Thursday GDP release will elevate Biden to elite status

Those are the product of an economy doing very well...

Interest rates are high to reduce spending and thus lower inflation....

Just to show your fariness, could you explain how Trump increased borrowing and lowered taxes when

President Trump’s repeated claim: ‘The greatest economy in the history of our country’​

When the economy is overheateing you try and restrict money not increase it... Lowering interest rates would increase inflation, why do you want higher inflation?
Lowering interest rates does not cause inflation. We had the lowest interest rates with Trump and had super low inflation.

Printing trillions of dollars and growing the money supply exponentially is what causes inflation.

You people are ridiculous.
Thursday the government will release GDP figures to the nation. It is widely expected to be a stellar report leaving no hint at a 2023 recession and elevating Joe Biden into the position of an elite few who have presided over an economy that grew over 4%. Post your thanks below.

The world’s largest economy probably expanded at the quickest pace in nearly two years during the third quarter on the back of a steadfast US consumer, a challenge for Federal Reserve officials who are debating whether additional policy tightening is needed.

Gross domestic product advanced at a 4.3% annualized pace in July-September, according to the median projection in a Bloomberg survey of economists. Such growth illustrates that the US remains the global economic powerhouse as Europe stagnates and Asia contends with a struggling China.
If that alleged growth rate is true (spoiler alert: it's not), why did tax receipts miss by about $600 billion?
I’ve got a job, despite Joe Biden trying to get me fired from my job for not taking an experimental clot shot. Only thanks to some Trump appointed judges do I still have my job.
BS.......What share.
Teachers in WA, we NOT fired.

Why don't you CLOWNS hold trump accountable for the shot? Warp Speed...LOLOL
Lowering interest rates does not cause inflation. We had the lowest interest rates with Trump and had super low inflation.

Printing trillions of dollars and growing the money supply exponentially is what causes inflation.

You people are ridiculous.
Thank Trump for that money printing.
lol, gator. Why do you think Obama got rid of the Propaganda Act?
So the gov. and the gov. run media could feed you bullshit 24/7. And they do. They are no longer under any obligation to tell you the truth. So, they don't.
Then he established the world disinformation agency to remove the truth completely instead of using the lying fact checking discrediting ploy...
BS.......What share.
Teachers in WA, we NOT fired.

Why don't you CLOWNS hold trump accountable for the shot? Warp Speed...LOLOL
Because Piglosi/Democrat congress and, since you weren't paying attention, teachers in WA WERE fired for not receiving covid shots or exemptions. Did you forget about Nick Rolovich? Try again. Nearly 90% of Washington state's school employees are compliant with COVID-19 vaccine mandate Any more questions? BTW, are you trying to impress everyone with WA's teacher excellence? No wonder Johnny can't read or write.
Teachers in WA, we not fired.
30 year high of delinquent car payments.
President Biden is now supposed to pay your car loan for you, too?

Tell ya what, pervert - spend less on OnlyFans, spend more on paying your bills.

40 year high interest rates.

Old news, from 2021-2022. Inflation is at 3.70%. That's not bad at all.

But Exxon posted profits of $55Billion, while hosing you for high gas prices. They know that you morons can't put 2+2 together.

Homes are half as affordable as they were three years ago.
How is that President Biden's fault? He's not your realtor.

Gas still over $4 / gal.
Where the fuck do you live, Hawaii? Because the most common price for gas right now across the country is $2.99

It's much more likely that you're just lying again. It's what you do.

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