or not.
He's a gd no common sense number cruncher and speaks for no one but himself. Probably GOP.

Gruber is your main man franco. Romneycare and Obamacare.

You best get up to speed.

That's right, the Right-wing liars have been lying for the last 5 years that Ezechiel Emmanuel was the main man, but the liars are suddenly offended by lying and are no longer lying, if you can believe a pack of liars.
Ezekiel Emanuel, architect of Obamacare
And now we are Back to Emmanuel is the main man.

If you don't believe Emmanuel is the main man, watch him say he is/was every time he is on TV.

But, since the OP states there was a news blackout, how could I have heard this when it was first broadcast?

Its certainly not because the source in the OP is wrong and/or lied.

Seriously, we should never ever believe what the right says because its wrong or an outright lie just way too often. Never trust the right. NEVER. They will always lie to further their agenda of killing off the middle class and making the 1% richer.

They discussed him this morning on ABC new's Sunday show. Saw it with my own eyes.

Let me guess. He wasn't really the architect of Obamacare. He wasn't on Obama's staff. He wrote Romneycare for Romney. He was lying. Did I miss anything?
Who cares who he worked for, he's right, American voters are stupid.

Rush and Fox News rail on about low informations voters, and now somebody says so, and they're the big defenders of the same stupid voters...some of which elected Obama, and they'll call them stupid if the vote for Hillary.

Ya know what?.......there are stupid people on this site!
Good God....

Nobody but Fox covers the senate hearings

Nobody but Fox cares.

This is a waste of time, and I can't imagine what the GOP gain by continuing, unless they think it helps them with their base...who watch Fox New...which is all of them, whether they admit it or not.

I thought some of them were on C-SPAN, but I haven't watched them lately.
Good God....

Nobody but Fox covers the senate hearings

Nobody but Fox cares.

This is a waste of time, and I can't imagine what the GOP gain by continuing, unless they think it helps them with their base...who watch Fox New...which is all of them, whether they admit it or not.

I thought some of them were on C-SPAN, but I haven't watched them lately.
You will see small sound bites if Issa gets into it with that one guy...on CNN or MSNBC
In other news, Ebola is no longer news. Remember Ebola? It was the next to last big!!!! rightwing scandal that was going to bring Obama down. Remember the RW frenzy here?

The other day a doctor died of Ebola in Nebraska. No RW threads on it, unless a couple got buried somewhere.

The attention span of a rightwinger is approximately the same as an 8 week old puppy.
No, this is the DNC/Democrat/Obama monthly fuck try and keep up.

IT seems they are putting them out with frightening regularity.

Gruber made his "too stupid" voter comments last year. Do try and keep up.

The only regularity is the right wing going on the rag about ObamaCare or Benghazi every month. It's a predictable cycle and all you whiny bitches have your periods synchronized.

So anyone who brings up the parade of Obama Administration scandals is "whining"? Really, G5000?

They are mostly fabricated 'scandals'...

I had a flat tire, fucking Obama!

Come are any of them "fabricated"?

Was Fast & Furious not an Obama Justice Department program? Did they not allow guns to "walk" into the hands of narco-terrorists in another sovereign nation? Were those guns not then used to kill innocent Mexican citizens and a US border guard? Has Eric Holder not refused to turn over evidence on the program to Congressional investigators?

Was a US Ambassador not killed at Benghazi? Did the State Department not drop the ball on security for our diplomats in Libya? Did the Obama White House not fail to respond to the initial attack? Did they not deliberately lie to the both the loved ones of those killed that night as well as the American people for political reasons?

Did the Obama Justice Department not lie and tell a Federal judge that James Rosen was being investigated for "criminal" acts as the reason they wanted to wiretap his phones and spy on his e-mail traffic?

Did high level administrators in the IRS not use the power of that agency to target conservatives leading up to the 2012 elections? Did those same administrators not then take the 5th and do everything they could to stonewall subsequent investigations into the IRS?

As long as long consensus on the Right is that the Bush administration lying us into Iraq was NOT scandalous,

I'm happy to use that standard. That means that NOTHING the Obama administration has done is a scandal.

Fair enough?

You will have some, not much, but some credibility when you admit that Bush didn't say anything that numerous leading Democrats aIS based on the intel that they all were given. Bush crossed the t's and dotted the i's with Congress and the UN. Live with it. Admit they were all liars of STFU.
You will have some, not much, but some credibility when you admit that Bush didn't say anything that numerous leading Democrats aIS based on the intel that they all were given. Bush crossed the t's and dotted the i's with Congress and the UN. Live with it. Admit they were all liars of STFU.
Given by BUSH, you mean!
The NYTimes only article phrased it "GOP ENRAGED" blah blah blah....these are fellow travelers of the him the arrogant airhead asswipe that he is and they tar themselves with the same brush. I blame Walter Crankcase....when a newsman becomes a multi-millionaire and has a mansion next to his news sources, fat chance he'll ever be objective again. Cronkite in particular is a piece of shit...spent most of his time in Saigon drunk in the Hotel Rex bar and then claimed we LOST the Tet Offensive....a lot of us wanted a word with ol an alley with nobody else around.
You will have some, not much, but some credibility when you admit that Bush didn't say anything that numerous leading Democrats aIS based on the intel that they all were given. Bush crossed the t's and dotted the i's with Congress and the UN. Live with it. Admit they were all liars of STFU.
Given by BUSH, you mean!

Bullshi! Intel was determined by US and other allied Intelligence organizations. Key Senators received regular briefings from the CIA in closed session. Are you one of those Gruber called stupid, or just an uninformed hack.

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